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Castlevania Mafia - Game Over! Mafia and Traitor win!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I'd rather keep Swiss alive so he can help me lynch him scummates then try to scrape through LYLO due to bussing cred and poor town play, It just makes it easier to lynch GLG/EP


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
I knew something was up with Cello.

I only took the pressure off because there was one possibility he was town. Since he's dead, I feel I can explain it safely.

Cello tried to out X1 as the cop. Hugely scummy play as that's just setting X1 up for a NK, right?

Unless Cello had a way to stop the NK. Which would have required Cello to either be Town Doc or know there was a Town Doc (Mafia Investigator or breadcrumb reading). Obviously he flipped indy, but if X1 got NK'd that would have confirmed Cello as scum. I didn't want to say this earlier because if I was right about Cello being Doc, then I would have outed one of our power roles and basically secured my own lynch (doing what I had just criticized Cello for doing).

See where I'm coming from?


GLG, we're pressuring you because both of the previous two holders of your character slot acted scummy.

@mod request vote count

Answer to EP's post from yesterDay is forthcoming.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Day 3 - Votecount #1

giraffelasergun [2] - Swiss, X1-12
Swiss [1] - giraffelasergun

Not voting: InferiorityComplex, EdreesesPieces, Airgemini, Zen

With 7 alive it takes 4 to lynch.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
I didn't fail to take these into account, I made that post for the very purpose of saying that I eliminate these other possibilites in my mind, based on ur play. The possibilites of swiss town/incom scum and swiss scum incom town were IMO removed by two factors - a, that you jumped on dh wagon without making a case on anyone else and b, you suddenly jumped on a swiss wagon without making a case on anyone else. It was your lack of cases against anyone else that gives me the read that either ur both scum or ur both town, and I was hoping Swiss flip would reveal this.
This is what was missing from the post I quoted, thank you.
However since then you have made other cases, so I dont think ur scum for play d1 and early d2 alone, its your recent play as well. Incom if you are wondering the main reasons why I get scumvibes from you, other than the numerous reasons I've already given in my posts, it's just that I don't see you pursuing anyone with any sense of commitment or confidence. I see u asking questions and taking issue with select statements from certain players, then moving on to someone else. It's very safe play, like u just vote with what's popular at the moment.
So I'm not allowed to agree with anybody? That sucks.
In detail:

Post #421 you dont like that Swiss "knew you were town". Had ur vote on swiss at one point in time, and on top of that you find more behavior suspicious here, but you let new events sway your opinion very easily as you later switched your votes and never really pressured Swiss again.
#421 was a post by Swiss asking what BSL's role color was...

I did ask why Swiss thought I was town, just not in that post (his answer was "I'm not really sure" and something about early play which doesn't really make sense). That was because I wanted to know what I was doing right enough in his eyes that everyone else thought I was doing wrong. If someone ever decides to do a full-blown case on me (which I suspect is going to happen within the next couple Days) that would have been hugely helpful.
Post #438 didn't like cello trying to out X1 as cop, pursues it a little and vote Cello in Post #452, but is so quickly convinced by cellos wagon in post #463. You basically joined the wagon of a player you just voted for, and joined the wagon after 2 people already joined it. You also joined that wagon despite favoring BSL as the play for the day (#471). A lot of this is very non committal to any decisions on your part.
I explained this in the post above. Also, both BSL and SOLID were my scum reads along with Cello, and a scum lynch is a scum lynch (unless you can confirm one has a scum PR). Honestly, if I'd been present when Cello told X1/you to hammer, I'd have unvoted due to the same quicklynch logic from D1 and that I used against Swiss D2.
post #479 took a stab at BSL for not re reading the thread, which was legit, he's had plenty of time to catch up, but you took it back as if to defend him by saying /terriblelogic. didn't see the point in that, it kind of takes away the pressure you would have otherwise put on him with ur original statement. more non commital play.
"/terriblelogic" because BSL's IRL situation would be far different from mine, and because I read quickly so even if BSL did have fifty minutes to read he still might not have been able to finish the whole thing. You're seriously pressuring me for THAT?
You asked why ppl found you scummy, this is why I find you scummy, and its been a constant read through the game. I think Solid's avoidance of ANY stances at all is a stronger scumtell though and would prefer him lynched toDay, but you wondered why players find you scummy, went back and highlighted the reasons why I do.
My scum reads, because I'm sure people are wondering.

GLG (not due to his play, but due to the play of the people in his slot before he joined, and because I trust X1's read)
EP (something about this pressure is really off. See the "/terriblelogic" part, and the pressuring over Cello when I'd already explained that there was one possibility where Cello could be town, even if I only just outlined it now)

and either Swiss or Airgemini, I don't think I can really articulate why.

