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Brawl+ - Official 5.0 RC1 Build is now online! (Re-Use Autoupdater, Snake bug fixed)

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Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
no, lucario's up b sweetspot is write protected, so you can't edit that.

What about neko's idea for mushroomy kindgom 1-2. I like his idea.

jigg'z fthrow: yes, we know it is unneeded and too much. but leave in bthrow buff.

and she should have SOME options on the ground (I'm looking at you, uptilt)


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
It's not that the move kills (even though it kills ridiculously easy on walkoff stages, and it can kill with DI at the edge of some stages at probably 120%), its that it throws you very far offstage, and that coupled with jigglypuffs ridiculous grab range makes it really good. Jigglypuff is good enough without a throw that sets up for edgeguarding perfectly, having options on the ground doesn't fit with her playstyle.

Ness has a similar throw (His Fthrow) which doesn't go nearly as far and yet he is the one known for great throws.
Well, I've yet to encounter problems combatting Jiggs Fthrow. I just DI up and protect my self with Marth Fair, Mario Fireballs/Cape, MK Dair, Wolf Illusion, the list of ways to get myself back on stage goes on. The worst she can do is edgehog and if you DI properly and have a second jump, you should be good. :V

But that's me.

Something else? Sure, here's an idea

Give Lucario's Extremespeed a hitbox, and remove the Auto Sweetspot (I'm assuming PSA can remove auto sweetspot, though I don't know :x)
Adding in an attack to another move that has no hitbox.

AND it doesn't send into helpless, so you want to give a fast move that doubles as a recovery and lets you attack right out of it to have a hitbox.

Autosweet spot or not. Lucario is legit enough. <_>

What about neko's idea for mushroomy kindgom 1-2. I like his idea.
I like my idea too. <3

do you know what write protected means?
I'm pretty sure it's self explanitory, but maybe that's just my geek...or ability to use context clues...showing.


Personally, I think that Lucario doesnt deserve no-helpless after up B. But that's me.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2006
Hickory, North Carolina
No-helpless after Up-B, give it a hitbox, but make it so it doesn't auto sweetspot. Now he can be edgeguarded from below! Just like every other character in the game!

**** YEAH!


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
just learn to kill lucario by other means than gimping.

a.k.a don't suck LOL


Neko I like your idea for MK1-2 as well. :D <3


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2006
Hickory, North Carolina
what part of 'PSA' don't you understand?

like i said, i haven't looked at it, but the info has to be on his character somewhere. then you can edit it.

if it's not on his character, then sorry. :x

write protected means you can't edit it in the RAM, if you're directly editing lucario's file then it should be possible.

that's what I thought it meant anyway, if I'm wrong, please tell me.


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
what part of 'PSA' don't you understand?

like i said, i haven't looked at it, but the info has to be on his character somewhere. then you can edit it.

if it's not on his character, then sorry. :x

write protected means you can't edit it in the RAM, if you're directly editing lucario's file then it should be possible.

that's what I thought it meant anyway, if I'm wrong, please tell me.

no, there's like no data under lucario's up b in "main", which is where I would think that that data would be.

it wouldn't be under graphic effects, sound effects, and there's nothing under "other" that would indicate anything about a ledge.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
You know nothing about Ness vs Lucas.

Ness overshadowed by Lucas? Thats a laugh.
Lucas is ground game is better than Ness'... So? Ness is an aerial character. Simple as that.

Ness' Up and Downsmash are better than Lucas'. Lucas Upsmash is terrible, and his downsmash isn't even that good. Lucas has the Fsmash of the gods.

PK Flash>>>>>>>>>>>>PK Freeze. Try landing a PK freeze on a good opponent lol...
Comparing characters move by move is a horrible way of saying which one is better.
Considering I do play Ness and we have a Lucas main in our area. Hmmm, i think i know the match up better than you think I do. I am a far better play than said Lucas player, this is true. I don't lose the match to him really ever.

First Off, Lucas Aerial game is just as good as Ness' with the exception of F-air. Yes I understand the Ness' F-air is amazing. Lucas can combo out of N-air almost just like Ness' F-air. So his aerial combo games is above Par. He has just a Hair more Aerial Mobility as Ness and A little more range. Again F-air still outclasses Lucas' Air game.

