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Carolina Brawl Power Rankings [1/27] Breaking Bad PRs!! YAY!

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Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
oh umm, I never meant to drop ROB or anything, just pick up pika as a secondary. sorry if you misunderstood lol. he helps a lot with falco and ddd which are two problem MUs with ROB so I figured it'd be a good choice.


Smash Cadet
Sep 14, 2010
(soon to be) Weddington, NC
oh umm, I never meant to drop ROB or anything, just pick up pika as a secondary. sorry if you misunderstood lol. he helps a lot with falco and ddd which are two problem MUs with ROB so I figured it'd be a good choice.
pikachu is pretty good choice I guess against D3 but against falco idk... SOmetimes i feel like pikachu is way to predictable a character. His CG is really annoying tho. I feel like falco can out camp pika... how about a character like Game & Watch. There isnt to many of those in NC from what I can see and I can play him too... :)

any NC people wanna play online once again... Sry if that gets annoying


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2009
Canton, North Carolina
i actually prefer falcon against wario, he can actually do really good against him believe it or not :S i hate the luigi and lucario matchup against wario so eh

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Zio, falcon can do any move in his moveset besides falcon punch out of grab release.

So like, forward smash to rack damage and knee to kill basically.

and hyl, yeah luigi and wario are practically the same character imo lol

and lucario wario is.. eh, 50/50 imo.

but annoying all the same. falcon ***** wario though.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
CF is as fast as wario in the air on the ground

his run speed is **** and his air mobility aint bad.

besides you cant camp when your down.


Smash Cadet
Sep 14, 2010
(soon to be) Weddington, NC
its pretty easy to grab wario if youre smart
i want you to grab wario when he is camping on BF or SV. Remember wario doesnt have to approach ever unless hes losing. He can jump around all day and bike to camp. But ya on FD against marth, falcon, D3, even DK he is in trouble. He has to land sometime...


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
When i play wario, i don't get grabbed unless i do something unsafe on their shield, or like missspace, yadayada. And before i get grabbed, i know im going to get grabbed cause i know i misspsace. i never get grabbed and it's a surprised. So that just shows it's not the character, it's just my flaw in miss spacing.

nah, if wario does not want to get grabbed during a match... no one can do it.

I think i grabbed blue rogue only once in our entire set at apex.. i was like " yo wtf... like this *** just does not want to get grabbed."

and lul, cory, yes D3 has the best chance of grabbing wario lololol. but still, if he doesnt want to, he wont get grabbed.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2009
South Carolina
actually i wasnt referring to dylan at all.. we dont even play eachother and when we do its definitely not that matchup.. im speaking from playing kadajs wario and beating good warios in GA.. and i will grab wario with captain falcon just as well maybe better than with dedede.. you can just zone with spacing up airs.. and they will have to land even if its on a platform you can land an up air easily.. captain falcon has great mobility everywhere he has no problem keeping up with wario.. he can be wherever youre going to land its just one read away

and i wont bother explaining this further to trolls.. if you cant understand what i just said just go ahead and admit to yourself youre ignorant

wario is not "invincible" to anything a fast enough character can catch him and stuff him just like any other character would get stuffed which in my opinion would make cf more favorable in the matchup than dedede because there really is no way for dedede to catch him with his dash speed and even slower aerial mobility


Smash Cadet
Sep 14, 2010
(soon to be) Weddington, NC
actually i wasnt referring to dylan at all.. we dont even play eachother and when we do its definitely not that matchup.. im speaking from playing kadajs wario and beating good warios in GA.. and i will grab wario with captain falcon just as well maybe better than with dedede.. you can just zone with spacing up airs.. and they will have to land even if its on a platform you can land an up air easily.. captain falcon has great mobility everywhere he has no problem keeping up with wario.. he can be wherever youre going to land its just one read away

and i wont bother explaining this further to trolls.. if you cant understand what i just said just go ahead and admit to yourself youre ignorant

wario is not "invincible" to anything a fast enough character can catch him and stuff him just like any other character would get stuffed which in my opinion would make cf more favorable in the matchup than dedede because there really is no way for dedede to catch him with his dash speed and even slower aerial mobility
nobody was saying he is invincible or CANNOT be grabbed but its just not the way he is played. he will do w.e. it takes not to get grabbed and he is probably the hardest to grab if the wario player is determined to not get grabbed. its all good w.e. no big deal.

also mantis. That tourney musta been mad free.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
Yo, kale, ima play wario against u the next time we fight. every time you grab me. i will drop my stock. No matter what percent.

Keith Ford became a fan of getting at me.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2009
South Carolina
yeah but just because youre trying so hard not to get grabbed doesnt make you the best character in the game.. if youre trying to get grabbed youre probably not trying not to get up aired a dozen times.. either way you cant stop them both
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