@Swiss: Why the facepalm?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Also, if I don't vote GLG in this post, I'll get the "noncommittal" thing again, but if I do vote I'll get the "you're hopping the bandwagon" thing again.

Funny how Mafia works.

Since GLG said he was going to make a case against Airgemini and then left, combined with Xas/BSL's play earlier...
Vote: GLG


GLG, what do you think about me?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
@Swiss: I articulated two. GLG because of what I just said, and EP because the pressure he is putting on me seems like he is, in part if not in whole, grasping at straws.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
GLG, what do you think of Xas' play? What do you think of EP, incom and Zen?
Do you want this pronto or can it wait until after the Air case? From what I've read so far I haven't gotten any obv scum reads from Ep Incom or Zen that made me want to pay more attention to them than air.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
GLG so you are sticking to Xasterns position on Swiss, but do you disagree with any of what him or bsl has done or said? Would you have gone into D2 the way Xas did with an "obv swiss" attitude?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Please don't quicklynch anybody/GLG, I agree with air that we want as much discussion as possible, get more reads and see more peoples reactions.

@GLG why haven't you caught up, you've had plenty of time to now.

Incom will read and reply to your post a bit later today, don't have much time to catch up right now.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
Well, I feel I have some general knowing of Zen's town play. Being that the game has recently ended it's still fresh in my mind. Of course, him playing the same way (if he does) won't automatically clear him for me. Generally, I'm not as active or don't play as people like so I generally get lynched. Obviously I'm working on it but that's just me.
So basically all your saying is you can read Zen but you aren't going to use this knowledge for any real purpose?

I don't have a QT.
QTs are generally for members of mafia which makes me a little curious about this post and Dark Horse saying he has one.

Vote: Dark Horse

Unless I just completely read that whole thing wrong and embarrassed myself.
3rd vote for DH that day, the same reason as another one too.
If it comes down to it, Dark Horse is the best lynch candidate at the moment (obviously). Swiss could also be good as well. I feel these two will give us the most reads on people Day 2.

But we're still fairly early in the game so there's plenty of time for me to change my mind.
The last part makes it sound like you’re just excusing yourself from calling Swiss and DH scum and if you change your mind you can just say SEE GUYS I SAID I WAS GONNA CHANGE MY MIND.

I don't think Dark Horse is scum. However, his play is. But that's understandable.
It really isn’t.
I don't think being newbies should automatically clear them (like Zen said).
Incom is sort of on the fence for me. I think I missed him saying it was his first game which if that's the case then maybe I'm over thinking things. But posts like this while not exactly a scum tell throws me off a bit.
So you don’t think we should clear newbies for having their first game and yet you basically clear incom for being in his first game?
Vote: Dark Horse
Blatant bandwagon vote.
Oh. Well either way, he's the best lynch candidate.
I don't think he should be hammered though. I thought I was the fourth vote. There's still people that could be slightly more active.
If you don’t think he should be hammered then why did you even vote in the first place?
Originally I was for Swiss because he kept avoiding Zen's question but his answer today has kind of left me clueless on who to vote for. Although he's not completely cleared. I feel X1 might be scum, don't like his play too much.
Elaborate bold please?

I think Zen could be scum.
His whole defense on DH D1 to me looks like scum trying to look good so when he was lynched he wouldn't appear too suspicious.
I'm feeling a possible Zen + Incom as scum.
How did you relate Zen and incom or better yet why was income here in the first place?
Idk how I feel about Cello (new, but already taking charge), but I sort of like his idea of holding hands with a select couple of people (not sure about Swiss, X1, or EP).
Also, after reading a lot of his posts I think he's presauded me into thinking Solid as scum. Or, not as scum but his play a little off.
X1's fake (or non cop) claim is weird to me, but I'm not going to dwell on it since he wants us to drop it I guess.
No opinion (if that's even possible) on BSL. Don't think we should lynch him right yet.
@Mod vote count please
This post is just completely wishy-washy opinions, its almost as if you made this post to seem active.
Yeah I knoow. I try to look at things from all angles before making a firm stance.
Also, I'm waiting on the vote count.
Air admits to fence sitting and not trying to take a stance on things.
Vote: Solid
for all the reasons you've already posted.
YAY BLATANT BANDWAGON!!!!! Not only that but he hasn’t even said anything related to how S.O.L.I.D. was scum yet.
Not really a specific reason, his big post on page 30 pointed out things about Solid that I hadn't seen before and made think of him as scum.
I would probably replace GLG with Incom and then agree. I still don't see why he's being considered lynched already, he's still catching up, lol.
First part is really you admitting to having just followed Cello on a wagon.
Everyone else

EP is more opinion based, no real reasoning, just instinct. Incom has had multiple scummy actions iirc, and swiss appears to be rushing this day and looking for a quick lynch.
This is all the input you have on everyone playing?
Actually, I'll take incom off my scumlist. At least for now.
I completely forgot about him yesterday and the whole shared cop thinking thing.
Complete 180 I know.
So you have two scum suspects(3rd but you just removed him for one reason or another) and you have no real reasoning on any of them, are you even trying to scum hunt?

