so ya....i downloaded b+, tried it out and....
its.....interesting........some things i didn't like, some things i liked, and some stuff i just downright was scratching my head wondering "why did they change that?"
many of the changes made to pit, flat out made me hate how he played in b+, link....well...kinda confused with him atm(keep in mind i did nothing but cpus atm in training mode, since i'ma bout to get to sleep soon, was just testing out how some characters felt) fox....supprisingly, i found fox to be quite fun, chances are he'll end up being my main in b+
IC....omg...i love you guys for what you did to IC....disableing the Cpu controlled ic's grab, to make it impossible to chaingrab, was exactly what was needed, it makes me wonder why nintendo didn't do this themselves when making brawl(oh who am i kidding, its nintendo....didn't put an ounce of thought into balancing the characters) zelda was another strange one i liked that i honestly didn't think i'd end up playing, sheik on the other hand, hated how she felt in b+ i'll be avoiding using her like the plague, link, still scratching my head wondering about him, i'll find out when i can get anyone to play me to see if i like his new style in b+
mk, i was loling about his whorenado and the changes, also tried to do the IDC to see what ya'll did about that, was suppprised, figured you'd just disable it, instead of making it so when its attempted, it goes immediatly into the slash.
falco felt.....akward.....espicially when i tried to fire his lazers in the air, i know ya'll obviously did that to make it hard to spam lazers with him....but....IDK...just taking that away by itself made him feel strange to play for me(but then again thats probably cuz in brawl i camp my *** off with the spambird)
zss....another one who i didn't really like the way she played compared to her brawl counterpart... samus and link and sonic...still not sure on them.
C.falcon, was ok...i'll definatly have to use him in a real match to see if i like his playstyle.
anyway, thats how i feel so far.....keep in mind i've had nothing to play but a cpu punching bag in training mode atm, if i can get some folks to play in it, i can really find out who i like to play as, makes me very sad sad

on how pit plays, but nothing i can really do to change it, really was hoping he'd be my main in b+ like in brawl, but he just felt too strange in B+ to me
on a side note, i went and watched a replay saved to my wii from an old regular brawl match just for lolz, wanted to see how wacky it got when it desynced, everyone had a score of around -5 at the end.
pointless info is pointless, but eh....just kinda found it funny.