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C3 MD/VA brawl tournament thread upcoming 5/23 saturday


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Anyways, I should probably go to this and run the tourney. AZ and I would be **** TO team, although most people don't arrive till 6 AZ, so you might wanna wait till then to start teams.
I don't understand why people would arrive as late as 6pm. Most tournaments start at like 1pm with registration at 12pmish. So, tell people doubles starts promptly at 5pm with registration starting at 4pm and go with it. If people miss doubles oh well, singles will get to start sooner instead of a massive wait.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
That's just the way Tope always did it, I agree with you AZ, but Tope makes the topic, lol, C3 is gay about start times, they don't wanna close down business for most of the day for smash because it doesn't pay good enough for them i guess


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
I'll probably be going to C3. There's no way I'm driving all the way down to NC...
I may or may not have a seat for someone to ride with me.
Forte, you live in Woodbridge, right?


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Thanks =) my address is 4908 frishman ct woodbridge va 22193 and cell # is 703 869 6242
if you need 'em again later just ask

slik sorry I already agreed to team with the most alpha of zealots


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
We can't start promptly at 5, C3 has other events and such that need to wind down before we can come in.

You think I like starting at 6?


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
I'm not coming to this then, I gave C3 a chance to improve their standards. If they don't think it's good enough attendance for a 10 dollar venue fee, then screw C3.

10 dollar venue fee for 6-7 hour tournament is terrible. What a terrible service to the community. They think they are getting away with saving money, but in the end it is going to cost them this community.

Please don't come to the tournaments anymore if you want to post things like this.
C3 is older than your registration to this site lolz? Why is it that a billion scrubs wanna complain right before every tournament and then show up anyway? God at least Thumbs has the intelligence to stay away from the place after he bashes it, but you wanna talk about how bad it is and then show up anyway???


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Please don't come to the tournaments anymore if you want to post things like this.
C3 is older than your registration to this site lolz? Why is it that a billion scrubs wanna complain right before every tournament and then show up anyway? God at least Thumbs has the intelligence to stay away from the place after he bashes it, but you wanna talk about how bad it is and then show up anyway???
Well yeah, for a variety of reasons

- There are no other tourneys that day close by
- I still wanna hope that C3 can turn it around

I think a venue as good as C3 shouldn't be limiting themselves to so little. I am still very disappointed in the fact that I pay 10 bucks for 6-7 hours use of a venue when similar venues in this area have charged 5 dollars for 10 hours use of a venue.

C3 ECRC event was amazing and I hope we can make every tourney as good of that on a smaller scale level.

Also, I wanna point out that Azen bashed the venue long before I did, and still went to the tourney anyway, but no one calls him a scrub.

I may have been a little too extreme in my post, so I apologize for that. But my position stands.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
You guys have to realize that they could use the time to rent out to higher paying customers right? That's probably why they don't rent out all day. Either pay a higher venue for an all day thing or keep the current one. They are a business. The only other place that does this stuff in this area is gamepad? They could rent out the place to a kiddy party and make more money probably lolz.

This is basic capitalism lol.

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
I personally have nothing against C3s, I just can't get to them, :(

I have age and ride johnz

I will admit I don't like the hours, but its a business and C3 isn't dedicated to solely smash. But the hours make it practically impossible for me to go. I'm under 18, my dad is my ride cause I can't get a job to make money to pay anyone else. And the tourneys would last past midnight and the ride from my crib to C3 is a little over an hour. So he'd be driving at like 1 AM or later. Its unfortunate, but my date of birth phailz, its not C3s fault, lol


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Yeah Sage I understand that financially it seems like it makes sense but honestly who are they gonna rent to from 6pm to 12pm?

last time at C3 we had 49 entrants I believe, so thats 490 bucks for C3, minus about 25 bucks for people who brought setups.

465 bucks for 6 hours of business seems really good... but I'm not a financial expert. But one thing I do know, is

Gamepad charged 10 bucks for venue fee, but it was for an all day deal (10:30 - close of mall, around 9pm or so), and provided a full venue discount to people with setups. (first 7)

Brawl at the mall charged 5 bucks for venue fee for all day event (the owner lost a lot of business this day)

Brawl till you fall is 10 bucks for 2 days with an option to get your venue fee discounted or waived

HAT's tourneys in Catonsville have the same start time as C3 (6pm) but only have a $2-3 venue fee.

So like I said, I think C3 can do better. That's my opinion.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Yeah Sage I understand that financially it seems like it makes sense but honestly who are they gonna rent to from 6pm to 12pm?

last time at C3 we had 49 entrants I believe, so thats 490 bucks for C3, minus about 25 bucks for people who brought setups.

