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Brawl - More balanced than Melee? Lie or truth?

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The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
the lip in FD is akward to say the least but i actually like it sometimes.

on topic:
how would custon stages be made in a neutral way for tourney play other than a few flat blocks and maybe a hovering platform or two? sounds like battle field with no decoration or maybe a moving platform to mimic smashville.
Use one or two of the largest up-down moving platforms on the smallest stage size. Then, tinker around with solid platforms. A personal favorite two walls on each side of a single large up-down platform - Half the time you fighting in a safe pit, and the other half the walls are beneath you and you're vurnerable.

EDIT: No one ever said the lowest platform had to be a block - it could also be one of those semi-solid ones you can fall through, with blocks on top.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
off topic:
hmm yes but i also make created stages with a main floor you can drop through and everyone complains but no one complains about the stage with a pure hole in the middle and a celing on top..... just cause it has the snake eater instramental music which also does't match the stage mapping.

anywaaaaay back on topic. yes that is an interesting stage idea i'll have to try that one out for myself lol. although blocks on top can equal a partial ceiling in places making vertcal KO's need to be very spaced so the person can't tech of the side of the block while going up or just hit it and come back down since most KO's in brawl are vertical.

although Yuna did mention about making stages to buff/nerf certain technics which could be based on that palyers personal hate for something. like "hmm i hate Ness PK fire so lets go to a stage made of stairs so he can't do that." this is not me but just something i thought up while reading his post.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
The thing is, Yuna: Wouldn't we prefer to have a Final Destination stage without gawkward edges, regardless of the depravities Battlefield suffered in SSBM?

We have a choice: we can have Final destination with edges that screw some characters over quite hard (Wolf for example) or a custom Final destination that's otherwise identical, yet doesn't have those same edges, and is created to a universal template.

It's silly to not want the more perfect final destination without the edges.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Creating more neutral stages for the sake of variety will hardly solve a thing.

If people are good enough at the game that they are able to adapt to the threat of being gimped by the lip of FD, what's to stop them from counter-picking FD against somebody who refuses to adapt to it?

The game already has neutral stages, perhaps a few less than what Melee did, but they are there. Only one round of the match is forced onto a neutral stage, at which point players can choose stages from the counterpick list, of which there is plenty of variety to find a stage that suits your character.

At least we're not playing it like the Japanese did in Melee. FD and Dreamland only. Whopee.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
i saw a captain falcon beat a snake today. both were good players and it was a serious match. of course, falcon had trouble but how did he beat him? simple, he knows how to use falcon better then anyone else.
we're at the stage in brawl where we are just messing around and overusing the top tiers, and not finding out how to properly use low tiers. yes, in melee a mewtwo can beat a fox. and in brawl its no different, like my example.

my answer to the topic = too early to tell


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
while i am optimistic that it did happen. yeah vids would be better. since he did mention the CF player was really good i want to see this goodness. >.>
i know its possible, i was at a tourney where my friend who's a capn main, actually beat a snake player, it was double elim, and falcon ended up losing, and the snake won the tourney, but falcon still beat snake, if u really really know how to use falcon in brawl, he really is a pain in the *** to fight, his jab > grab is a pain, not to mention snake is so so easy to get a knee in the face while he's recovering, which i think is where every kill on snake was.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
On the topic of custom nuetral stages: NO ONE had any problems with either fighting or watching Matches on the nuetral stages until the gameplay became so boring and redundant. When was Brawl released again?
I can't believe that people are complaining about getting stageGayed at this point. We have auto-sweetspotting for Christ's Sake! Just Reverese UP-B and be done with it.

I'm with Yuna. We don't need to remake every stage cause "OMG Wall KOs are gay! Lets allow the screen to sidescroll so you like never die and put springs on the floor and cieling to keep you alive too."

Seriously extra platforms and walls detract from the simple concept of KOing people that Smash has. Its revolutionary in that you don't die from losing HP points but from not making it back to a platform.