To conclude, air has made a lot of posts where he doesn't actually say anything while making it look like he has offered an opinion, has followed bandwagons, and has made no real effort to scum hunt yet this game.
Unvote Vote: Air

@Swiss, Xas's play didn't make much sense to me and he didn't really seem to do much either.

EP looks/is town because he puts a lot of ideas in his posts and he doesn't seem to do any obv scum tells to me.
Incom is iffy because he put me at l-1 but then yelled to not hammer which doesn't really make much sense because if he really didnt want anyone to hammer he wouldn't have put me at l-1 in the first place, and Zen's town.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
So basically all your saying is you can read Zen but you aren't going to use this knowledge for any real purpose?
Uh, what? No where in that post did I say I wasn't going to use it for any purposes. Of course I am. I'm just acknowledging that even though he played one way in the last game doesn't necessarily mean that if he plays it the same way I'll think he's town like I did last game.

The last part makes it sound like you’re just excusing yourself from calling Swiss and DH scum and if you change your mind you can just say SEE GUYS I SAID I WAS GONNA CHANGE MY MIND.
Um, my post is true. There was still time for things to change, hence me saying that. I can see how it could look scummy, but I'm not.

It really isn’t.
He's new. Yeah it is.

So you don’t think we should clear newbies for having their first game and yet you basically clear incom for being in his first game?
Not automatically. Which what I specifically said in my post.

Blatant bandwagon vote.
If I voted for DH before, why does this vote get deemed a bandwagon? I voted him because I was sure at that point he was scum.

If you don’t think he should be hammered then why did you even vote in the first place?
Pretty sure I state that I thought I was the fourth vote and not the fifth. Either way, I believed he was scum at that point so I voted. I didn't want him hammered because iirc several people were still really inactive and I wanted to know their input.

Elaborate bold please?[/B
Honestly, even I have a hard time figuring out what that bold means. Or at least the first bolded sentence.

How did you relate Zen and incom or better yet why was income here in the first place?
Incom had some scum tells sometime before that post and I remembered Zen wanting to clear the newbies which was DH and Incom so I figured they could've been a scum team. I don't think that now.

YAY BLATANT BANDWAGON!!!!! Not only that but he hasn’t even said anything related to how S.O.L.I.D. was scum yet.
How the hell am I bandwagoning if I'm the second vote? I did give a reasoning. I wasn't going to restate exactly everything Cello just said. I agreed with his view of Solid so I voted.

This is all the input you have on everyone playing?

So you have two scum suspects(3rd but you just removed him for one reason or another) and you have no real reasoning on any of them, are you even trying to scum hunt?
Yes and yes.

To conclude, air has made a lot of posts where he doesn't actually say anything

while making it look like he has offered an opinion,
I have.

has followed bandwagons,
Not even

and has made no real effort to scum hunt yet this game.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Swiss - Possibly Incom. After looking back at this post I think I'm going to put him back on my suspicion list.

Also, if I don't vote GLG in this post, I'll get the "noncommittal" thing again, but if I do vote I'll get the "you're hopping the bandwagon" thing again.
I don't see the point in saying this really. It sounds like he's being overly cautious with his actions. Later below when he does vote him he mentions that no one should hammer. I don't see why he'd put a vote on him for literally hardly any reason (very poor reasons imo) besides opinions of the people that he's replaced and then tells no one to hammer...

I really don't like this post. To me, it looks like a really desperate attempt to look town. I feel as though it's waaayyyy overdoing it.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
I think his reasonings against me are overexaggerated and disagree with them but he's not scum.
I find it weird how I'm bandwagoning yet in this post:
GLG how about we lynch Air. If he flips scum we lynch me for bussing, if he flips town we lynch you for forcing a townie lynch?


Cello explanation coming soon.
He basically agrees to bandwagon against me. By his definition anyways.
Also, about that post. I find several things odd with it. If we're in LyLo and I get lynched then the game is over and mafia wins. It sounds like an attempt to quick lynch someone for mafia to win which would make lynching you for bussing pointless....

And also, you never gave a 'cello explanation'.

I haven't placed a vote on incom because that quote sends red flags up for me


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
K. Fair.

What do you think of myself and X1?