465 bucks for 6 hours of business seems really good... but I'm not a financial expert. But one thing I do know, is

Gamepad charged 10 bucks for venue fee, but it was for an all day deal (10:30 - close of mall, around 9pm or so), and provided a full venue discount to people with setups. (first 7)

Brawl at the mall charged 5 bucks for venue fee for all day event (the owner lost a lot of business this day)

Brawl till you fall is 10 bucks for 2 days with an option to get your venue fee discounted or waived

HAT's tourneys in Catonsville have the same start time as C3 (6pm) but only have a $2-3 venue fee.

So like I said, I think C3 can do better. That's my opinion.
Tant you are right

I will go


I will not enter (and only play friendlies) unless I get my venue fee off for my wii because last time I couldn't because there was "to many" and there was AT LEAST 3 or 4 TVs I could set up on


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA
I personally have nothing against C3s, I just can't get to them, :(

I have age and ride johnz

I will admit I don't like the hours, but its a business and C3 isn't dedicated to solely smash. But the hours make it practically impossible for me to go. I'm under 18, my dad is my ride cause I can't get a job to make money to pay anyone else. And the tourneys would last past midnight and the ride from my crib to C3 is a little over an hour. So he'd be driving at like 1 AM or later. Its unfortunate, but my date of birth phailz, its not C3s fault, lol
age johns? ultimate razer is like 14 and still gets to tourneys

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
How doez he get ridez? I'm not well liked in the community. Have no way of making money, so I have money johnz and money johnz because of my age which is age johnz cause I can't get a job so I got job johnz. June told me to mow peoples lawnz to make my doe, but mowing my own lawn is a *****.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
How doez he get ridez? I'm not well liked in the community. Have no way of making money, so I have money johnz and money johnz because of my age which is age johnz cause I can't get a job so I got job johnz. June told me to mow peoples lawnz to make my doe, but mowing my own lawn is a *****.
you want money right??? hafe to make some sacrifices...


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA
How doez he get ridez? I'm not well liked in the community. Have no way of making money, so I have money johnz and money johnz because of my age which is age johnz cause I can't get a job so I got job johnz. June told me to mow peoples lawnz to make my doe, but mowing my own lawn is a *****.
i wouldnt say people don't like you, you just make unnecessary complaints about nothing (such as your personal life) that other smashers just don't really care for, of course they wont say this in your face, but on the boards poyo you are a nuisance, in real life your cool as ****. look at this, maybe its meant to happen, that you aren't getting rides to tournies, get a job and pay for a cab(or learn the metro system), IF you want to get to tournies so bad. instead of complaining about people not liking you, get **** done then show up like you da man. problem solved cased closed i stole it..


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Yeah Poyo basically its as easy as this

don't complain about stuff because honestly no one here can help you (and most people don't care either). If you want to go to more tournies, make some monies (there are plenty of fast food places in oxon hill) but if you're too young you live in a pretty big community so mow lawns or shovel snow or rake leaves or garden for people (that covers all 4 seasons). There is always an option, you just need to utilize it.

Poyo you are annoying when you complain. In real life you are solid, and you're pretty good at Brawl too.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
i wouldnt say people don't like you, you just make unnecessary complaints about nothing (such as your personal life) that other smashers just don't really care for, of course they wont say this in your face, but on the boards poyo you are a nuisance, in real life your cool as ****. look at this, maybe its meant to happen, that you aren't getting rides to tournies, get a job and pay for a cab(or learn the metro system), IF you want to get to tournies so bad. instead of complaining about people not liking you, get **** done then show up like you da man. problem solved cased closed i stole it..
Yeah Poyo basically its as easy as this

don't complain about stuff because honestly no one here can help you (and most people don't care either). If you want to go to more tournies, make some monies (there are plenty of fast food places in oxon hill) but if you're too young you live in a pretty big community so mow lawns or shovel snow or rake leaves or garden for people (that covers all 4 seasons). There is always an option, you just need to utilize it.

Poyo you are annoying when you complain. In real life you are solid, and you're pretty good at Brawl too.

Tant copied you Oath


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
yeah i did

honestly, i said pretty much what oath said

I just wanted to second it in my own way, for reassurance, since the boy obviously needs some encouragement. Re-iteration never hurts


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
June you can talk better trash than that

you should be like "I'm clearly gonna win since I beat slikvik in a MM and he won the singles"

Inui logic for the loss!
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