As for Smash Attacks. Until they Give TP to Yo-Yos Lucas' Smash attacks will still outclass Ness' any day. Up and Down smash on Lucas if meant to punish people without patience/like to side step/air dodge a lot. Up smash has the biggest hit box in the game or close to it. It was sped up if I'm not mistaken and It has Hit-boxes under him, Beside him, and like 100 feet above him. Not saying Bigger is always better but in this case its a monstrous killing move. Lucas' F-smash Is so good you could just give him that one smash attack and its better than all of Ness'.

PK Flash is still utter trash, Just like Freeze. But freeze has some mobility and can be trixied into just like Flash. But I will say I kinda over did it with Flash vs Freeze. at least Flash can kill lol. All and all Lucas just outclasses Ness for the most part. If you want to change my mind come to my tourney and Prove it to me or Invite me to stay with you while there is a tourney in your area. I would love to have my mind changed. Seeing as how I hate Lucas and I <3 Ness


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
Bias Alert

Bias Alert

Bias Alert

Oh yeah, and I forgot my sign:



Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
just learn to kill lucario by other means than gimping.

a.k.a don't suck LOL


Neko I like your idea for MK1-2 as well. :D <3

Addition of No Helpess after Up B for lucario was a major buff to a major weakness, and even hurt the match up against mario far more than any other match up because Cape restores up B if they dont go helpless.

Considering Lucario has control over Up B, has a wall cling, which is awesome because his grav and jump values make his wall jump really big and his dair allows for stalling, he really didnt need it. <_>


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
a trollish, biased opinion. mhmmm
What was trollish about what he said?

I don't get Ness mains. First they ask for buffs. Then ask for more buffs. Then get mad when a character is said to be better than Ness and then ask for more buffs.

Though I must admit, while I think Lucas is better than Ness in brawl+ (currently, increasing the priority of yoyos would make them even IMO), giving a move by move comparison isn't a really good argument. Especially when comparing moves like their upsmashes (ones a combo/juggle starter the other is a kill move). Matchups (which are underdeveloped in brawl+), their weaknesses, and what the characters can actually do (strategies and such) are what the arguments should be based on.

Also, with the range increase, pk flash isn't useless.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
I agree with Neko that Lucario doesn't need no helpless. >_>

I asked Shanus if we can take out the autosweetspot thing on Lucario, he said "maybe," which I think means: "I don't know atm, let's get back to work people." <_<

'course that's not what he really said but it's all about implied statements.

Also no helpless + hitbox is stupid. This is why I abuse my CPUs like the Ice Car *** I am with it.

One or the other people. Having both makes me do this:


And my opinion is obviously VERY important.

Does Lucas's Zair seriously have Marth Fair range?
I think that would cement not giving him a hitbox Zair. Character weaknesses shouldn't be fixed to the degree that he can suddenly compete with Marth's Fair.
Not a good reason to dismiss it. Marth's fair isn't known for its range, its known for DECENT range alongside good power and speed (alongside combo-esqe angles...in Melee). Those three (four) assets make it a good move, take one out and it becomes mediocre.

Also anyone who's good with frame advance want to frame test Lucas zair? You know, for kicks. =V


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Considering I do play Ness and we have a Lucas main in our area. Hmmm, i think i know the match up better than you think I do. I am a far better play than said Lucas player, this is true. I don't lose the match to him really ever.

First Off, Lucas Aerial game is just as good as Ness' with the exception of F-air. Yes I understand the Ness' F-air is amazing. Lucas can combo out of N-air almost just like Ness' F-air. So his aerial combo games is above Par. He has just a Hair more Aerial Mobility as Ness and A little more range. Again F-air still outclasses Lucas' Air game.

As for Smash Attacks. Until they Give TP to Yo-Yos Lucas' Smash attacks will still outclass Ness' any day. Up and Down smash on Lucas if meant to punish people without patience/like to side step/air dodge a lot. Up smash has the biggest hit box in the game or close to it. It was sped up if I'm not mistaken and It has Hit-boxes under him, Beside him, and like 100 feet above him. Not saying Bigger is always better but in this case its a monstrous killing move. Lucas' F-smash Is so good you could just give him that one smash attack and its better than all of Ness'.

