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~Bunny Devil~ Tournament. X3 Smash Gigas Wins! (Results)


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Wait! Noob question here! What is this FNT you guys speak of?


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Samus, FNT stands for "Friendly Neighborhood Tourney". I made a welcome thread in May that became the second biggest thread in all Smashboards. Devil recommended we do a tourney, so we did. But a mod moved it into this section. Thing is, it was more a lounge, and people attacked us calling it spam. It was locked two months ago because of this mod wannabe called RedPeppers. It was a home to cool and friendly people. The tourney never even finished, but that is exactly what made it so epic.

FNT 4 Lyfe. :)


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
Samus, FNT stands for "Friendly Neighborhood Tourney". I made a welcome thread in May that became the second biggest thread in all Smashboards. Devil recommended we do a tourney, so we did. But a mod moved it into this section. Thing is, it was more a lounge, and people attacked us calling it spam. It was locked two months ago because of this mod wannabe called RedPeppers. It was a home to cool and friendly people. The tourney never even finished, but that is exactly what made it so epic.
Attacked it? My gosh. What hyperbole. For one, it WAS spam. After a while the only point in showing up in the thread was to get your post count up and ask mindless questions about how everyone was and " where is everyone? ( one-third of the thread consisted of that alone) and get the same answers OVER-AND-OVER. There was no discussion based off any intent to LEARN from or HELP someone. Sorry, that's just spam, Heartz.

Anyways, .....

Edit: I'm working from 3:30-7:30 PM on Saturday. Can Kawaii and I play shortly before that time or perhaps on Friday night, if possible?


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2007
In that ruined tower, atop a mountain.
Attacked it? My gosh. What hyperbole. For one, it WAS spam. After a while the only point in showing up in the thread was to get your post count up....
We LOVE our postcount. Reaching Smash Lord is the biggest accomplishment in my life. [/sarcasm]

...and ask mindless questions about how everyone was and " where is everyone? ( one-third of the thread consisted of that alone) and get the same answers OVER-AND-OVER. There was no discussion based off any intent to LEARN from or HELP someone. Sorry, that's just spam, Heartz.
That was a pretty mindless statement if you ask me, considering every match you do with someone is something to learn from no matter the circumstance or level of skill. Accepting these challenges helped one another improve greatly, as none of us fought less than our best.

According to your criteria, your post is spam. More specifically, is highly provocative, and unless I'm mistaken is considered trolling. We ask that you do no such thing here. If not "we", than I. Such statements are highly unnecessary.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Sudsy. Let us not start this, ok? You are not exactly on good terms with a few people, if I may add. We didnt ask for a detailed paragraph. You lack the true meaning of spam.

Spam - unsolicited, unwanted, uninteresting, and inapproriate messages.

Now, if we treated that group as a lounge, then anything can be talked about. I was the hostess of the thread, and I allowed ALL talk, as long as it was friendly. If you are calling that spam, then you just lost any minor respect I had for you.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Well, SOMEbody has to.
Not necessarily...keep in mind who you're talking about...

But I should shut up and leave, lest our little mini-mod friend *coughRedPepperscough* comes in and does his little "I'm gonna call this perfectly good thread spam just to get it closed so I can make myself proud over nothing and piss people off. ZOMG!!!one!!1!!!" routine...again <__<


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
We LOVE our postcount. Reaching Smash Lord is the biggest accomplishment in my life. [/sarcasm]
Yes, but some people do. They're there at EVERY forum. To them it's sort of like having/ wanting a lot of material possessions in order to socially progress in high school--just the superficiality is far less obvious.

That was a pretty mindless statement if you ask me, considering every match you do with someone is something to learn from no matter the circumstance or level of skill. Accepting these challenges helped one another improve greatly, as none of us fought less than our best..
What the crap are you talking about? Sure--everyone ONCE in a while people would ask for matches ( actually often), but the majority of the posts were nonsense that did nothing but fill pages--NOTHING!

