he may be amazing and the best guy in the world but generating some false image of yourself on smashboards tends to make u look like a douche. just saying
brb head exploding b/c irony
i only mm people who insult me for no reason
also im not
but if i meet you ill **** u up noob
LOL Peter you're bad at this game, stop talking ****.
I'm really not sure what people mean by Sheik vs. Marth being "that bad."
Like how bad is "that bad?"
Personally, I don't think it's any worse than 6:4 in Sheik's favor. Like, that's considered pretty bad in Street Fighter terms; the absolute worst matchups in SSF4 are like 7:3, and people still learn and win those matchups with dedication. But considering we have matchups like Bowser vs. Falcon/Sheik in this game... I mean Sheik is bad for Marth but not THAT bad.
But whatever your frame of reference, the simple fact of the matter and the thing that makes the matchup so gay is that Sheik just has a way ****ing easier time killing Marth than vice versa. I honestly believe the matchup is 100% playable and winnable, but you just have to outplay them and take more risks, which is pretty much the basis of "bad" matchups in fighting games.
As for the OP: I think Marth can become top tier again (whatever that means), but it would take some crazy brilliant player with an unusual or maybe just more fundamental style. I think what people have been saying about Marth just constantly forcing his opponent to make bad decisions and keeping them zoned (which to me means putting them in a position where you can hit them but they can't hit you, usually above you) is sort of on the right track, but the problem with this is that it's almost impossible to do that against a really good player for an entire match, which is why Marth's matchups that used to be considered freebies (Peach, Puff) are looking considerably less free nowadays.
So against Puff (for example), if Marth's grab game and his edge game (two of his staples for a good while now) are basically sealed because Puff is Puff, and he can't really combo her or get easy consistent kills because he always has to take some absurd risk to do so, and he can't really stop her from getting in sooner or later, what is he supposed to do? I'm focusing on Puff, but only because she's an easy example. Space animals have gotten way better at dealing with Marth's edge shenanigans over the years. With all that Mango has done it blows me away that people still say Falco's recovery is "bad," that he's "easy to gimp."
So basically, I think it would take somebody perfect enough, or maybe just patient/smart enough to actually zone their opponent completely for an entire match and do it consistently. I'm not even sure if I believe it's possible or not, because there will always be some situations where you pretty much just have to guess right, and there's no sure way to guess right every time just by the nature of the thing. Anyway, that's my two cents, I wrote this **** at like 7 in the morning so it's probably all ******** anyway, my apologies to anybody who actually took the time to read it.