Here's the difference between a Scrub and a Casual.
A Casual will look at an advanced technique and say, "Wow, hey that's pretty cool. How'd you do that?"
A Scrub will see the same AT and say, "ZOMG CHEAP you hacker you cheat I hate you!"
A Casual will lose to his opponent and say, "LOL that was a fun match. Wanna go again?"
A Scrub will lose to the same opponent and say, "ZOMG CHEAP you hacker you cheat I hate you!"
A Casual will hear about tactics and strategies and say, "Well that sounds cool, but I'm just don't take the game that seriously. But I'll tell you anything you wanna know about <insert unrelated subject here>."
A Scrub will hear about those same tactics ans strategies and say, "ZOMG CHEAP you hacker you cheat I hate you!"
Casuals are actually pretty nice, you see.
On the other hand, scrubs tend to annoy you to such a point that you wanna be cheap, hack the game, and cheat like crazy JUST to make them hate you.
That's the difference.
Hell I definitely came too late because I wanted to state the same thing.
THIS is the difference that distinguishes casuals from scrubs and, mind me, even good pros from bad competitives (i'm not saying anything like competitives are all bad, cause i'm one of them too
All of us started playing fighting games (in particular, SSBM) like a casual, but there was something that differenciated the ones who went on and improved from those who stayed in the first category. Of course, some factors are having a lot of people around to play with and with the will-to-improve mindset, having a lot of tournament organized around, etc. but all of this won't just work if you don't look at the game the right way.
The are people who know there is someone better than him, and that is because they put more effort in practicing and/or are gifted, or whatever, and know they can reach a stage somewhere around competitive gaming by practicing new techniques, listening to other's advices and not letting someone take him down with the "playing for fun" theory.
Now there are other people with another mindset, that think the game was for 4-player ffa so it must be played only this way and/or the new techniques weren't intended by Nintendo so they are cheap and should never be used and/or items are there to be used all the time and/or other stuff you can easily imagine. The point is, this way they are only creating walls around themselves, stating their way to play is the best, if not the only real way to play the game, taking away from themselves all possibilities of improving and johning about someone doing something cheap because "omg i sayed this technique is broken so why are you still doing it????!!", even if it's not the point. Pros (and i'm talking about real pros) can play one handed, without WD, shffle and advanced techniques alike and still beat most people who uses them. So why is it? If you repair a car by hitting once the engine with a monkey wrench, i bet some scrubs will post here "omg monkey wrench is cheap and should be banned already", but everyone else knows it was not the monkey wrench itself, it was where you delivered the hit. It's not knowing advanced techniques that makes the real difference, it's just about how, where and when you use them.
And that's why there are scrubs even in the competitive category.Some people have misunderstood the advanced techniques praises, thinking that if you know them, you are a pro by default. This way they practice wd and shffl all the time without thinking of their real uses and when they lose (because they will) to some casual player that just plays smarter, they will say "omg you managed to be cheaper than someone that uses advanced techs because you don't use them, casual players are scrubs that somehow i can't manage to beat and should be banned from the surface of Earth" (well they won't actually say anything like that, but these are their contradictions in a nutshell)
And that's where all fights come from. (well, some topics are about pros defending competitive playing, but shortly after there is always some competitive scrub that comes over and starts flaming casual players, balancing the two parts flame-wise)
That's how i see it. P.S. Paingel i <3 you. in a non-omosexual way.