If people are gonna add a $hit-Ton of Walls and Platforms we should be playing SSE or MegaMan.

ozz3000: If that Falcon simply "knew how to play Falcon better than anyone else" what would happen if he met the Snake main who knew how to play Snake better than anyone else? He'd get obliterated. I don't mean lose I mean he'd get crushed.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
Could some1 explain reverse up-B? This is the first I heard of it...
When you Up B hit slightly back (the opposite direction you're facing. So facing to the right, you'd Up B with the control stick at 11 o'clock. If you're facing to the left, you'd point the control stick at 1 o'clock.


Smash Champion
Jan 9, 2008
Under the ground.
Oh that! Didn't think it had a name.

Doesn't completely save Spacies from lip gimping though (which is why some people suggested using Stage Builder to make a more SSBM FD).


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
Right! So, lets make custom stages and don't forget the springs and side scrolling.

Why are people worried about making balanced stages (that don't put any character at a disadvantage) when we've got completely unbalanced characters.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Right! So, lets make custom stages and don't forget the springs and side scrolling.

Why are people worried about making balanced stages (that don't put any character at a disadvantage) when we've got completely unbalanced characters.
so lets make stages that put snake and MK at a large disadvantage, and then name those neutral stages, that should balance out the game right?


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
so lets make stages that put snake and MK at a large disadvantage, and then name those neutral stages, that should balance out the game right?
What type of stages would these be? Simply put, those type of stages can't exist.

What I'm really getting at is, the freakin lip of FD isn't a big deal and anyone who's played the game for a few hours knows how to avoid getting stagegayed by it. Why are we nitpicking non-sensical ****? We don't need better more interesting stages with walls sometimes and no walls other times to keep the game interesting. If noobs can't grab an auto-sweetspot edge, then thats another thing seperating them from other decent players (in Brawl terms the non-******** players).

So thats my point. What was yours exactly? I get the impression you were just tring to be contrary since making such a stage is impossible.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Why stop with creating neutral stages in Stage Builder? Let's build Counterpick ones, too! Let's all create the game ourselves next by hacking the moves we don't like/like to nerf/buff them.
Were you trying to make a point here? Because I missed it.

Obviously you can't just completely alter the game. Even if people managed to hack it, you can't make a hack official. But the stage builder is part of the game and the only thing stopping people from making better stages for competitive play is lack of willingness.

although Yuna did mention about making stages to buff/nerf certain technics which could be based on that palyers personal hate for something.
(Actually, I brought that up.)

IrArby said:
What type of stages would these be? Simply put, those type of stages can't exist.

What I'm really getting at is, the freakin lip of FD isn't a big deal and anyone who's played the game for a few hours knows how to avoid getting stagegayed by it. Why are we nitpicking non-sensical ****? We don't need better more interesting stages with walls sometimes and no walls other times to keep the game interesting. If noobs can't grab an auto-sweetspot edge, then thats another thing seperating them from other decent players (in Brawl terms the non-******** players).

So thats my point. What was yours exactly? I get the impression you were just tring to be contrary since making such a stage is impossible.
You guys seriously disappoint me now.

1. When did this start being about FD's lip? If people want a neutral stage without that thing, fine by me, but that's not the point of the discussion.
2. Who said anything about "interesting" stages? It's about stages that strengthen some characters while putting others at a disadvantage.
3. Who are you to decide that creating such stages is impossible?

It's simple in principle.

Say, Metaknight. Metaknight is light, which is negated by his incredible recovery, and he gets most of his KOs horizontally, if I'm not mistaken, by using his dsmash and up-b near the edge of the stage.
A counterpick stage for him would have a wide horizontal area that would make it hard for him to land direct KOs, and would have the main platform placed shortly below the ceiling to facilitate KOing him vertically.

Obviously it wouldn't be easy to come up with stages to the advantage of every low character or to the disadvantage of any higher one, but you can absolutely not claim that the concept is just impossible.

Of course, maybe you'd rather spend the rest of your days with this game just complaining about how imbalanced it is.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Were you trying to make a point here? Because I missed it.

