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Brawl - More balanced than Melee? Lie or truth?

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Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
You guys seriously disappoint me now.

1. When did this start being about FD's lip? If people want a neutral stage without that thing, fine by me, but that's not the point of the discussion.
2. Who said anything about "interesting" stages? It's about stages that strengthen some characters while putting others at a disadvantage.
3. Who are you to decide that creating such stages is impossible?

It's simple in principle.

Say, Metaknight. Metaknight is light, which is negated by his incredible recovery, and he gets most of his KOs horizontally, if I'm not mistaken, by using his dsmash and up-b near the edge of the stage.
A counterpick stage for him would have a wide horizontal area that would make it hard for him to land direct KOs, and would have the main platform placed shortly below the ceiling to facilitate KOing him vertically.

Obviously it wouldn't be easy to come up with stages to the advantage of every low character or to the disadvantage of any higher one, but you can absolutely not claim that the concept is just impossible.

Of course, maybe you'd rather spend the rest of your days with this game just complaining about how imbalanced it is.
It started being about FD's lip when people started complaining about being caught beneathe it. I believe The Halloween Captain started discussing creating new interesting stages perhaps 2 pages ago including stages with moving walls and platforms. If the gameplay is so shallow that were looking to make stages simply to keep play interesting than its time to drop the freakin game. Creating such a stage is very possible (for the record I never said otherwise) though its completely unneccesary. Are we really gonna sit around and FIX the game to suit us better? We shouldn't have to, in fact you DON'T have to.

If you make a stage with wide walls you'll never kill MK horizontally. Its hard enough now why make it bigger? What characters kill him vertically and even if they do, are those characters actually viable in a match against MK? I think not. Stages are secondary to characters when it comes to countering another character.

Hopefully, if I spend enough time complaining (if you call sharing relevant and unrefutable facts complaining) about this game, the ignorant, arrogant, and blind-eyed people who post idiocies about its depth and mindgames will see that their wrong. This isn't subjective opinion. Its fact, the game isn't deep. So I'll just keep complaining until people actually get over themselves and this game.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
UK, England (We got Brawl late. Get over it.)
Quotes or it didn't happen. Where's this "very relevant comment"?
About the balance of the game. It was after that when I made the Falcon example...

I didn't say it in my OP, but it's common sense to not post in this thread unless you have extensive knowledge on both games on a deeper level than "Well, I play it regularly against my friends". I was also gently trying to tell you "Stop posting in this thread if this is all you're going to say because it's clear you do not know enough to post in this thread".
If you wish for it to be so, I'll make this my final post on the matter. If you wish for me to make a final reply after your response, however, make it apparent in your next comment.

Read my sig.
Yeah, I know, sorry, I've previously read it before. I guess I forgot the quote at the time and stereotypically said 'she' because of your name... :(

nobody cares about "respect".
I think you'll find that most people care about respect.

O RLY? Then please translate "Captain Falcon is just as good as any other character" from Toadanimenese for me.
Okay, agreed, that was probably a fault on my behalf. I explained that incorectly, which probably led to all of this confusion in the first place. My point was just that I think the characters are slightly more balanced than is usually expressed by others. If you find that said point was irrelevant, I apologize.

Then why do you insists he's "just as good as any other character"? And how slightly is this "slightly"? We don't need random sweeping statements.
Ever-so slightly. I also explained this above.

We do not need random opinions and we do not need sweeping, baseless, superficial and illogical statements.
Which I believe none of my statements were.

The people who made up the term? Who has the right to tell me "red" is "red" and not "blue" if I think "blue" is more "red" than "red"? Same logic.
I think it went without saying that by me saying 'whom has the authority to decide what a competitive player should mean' that I was referring to Brawl terms and not the actual overall definition of the phrase.

They don't have priority. They generally have a deeper knowledge of the game.
Which is exactly what I thought.

O RLY? Competitive players do not generally have more skill than non-Competitive ones? Based on what evidence and logic? Or are we delving into "opinion" again?
Okay, yet another misunderstanding. I'm aware that competitive players generally have more skill than non-competitive ones, as this is just pure logic and common-sense. I was more so referring to as of how their skills originated.

Or we judge your examples to be plain wrong based on verifiable facts.
You judge my opinions to be plain wrong. An example can be inappropriate, as mine possibly was, but not 'wrong'.

But we don't agree on what you say.
Yes, and I understand this. It doesn't phase me, it's just your view. What's your point with that comment...?

Relevance =/= Importance. Your posts have relevance... they're just unimportant since they're largely wrong.
Okay, and that's fair enough of you to suggest so. However, that comment was not directe at you. It was aimed at someone whom claimed my original post was irrelevant, which is why I was explaining this as incorrect.

