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Brawl+ - Official 5.0 RC1 Build is now online! (Re-Use Autoupdater, Snake bug fixed)

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Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
It was really easy to skip the last couple of pages..all those huge paragraphs about nothing. From what I read though, Arkaether you pretty much won... Sorry Neko lol


Can we all agree to remove footstools? I mean c'mon, that technique is terrible and NOBODY does it on purpose. It's usually someone just trying to get back to the stage and "oh snap" footstool. Was it skill or luck..? 99% of the time it's luck. Most of the Insomniac crew came to this conclusion, I just wonder what other people think..


Ivy of the West
Apr 24, 2008
Orange County, CA
Can we all agree to remove footstools? I mean c'mon, that technique is terrible and NOBODY does it on purpose. It's usually someone just trying to get back to the stage and "oh snap" footstool. Was it skill or luck..? 99% of the time it's luck. Most of the Insomniac crew came to this conclusion, I just wonder what other people think..
it would just take up space/lines/time
its not worth it for somthing so small


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
Victoria, BC
i say yoshi needs some big gimmick or somthing rly special to catch ppl's interest
like an unbreakable shield xD but not rly...even tho taht would be rly interesting imo
Maybe we could try to give him back the things that have worked for him before. In 64, his shield had this crazy thing where if you shielded right as somebody attacked you you wouldn't get any damage or knockback and you wouldnt get any lag.

Oh wait.

There just aren't that many Yoshi mains to complain for him. From what little I know about him, it seems like DJC might be cool if you can still do rising aerials. But really, he needs a more vocal following...Yoshi has pretty much been the worst character out of all three smash games if you average them out.


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2004
Cleveland, Ohio
Can we all agree to remove footstools? I mean c'mon, that technique is terrible and NOBODY does it on purpose. It's usually someone just trying to get back to the stage and "oh snap" footstool. Was it skill or luck..? 99% of the time it's luck. Most of the Insomniac crew came to this conclusion, I just wonder what other people think..
I footstool on purpose all the time when I play Marth and occasionally with ROB and Diddy, and I know others who do it on purpose with other characters. Removing it is just... no.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
I agree with removing footstooling. sometimes you can footstool a characters hitbox which is weird as hell and I can honestly say I've only footstooled someone if I was bored/sandbagging/accidental after a stage spike. its cool to do it but I can do without.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I do it all the time on purpose after a dair spike. I dont really see the need to remove something that can be semi-useful to some characters.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2007
i agree with removing footstooling even though itd **** up my sexy FF dair > footstool combo with kirby it is so stupid and never shouldve existed


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
keep footstooling. its one of the few new additions to brawl that i actually think works. logicly if i jump on a guy he should get pushed by my weight/allow me to jump higher. there's nothing wrong with it now, so why waste the extra coding to remove something thats not causing any trouble to begin with?


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
it does cause trouble. charge and fsmash with marth/ike and you can kind of footstool the air that isn't there. its weird. you should be hit by the attack but you aren't because you jumped over some invisible force. =o


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
it does cause trouble. charge and fsmash with marth/ike and you can kind of footstool the air that isn't there. its weird. you should be hit by the attack but you aren't because you jumped over some invisible force. =o
is that just B+? because i've never heard of/seen that happen in vbrawl.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
is that just B+? because i've never heard of/seen that happen in vbrawl.
No, its in vbrawl. You can footstool someone when their in an attacking animation and if their hitbox doesn't hit you, you can jump off their head. Just like a normal footstool, just without the animation or lag for the other player. I dont really see why that's a problem.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
oh, so you mean footstolling someone while they're attacking? i don't really see anything wrong with that.

and if it's just B+ then thats a coding issue, not a footstool issue.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
and if it's just B+ then thats a coding issue, not a footstool issue.
Sorry. Read your question wrong. It's in vbrawl as well. NL actually uses it as Diddy a lot after doing a Side B. To avoid getting punished. I've seen him do it several times in videos and even the commentators noticed he was doing it on purpose.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
oh, well i still don't see anything wrong with being able to footstool while they're in an attack animation. if you want to put that much risk into then there should be a reward, even if its something small.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Personally I think the stun from footstools is a bit too much, at least at lower percents. You can be gimped at 0% if you are footstooled offstage. If we can somehow make the stun increase with damage, I would like to see so. Or at least reduce the stun, maybe by half or by one thirds.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Popo and cam... best I can tell skip is saying that it's actually possible to footstool a hitbox instead of a hurtbox. I have no idea if this is true or not, but I can tell that he is most definitely not talking about a char receiving no stun from a footstool because they were in an attack animation.

