I tested dash to runs for some characters as compared to pika. The results surprised me. Comparitively from best to worst:
Pikachu's looks like itd be longer but it has a ton of IASA frames, and the distance itself is short (shorter then Sheiks, which makes it better).
I also tested the skid animations but forgot a lot of them
Yeah I definitely let you know stuff that I found out at the time. I felt like most of my winter was spent trying to get a handle on the basics of the mechanics and reconcile the differences/similarities with Brawl and dealing with old habits. That time was invaluable because I returned with a real familiarity with the game and able to explore pika as a smash 4 character. I wasnt aware of most of the stuff I am now (dont even think I was QAing out of shield).
But yes Im certainly aware of the importance of ground dash commitments and ground movement in general so Im glad you brought that up (most people might be more interested in more tangible character traits, I think some of the most important experimenting Ive done has had to do with ground movement). Let me touch on three things with that.
1)I dont know if you recall me being really excited about a post I made in the mechanics thread, but making use of pika's shortened fox trot has been something Ive found very valuable in covering and spacing along the ground.
2) As I put at the top of the post it seems pikachus dash-run is pretty competitive. It surprised me and didnt surprise me, Ive been using dash to crouch a lot and always thought it was a good option, but didnt realize it was because pikas frame data was good here.
3) Lastly no matter what commitment pikachu makes on the ground (shielding, dashing, skid, etc.), he can always escape with jump-cancel quick attack.
"Diddy Kong" roll is appropriate since Diddy's roll is trivially longer

(I like to call Pika's Nair the MK nair too, lol). It isnt game breaking, but what makes pikas better then other characters with similar rolls isnt just the roll but pikachus options out of roll. In particular, forward roll to reverse utilt is able to trap an opponent in their shield on top of covering a counter-roll (traditionally cited as a good option after being crossed up by a roll) due to its late forward hit, not to mention that utilt itself is a powerful combo starter.
Lastly I tested Sheik's ftilt on pikas shield, pika can drop shield to dtilt before her shield comes up. That means he can also bair her if she does the same to the back of his shield, and maybe also QA. Im actually surprised by this I was mostly testing to see if pika could QA away if his shield got ftilted.
It all adds up to a powerful ground game. Strong ground movement in his speed, low commitment, rolls, and QA; strong options out of his movement; and powerful punishes.
I also think we have a different view of QA's strengths. It's not about making the first move, its the check mate in a sense. Well, basically I think if youre relying on QA to start your offense, youre going to have a bad time for the reasons you mentioned.
[THAT BEING SAID most people have a terrible sense for how to deal with QA in neutral and so we still see this move being abused in ways it shouldnt be.] Instead wait for or force an opponents commitment, then punish with QA. And as I mentioned earlier its also a tool of anti-commitment. Punishment and anti-commitment. The mere threat of it is important as well.
I can't fault you for thinking otherwise. Pikachu is strong offensive powerhouse yet few if anyone are trying to discover pikas nuances and traps because its inherently more difficult then camping with jolts (bad), spacing fairs and other SH aerials, and abusing unfamiliar players with QA. I may sound like a grumpy pikachu hermit saying this but players are too content with "how well can I abuse this character" rather then "how well I can use this character" and so instead of seeing pikas more complex strengths and strats we only get a visual of his abusive nonsense. Even ESAM before he quit understood this, for him after Final Battle I told him his smash 4 pika needed to rely significantly more on his grounded tools, and he said he was starting to understand that and had a lot of carry-over identity from Brawl. ESAM gave a great kick-start to pika's meta and at the time he represented the best we knew about pika, but in retrospect he was a primary offender in trying to abuse QA in neutral, never jump cancelled as he had tap jump off (you can see it in his footage as well), and had fair heavy SH centric game against most of the cast. We can tell from this alone that the character hasnt seen optimal play.
Not that I claim pikachu holds a monopoly on character nuance, part of the reason I hadnt bothered sharing info is because I feel frustrated with players who've jumped onto the simple and easy to abuse characters and strats without bothering to see what deeper aspects characters may have. I think its a pretty pervasive issue with the whole of the smash 4 metagame atm.
Not trying to keep it secret at this point just kind of lazy. Here's another cool thing.
As people know pikachu can drop from the ledge earlier the other characters. This also applies to get up options. More importantly, this also applies when you attempt to ledge trump. In essence you can always trump the ledge immediately after the opponent, and input your get up ledge option before your opponent. Even cooler, if your opponent does nothing they will be trumped. Basically, theres no reason for pikachu to NOT trump the ledge from his opponent and then do a quick get up option. If the opponent gets trumped, when the grab the ledge again they wont have invincibility.