Obviously you can't just completely alter the game. Even if people managed to hack it, you can't make a hack official. But the stage builder is part of the game and the only thing stopping people from making better stages for competitive play is lack of willingness.
So are Giant Curry Lightning Invisible Brawl and items.

Just because they're part of the game doesn't mean we have to use them.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
That's...... not an argument. At all.
The items would detract from the gameplay. Custom stages might add to it. Just because they're part of the game doesn't mean you must not use them.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
That's...... not an argument. At all.
It's just as valid as your "It's a part of the game!"-argument.

The items would detract from the gameplay. Custom stages might add to it.
But you didn't say that. You said "It's a part of the game".

Just because they're part of the game doesn't mean you must not use them.
I'm opposed to custom content of any kind besides cosmetic ones (like recolouring one's character and/or giving them new outfits). Because then where do we stop? First we create Neutral stages. Fine, why not create Counterpicks as well? In fact, let's just do away with all of the Nintendo-made stages!


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
It's true.

Comparing custom stages to items is a good way to put it. That is, the reasoning behind why neither are used is similar.

I said before, we already have neutral stages and counter pick stages.
That's all that is needed.

Instead of creating a stage just to counter the strengths of certain characters, find existing stages that do this already.

Examples against MetaKnight: Camp MetaKnight in the space between the two buildings on Onett. Or pick Distant planet which has a large open area on the right, and an upward sloping walkoff on the left. Corneria has a low roof (Though I've banned this stage for the tournament I'm running) which can work against his lightness.

List goes on. It's also rather dependent on the character you choose as well.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
The problem is that, even though we could MAKE the best stages to play competitively on for this game and having people choose between those and the regular stages would be awesome, it would require every Wii at every tourny to have them for it to be a "good" tourny. We all can agree that most tournies have the same rules, and, by allowing a different stage choice from another, it could skew results for the tourny towards A) People who have played on those stages before B) People who know stage builder glitches C) People with unforeseen advantages on those stages.

While I think having a few sinmple stages would be fun and great for competitive play, I don't thik it will ever become the standard. Though, if we would, here are some Ideas of mine:
# Block
= Space

Neo Final Destination:


Two Side:


So... yeah... more to come?

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
How about an official list of tournament legal custom stages (personally, I like custom stages for their variety, not because they truely add to the game.)

# - block
= - space
_ - fall-through platform
7 - up-down platform range




Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
UK, England (We got Brawl late. Get over it.)
Your not debating. Your not even talking about the brawl vs melee balance anymore. Your simply trying to respond to everything that was directed towards your comments and I don't see where this is going to actually go back on topic. I'm not even sure what your trying to defend anymore. Are you trying to say that your comments are supposed to be referred to as an "opinion" and therefore should make sense for others to read? If you agree with Yuna, stop posting unless you actually have something relevant to the Brawl vs Melee balance debate.
I did originally come up with a comment very relevant to the topic, but it was slashed at simply because I used an example that others disagreed with. My first comment was very valid.

You may have played the game extensively, but that doesn't = skill/knowledge. Let's face it, if you don't think that the majority of constant tournament players know more than you in terms of actual Brawl gameplay... Well I don't really know what to say.
Yes, tournament players know more than me, and I know this. I was simply saying that I thought not only tourney-competitors deserved to post in this thread and that Yuna had not mentioned this was the case in her original, first post.

Opinions without any factual information to back it up:
MADE UP EXAMPLE: I THINK Lucario should move into the god tier with MK/Snake BECAUSE he has won the last 3 major tournaments.
This is the opinion Yuna and others are looking for. Not just opinion for the h*ll of it.
Again, I wasn't stating that Captain Falcon was a great character and deserved to be respected more. I don't use Captain Falcon. I don't like using Captain Falcon, he's a horrid character to use. I also don't think the characters are balanced. I was ONLY saying, as I've explained now about 6 times, that I just think the characters are slightly - SLIGHTLY - more balanced in Brawl than some make out. That is all I was claiming when I used my example of Captain Falcon, therefore he wasn't an 'opinion for the hell of it.' It was used as an example to back up my very small point.

