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Official Captain Falcon Video Critique Thread


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Well I mean I want it to be where

You know how everyone has that one thing that stands out?
I want it to be that.

let me rephrase that because the original sentence came out really rude and I apologize for that
I would appreciate some more critiques, especially on other match ups, because I wanna make sure that I know everything I need to work on.

Ryankam, I do uthrow->fsmash because that works at 80% and uthrow->knee works at 100% on Fox and 110% on Falco
20-30% where I don't have to deal with their ****? Awww yeahhh

uthrow fsmash works at 80?
If they're at too low of a percent to f-smash they're also too low to d-smash. I already said they're the same speed. F-smash actually starts hitting a frame before d-smash but doesn't hit far enough in front to match d-smash's range until the 2nd hit frame making them equal, except if they slightly DI in f-smash could hit when it first comes out and work earlier than d-smash.

If you do an up angled f-smash it's even stronger and will kill outright or send too far to recover when it starts working around 80 unless you're hitting them back across the middle of a wide stage.

Citizen Snips

Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2010
Yardley PA
More videos! Huzzah!
Any point where I'm spotdodging on a platform is me trying to integrate shield dropping into my game. I've been trying to work on my platform game, so critiques on that would be amazing.

I apologize for the music in every video except Guile's Theme. It was a choice by the uploader.

Citizen Snips vs ShroudedOne (Fawx)

Citizen Snips vs ShroudedOne (Peach)

Citizen Snips vs anub (Ganon)

Citizen Snips vs ShroudedOne (???)


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
You move slower than 0room, practice more cuz you do some things that are maybe smart if you were moving at Melee speed

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
habits i need to stop: side-b. spot dodging. approaching swift's marth. (i can get away with approaching any other marth but swift plays so smart / campy it's ridiculous) get up attacking.

things i need to do more of: UAIR UAIR UAIR. camp. play falcon more. not get mad. directional influence everything. crouch cancel.

now tell me how bad i was playing. i'll upload more videos soon. the people i'm playing against aren't ridiculously good or anything and we do stupid **** all the time but it's better than no videos. i'll put up videos of me vs swift sometime this week. (forces me to play better / punishes stupid **** so i do it a lot less)

Q: What do I do after I d-throw fox off the ledge?

Citizen Snips

Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2010
Yardley PA
Q: What do I do after I d-throw fox off the ledge?
I usually look for the dropzone DI. If they di away, depending percent I either run off uair and get back on stage to edgeguard (Or if it's on Yoshis I like to scar jump stall and wait to see what they do, which only works like... never, but is ****ing cool when it does), or I jump off and uair/dair, depending. If they di in at higher percents, just grab them again and dthrow -> dropzone. I have yet to see a double dthrow at the ledge that doesn't end in dropzone.

Also, I love your Falcon. It's really efficient, but it isn't boring. And yeah, you definitely raptor boost too much. Your movement's nice, though.
(This is after watching the first match. Don't know about the others)


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2009
the first thing you want to try to do is throw fox as fast as possible, before he DI's. if the fox DI's away from the dthrow off the ledge, then youre in for some guesswork towards an edgeguard at best; you could grab the ledge, chase him out there hoping for an uair, utilt/ftilt, not sure what else. if he misses the DI, then you can dropzone at medium to high % and dthrow straight into ftilt or gentleman or something at lower %'s.

one thing to consider is, if they are consistently DIing the dthrow away at the ledge, try just fthrowing them, sends them nice and far out and limits their recovery options a little more


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
the first thing you want to try to do is throw fox as fast as possible, before he DI's. if the fox DI's away from the dthrow off the ledge, then youre in for some guesswork towards an edgeguard at best; you could grab the ledge, chase him out there hoping for an uair, utilt/ftilt, not sure what else. if he misses the DI, then you can dropzone at medium to high % and dthrow straight into ftilt or gentleman or something at lower %'s.

one thing to consider is, if they are consistently DIing the dthrow away at the ledge, try just fthrowing them, sends them nice and far out and limits their recovery options a little more
If their percent is higher, like maybe 70 or 80? You can also uthrow -> runoff uair the DI away. I don't know the exact percents


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
At 70% you might as well pummel to get to 80 and uthrow->fsmash
if they DI away I like to do what SS does [when I think about it]
Which is follow, jump back up, wait for the sideb

And if they come at me, grab->redropzone
or if they go for the ledge down-angled ftilt


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2007
Concord, CA
I do the run off uair usually, if they get too far away off the throw right immediately I DAFT illusion to the edge, or if the DJ above the stage then just knee maybe light knee>uair. If they wait and go low for an up-B then just go into regular edgeguarding mode.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
How are you going to win if you never approach?
I dash dance > he dtilts
I jump > he marths me
I nair > he retreating fairs

no idea what to do. when i approach, i don't do it "smart". whatever that means. we are humans, many of us grow impatient. winning =/= approaching.

run off uair only works at certain percents / di. playing against decent level fox = rarely able to run off uair. i usually hop on ledge > bair or if i can't edge guard, i get stage control. no point in ending up worst than you were before the grab. (been trying fthrow though and it's pry good)


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Well just remember people rarely have perfect DI every time unless you're allowing it
A lot of even great players mess up their DI occasionally

I was watching your video and this first match

I dunno whether to laugh or cry

Alright well
You have to work on

1) following your techs (and hitting them)
So far you are good on
Part 1, yes
Part 2, no