According to your criteria, your post is spam. More specifically, is highly provocative, and unless I'm mistaken is considered trolling. We ask that you do no such thing here. If not "we", than I. Such statements are highly unnecessary.
Wrong. Regardless if I'm right or wrong, this post could realistically inform the guy who asked what FNT was of one view of the whole FNT deal. Highly provocative? Gosh, provocation on a forum--how unneccessary or inappropriate. Is that your only basis for calling me a troll? Whatever floats your boat.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
Area 42
U sure like to pick fights eh Sudsy? XD, anyways I think we should stop before bunny`s tourney becomes a spam thread of pointless rambling lol XD or watever u want to call it ^^ jk

Seventh Sword

Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2007
United Kingdom
Since all I see is Sudsy throwing out the word wrong...

Yes, but some people do. They're there at EVERY forum. To them it's sort of like having/ wanting a lot of material possessions in order to socially progress in high school--just the superficiality is far less obvious.

What the crap are you talking about? Sure--everyone ONCE in a while people would ask for matches ( actually often), but the majority of the posts were nonsense that did nothing but fill pages--NOTHING!

Wrong. Regardless if I'm right or wrong, this post could realistically inform the guy who asked what FNT was of one view of the whole FNT deal. Highly provocative? Gosh, provocation on a forum--how unneccessary or inappropriate. Is that your only basis for calling me a troll? Whatever floats your boat.

But seriously, if you have issues, take it to PM. You're no better than any of us if you keep bringing this discussion to this topic - considering that right now, yours and my messages are spam. If you want to see a tournament thread stay on topic, don't debate about non-tournament related topics in it.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
Area 42
Since all I see is Sudsy throwing out the word wrong...


But seriously, if you have issues, take it to PM. You're no better than any of us if you keep bringing this discussion to this topic - considering that right now, yours and my messages are spam. If you want to see a tournament thread stay on topic, don't debate about non-tournament related topics in it.
XD, owned ^^ lol


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
You win, Sudsy. We are wrong, you are right. Now that THAT is settled, QUIT SPAMMING BUNNY'S TOURNEY THREAD OR GTFO.


...No miniscules there...


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
Sudsy. Let us not start this, ok? You are not exactly on good terms with a few people, if I may add. We didnt ask for a detailed paragraph. You lack the true meaning of spam.
Not on good terms? Yes, and that is their own personal lack of self-control over my apparent instances of bothering or offending them. I've said little that was from a personal feeling towards whomever; you guys take almost everything personally so that any non-positive comment, without the falsely-intended "jk" at the end of all of it, personally. Deal with it. Dang.

Spam - unsolicited, unwanted, uninteresting, and inapproriate messages.
What the? Did you look up Mypersonalpreferencesfordefinitions.com for that definition? Someone after you posted the literal meaning of it, and this really isn't close.
Regardless of it, I would love a justification for how "where is everyone today?", "lol @(fill-in-blank", or all the random comments not relevant to the discussion, are wanted, and interesting. Of course, you won't, so you'll just ASSUME I'm out to argue for the sake of it.

Now, if we treated that group as a lounge, then anything can be talked about. I was the hostess of the thread, and I allowed ALL talk, as long as it was friendly. If you are calling that spam, then you just lost any minor respect I had for you.
YOU allowed all talk; what's your point? The thread starters aren't the legislative body for the definition of "spam", last time I checked. You allowed spam; the fact that you are allowing it doesn't mean diddly squat--just itself. So, yes, I'm calling the pointless comments that were in that thread, or in any thread for that matter, spam.

Reason with me otherwise. Oh wait--I forgot--you're impervious to logic on here ( at least).

Even if I assume "lounge"= thread which allows spam, SPAM is still existent. Case in point.

You lost respect for me? Umm--what is that which online chit-chatters say to each other-- oh noes? One of the last thing I want is respect from someone who displays no criteria for it outside of being nice--which to me . How about just sheer honesty or genuineness? How does that fly for criteria?


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
U sure like to pick fights eh Sudsy? XD, anyways I think we should stop before bunny`s tourney becomes a spam thread of pointless rambling lol XD or watever u want to call it ^^ jk
D: we should talk about nothing but this tournament or else RedPeppers will call us spammers...ZOMG we made one off-topic post...NOEZ!!!! WE ARE T3H SPAMMERERS!!!one!!!1!!

