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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
So the video Icy found is looking more and more legit.

According to 2 articles on Joystiq and Kotaku:


"thanks to an early Xbox Live Marketplace listing for the map pack, we aren't in the dark anymore as to its contents. The blurb reveals the pack will contain "5 additional action-packed maps," including three all new ones ("Bailout, Storm, and Salvage") as well as two remakes from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare ("Crash" and "Overgrown").

"Bailout" is said to be "a multi-layered apartment complex," while "Storm" is described as "an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery," and "Salvage" is "a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars." Presumably, if you're reading about the details of unreleased a MW2 map pack, you already knew that "Crash" is a "war-torn urban environment" and "Overgrown" is set in a large dry creek. No pricing or date is set, unfortunately,"

"The best-selling Xbox 360 game of all-time just got bigger, with more epic multiplayer content, first on Xbox LIVE! The Stimulus Package delivers 5 additional action-packed multiplayer maps featuring a variety of locations: "Bailout," a multi-level apartment complex; "Storm," an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery; "Salvage," a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars. Two legendary fan-favorites from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare return, including "Crash," [pictured above] a war-torn urban environment; and "Overgrown," which features a massive dry creek bed. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts."


first of all, if you have to buy them, they are either going to have to separate players who've bought the map pack from players who haven't while playing online, or (more likely) they'll have it so players who've purchased the pack can use guns against players who cannot get that gun unless they go buy it. if one of the new weapons or perks is uber broken, that wouldn't seem very fair.

that's my rant on content that you have to buy for an online game.

secondly, i play on ps3 so anything in your post that would make me happy just hurts that much more. haha
I'm assuming they'll create another playlist like they did in CoD 4 (For the variety map pack) for MW2. It wouldn't be fair for players who haven't/choose not to purchase the map pack and face other players who have. (That is, if the map pack does contain new weapons and perks)

IW would be a bunch of *******s (like Bungie) if they lock out players who do not purchase the map pack. (like Halo 3)

NOOOOOOOOO. NO. NO. NO. One away from a nuke. I almost get a guy. HE SPAMS A FRAG. AND HAS PAINKILLER. AAAAAAHHHHHH. Eddie, this is not funny. BAAAAAHHHHH
I hate painkiller. It's worse than juggernaut. (AS IN I DONT HAVE TO SHOOT THEM WITH A WHOLE CLIP AND A HALF TO KILL THEM INSTEAD OF 1 EXTRA BULLET!!!) :mad: x 9,001

Don't use Luigiweight (Lightweight) imo. Cold-Blooded is much, much more important. Lightweight doesn't even give you that much of an increase in speed. And the 3rd tier perk is up to you. :l
Agreed. Lightweight only gives you a 8% running/sprinting increase. (used to be 10% before but IW patched it...not like it's broken unlike some other weapons/perks...)

And I'd recommend ninja because I don't want the enemy to hear my coming behind them and not appearing on HBS is a major plus! :D

Only use commando if you want to be a total *******.

Hey F8AL, add me on Xbox Live: D3thbySt3lth
To the OP or to my friends list? :confused:

Yes. x1902843478938401347323947808230894

I've done pretty good today. Got Harriers about 6-7 times, got a few Chopper Gunners. Oh. And a nuke? xD
Yeah, you got a nuke by boosting with your friends. I'd be impressed if you could get them legitly like TRG.

And I just updated the OP with the new GTs and PSNs. And tbh, the steam ID section is looking pretty lonely. :(


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
So does this mean that all the new weapons, challenges, perks, etc. aren't gonna be in the stimulus map pack?
No, they will be. Fourzerotwo will be on MajorNelson's Sunday podcast tomorrow and will tell him the official details on the stimulus package map pack.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
F8AL, you can add my to the thread and to your friend's list if you want. But rather for the friend's list. :D

I'm not all that good, but I hope to get better. The highest kill streak I've gotten is like 12 lol.

smash brawl player 99021

I wasn't Nuke Boosting. We were just getting headshots :l And I want my pretty Fall Intervention Camo back :'(