No debate here, competitive players have the priority. Why? EXPERIENCE.
Um... that's not what I meant. I meant whom has the authority to decide what a competitive player should mean. I know that competitive players have more experience and I wasn't denying them of that title.
However, when you've said that competitive players have the priority; priority over what?

I don't know what you are trying to prove. Everything has been in the game from day 1. You clearly state that tournament players have more skill because they play more players and therefore gain more experience themselves. Just because some tactic possibly originated from some kid party in a basement of Ohio doesn't mean they had skill or knowledge of the game when they figured it out.
You keep misunderstanding me. I clearly state that tournament players have more skill because they play more players and therefore gain more experience themselves...? No, that wasn't my claim, that was what Yuna insinuated. I was explaining why I thought that this was not the case, just as you have just done.

It's not a big-headed assumption based on what you have posted. Your "pure example of what I personally think" is FALSE. Not only have you not supplied any factual information to why you believe that or why you think characters are more balanced than others presume, but you also do not disprove what other posters have said. You simply say "Well it's my personal opinion". If you don't want your opinion to be argued AND you don't want to defend it with logic, please stop with the inane posting.
How is it at all possible for an example itself to be 'FALSE'? I have supplied information/examples at to why I believe what I believe, but everybody keeps rushing to assumptions of that I hold an opinion over something else, due to my examples.
I'm not disproving what others have said. I agree with what the majority have said.

Congratulations! Part of this quote actually had some revelance to the thread. Yet, once again you claim something without providing any actual facts. How do you conclude that the characters are a little more balanced than some are suggesting? And who are these people you are referring to?
The irony is that you mock me for my quotes having no relevance to this thread, yet neither do any of your quotes. How do I conclude that the characters are SLIGHTLY more balanced than some are suggesting...? Oh, for goodness sake, I've already concluded it twice about ten pages ago. Read all of my comments before judging me on just one.

Your opinion on your opinion is an opinion.
Yes, I know, and that's a problem why...?

Online play for the most part is fail, I certainly hope it's better in Europe. No playing at tournaments isn't the required medium to be able to express your opinion, however, Factual information to back up your claims SHOULD BE. There are plenty of players that are better analyzers of the game than being very good at the game itself.
So, you conclude that it's okay for those that have not played at tournaments to make claims so long as it's backed up...? Mine were. And what claim are you refering to...?

While your post date can be related. I'm fairly certain the reason your not being taken seriously is because nothing you said is:
1. Given without any evidence supporting your opinion.
2. Or related to the melee vs brawl balance discussion.
1. I've expressed but two opinions before this huge debate started: Brawl is less balanced than Melee, and that the characters may possibly be ever-so-slightly more balanced than most are claiming. Evidence and example were given.
2. Everything I said, originally, was completely on-topic. Only my comments directed as a reply to you and Yuna whilst you've been trying to find flaws in my previous posts were not. However, that's irrelevant as your comment was also not related to the Brawl-Melee discussion.

Also, just for future reference, when using the word 'your' as 'you are', it's spelt 'you're'. You made this mistake many times. Not complaining, just explaining for your sake. ^_^
And, really, Toadsanime, the fact that you think Captain Falcon is pretty much as good as the average Brawl character is proof of that you lack the necessary knowledge, experience and judgment to participate in this debate. The merely fact that you claimed this to begin with disqualifies you. The fact that you still cling to it instead of just conceeding you were wrong, well... hmmm...
I already explained why I used the Captain Falcon example. I see no need in me doing it again.

It's like me going "Well, this card here is clearly better than that car over there!" despite being proven wrong repeatedly by a multitude of people. I do not own a car, I have no knowledge of the inner workings of cars and I lack the necessary everything to accurate compare two different cars to each other.
Explain where I've done such a thing, I'll be happy to correct myself if I've explained my opinion inappropriately.
A bit of advice for Toadsanime and a word for Yuna -

Text walls are useless. People do not finish textwalls. Also, responding to comments directed towards yourself doesn't further debate. There's no real reason for you to respond to a personal comment, Toadsanime.