Personally I think the stun from footstools is a bit too much, at least at lower percents. You can be gimped at 0% if you are footstooled offstage. If we can somehow make the stun increase with damage, I would like to see so. Or at least reduce the stun, maybe by half or by one thirds.
The problem with footstool "stun" is... it's an animation. It's not actual hitstun. So you couldn't give it growth, because the stun doesn't exist. Changing the "stun" on footstools is just a matter of editing the frame speed of the footstooled animation, so while it's very possible to edit, it's just like any other set kb move in the game, in that all we can do is edit its "base."

As for my own opinions on footstools, I'd like to see them get revamped somehow, although I think taking them out completely would be a mistake. I'd like it if you could only footstool if you ff'd first, to help remove accidental footstools without hurting intentional footstools too much. I'd also like to try removing grounded footstools as a whole.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Invisible footstools should be removed. Why should someone get rewarded for mashing jump? Or better yet why should the attacker get screwed over for attacking successfully? Plus I doubt it was a intentional part of the game.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
As for my own opinions on footstools, I'd like to see them get revamped somehow, although I think taking them out completely would be a mistake. I'd like it if you could only footstool if you ff'd first, to help remove accidental footstools without hurting intentional footstools too much. I'd also like to try removing grounded footstools as a whole.
Extremely situational but still realistically possible grounded footstool techs say hi.

Also making footstools accessable only through FFing would probably hinder FFers. :V

Also, Arkaether, I'll get you a response to your statements soon. Life just sucks right now.

@Skip: I purposely footstool alot more than I do on accident. They're situational, but not so uncommon that you can't learn to take advantage of it. Based on your character, footstooling can easily become a tactic that you learn to rely on (Fox, Kirby, MK, Marth)

Some characters dont need it, but there are deff a few that could use it. :V


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Grounded footstools can go. I like that idea. Keep off the ground footstools. You know how many times I've accidentally gotten shot into the air while trying to approach someone on the ground from the air? It's really annoying.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
Grounded footstools can go. I like that idea. Keep off the ground footstools. You know how many times I've accidentally gotten shot into the air while trying to approach someone on the ground from the air? It's really annoying.
so why are you just jumping on them? shouldn't you be doing a dair/fair/bair approach?


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Missing the footstool off stage would mean death.
This. The risk outweighs the reward and probably would make you not want to even try footstooling ever if you play a FFer.

Grounded footstools can go. I like that idea. Keep off the ground footstools. You know how many times I've accidentally gotten shot into the air while trying to approach someone on the ground from the air? It's really annoying.


Nuff said. :V


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If I'm behind a tall character I like to quickly double jump dair to up air.

also if I'm passing through someone sometimes it happens. Jigglypuffs jumps don't make her go very far up so I can use them just to stay off the ground without getting crazy height(like foxes or something). Not complaining about jiggz recovery btw. Its perfect.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

Footstools are techable AND jab locks are gone. :V

At least my video is legit in B+
I wasn't being serious. You know I DO play Brawl+.


Anyway. GFS(grounded foot stools) have no place in this game, and they serve no purpose but to annoy everybody. (Except for NL's diddy?)

Sorry I don't really care that much about this, I just figured I'd give some input. If GFS's stay in I wont give less of a ****. Keep footstools off the ground though, maybe decrease the fall animation. But that's about it.

I'll make a post later about some of the stuff I actually do care about. most of it pertaining to jigglypuff.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Footstools are whack. They cause more trouble. So many people claim to do it on purpose when they were just jumping back to the stage..

This took a lot of skill.

Oh and go to.. 3:17 in this

It's not a MAJOR issue imo it's just an annoyance that occurs every now and then. If some of you guys do it on purpose (so you say..) then whatever, I guess it would be pretty selfish to remove it because I personally NEVER use it on purpose but have gotten many stupid kills of of it just like what you just saw.

Oh and btw if you see anyone using Marth do footstool to dair, it was an accident. :laugh:All I was trying to do in that video was space a dair...but footstool hitbox is too amazing. You sure you guys can't set it to start or something and like..remove pause? LOL no seriously, you guy's can't map it to something else...? I guess that would be hard huh? *sigh* Forever ridden with this anti competitive pos technique.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
This. The risk outweighs the reward and probably would make you not want to even try footstooling ever if you play a FFer.
Have any better ideas on making the the footstool animation actually something you have to try to activate, rather than simply being on top of your opponent? If you just want a DJ, you should just get a DJ. The input would simply be smash down -> jump one or more frames later, so even if a spacie was concerned about suiciding when trying to perform a footstool, if they had a DJ, they'd be safe no matter what, as they'd only be ff'ing for a couple frames before they jumped.