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
F8AL, you can add my to the thread and to your friend's list if you want. But rather for the friend's list. :D

I'm not all that good, but I hope to get better. The highest kill streak I've gotten is like 12 lol.
Alright, I'll add you tomorrow when I'm on XBL. And it doesn't matter if you're good or bad, I play for fun. You'll get better eventually, I'd recommend using the 3, 4 and 5 kill streak. (UAV, care package and predator missile) Once you get better, you can move on to the 5, 7 and 11 kill streaks. :D

I wasn't Nuke Boosting. We were just getting headshots :l And I want my pretty Fall Intervention Camo back :'(
Yeah, sure you weren't.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Yeah, you got a nuke by boosting with your friends. I'd be impressed if you could get them legitly like TRG.
I just think boosting in general, whether for nukes, camos, or levels, takes the fun out of the game and lessens the sense of accomplishment you feel when you finally unlock that nuke emblem or reach the fabled Fall camo.

It still ticks me off that there are a good number of players with nuke emblems simply because of boosting, and in reality, they prob can't even get a Predator Missle. Plus do you really get a sense of accomplishment for unlocking the Fall camo for a gun knowing that you cheated for it? I don't understand how anyone can at all, but I guess that's just me.

ANYWAYS, are we getting online tonight or no? :)


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
I'm assuming they'll create another playlist like they did in CoD 4 (For the variety map pack) for MW2. It wouldn't be fair for players who haven't/choose not to purchase the map pack and face other players who have. (That is, if the map pack does contain new weapons and perks)

IW would be a bunch of *******s (like Bungie) if they lock out players who do not purchase the map pack. (like Halo 3)
a) it seems like the people playing on the playist with the map pack would have generally harder competition because the casual player probably wouldn't buy the map pack... eh... idk what i'm saying...

b) you (practically) can't play world of warcraft without buying the game and both expansion packs.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
So I should try using the 3, 4, 5?

Right now I'm using the 4, 6, 9 killstreaks.
Yes, 3/4/5 or 3/5/7.

4/6/9 is meh...not that great.

LumpyCPU I'll add you tonight (PSN:TdotThai). Leafy, you going on today or any other PS3 guys?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
So I should try using the 3, 4, 5?

Right now I'm using the 4, 6, 9 killstreaks.
Yes, because they're pretty easy to get. UAVs are a great kill streak cause everyone loves knowing where the enemy is and care packages can get you really high kill streaks. The predator missile is something to look forward to because you're practically guaranteed 1 or 2 kills.

Really? 4, 6 and 9? I can understand the 4 but not the 6 or 9. (precision air strike and pave low?)

Right now, I usually use the 3, 4 and 8 kill streaks. (I use hardline so it's 2, 3 and 7) (UAV, Care package and Emergency Air drop. If you want lots of XP, I'd recommend giving your care packages from your EADs to your teammates.)

Once you get better, you can upgrade to the 5, 7 and 11 kill streaks. (Predator missile, harrier strike and chopper gunner/AC130)


EDIT: Let me know if I've missed anyone's gamertags/psns or steam ids. (lol)

Feel free to add me on Xbox LIVE anyone: II F8AL II (for CoD4 and MW2)

Just let me know who you are and that you're from smashboards in a message/voice message. :D

PS: We should all play ground war one day.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
i'll be on in a bit or after i watch a movie.

i kinda read what you guys are saying about killstreaks.

3 UAV is good but if you have faith in yourself to consistently get something higher, you don't need it.

4 care packages can be good or bad but on some maps i find it to be a hassle and skip it for something more automatic. also if someone steals your care package and gets a chopper gunner out of it you kinda wanna kill yourself. i can go with or without care package.

5 pred missile is decent and fast. you can usually get 1 or 2 free kills out of it. sometimes more, sometimes none. i like that it's quick and easy and doesn't pull from your momentum.

5 sentry gun is not as quick and simple as predator missile, but has potential (if strategically placed) to get more kills than a predator missle can. aside from having to pick it up like a care package and being the prime target while setting it down, the big down side is that instead of just not going after people will cold blooded on, it is easily destroyed by them from any direction witch doesn't sound too great since it's already vulnerable from behind by anyone with or without cold blooded. this one has it's uses but you need to be strategic about it.