But the "evidence" you used to back yourself up was wrong. Had you been more experienced, you would not have used said faulty evidence and logic. And had you been a Competitive player who reads up a lot on the game and who goes out there and experiences it on a deeper level, you would most probably have had said experience.
Evidence is evidence. By wrong, I'll assume you mean irrelevant evidence. appropriate.
As for everything else in that statement, fairly said.

Sweeping BS statement. "It's slightly more balanced than most are claiming". Ok, how imbalanced was we claiming it is? I mean, is there a number scale for this? And how balanced is "slightly less imbalanced"? And your "evidence" and "examples" were still defiable.
I was judging the claims on how deeply people believed it to be unbalanced. As for knowing how unbalanced I thought you were referring to, I was simply doing so with the wording used of your opinion.

But it was wrong.
Possibly so, but that's not what the other user was claiming. My comment was directed at said user's comment, which is pretty clear via the quote boxes.

Most people usually don't bring up common spelling mistakes in a debate.
As I made very clear, that was not part of the debate. I did not use any spelling/grammar errors as evidence to back up my points in any way, just as you have not done with mine. I was simply advicing him/her of their mistake, which is why I had said 'for future reference.' I did not bring it into the debate, despite having it in the same comment.

And I've already explained to you (before this post) why you were wrong. Instead of defending yourself, you should just concede you were wrong and be done with it. But nooo, you're dragging it out, justifying yourself, saying "It was evidence used to back up this statement I made"... ... ... ...
I have, mostly, been attempting to justify why my points were valid. As for them being correct, you've clearly used evidence as to why they were not. I have already admitted earlier in this post that this was probably incorrect.

Only since said "evidence" was wrong, you have no evidence for your highly subjective and inaccurate opinion. In other words, you're wrong. Why? Because your knowledge of Brawl and Melee is very limited. Which is perfectly fine... until you start acting like it isn't.
I haven't acted as if my knowledge is any more than it is. Show me an example where I've done so and I'll be happy to correct myself. With that said, my knowledge is probably slightly varied than you see it as. However, what with me not yet competing at a tournament, you are correct; my knowledge of the two games is very limited.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I hope you got your blocks and spaces mixed up on the first one there.
No I didn't. It really is intended to look like that. Try it out, its a personal favorite.

I also enjoy the second stage I mapped out - Unlike the first, the lowest area is not always the safest in that second stage, and fighting tends to be pushed upwards by the moving platform. The first one was intended to be a fight in a pit that becomes non-existant (in a sence) when the platform is up, but very deep when the moving platform is down.

It started being about FD's lip when people started complaining about being caught beneathe it. I believe The Halloween Captain started discussing creating new interesting stages perhaps 2 pages ago including stages with moving walls and platforms. If the gameplay is so shallow that were looking to make stages simply to keep play interesting than its time to drop the freakin game. Creating such a stage is very possible (for the record I never said otherwise) though its completely unneccesary. Are we really gonna sit around and FIX the game to suit us better? We shouldn't have to, in fact you DON'T have to.

If you make a stage with wide walls you'll never kill MK horizontally. Its hard enough now why make it bigger? What characters kill him vertically and even if they do, are those characters actually viable in a match against MK? I think not. Stages are secondary to characters when it comes to countering another character.

Hopefully, if I spend enough time complaining (if you call sharing relevant and unrefutable facts complaining) about this game, the ignorant, arrogant, and blind-eyed people who post idiocies about its depth and mindgames will see that their wrong. This isn't subjective opinion. Its fact, the game isn't deep. So I'll just keep complaining until people actually get over themselves and this game.
I would argue for new melee custom stages just as much as the Brawl ones if Melee had its own stage builder. Personally, the custom stage thing is a general opinion - There is not nor ever has been enough creativity in Smash's neutral stages. Stage builder gives us the opportunity to chage that


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
About the balance of the game. It was after that when I made the Falcon example...
Quotes or it didn't happen. Seriously, I don't know if I've read it since you're being so vague about iit, so it's impossible for me to work out if I've already read it.

If you wish for it to be so, I'll make this my final post on the matter. If you wish for me to make a final reply after your response, however, make it apparent in your next comment.
It's all up to you. I have no right to tell you what to and what to not do.

I think you'll find that most people care about respect.
Nobody cares about "respect for characters". You said Captain Falcon, in your opinion, deserves more respect. I said "No one cares about how much respect a character needs" (also, wrong).

Okay, agreed, that was probably a fault on my behalf. I explained that incorectly, which probably led to all of this confusion in the first place. My point was just that I think the characters are slightly more balanced than is usually expressed by others. If you find that said point was irrelevant, I apologize.
Still sweeping, unsubstantiated and super-vague.

Ever-so slightly. I also explained this above.
See above.

