lol never mind ill wait for responses
i saw what u said before the post.
leave it to snap to john for his melee boys.
and 313 please dont tell me u actually believe that smith hustled u?
everyone, this is the scenario
snap and smith coaxed 313 into doing a 20 dollar mm at like 2 in the morning after jauirce beat all the melee players as well as fought in tourney
snap pulled 313 aside and made them play on a isolated setup.
snap and cory yelled in jaurcies ear and shook the chair while jauirce was playing.
I walked up to snap and asked him to stop, and told him that this was no way to act.
That entire display was horrible character of snap and i honestly lost alot of respect if not all for him.
i would have beat the **** out of snap if he treated me like that.
313 u have nothing to be a shamed of.
people called u out thinking u were free.
and u took their money.
They got salty, and sucked kevins sperm from his ****, so that they would not look dumb, asking him to **** u.
It's as simple as that.
the words in big and underlined were pretty much my point in the post. And i can see how it is vague.
what i mean by "horrible character" is that dylan constantly gathered a hate crowd behind 313 all day as 313 did his mms, hassling him for honestly... no reason.
313 wanted to mm snap.
snap was afraid
so he directed the attention to other matches that 313 was playing, making fun of 313 while doing so.
sorry to be vague earlier.
edit pp nothing is getting out of hand. It's done.
i dont even know why this is still going on
smith told me his side
i explained mine
313 told his.
thats it
no one video taped a thing, so no one can be proved right or wrong. It's all by word.
but please, everyone. Can anyone tell me how many times they heard/ saw snap talking **** to 313 in his mm's?
i saw at least 4 times.
4 times during the tourney hassling one dude, having his friends tease as well, not to
4 times
4 times
cause that's necessary and the usual.
i always see someone scope out a random smasher, and gather a hate crowd around ALL his mm;s though out the day.