7 harrier is like a precision airstrike followed by an attack helicopter and i find it to be a great choice for both beginners as a goal to shoot for or experienced players for a momentum starter. it can be taken down easily, but not before it drops the bombs. it's fast and easy. great choice.

9 pave low is underrated by a lot of people. it takes more to shoot it down than an attack helicopter and i think it's better than harrier but lacking the bombing. also fast and easy and i also recommend it because it will more often than not get you all the way to your chopper gunner or ac130.

11 chopper gunner or ac130 are great choices if you have faith in yourself to get them at least once per game. while they take you out of game, you can get loads of kills with them due to the terrible "spawn, die. spawn, die." outdoor and out of cover spawn system in this game. also great for pissing off opponents. haha

these are the only killstreaks i use and i'm not that good at this game. also, don't listen to me because i don't know what i'm talking about and there are probably plenty of legit faqs about killstreak rewards, i'm sure.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
also if your pave lows and harriers keep getting shot down, consider swapping pave low for stealth bomber.

sure it's loud and gives some people a heads up. it can't be shot down, it's a big *** explosion, and it looks cool. not bad. haha

ima get on right now and get a few games in.

EDIT: idk how to join peoples games. i only know how to add friends and message people. so yeah... how?

smash brawl player 99021

Idk, I love care packages and idk y i do the 6 and 9. pavelow kills lots i guess and airstrike is ok? idk.
Pavelow is AMAZING. But, I don't like Precision Airstrikes, really. If you start getting higher killstreaks, though, you Predator>Harriers>Pave Low. That is an really good streak.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
These are the best best kilstreak setups IMO:

5-7-9 The air dominance setup. This is used to easily get to the Pavelow, which is arguably the best killstreak in the game. If the opposing team doesn't shoot down air support, they're gonna have a lot to deal with with your Pavelow and Harrier in the skies. Another advantage is that the Pavelow is the best killstreak you can use without breaking any of your momentum (stopping and staying stagnant in a spot for a little while with your killstreak reward, like a CG), so you can keep on doing your own thing while the Pavelow is being a major distraction.

3-4-x The team support setup. The easy to get UAV and Counter UAV will screw up the opposing team throughout the game. For players who can keep a killstreak going, I'd suggest EAD for the last slot because it just helps your team out even more if you share it. This setup is EXTREMELY good when used with Hardline. Only 2 kills for UAV and 3 for C-UAV. You should basically be able to spot the opposing team for most of the game, while they won't be able to spot anything. If you have someone on your team with this KS setup, you will be very thankful!

5-7-11 The CG/AC-130 setup. Same as the Pavelow one, but with a CG or AC-130 instead, duh. There are flaws with this setup though. Geting to the 11 KS can be a bit rough if the opposing team shoots down air support and gets rid of your Harrier before it can get you to the 11. The CG is either really good or really bad to use depending on how well the opposing team shoots down air support. I've had times where my CG got as little as 2 kills before it got shot it down. The AC-130 most likely won't get shot down, but it only lasts for 30 seconds and it gives you some really bad angles to work with sometimes, which can a lot of times leave you with hardly any kills.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
So, I was just watchin youtube vids, and I just thought id post a question: Why is the magnum so underrated? I can see by itself that it sucks but akimbo magnums just **** so hard, especially if u have fast fingers.


they good, k?

Also, i dont know if this is a good or bad habit: i never hip fire, like ill always just look down the scope or sight. ive maybe hip fired like 5 times total


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
@ Lumpy: Stealth bombers can't be shot down. (at least I don't think so)

@ Icy: Pavelows are easy to take down. 2 stinger shots. Done.

@ TRG: AC-130's actually last 45 seconds. Not sure about chopper gunners tho.

smash brawl player 99021

So, I was just watchin youtube vids, and I just thought id post a question: Why is the magnum so underrated? I can see by itself that it sucks but akimbo magnums just **** so hard, especially if u have fast fingers.


they good, k?