PK Flash is still utter trash, Just like Freeze. But freeze has some mobility and can be trixied into just like Flash. But I will say I kinda over did it with Flash vs Freeze. at least Flash can kill lol. All and all Lucas just outclasses Ness for the most part. If you want to change my mind come to my tourney and Prove it to me or Invite me to stay with you while there is a tourney in your area. I would love to have my mind changed. Seeing as how I hate Lucas and I <3 Ness
Ness' aerial game is superior to Lucas'.
So you fight a Ness and Lucas main... I fight Snake mains, and I don't pretend to know how he plays like. Ness aerials chain easily together, Lucas' do not. To say that they are on par is just funny.

If you could read, I never said Ness ground game>Lucas'
If you get hit by Lucas Upsmash consistently, you are a noob. Lucas downsmash is a decent move at best.

PK Flash is utter trash? LMAO tell that to Shanus. Flash is a great move in Brawl+. Freeze is terrible.

What was trollish about what he said?

I don't get Ness mains. First they ask for buffs. Then ask for more buffs. Then get mad when a character is said to be better than Ness and then ask for more buffs.

Though I must admit, while I think Lucas is better than Ness in brawl+ (currently, increasing the priority of yoyos would make them even IMO), giving a move by move comparison isn't a really good argument. Especially when comparing moves like their upsmashes (ones a combo/juggle starter the other is a kill move). Matchups (which are underdeveloped in brawl+), their weaknesses, and what the characters can actually do (strategies and such) are what the arguments should be based on.

Also, with the range increase, pk flash isn't useless.
When did we (Ness mains( ever get mad at characters being better than Ness?
Unless you think KOkingping is a Ness main...

Lucas>Ness. I've been saying this forever.

grim mouser

Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2009
and she should have SOME options on the ground (I'm looking at you, uptilt)
I'd rather leave u-tilt alone, preventing easier Rests, than buff it, requiring Rest/aerial nerfs.

I haven't tried Jiggs aerial mobility set at 1.5, but from my tests at 2, the main major gain is to her WoP. Yeah, the better movement helps her poke and approach games, but I really found it useful to use weak f-airs to push some characters far off. Hell, it was even pretty effective against MK. (It didn't gimp him, but it made him have to recover intelligently...)

If the WoP is deemed too good after lots of testing, yeah, go ahead and nerf it. ATM though, I think it just makes Jiggs more like her Melee style, which was always fun (and not broken).

IDK the implications for doubles, though, in which Jiggs already reigns supreme.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Lucas's Dsmash is great, especially for edgeguarding.

Usmash isn't very good though, except you can predict them into it sometimes when they tech/getup. Really it doesn't kill much since Brawl+ has the higher gravity.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space

Lucas has a better recovery, can combo just as well as ness, and can kill just as well as ness. He also has a ranged grab, a stronger pummel, and better mobility than Ness.

While the two work differently in some cases, Lucas is still better than Ness.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
IDK the implications for doubles, though, in which Jiggs already reigns supreme.
G&W would like to have a word with Jiggly on who reigns supreme in doubles :p

Jiggly is great in doubles though. Partner grabbing > Rest is too good. She does a great job at keeping the opponents apart from one another/stopping them from saving their teammate, and she can also do a good job at saving her own teammate.

But G&W does all that, replacing grab=Rest with grab=U/Fsmash, and Uair is too good at saving your teammate. And he is just so much cooler than Jiggly anyway
/G&W bias


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington

Lucas has a better recovery, can combo just as well as ness, and can kill just as well as ness. He also has a ranged grab, a stronger pummel, and better mobility than Ness.

While the two work differently in some cases, Lucas is still better than Ness.
Ness has a much more effective spike, much better throws and grabs (Lucas's grab is slow even though it's ranged, and Ness's dash grab goes about as far as it), and actually I think he has more mobility, Lucas just has momentum.

I personally think that they are about even.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
But Usmash still **** kills people like it used to, the gravity is like a 3% difference, if even that.

And, I really really don't think Jiggly is going to be needing a dumb 'trade-off' for more aerial mobility, it's a small increase that helps her out heaps. Theorycraft or not, it will be good for her, it won't be broken because it's not as much as WARIO'S (which is 3! THREE!) which is not what we're giving her. That's like saying we should give Captain Falcon the same speed as Sonic or give Sonic the same aerial momentum as Captain Falcon... there NEEDS to be character differences. We're not stupid and we're not gonna break Jiggly by changing her aerial mobility by a small increment.

