This is just from my viewpoint of what should be changed in the next update, that will make her more balanced of a character, but I do also want to hear what everyone else has to say on the topic as well.
I say for one of the forms, whether it be fire or ice, make one of them a fast faller so samus can utilize shfflcs, which will allow her to cover any of the really bad match ups so they can't juggle her as long and hard, and so she doesnt die so soon to the floaty killers. Samus's trade mark is how long she lives, and everyone lives forever now, if you have the choice to counterpick the weight mid match, it will help her live longer at higher percents, or just longer in general against the match up because of the choice.
slightly longer wavedash, im not asking for a luigi style wavedash here, just slightly longer, it feels shorter than melee and just having that extra bit of mobility will help her evade and start up combos much better.
I think my qualms with forward tilt was that it all comes out in sequence rather than at the same time the leg is extending so I think the transition back to the melee style tilt would be better for her neutral game.
Of course the tether patches need to be done, above the level of the stage vertically, past the ledge of the stage horizontally, and the fail on the 4th tether instead of aerial moves coming out. Or even if possible go to the melee tether with the hitbox out as it attached to the stage.
the ability to directly go into crawl from ledge onto stage/continue into crawl after you lay a bomb.
Hahahha well everyone loves the extendur, but in reality her zair is 2x longer than her standing grab, so just logically one needs to either be shortened or one extended (hopefully just extend the standing grapple or make it that much faster like any other characters grab) (Or even the grab box on her canon act as a normal grab that then continues on ward in grapple form)
The jankiness of the ice moveset needs fixing, and a new ice dtilt. There are VERY few situations where I would ever opt for the dtilt in fear of the opponent getting only hit by the weak hitboxes of it, and then punish me. I have been getting accustomed to the ice f and up smash, and can fully see their use, but perhaps Im just missing something about ice dtilt.
Finally with regard to samus's wall jump into b reversals to gain momentum, since this is a possible tech, I would recommend just giving her a wall cling instead of a jump so stalling does not become a problem with samus, (if not patched, im going to master it and just stall out matches on the bottom of draculas and new yoshis)