Would you lynch Incom instead of Air?
Not sure on X1, I'm pretty sure you're scum but since you seemed so willing to lynch yourself if air flipped scum I'm willing to set you aside til next day phase.

Depends, do you want to lose or win?

@Air: If I'm the one bandwagoning then why am I the one who is voting for you and has a case against you whilst Swiss has neither of those.

Also quote/link scum hunting you've done please.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I think Air is fine for now. His defense from glg makes sense. I do agree that he is fence sitty but he is like that in general. And so far he is playing better than yesterday. And waay better than the last game I played with him. I do get nervous when he disappears for such a long time though. But as long as he is posting I feel better about him.

I agree with Incom. I really don't like his last couple of posts.

And GLG you didn't answer my questions.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Idk how many scum are in this game. Never do mechanics stuff. Think it'd be harsh to put us in LyLo after 2 mislynches and one anti town NK.
You state you don't know how many scum are in the game which means you're not for sure if this is LyLo yet seem pretty confident to want to hold hands with glg and lynch me in the above quote agreeing that tomorrow (if there is one) that he can lynch you for bussing. Which, you don't even know if there will be a day tomorrow for sure since you don't know how many scum are in the game and if this is LyLo. Or if you are scum you'd know that so you're trying to go for a quick lynch


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
GLG so you are sticking to Xasterns position on Swiss, but do you disagree with any of what him or bsl has done or said? Would you have gone into D2 the way Xas did with an "obv swiss" attitude?
I'd be all over swiss during day one if I were Xas, since the majority of my swiss suspicion sprouted from him asking for DH's target. I would not have voted DH if I were Xas.

All I remember BSL doing was subbing in subbing out and then making a big attack on swiss so I agree with his actions.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
So I'm not allowed to agree with anybody? That sucks.
You and I both know that I'm not saying you aren't allowed to agree with people. I'm saying agreeing with people is all you are doing, ie you don't put any aggresion into any of your own cases, you just try to agree with others as much as possible. It's fine to agree, but to do nothing but agree, is what I find you did most of the game.

"/terriblelogic" because BSL's IRL situation would be far different from mine, and because I read quickly so even if BSL did have fifty minutes to read he still might not have been able to finish the whole thing. You're seriously pressuring me for THAT?
If you feel like his IRL situation might be different and you don't want to push him if he's busy IRL, I don't understand why you said "Im gonna re read the thread, if I can do it, surely BSL can" Why make that comment if you don't feel he should be pressured for his IRL situation? You are right that this issue isn't a big deal, I'm not gonna say you are scum because of this, it's a really small reason compared to everything else, but as part of my case I wanted to include every little thing that contributed to my read on you, and that did contribute a little. I find that scum often pressure someone but then give them a way out when they do it, ie offer answers or excuses for the person they pressure, so I saw that as a very slight scumtell, as in you wanted to look like you were pressuring his inactivity but at the same time say it was not a big deal, I see it as you wanting to have it both ways. So yes I'm seriously adding this to my pressure on you, I don't see the problem with that.

Also, on the Swiss issue, gotcha. That's reasonable enough.

While some of your answers are satisfying to me, I don't like that you pass off my case on you as off and then give the reason of me being scum trying to pass it off as pressure. Just seems a bit like you are trying to reflect the pressure I put on you by discrediting/reflecting it back onto me, and for this I feel you to be the play for the day, and a much better play than GLG.

Vote: InferiorityComplex

Unsure if I still want Swiss to die, his play is a a lot better. but Swiss, how come you rarely follow up on the questions you are asking people? I kind of notice this in your playstyle in general in other games too, but not sure if it's just your general playstyle or ur scum meta, so I'd like to hear from you on that.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Unsure if I still want Swiss to die, his play is a a lot better. but Swiss, how come you rarely follow up on the questions you are asking people? I kind of notice this in your playstyle in general in other games too, but not sure if it's just your general playstyle or ur scum meta, so I'd like to hear from you on that.
You don't want me to die.

And if it isn't reflective of whether I'm scum or town, I'm not answering ^_^


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Posting to prove I'm still here.

I've been kinda inactive lately, went to Borders yesterday, reading Towers of Midnight >>> mafia.

That being said, I'll give this a read-over soonish.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
You state you don't know how many scum are in the game which means you're not for sure if this is LyLo yet seem pretty confident to want to hold hands with glg and lynch me in the above quote agreeing that tomorrow (if there is one) that he can lynch you for bussing. Which, you don't even know if there will be a day tomorrow for sure since you don't know how many scum are in the game and if this is LyLo. Or if you are scum you'd know that so you're trying to go for a quick lynch
Does no one else find this odd or questionable besides me?????
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