And Neko, you love theorycraft, so this post goes for you too: Jiggly aerial mobility increase (just the 1.5, not 2, NOT 3) will not break her or suddenly launch her up to Top 10... (although she was tenth on the tier list for Melee, that's a whole different story). She will just be much better and feel better, more like she should. It will not warrant a trade-off and if it does, I'll say you were right blah blah blah. But the point is, there shouldn't be a single argument about this because it hasn't even been implemented yet and you're all just talking about it because someone brought up its potency thinking it'll make Jiggly 2gud while she will STILL have the same weaknesses as before.

It's not like we are buffing her weaknesses, giving her range, making her live longer, getting rid of her shield gimmick, or buffing something ******** as Utilt. It is giving her more of what she excels at and what was stripped away from her because of Wario. Hell, I don't play as her in + or Brawl BECAUSE she has less aerial mobility than she did in Melee (which is what I absolutely loved about her in Melee) and play Wario instead (plus Wario is hilarious). The point is, she'll still be Jiggly just with slightly more aerial mobility, how does that suddenly launch her up 15 spots? It doesn't. She still functions the same, she still has the same weaknesses, she still has the same moves and combos even! Part of Brawl+ is making sure everyone's physics are in order and frankly, right now, Jiggly's physics are not in order because she does not have the aerial mobility she once had.

There is no need to discuss it until it is implemented and you guys actually try it.

Deleted member

We should really try to stay away from .pac data if we ever wanna be taken seriously. Adding another set of things to make sure are properly updated is really gonna really cause some headaches. It also becomes a slippery slope. Frankly if we can avoid using PSA (it's great for fun) then I suggest you do so, because I'm positive it's possible to crank out a nice, polished, balanced game with simply .gcts. We don't need to add a silly Zair hitbox to Lucas to give him better _______.

grim mouser

Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2009
G&W would like to have a word with Jiggly on who reigns supreme in doubles :p
Parachute FTW. =P

But Usmash still **** kills people like it used to, the gravity is like a 3% difference, if even that.

And, I really really don't think Jiggly is going to be needing a dumb 'trade-off' for more aerial mobility, it's a small increase that helps her out heaps. Theorycraft or not, it will be good for her, it won't be broken because it's not as much as WARIO'S (which is 3! THREE!) which is not what we're giving her. That's like saying we should give Captain Falcon the same speed as Sonic or give Sonic the same aerial momentum as Captain Falcon... there NEEDS to be character differences. We're not stupid and we're not gonna break Jiggly by changing her aerial mobility by a small increment.

And Neko, you love theorycraft, so this post goes for you too: Jiggly aerial mobility increase (just the 1.5, not 2, NOT 3) will not break her or suddenly launch her up to Top 10... (although she was tenth on the tier list for Melee, that's a whole different story). She will just be much better and feel better, more like she should. It will not warrant a trade-off and if it does, I'll say you were right blah blah blah. But the point is, there shouldn't be a single argument about this because it hasn't even been implemented yet and you're all just talking about it because someone brought up its potency thinking it'll make Jiggly 2gud while she will STILL have the same weaknesses as before.

It's not like we are buffing her weaknesses, giving her range, making her live longer, getting rid of her shield gimmick, or buffing something ******** as Utilt. It is giving her more of what she excels at and what was stripped away from her because of Wario. Hell, I don't play as her in + or Brawl BECAUSE she has less aerial mobility than she did in Melee (which is what I absolutely loved about her in Melee) and play Wario instead (plus Wario is hilarious). The point is, she'll still be Jiggly just with slightly more aerial mobility, how does that suddenly launch her up 15 spots? It doesn't. She still functions the same, she still has the same weaknesses, she still has the same moves and combos even! Part of Brawl+ is making sure everyone's physics are in order and frankly, right now, Jiggly's physics are not in order because she does not have the aerial mobility she once had.

There is no need to discuss it until it is implemented and you guys actually try it.
Thank you. :)


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
We should really try to stay away from .pac data if we ever wanna be taken seriously. Adding another set of things to make sure are properly updated is really gonna really cause some headaches. It also becomes a slippery slope. Frankly if we can avoid using PSA (it's great for fun) then I suggest you do so, because I'm positive it's possible to crank out a nice, polished, balanced game with simply .gcts.
Okay, you want us to stilt our development by making us wait for codes for things like aerial mobility and such so we can use .GCTs because someone is afraid the WBR doesn't know what the **** we're doing.