Now lets not make the discussion personal - that is how people beget the appearance of idiocy and jerkhood.
Mine were not personal, I was simply trying to explain to others of why my comments were, in fact, relevant. However, I see your point, as this isn't so much a debate anymore. I keep coming up with the same replies as I have nothing else to add on the matters... :laugh: Thanks! :D

On the matter of custom stages, they're okay in my opinion, but a little tedious. I only play on them for the sake of variety and fun, however, and NOT when taking the game seriously. Custom stages could indefinitely cause the game to become unbalanced. The creator may of created the stage with their character in mind, causing a definite unbalance.
Custom stages = Fun, but probably not fair.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I see the problem that it would be hard to make such things official, but, well, it's kind of the same thing as with ATs. You pretty much expected people to research their ATs in Melee tournaments, and anyone who didn't know about them was at a severe disadvantage. If enough of an initiative could get rolling, you could easily make official threads and wiki entries displaying some official custom stages for everyone to see. As for every Wii at a tournament having these, well... you can send stages, right? Though that seems unnecessarily complicated... on the other hand, they can also be saved on SD cards and distributed that way. And if they're simple enough, they might as well be recreated just like that in a matter of a minute.

PS: Toadsanime, rock on. I like people who remain respectful and dignified even when they're in an argument and getting flack from all sides.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
UK, England (We got Brawl late. Get over it.)
I see the problem that it would be hard to make such things official, but, well, it's kind of the same thing as with ATs. You pretty much expected people to research their ATs in Melee tournaments, and anyone who didn't know about them was at a severe disadvantage. If enough of an initiative could get rolling, you could easily make official threads and wiki entries displaying some official custom stages for everyone to see. As for every Wii at a tournament having these, well... you can send stages, right? Though that seems unnecessarily complicated... on the other hand, they can also be saved on SD cards and distributed that way. And if they're simple enough, they might as well be recreated just like that in a matter of a minute.

PS: Toadsanime, rock on. I like people who remain respectful and dignified even when they're in an argument and getting flack from all sides.
Heh, heh... well, thanks for that! ^_^ I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I still feel as if some think I'm being aggressive towards them, although I'm just having a kind, polite debate... :dizzy:
It's the reason I've used frequent '^_^' smilies and :laugh:'s to try and show that I meant everything in a light-hearted manner...


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I did originally come up with a comment very relevant to the topic, but it was slashed at simply because I used an example that others disagreed with. My first comment was very valid.
Quotes or it didn't happen. Where's this "very relevant comment"?

Yes, tournament players know more than me, and I know this. I was simply saying that I thought not only tourney-competitors deserved to post in this thread and that Yuna had not mentioned this was the case in her original, first post.
1) Read my sig.
2) I didn't say it in my OP, but it's common sense to not post in this thread unless you have extensive knowledge on both games on a deeper level than "Well, I play it regularly against my friends". I was also gently trying to tell you "Stop posting in this thread if this is all you're going to say because it's clear you do not know enough to post in this thread".
3) Read my sig.

Again, I wasn't stating that Captain Falcon was a great character and deserved to be respected more.
1) nobody cares about "respect".
2) O RLY? Then please translate "Captain Falcon is just as good as any other character" from Toadanimenese for me.

I don't use Captain Falcon. I don't like using Captain Falcon, he's a horrid character to use. I also don't think the characters are balanced. I was ONLY saying, as I've explained now about 6 times, that I just think the characters are slightly - SLIGHTLY - more balanced in Brawl than some make out.
Then why do you insists he's "just as good as any other character"? And how slightly is this "slightly"? We don't need random sweeping statements.

"Oh, the game is slightly more balanced than you people make it out to be". O... K... how are we supposed to debate that? "No, it's not! It's just as imbalanced as we claim!"? Again, provide elaborations and actual arguments.

We do not need random opinions and we do not need sweeping, baseless, superficial and illogical statements.

That is all I was claiming when I used my example of Captain Falcon, therefore he wasn't an 'opinion for the hell of it.' It was used as an example to back up my very small point.
Only you didn't. And you were wrong. And this sounds like a self-retconning to me.