And @ Sudsy: just drop it...Seven's right...


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
U sure like to pick fights eh Sudsy? XD, anyways I think we should stop before bunny`s tourney becomes a spam thread of pointless rambling lol XD or watever u want to call it ^^ jk
No. I just like giving my opinion on something when someone who doesn't know about something is informed falsely of it (i.e it was attacked--completely bull crap)

I never started any personal fights. Provoked it? Probably, but I don't decide when so and not people turn off their self-control switches and take things personally.

I just don't.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Hey, everyone. Just ignore Bubbly. No point in trying to prove anything to him. He has us beat when it comes to long passages.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Hey, everyone. Just ignore Bubbly. No point in trying to prove anything to him because he's too hardheaded to listen and unwilling to admit to his own faults while trying to act like a smartass to cover his tracks. He has us beat when it comes to long ,spammy, and obnoxious passages.
Fix'd for greater justice...

Same applies to RedPeppers, btw...minus the "long" post part...


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
Since all I see is Sudsy throwing out the word wrong...

Oh. So...so you saying the word "wrong" deems what I wrote wrong? Lol. Gosh, let me try that method.

(* Exhorts a lot of energy*)


So is this by your standards a re-win for me?

But seriously, if you have issues, take it to PM. You're no better than any of us if you keep bringing this discussion to this topic - considering that right now, yours and my messages are spam. If you want to see a tournament thread stay on topic, don't debate about non-tournament related topics in it.
So the person who simply wanted to know what FNT was spamming, too? Heartz responding to it is spam, then. Essentially, I am spamming in this thread, but it was de-railed when I first made my opinion, anyways. That implies there was already spam.

I'm hardly debating anything here; y'all are just barking at me with your non-positive personal feelings towards me in text.

I'm willing to stop whenever the majority stop interacting like they would in high school situations ( i.e don't use logic enough, assume you know everyone's intentions, and assume you're justified in personally attacking people because you assume they did first.).

Why else would anyone assume my initial post on this was to personally attack those in the FNT thread? What basis is there for it. I commented solely on the posts and their quality relative to alternatives--but I must be personally attacking you, right?


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
Fix'd for greater justice...
Quoting myself: " Essentially, I am spamming in this thread, but it was de-railed when I first made my opinion, anyways. That implies there was already spam."

I admit to be spamming. What else do you want from me?

I am unwilling to listen and am just being a smart alec to cover my tracks?

Justification, please; that's assuming a LOT.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2007
In that ruined tower, atop a mountain.
What else do you want from me?
To stop. The topic could have drifted away in a snap had you not added fuel to the fire. I would be upset if a controversial topic such as this appeared in a thread I made, so show some respect to the person who made it. You can do this by throwing water on the fire instead. It's not like this information's going to change Samusbrawler's life anyways.
Justification, please; that's assuming a LOT.
You're adding more fuel to the fire. If you're trying to have an educational arguement, I garuntee that arguing with
people that turn off their self-control switches and take things personally.
is not the way to go. Pointless, so chill out.

Nelo Vergil

Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Where you aren't
Heres an idea, everyone drop the stupid pointless bickering, FNT was spam as Sudsy said, but alot of his other points have no merit to us, maybe him, but not the people who were in there, you an argue with this point all you want Sudsy, but I wont give a **** about it, I only care about how I feel on matters like that, not someone elses feelings......besides, I can just throw you guys out of the tourney, so just end this stupid "arguement" (for lack of a better term)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I got my router working again but please keep me on standby simply because I don't know how busy I'll be on Saturday since it's Family Day on my campus. I may show up, I may not so feel free to have a replacement if I can't make it.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Why is he here...? Whining as always..


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
Westchester, NY ; Cornell University in the school
Ugh, I come back to this -__- I'm not going to say anything else about it except that Gigas, Cinder, and HeartZ speak the truth. So yeah anyway, I have to get started on some intense training too... But darn school keeps getting in the way <_<. I can't drop my grades, however, if I'm going to be Valed/Saludictorian and get into MIT or Cornell. SENIORS 09! My secondaries are coming along pretty well, some may even be in main level now. I need to work on my alpha main now, though.
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