Yeah, no.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Ness' aerial game is superior to Lucas'.
So you fight a Ness and Lucas main... I fight Snake mains, and I don't pretend to know how he plays like. Ness aerials chain easily together, Lucas' do not. To say that they are on par is just funny.
you are mistaken on what im saying about both of their air games. I said Lucas' Air game was above par, not on par with Ness. I fight Ganon, Peach, Lucas, Fox, Squirtle, Wolf, King Dedede, Meta-Knight, Snakes, Ike, Marth, Falco, and Ness, On a Weekly, sometimes daily, Basis. I know match ups VERY well. In almost all cases Lucas just has a better match up against these characters.

If you could read, I never said Ness ground game>Lucas'
If you get hit by Lucas Upsmash consistently, you are a noob. Lucas downsmash is a decent move at best.
Again you misplace where I am going. I was just stating facts around the arguement. I can techchase people all day long with up smash. AND it has So much shield stun that if you do it remotely near a ledge its completely free. Down Smash is a pretty Raep move if you ask any one. Decent with a mega understatement.

PK Flash is utter trash? LMAO tell that to Shanus. Flash is a great move in Brawl+. Freeze is terrible.
Agreed that freeze is terrible. Already said that, BUT Flash isn't much better. Both are highly nonviable in most situations. Congrats you made a terrible move incredibly bad. it went from 1/10 to 2/10. The only way i would get hit by that is if it was combo'd into one that was a tap PK Flash non charged out of Up Tilt or Up Throw and I mispredicted a dodge (which almost never happens) Again I would love to be proved Wrong because I love new development of combos into something like PK Flash.

When did we (Ness mains( ever get mad at characters being better than Ness?
Unless you think KOkingping is a Ness main...

Lucas>Ness. I've been saying this forever.
It true that im not a Ness Main. But i enjoy playing Ness. He fits my Play style. I dont really care so much that he gets better or worse cause he is very fun to play now. But Im just stating that Lucas doesnt need more buffs. He is already a great character.

If you think I'm trolling its whatever. Even though everything im stating is based off of what ive seen and played against.

a trollish, biased opinion. mhmmm
I see you giving no positive input on anything here....
Pretty sure thats what being a troll is...


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Ness has a much more effective spike, much better throws and grabs (Lucas's grab is slow even though it's ranged, and Ness's dash grab goes about as far as it), and actually I think he has more mobility, Lucas just has momentum.

I personally think that they are about even.
No, Lucas is a better character.

Kinda funny since in vBrawl

(slight exaggeration)

Deleted member

@ Falco 400: I don't think you understand me (and I'm not really a "someone"..., but whatever)

I have more faith in the WBR than I do the SBR, which is "official". I just think .pac files are gonna become really convoluted. It's way too easy (in a relative sense) to tweak .pac data without anyone really noticing... if it's just one single .gct, a TO can keep that under control.

And besides, your development (from what several WBR members have attested to) is near gold. PSA was a secret project - did you know about it? Is this something after the fact? Why should PSA have anything to do with Brawl+ - genuinely curious. Giving Jiggs "mobility" is just shoe-horning her into something she was in other games, but that's not what Brawl+ is. It's not other games. It's its own. Is it not? I can think of better ways to buff Jiggs without using .pac data - that's not a problem, really.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Ness has a much more effective spike, much better throws and grabs (Lucas's grab is slow even though it's ranged, and Ness's dash grab goes about as far as it), and actually I think he has more mobility, Lucas just has momentum.

I personally think that they are about even.
Lucas can move faster on the ground and in the air. I meant overall mobility. Ness's standing grab isn't that good, Lucas's dthrow works for him due to his momentum, and with the pumel of his, his uthrow will be able to kill at comparable, or lower, percentages of that of bthrow.

Also, about Jiggs mobility, did the jiggs mains want jiggs to have as much as Wario or no? I thought they did.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
you are mistaken on what im saying about both of their air games. I said Lucas' Air game was above par, not on par with Ness. I fight Ganon, Peach, Lucas, Fox, Squirtle, Wolf, King Dedede, Meta-Knight, Snakes, Ike, Marth, Falco, and Ness, On a Weekly, sometimes daily, Basis. I know match ups VERY well. In almost all cases Lucas just has a better match up against these characters.
... I decidedly disagree. Lucas doesn't do better than Ness in those matches. But Brawl+ is still in it's infancy stage. Please wait until we really start matchups.

