(Maybe we need a Mindset General Discussion Thread?) I know this is ask PPMD about stuff the thread

but the whole "afraid to lose more than I am wanting to win and it shows in my play" is a really important subject to touch on imo and I've personally been struggling with it for the last like 8 months and only recently have practiced techniques that I've found very useful, netting me way better placements (5th place at the last local I attended), and personal ego-demons that I've overcome (Still being upset with losing but seeing it as something different than I did before). As I learn more and continually practice these things and come to realizations I never even knew about myself it'd be awesome to help other people struggling with similar problems.
If you dream of being a top player and performing on the main stage, then shaking off any nasty mindset bugs in the hundreds of locals you're able to attend is a great way to practice it to start preparing yourself for games that WILL have more on the line. (Playing in front of a huge crowd, making it into top 64/32/8, etc.)
What I found extremely useful at the last tournament I went to, was telling myself that it was OK to lose the next set. Even before the very first set I sat down to play. Getting myself to be OK with the idea of losing, set myself up to be more prepared to play in a way that didn't include panic F-Smashes and whatnot, and let me enter this new frame of mind that lets me get the
absolute MOST I can learn from each and every set I play.
If playing to learn is now the goal for me, I had to get rid of my ego as much as possible. Even against people I've beaten before/Want to prove that I can beat. This is really exciting to me, because now I know that I have the ability to do this, and though it's not going to make me win 100% of the time, it's more importantly going to get me in the
frame of mind required to LEARN the most out of every set! I'm more excited now to apply these techniques than I am the aspect of beating players I want to beat. It's really invigorating. And I've only done it once prior to writing this!
Turn your fear of losing into a fear of
learning nothing. It's hard at first. I know. I've struggled for months and months. Getting super frustrated and mad/not taking sets seriously against players I've beaten before/other toxic stuff. But it's definitely doable!