I personally believe that

is still a polarizing character just because of how ridiculous her MU ratio is:

After patch, it's either even or in her favor

Even or slightly in her favor

in her favor since she's is one of the few if not only characters who do not care about his neutral shenanigans

Greatly in her favor since she has everything to beat captain falcon reliably and is consistent in doing so (one of his worst MU)

boards consider

their worst MU

very bad for Luigi if

plays the MU correctly (considered his worst MU)

I have no clue since he doesn't get any noticeable nor do I never fight any, but I can prolly concur that it's in her favor

in her favor (although really the only heavy that can somewhat play against her)

in her favor

in her favor

in her favor

in her favor


in her favor

have horrible MU or bad MU against her (considered their worst MU)

only character that has any noticeable advantages against

and even then it's 45:55 at best or I dare say Even considering just how crap Lucario Neutral is against her

in her favor greatly (platforms really screw him over in 1v1)

in her favor

I don't really know

Slightly in sheik favor ?

bad, very bad, she has everything that Robin hates

in her favor

bad for samus

in her favor

in her favor

in her favor

bad for palutena

bad for zelda
The rest of the cast I have not enough knowledge or I just forgot to include them in :[.
There's no surprise why sheik is so dominating/polarizing in smash 4.
- God-Like Frame Data from various aspects such as rolls, avoiding some combos, (Fox comes to mind) and the fact that a lot of her moves auto-cancel or comes out fast.
- Very High Speed + Safety = Nightmare for heavier/campy characters.
- Needlez... did I mention needlez?
- Bouncing Fish
- Greatly benefits from platforms and low ceilings (uair kills) generally she has advantageous on every stage
- Nearly impossible to gimp if not impossible
- Infinite options/combos
- Virtually no lag or noticeable lag to properly punish for (even when shielding she can just go ham at you not to mention her tomahawk is very good)
While she does have weaknesses (very few) in fact since her not killing early doesn't mean jack if you can't touch her or if you get needle camped to death by her, these weaknesses for a lot of the characters cannot be properly exploited due to smash 4 mechanics and the fact she' so safe on everything she does making it very hard for some characters to even do anything. I really don't know what the Smash 4 team was thinking when they decided to make character that is both rush-down/campy, is very safe, and also having one of the best projectiles all in 1 package. Sheik's effectiveness never came from her Kill-Power but from her being able to adapt to any situation, controlling the pace of match (due to needles), and being on of the best edgeguarders and combo character in the game. I am not hating on sheik either heck I am a sheik main and I do believe her character design is one of the most balanced in the game, a true competitive character one in which you have to truly use and learn in order to be effective , however her environment she's in (Smash 4) makes her so unfair against the rest of the cast, if other characters had better movement options or lag cancels then yes she wouldn't be that threatening however since this is not the case, I believe

will get even more nastier as her meta progresses. Also ZeRo's Sheik seems like the pinnacle of her metagame. I really do find her to the most complex and interesting characters to analyze in smash 4 however
Also sorry about the long post, but I currently do not know how to use spoilers since this is my very first post on the forums, however I been lurking quite a while now :O