We do have 3 archetypes in smash 4, that I do agree with.
First we have rush down. These are typically fast characters that love to get in and combo you hard and rack up damage. They generally excel at close range. A great example is

. He does best when he's all in your face, comboing in to the ground.
Next, we have the typical "swordies". These characters usually have average speed, but make up for it with exceptional range on their attacks. Their game plan usually revolve around spacing out their opponents to keep them at an optimal reach. Not too far, but not too close. A good example is

. His whole entire game plan is to use attacks to deny you getting in on him, and keeping you at a certain distance to maximize damage output.
Lastly, we have zoners. They are typically the slowest of the bunch, but make up for it with the greatest of reach in the form of projectiles. They use them to shut down approaches and movement options. Limiting your options is a common theme amongst them. No better example is

of course! Stage control with tree, and projectiles in slingshot / lloid rocket.
There are
many variants of this of course. There are very few "pure" zoners or "true" rush down characters. For example:

- he's got a big, some what disjointed tail, and often uses it to space out foes. Basic swordie, right? Not really. His game plan revolves around charging and using one of the strongest projectiles in the game. Does this make him a zoner, now? He's a hybrid (not Eco-friendly tho)

- he excels at mid range with a disjointed aerial and smash attacks. He sounds like a swordie, but he also has a plethora of combos like a Rushdown character. But those rush down characters don't usually depend on, say, camping out opponents with water shurrikens to force an approach. Cuz that's what zoners do, right? He's got aspects from all three fused into one (awesome) character.


- they have spacing abilities and range like a swordsman, but with moves like dash attack and dash grab, and with great throw combos, they also have rush down capabilities.

- Sheik definitely has the best rush down ability in the game, with great speed, and combos of all kinds. But, she also has one of the best projectiles in the game in the form of needles. If she wants / needs to, she can play lame and camp w/ needles, shutting down approach options and limiting movement like a zoner.
There's more, but hopefully you get the point by now.
They also does seem to have Rock Paper Scissors phenomenon between them. Rush down characters use their superior mobility to get past projectiles and Walls and dish out pain on zoners. Zoners like to ignore a swordsman'a game plan and attack outside his range. Swordsmen like to deny rush down characters the ability to get in on them with sweeping disjoints.