My issue with Luigi is that, while his frame data and speed to power ratio are the best in the game which is no small thing, his mobility is fairly poor overall especially in terms of air speed and that makes his neutral pretty hard in some match-ups. He has super stubby limbs and even less average range than Mario to go with this. I'm legitimately unsure how Luigi approaches Villager as an especially notable point of concern. Luigi's recovery is also really gimpable even moreso than Mario's even if the distance can be good if you have superhuman mash abilities; that also concerns me. His traction also makes him miss out on some punishes and makes some neutral stuff hard on him (like run up shield is only a viable approach for him if you powershield); it's really not a good thing. He's a good character but he's flawed whereas Mario is weaker in his core competencies but also significantly less flawed. While I'm not inherently wedded to well-rounded-itis, my rough estimation is that Mario comes out ahead in this. The high tiers are also crowded and Luigi is kinda difficult to place; I probably put him on the low end of reasonable but some of that was having optimism for other characters and not just pessimism for Luigi. I do think the balance in this game is pretty goodso a third tier character is still a pretty good character.
Can I ask some things?
Luigi's mobility problems, no questions. Though the Nado is there, it is still quite poor.
Um, I don't get on how Luigi has 'less average range' than Mario. The only moves that Mario has better range than Weegee is F-smash (Obvious), D-air, D-tilt, Fireballs, and SJP. Dash attack to some extent. Other moves, Luigi wins because his limbs are longer than his bro. Please correct me if you see some odd things.
Luigi's recovery is pretty reliable. If you mindgames your opponent well, changing on how to recover each time (Going high or low, with mix of Cyclone and Missile), it's pretty nifty. And apparently, it goes father distance than Mario, and can save him from semi-spikes. Boss is also one of the few who can utilize jumpless Cyclone, so since this is possible, this should be taken to account. Luigi has a lot of ways to mix his recovery up, and Cyclone goes ridiculiously high that, I consider it the 'real' Up-b. I'm serious, Nado goes even higher than SJP, like 1.5x of it?
Though, it's gimpable, I admit. But Boss rarely dies from gimps, he seem to be utilizing Luigi's recovery to its full potential. I have seen him, getting launched back without his double jump, and Green Missile'd to a point where SJP won't save him, and he is pretty low and far from the ledge.
What did he do though? That's right, the 'only for bosses' jumpless Cyclone, and he manages to get back.
His approach is difficult, but I think Fireballs + Cyclone or SHFF spaced aerials can help him out a bit. He isn't exactly good at approaching, but his viable approach option other than run to shield would be SHFF spaced aerials, or... the 'punish to approach' thing like slower characters do. Also works quite well since his punish game is brutal (Low percentage? D-throw. High perentage? FJP in the gut).
He slides? Oh right, well, he HAS the lowest traction. Wouldn't be surprised from that. Though, I find out that rolls cancel out his sliding, so after the shield stun's gone, you can roll to either get back to neutral or counter attack (Depends on the opponent). I think that's better than having to run in one place for a good few seconds uncontrollably.
Please, correct me if I am wrong.
And I apologize for my ignorant post back then.