Um... that's not what I meant. I meant whom has the authority to decide what a competitive player should mean.
The people who made up the term? Who has the right to tell me "red" is "red" and not "blue" if I think "blue" is more "red" than "red"? Same logic.

However, when you've said that competitive players have the priority; priority over what?
They don't have priority. They generally have a deeper knowledge of the game.

You keep misunderstanding me. I clearly state that tournament players have more skill because they play more players and therefore gain more experience themselves...? No, that wasn't my claim, that was what Yuna insinuated. I was explaining why I thought that this was not the case, just as you have just done.
O RLY? Competitive players do not generally have more skill than non-Competitive ones? Based on what evidence and logic? Or are we delving into "opinion" again?

How is it at all possible for an example itself to be 'FALSE'? I have supplied information/examples at to why I believe what I believe, but everybody keeps rushing to assumptions of that I hold an opinion over something else, due to my examples.
Or we judge your examples to be plain wrong based on verifiable facts.

I'm not disproving what others have said. I agree with what the majority have said.
But we don't agree on what you say.

The irony is that you mock me for my quotes having no relevance to this thread, yet neither do any of your quotes. How do I conclude that the characters are SLIGHTLY more balanced than some are suggesting...? Oh, for goodness sake, I've already concluded it twice about ten pages ago. Read all of my comments before judging me on just one.
Relevance =/= Importance. Your posts have relevance... they're just unimportant since they're largely wrong.

So, you conclude that it's okay for those that have not played at tournaments to make claims so long as it's backed up...? Mine were. And what claim are you refering to...?
But the "evidence" you used to back yourself up was wrong. Had you been more experienced, you would not have used said faulty evidence and logic. And had you been a Competitive player who reads up a lot on the game and who goes out there and experiences it on a deeper level, you would most probably have had said experience.

1. I've expressed but two opinions before this huge debate started: Brawl is less balanced than Melee, and that the characters may possibly be ever-so-slightly more balanced than most are claiming. Evidence and example were given.
Sweeping BS statement. "It's slightly more balanced than most are claiming". Ok, how imbalanced was we claiming it is? I mean, is there a number scale for this? And how balanced is "slightly less imbalanced"? And your "evidence" and "examples" were still wrong.

2. Everything I said, originally, was completely on-topic. Only my comments directed as a reply to you and Yuna whilst you've been trying to find flaws in my previous posts were not. However, that's irrelevant as your comment was also not related to the Brawl-Melee discussion.
But it was wrong.

Also, just for future reference, when using the word 'your' as 'you are', it's spelt 'you're'. You made this mistake many times. Not complaining, just explaining for your sake. ^_^
Most people usually don't bring up common spelling mistakes in a debate.

I already explained why I used the Captain Falcon example. I see no need in me doing it again.
And I've already explained to you (before this post) why you were wrong. Instead of defending yourself, you should just concede you were wrong and be done with it. But nooo, you're dragging it out, justifying yourself, saying "It was evidence used to back up this statement I made"... ... ... ...

Only since said "evidence" was wrong, you have no evidence for your highly subjective and inaccurate opinion. In other words, you're wrong. Why? Because your knowledge of Brawl and Melee is very limited. Which is perfectly fine... until you start acting like it isn't.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
My point:
Just because you have smilies in statements doesn't make you less of a prick. If I say your mother is a writhing **** that requires the spit of a thousands ***** daily just to survive from day to day, and she doesn't pay... smiling at the end doesn't change what I just said.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
UK, England (We got Brawl late. Get over it.)
My point:
Just because you have smilies in statements doesn't make you less of a prick. If I say your mother is a writhing **** that requires the spit of a thousands ***** daily just to survive from day to day, and she doesn't pay... smiling at the end doesn't change what I just said.
I know that smilies in statements won't make things I say less offensive. However, I don't recall saying anything to anyone that was at all offensive. I respect everyone I've spoken to here. :ohwell:
Also, that may of been a little harsh, especially regarding the fact that I haven't been at all mean/aggresive/offensive in ANY of my posts. :(
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