Ok... so perhaps grounded footstools can stay. Even though I can't see someone doing this over say... a grab combo, I'll give you that they actually serve a purpose. As long as footstooling was made a conscious choice when you're near your opponent, it should be fine.

@Glick: Well, actually, if you had to ff before jumping to perform a footstool, then your problem would pretty much disappear entirely.

GHNeko said:
That sounds more like a player issue than a mechanic issue to me. I dont have that problem with Jiggs personally. :V
It isn't. If you try to perform a dj near your opponent, it can cause you to footstool when you don't want to. It's essentially the game punishing you for trying to use your options at your disposal when close to the enemy. I was running into this a lot when testing the DJC code, where I would try to perform a DJC aerial, and instead it causes me to footstool, getting shot up into the air, just because I was close to my opponent when I pressed the jump button, which sometimes you have to be that close in order to get off an aerial after your jump (or in my case, DJC). This wouldn't be such an issue if the footstool didn't launch you into the air, which when you're not expecting it can actually put you at a disadvantage, all because sakurai was too dumb to give you the option between footstooling and performing a regular DJ.

edit: @Silven: It'd be difficult to map it to a different button, though, without interfering with other stuff. The only button that isn't used for anything in the air is the +pad, and the last time I suggested moving a command there, people weren't too fond of the idea. However, if the "unrestricted control editing" code was implemented, it might be feasible to turn the taunt button into the footstool button while in the air, as then players could assign it to whichever jump button they don't use (or even a shield button if they wanted to) and have easy access to it for when they WANT to footstool, but without causing them to accidentally perform it when they DO NOT want to. Perhaps you could also include some sort of punishment for pressing footstool when there's nothing to footstool, so it would truly require smart usage. What that would be, though, I have no idea.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
I wasn't being serious. You know I DO play Brawl+.


Anyway. GFS(grounded foot stools) have no place in this game, and they serve no purpose but to annoy everybody. (Except for NL's diddy?)

Sorry I don't really care that much about this, I just figured I'd give some input. If GFS's stay in I wont give less of a ****. Keep footstools off the ground though, maybe decrease the fall animation. But that's about it.

I'll make a post later about some of the stuff I actually do care about. most of it pertaining to jigglypuff.
lol joking over internet without an obvious way of telling people you're joking. :V

GFS have no place in this game? Waaaaat. The potential of footstools is still largely untapped. Hell, with faster gravities, I imagine you can do MORE now. :V

on an IC related topic, is there still talk of removing infinities? and if so, how is it going to be implemented?
Infinites are being removed and we already found a way to do it. It just hasnt made it into a nightly. :V

@Leaf - Well would it be possible to shrink the area the...sweetspot of the footstool? Like make it so that you have to be closer?

As for the FF to allow footstooling. The risk still outweighs the reward simply because a human mistake becomes more costly and the initial feel of that will drive players away from doing so. :V

Its like this. You're infront of a tight rope. First time around, you have a rope at head's height that you can grab on to get across. The next time around, that rope at your head is gone. The cost of error is low enough the first time that you would at least try, as opposed to the second time around. Yea. It's a human error thing, but why take the chance, especially since all the FFers have spikes of some sort and would generally be safer if you needed to FF to Footstool as opposed to how footstools are now. :V


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
Infinites are being removed and we already found a way to do it. It just hasnt made it into a nightly. :V
i'd like to see how it works. i'm curious as to how you would affect something like that.

this leads me to my next question: when will we be seeing another 'nightly' build?

edit: i think a tighter sweetspot for activating the footstool could be a good compensation. it lets us keep the footstool while allowing for other attacks to be used safely without worrying about getting launched into the air on accident (because that apparently is a big problem for some people....)

Deleted member

no gonna lie frozenpopo, but i keep seeing you post "when can we expect an update" in like, 2 or 3 threads consistently.

be patient, brawl+ coders are people too. they have lives outside of smashboards and nightly builds. also, putting nightly in quotes seems a little demanding, but whatever dude.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Leafgreen that seems like a lot of work. It's something to note but considering there's still a lot of character issues to be looked at, the footstool thing doesn't seem like a priority at the moment I gotta admit. It's really somewhat of a non issue if people are gonna debate on it. I figured I'd throw it out there because I was almost certain everyone would support the idea but since there are people that purposely do it then forget it. It's not worth it.

If on the other hand mapping the footstool to something else is easy then by all means do it. At least by doing that the random rocketing into the sky, accidental footstools and invisible footstools (grrr!) will be avoidable.

edit- Dam Delorted you are soo hating right now lolmao.
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