2) Raptor boost is apparently your only move
that's going to **** you soon
Very soon

3) Why the random usmashes?
Here is where I'm talking about
One thing Ali does [CF from NC] is he stands there and does utilt
It's actually surprisingly good

4) Stop allowing your opponent on stage
You're just like "oh here have the ledge" most of the time
Grab the ledge
Don't move until he comes near you

If he's going to land on the ledge [if you weren't there] then roll
If he's going above you knee him

Citizen Snips

Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2010
Yardley PA
Yeah, I've had situations where my angled f-smash lands and I'm pretty sure a non-angled wouldn't. Most of the time it's accidental, though, and those situations are few and far between. It certainly wouldn't hurt to learn it, though.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
If I may, Citizen Snips (since I see that you're posting those vids of my awful characters....)

I've noticed that when you're moving fast (or when a Falcon moves fast in general, but you don't really do this as much), I get frustrated with that matchup a LOT quicker (making your opponent frustrated is good). The big thing Falcon has over Peach in that MU (next to his huge profit from his grabs) is his speed. I feel that it's somewhat easy for him to overwhelm her with quick, spaced attacks. It's just really difficult for us to react to his speed.

And you know, down throw really *****. Like...really. :glare: Uairs and nairs and knees and regrabs and things. I don't remember getting that many grabs on me that day.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
What would constitute moving faster? Do you mean more dding?

Also, sorry about double post. Didn't think :(
Moving out of aerials faster, fastfalling more optimally ...
Just watch some vids and compare other Falcons to yourself and you should be able to see the difference


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2007
Concord, CA
I dash dance > he dtilts
I jump > he marths me
I nair > he retreating fairs
For when nair getting stuffed try overshooting knees. Retreating fair beats sometimes but if you see him neutral jump or forward jump try just trading with knee a whole lot. Almost i you even see marth jump when he isn't right on top of you an overshot knee will just careen right through him. Any trade knee you net against marth at neutral is worth it pretty much.

You can also try some silly bull**** like really poorly spaced long jumps to bait a retreating nair/utilt/CC grab/side-b and just airdodge down mid jump. this is really silly gimmick annoy people crap when you're all the way across the stage. but if you do bait a response just try to make marth panic into something else also stupid and just punish.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
I know it was stretching but
You can do other interesting things that might actually help

Because usmash is like

and so therefore weird

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
all those matches were trolling which is why i was like :S

i'm playing today with foxs / falco / marths. i'll take it a lot more seriously. (sudden interest to be the best)


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
You probably would've ranched him if you could edgeguard haha...
Face forward and knee him as he starts his up-b ... also go out and knee down-b attempts that take him too close to the stage (which is actually pretty far away because SH knee has hella range)

Try not to do the scared jump with your back to the ledge ... Ganon has a big upair
He only burned you once or twice in the parts that I was watching but I think you rolled a little too much in the corner ... consider just flying at them with Nair

When hitting shields land the aerial as late as possible and go into jabs so you don't get shield grabbed ... I saw a few knees that were way too high, delay them a little more and the shield pressure is safe against shieldgrab if you quickly go into jabs / running away

Using a majority of Nair is fine when you get into the range where you're hitting his shield with the tips of your feet, you just have to have him shielding and get into range
Otherwise flying stomps and knees are also quite effective ... or just stuffing Ganon's crappy jump attacks with your Nair / Uair <- here you have to worry about the instant upair beating out your attacks because it comes out fast and covers Ganon's front quite well

But yeah, edgeguard better ... Ganon is like an easier version of Falcon to edgeguard <_<


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Orlando, FL
tru, edge guarding is def something I'll work on. Good tip on waiting to punish the beginning of Ganon's UpB instead of trying to guess where he's gonna go, guess i shouldnt be so scared of getting electrograbbed.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
I mean it's never going to kill you, worst thing that happens is you mistime it and take 15%
If he ever drops below tap him with a weak knee and immediately upb so you grab the ledge before him while being ready to tech in case he grabs you ... always remember that you get your jump back so if hit the wall tech just DJ walljump upair or something


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Orlando, FL
and are u sure waiting to knee it is better than bairing? Good knockback and easier spacing


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Waiting to knee? What do you mean waiting?

When you're edgeguarding Falcon and Ganon you want to hit them right as their up-b is starting so they don't have time to trick you with angles, and this applies to basically every character

You also want to hit them with the move that sends them the lowest ... which in Falcon's case is easily knee
Bair on Ganon in particular just sends them to the corner and they'll just down-b a bunch <_<
Bair isn't even that much easier to land than a knee ... just face forward and guess where they're going to start the up-b and whoop them

If they try to drop down just fall back onto the stage and uptilt / jump off with a weak knee tap -> upair, or just grab the ledge and reverse knee them when they land onstage (just make sure you react to when they land instead of guessing, in case they try to trick you by angling back)


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2007
Concord, CA
Bair is easier to DI up, allowing Ganon to recover forever. Knee will just straight out kill him if he's on the edge. Bair will still get kills, and there are certain lowish/mid percents where it will def land a kill if you hit him when he is far out but generally just a knee is all it takes. Or a Falcon Punch. Legit edgeguard on Ganon or Falcon if up-b at the right(wrong) spot. If you see him down-B don't be afraid of flying out there and hitting him right as the down-B finishes.
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