Again you misplace where I am going. I was just stating facts around the arguement. I can techchase people all day long with up smash. AND it has So much shield stun that if you do it remotely near a ledge its completely free. Down Smash is a pretty Raep move if you ask any one. Decent with a mega understatement.
Nevertheless it's nearly useless in all other situations. Honestly I don't see the hype with the downsmash. Fsmash kills better, and it's backwards range is small. I guess it's best usage is for opponents hanging on the ledge.

Agreed that freeze is terrible. Already said that, BUT Flash isn't much better. Both are highly nonviable in most situations. Congrats you made a terrible move incredibly bad. it went from 1/10 to 2/10. The only way i would get hit by that is if it was combo'd into one that was a tap PK Flash non charged out of Up Tilt or Up Throw and I mispredicted a dodge (which almost never happens) Again I would love to be proved Wrong because I love new development of combos into something like PK Flash.
So you finally concede the fact that Flash>Freeze. Good. But PK flash is an underestimated move. It's range is amazing, causing many opponents to divert their recovery approaches.
If you used a more predictable recovery, PK flash easily has it's day with it. Tap PK flashes? Who uses those? Maybe in 7/10 but now? LOL no.

PK Flash is an edgeguard move, nothing morem, nothing less.

It true that im not a Ness Main. But i enjoy playing Ness. He fits my Play style. I dont really care so much that he gets better or worse cause he is very fun to play now. But Im just stating that Lucas doesnt need more buffs. He is already a great character.

If you think I'm trolling its whatever. Even though everything im stating is based off of what ive seen and played against.

I see you giving no positive input on anything here....
Pretty sure thats what being a troll is...
No. Your not a troll, but you change your arguments to easily to benefit yourself. First it's Ness being overshadowed by Lucas, then it's PK freeze>PK flash, what next?!?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
@ Falco 400: I don't think you understand me (and I'm not really a "someone"..., but whatever)

I have more faith in the WBR than I do the SBR, which is "official". I just think .pac files are gonna become really convoluted. It's way too easy (in a relative sense) to tweak .pac data without anyone really noticing... if it's just one single .gct, a TO can keep that under control.

And besides, your development (from what several WBR members have attested to) is near gold. PSA was a secret project - did you know about it? Is this something after the fact? Why should PSA have anything to do with Brawl+ - genuinely curious. Giving Jiggs "mobility" is just shoe-horning her into something she was in other games, but that's not what Brawl+ is. It's not other games. It's its own. Is it not? I can think of better ways to buff Jiggs without using .pac data - that's not a problem, really.
This has been discussed before.

1) You say a TO couldn't handle .PACs. Yes it is troublesome to have to have an SD Card in every Wii. Yes it is entirely possible someone has modded something so subtle that nobody would really notice. But, if it's so subtle that nobody noticed and is only on one Wii, what are the chances that modification is used by its creator? Depending on how many Wiis are there and people, I'd say it is highly unlikely that player will always be on his/her Wii for both pools and brackets. And if it's so subtle, it wouldn't make that much of a different. Subtle would be like +5 knockback or changing a move's damage by 1%. But even so, is someone really going to bank on them getting to their Wii every match to use their modification to their character? I don't know about you, but every tourney I go to I'm only on my Wii during friendlies and maybe 1 bracket match, if ever! Some times I never get to my Wii during brackets or pools and that happening more then twice is some quite strong luck someone might have.

2) As for the Jiggly comment, it's something that she should have though. Buffing anything else doesn't really do much more for her (unless it was a Uthrow or Utilt buff, which we don't want to do). Aerial mobility would just improve her in a way any other buff wouldn't be able to. It's an example of something that we can't currently do without bugging Phantom Wings, Almas, or Paprika Killer (whos is currently in America) to whip up us a code of something for one character. There's still things that PSA also does better than some of our codes currently do as well: Conditional Action Modifier for instance. Remember the JC Shine shanus has been blabbling on about? It's way more efficient with PSA + he got it to work in the air which CAM couldn't seem to do.

Then there's the more precise hitbox control which we don't have with our hitbox property mod. You also don't seem to realize that adding more hitbox modifications onto the hitbox property code does put some strain on the processor, where as PSA wouldn't. The less strain, the better (especially when considering our frame speed modifications).

