I've been getting bodied recently. Like my play has seen a downturn and yesterday was a particularly bad day for me. Normally this would be irrelevant to tier discussion, but I realized a very tangible, character-associated reason I was getting bodied.
The fight against linearity.
Typically you want to more-or-less reinvent yourself between matches, games, or even stocks. You apply what your character is good at, and use their good moves, but you change the rhythm with which you do so. Why? So your opponent doesn't have the opportunity to hard-read you constantly and get better and better returns and rewards on exchanges.
A lot of even the good characters in this game struggle with effectively being able to do this. Obviously though since I'm expressing something I learned through experience, I'm going to start with my usual buddy
The ability to control space by just walking forward and alternating ftilt, dtilt, your three variant fsmashes, and punishing rolls with utilt/dsmash along the way is insanely powerful. It gives Mac the best neutral ground game. Add in Grounding Blow and it gives him a strong neutral period. But the problem is you don't have a lot of room to escape linearity without getting a little sloppy. How do you shield pressure? ftilt/dtilt and low-angled fsmash for absurd shield damage. Stuff is so good that if you can get someone with at least three different tags and that body blow fsmash you'll break their shield flat out. This kind of shield pressure he's capable of is amazing because it gets him around the problem of people trying to escape his pressure by overusing their shield just because he has a subpar grab they can punish.
But how do you really vary this? Honestly you lack a good mix-up on these. I mean you can mix up your approach alot by conditioning people to shield and then getting behind them, or throwing a c-stick/nub fsmash for a purposeful whiff to bait a punish attempt, and then either stuff it with a 1-frame jab (example: Falcon's Dash Grab) or a ftilt/dtilt (80% of OoS attempts from the opponent at that distance), but at the end of the day you're still using like the same 3 moves for all of your pressure, and can OCCASIONALLY get a grab in there if your shield conditioning was really solid.
You can really only escape linearity by conditioning your opponent to press buttons. And who presses buttons against armored gloves that you're not already beating handily to begin with? I'm finding ways the more I play, and I'm pretty sure this comes down to a player issue merely made tricky, never impossible, by characters, but my linearity issue makes me wonder if being jack of all/most trades is better than master of one, or even some.
This is a problem that I think really kind of hurts a loooot of characters and isn't talked about. I'd argue it hurts:

just off the top of my head. There are most certainly more. I'm hesitant to make a case for Diddy because between sideB, bananas, fair, SH uair, dash grab, and DA he's got ALLLL the tools to get around this, but the name comes to mind because even in the play of really high level Diddy you see them having streamlined down their like a favorite three of grab/fair/uair and failing to innovate much because of the low risk and high reward coming from doing so. It's a weakness just waiting to be exploited.