Also, i dont know if this is a good or bad habit: i never hip fire, like ill always just look down the scope or sight. ive maybe hip fired like 5 times total
Magnum's aren't underrated imo. Everyone used them because they're unlocked quickly, and getting the Tac. Knife for them is a lot quicker compared to the USP.45. And I'm the same. I almost never Hipfire. I'd rather have that extra accuracy.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Only hip fire if you absolutely need to. Like sometimes when I'm using my M16, people rush me so I hip fire with it in hopes of killing them.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Take what you said about the Deagle, and apply it to the MP5. It's awful for many of the same reasons (other than ammo capacity, and damage.)
I don't like the MP5K myself, but lots of people swear by it for close-range. It does suck mid to long distance though.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
So, I was just watchin youtube vids, and I just thought id post a question: Why is the magnum so underrated? I can see by itself that it sucks but akimbo magnums just **** so hard, especially if u have fast fingers.


they good, k?

Also, i dont know if this is a good or bad habit: i never hip fire, like ill always just look down the scope or sight. ive maybe hip fired like 5 times total
double magnums aren't bad at all, imo. they're strong and because they're pistols, you pull them out really fast. if you have to pull out your shotgun in a pinch, you're prolly gonna die before you can shoot it. it just sucks that you have to reload basically after every kill.

hipfire is overused by bad players and underused by good players, imo.
if you have an automatic assault rifle and someone's in your face, your best shot is usually to hipfire.

Wavedash Master

Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
Sub - Machine guns: Skorpion:
Sniper Rifles: Dragonuv:
They decide to bring some weapons in and they pick those? The dragonuv I can understand because it's already in the game (can be seen in the campaign) but the skorpion. Seriously? I hope the last gun is either the G36c or the M40 sniper (I miss those guns). The new perks don't look too useful. I never used Overkill in the last game, and quickswap would be a spot filler of a perk. Thermal vision is something I would use. That perk would be very good for scouting in bigger maps.

However, I'm liking the maps that are coming in. I'm especially excited for Overgrown and Crash. What do you think of the DLC?

smash brawl player 99021

I'm super excited. Glad Overgrown and Crash are making a return, and it's good to have some new guns/perks as a change of pace.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Only idiots used overkill in non-HC playlists.

And I think that the DLC is a rip-off because it's already on the game disc and you're basically paying for an unlock code.

Should be free.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
They decide to bring some weapons in and they pick those? The dragonuv I can understand because it's already in the game (can be seen in the campaign) but the skorpion. Seriously? I hope the last gun is either the G36c or the M40 sniper (I miss those guns). The new perks don't look too useful. I never used Overkill in the last game, and quickswap would be a spot filler of a perk. Thermal vision is something I would use. That perk would be very good for scouting in bigger maps.

However, I'm liking the maps that are coming in. I'm especially excited for Overgrown and Crash. What do you think of the DLC?
Links are broken, can you fix them?


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
Only idiots used overkill in non-HC playlists.

And I think that the DLC is a rip-off because it's already on the game disc and you're basically paying for an unlock code.

Should be free.
so? either way you pay for content, it's only on there to speed up the time it takes to release DLC which is better for business and no different for you.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
-Excited about Overgrown and Crash
-Neutral about Overkill because it's going to be completely useless in MW2 since secondaries are so good
-Dissapointed that the Draganov and Skorpion are coming back instead of the M40a3 and AK-74u

Wavedash Master

Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
Links are broken, can you fix them?
They were just pictures of the guns, but real life pictures of them. (Not in-game pictures)

-Excited about Overgrown and Crash
-Neutral about Overkill because it's going to be completely useless in MW2 since secondaries are so good
-Dissapointed that the Draganov and Skorpion are coming back instead of the M40a3 and AK-74u


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Oh my. So this DLC is going to include guns as well? Very interesting.

On another note. I need to know what works now, because the classes I been rolling with don't seem to do me justice any more. I hate that one shot and all eyes are on me. Annoying as a sniper, whether I miss or not. :embarrass
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