There's good reason why we would switch to PSA, and there's a lot more I didn't list here. The point is, you would be waiting awhile longer for codes to do things PSA can already do + it helps put less strain on the processor, which you've already seen what happens when we break limits (frame speed modification bug with Mario's and whoever else's idle animation says hi).

It's more for proficiency than anything else.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
I thought that Almas was ready to release the new FSM...

Either way, what's the matter with porting everything over to PSA for a character like Jiggz or Fox that'll need a pac anyway (air mobility/jc shine) and leaving some characters on codes? There goes you CAM and FSM problems, and we have less pacs to worry about. Win-win.

EDIT: or we could do stuff with PSA and port it over to codes...im thinking stuff like fixing TL's dsmash in the easy-to-edit PSA, then moving everything over to the hitbox and frame speed mods so we dont need a whole pac just for one change. My point is that we shoudn't go halfway...a character should either be completely on codes, or as much as possible on PSA. Not some changes on one and other changes on the other.

EDITEDIT: GeckoOS 1.9.2 is open-source. Why don't we have an automatic GCT loader that renames the private/ folder to private1/, and overwrites RSBE01.gct in codes/? That way, it'll be easy to distribute a full, official package (gct/official team textures/pacs) and make cheating all but impossible, as long as nobody can get to an sd card while it's in the wii...or, as a last resort, make File Patch not hot-swappable, so you cant change anything even if you manage to put your own altered sd card in a powered-up Wii.

Deleted member


lemme dump my opinion here.

1) PSA allows for a lot more options than codes would ever be able to do.

2) changing characters is a lot more convinient. everybody is able to work with it, which in the long run will make sure that we reach a higher quality.

3) dumping a couple .pac files on your SD card ISN'T hard. people already use a lot of textures, custom music etc.

4) some things currently still have to be in the .gct file, like frame speed, reason being that we haven't found out how PSA can do that.

5) I have less coding to do, meaning I can spend my time better, with IE actually playing B+

also, whoever thinks we are gonna go overkill and change everybody, we won't. we will make changes like we have been doing, while PSA offers us those little extra option where we need them

@MK26 CAM is fully transferrable to PSA.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
lemme dump my opinion here.

1) PSA allows for a lot more options than codes would ever be able to do.

2) changing characters is a lot more convinient. everybody is able to work with it, which in the long run will make sure that we reach a higher quality.

3) dumping a couple .pac files on your SD card ISN'T hard. people already use a lot of textures, custom music etc.

4) some things currently still have to be in the .gct file, like frame speed, reason being that we haven't found out how PSA can do that.

5) I have less coding to do, meaning I can spend my time better, with IE actually playing B+

also, whoever thinks we are gonna go overkill and change everybody, we won't. we will make changes like we have been doing, while PSA offers us those little extra option where we need them

@MK26 CAM is fully transferrable to PSA.
Yeah but PK, the main problem is that we are afraid that most people will cheat.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
So you finally concede the fact that Flash>Freeze. Good. But PK flash is an underestimated move. It's range is amazing, causing many opponents to divert their recovery approaches.
If you used a more predictable recovery, PK flash easily has it's day with it. Tap PK flashes? Who uses those? Maybe in 7/10 but now? LOL no.

PK Flash is an edgeguard move, nothing morem, nothing less.

No. Your not a troll, but you change your arguments to easily to benefit yourself. First it's Ness being overshadowed by Lucas, then it's PK freeze>PK flash, what next?!?
I said Freeze was worse than flash 2 posts ago. I thought about it absolutely worthless both were in almost all situations then i thought about If, and thats a big if, one of them hit. but Lucas over shadows Ness i never changed my standing on that. Even with a Ness main here i have yet to be hit with a PK Flash. Ive hit with it only cause i spammed it against a noob. One of those one where you let go right before they hit/grab you and they die. anyway WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU USE A PREDICTABLE RECOVERY!? No intelligent player is going to be predictable to the point of getting hit with PK Flash.

Anyway i wanna end this discussion cause you said it yourself that Lucas is Better than Ness and we are arguing over us having the same answer but disagreeing on the side notes. Haha. Lucas is good Ness is good Yoshi is good Snake is good. We're all good.

edit: I finally got my 1000th effin post...

colored blind

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2008
Purdue/West Lafayette
The TO can just keep a folder with all the right directories and only the .gct and .pacs, and just transfer it over into each SD card. Merge the folders, and make the .pacs and .gct overwrite, then everyone will have the same codes. Not that hard...
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