Which I believe none of my statements were.
Well, I believe that strawberries are Top Tier and that there would be no wars if everyone ate more strawberries.

I think it went without saying that by me saying 'whom has the authority to decide what a competitive player should mean' that I was referring to Brawl terms and not the actual overall definition of the phrase.
And I think it goes without saying when I ask "Huh?".

A Competitive videogame player has the same definition no matter what Competitive video gaming community you ask. Heck, the Merriam-Webster dictionary's definition of "Competitive" even has a definition to coincides with "ours".

Which is exactly what I thought.
Yes. And it's irrelevant if some random guy thinks we have "more priority".

Okay, yet another misunderstanding. I'm aware that competitive players generally have more skill than non-competitive ones, as this is just pure logic and common-sense. I was more so referring to as of how their skills originated.
Yes, it originates from, oh, being a Competitive player and going to tournaments.

You judge my opinions to be plain wrong. An example can be inappropriate, as mine possibly was, but not 'wrong'.
Let me rephrase that:
Misguided, based on inaccurate evidence, unfounded, without merit, without evidence, illogical, etc, etc, etc.

Yes, and I understand this. It doesn't phase me, it's just your view. What's your point with that comment...?
Seriously, do you even read what parts of your posts I'm replying to? You said "I agree with what the majority are saying" as if that means anything. Well whoppity-doo, I'm so glad you agree with us on many things. I just vehemently disagree on some of the stuff you're saying.

Okay, and that's fair enough of you to suggest so. However, that comment was not directe at you. It was aimed at someone whom claimed my original post was irrelevant, which is why I was explaining this as incorrect.
And I'm not replying to said person. I'm replying to you, explaining that relevance =/= importance.

Evidence is evidence. By wrong, I'll assume you mean irrelevant evidence. appropriate.
No, by wrong, I mean the evidence is, in effect, wrong/faulty/off. The "evidence" can just be plain wrong. If you use a test result as evidence, it fails and is wrong if the test result is wrong, hence, the evidence itself is wrong.

I'm also too lazy to come up with synonyms to "wrong" at the moment. It just sound stupid to just say "You're wrong!" again and again and again.

Every man has a prostate up their rectum. Stimulation of said organ illicits intense sexual pleasure (for most men). The best way to do this is through the rectum. Evidence that God wants men to have more male homosexual sex or at least use "toys"?

And that example even holds more water than anything you've brought before us insofar.

I was judging the claims on how deeply people believed it to be unbalanced. As for knowing how unbalanced I thought you were referring to, I was simply doing so with the wording used of your opinion.
And your response was vague and offered up zero discussion possibilities. "Well, it's slightly less imbalanced than you say it is."

Umm... OK. Are you done yet? And what do you base this on other than it being your "opinion"?

Possibly so, but that's not what the other user was claiming. My comment was directed at said user's comment, which is pretty clear via the quote boxes.
Random users who obviously have equal or less knowledge about the game than you do =/= Important people
A few people =/= The majority of people in this thread (on "my" side)
Someone saying "Brawl is thoroughly imbalanced! Wah wah wah!" =/= The majority of people in this thread saying so
You saying "Brawl is slightly more balanced than the majority of people in this this on Yuna's side are saying" =/= Important

As I made very clear, that was not part of the debate. I did not use any spelling/grammar errors as evidence to back up my points in any way, just as you have not done with mine. I was simply advicing him/her of their mistake, which is why I had said 'for future reference.' I did not bring it into the debate, despite having it in the same comment.
Only you brought it up at all in the middle of a debate.

I have, mostly, been attempting to justify why my points were valid. As for them being correct, you've clearly used evidence as to why they were not. I have already admitted earlier in this post that this was probably incorrect.
Yet you persistent for several days, trying to justify your "opinion" and ignoring my pleas for you to just see reason.

I haven't acted as if my knowledge is any more than it is.
So why are you in this thread?

With that said, my knowledge is probably slightly varied than you see it as.
Varied? We don't want variety. We want depth.

However, what with me not yet competing at a tournament, you are correct; my knowledge of the two games is very limited.
Which is why you're acting like you know more than you do, by merely being in this thread. My knowledge of golf is very limited. I would never enter a discussion about the deeper points of golf. It would be stupid of me. That is to say, it would be stupid of others to enter debates about the deeper points of things they have very superficial knowledge in. That is to say... well... hmmm...


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I would argue for new melee custom stages just as much as the Brawl ones if Melee had its own stage builder. Personally, the custom stage thing is a general opinion - There is not nor ever has been enough creativity in Smash's neutral stages. Stage builder gives us the opportunity to chage that
Most games have stages that don't affect the gameplay in any way since they're only different cosmetically. Stages only matter in 3D games and even then in most 3D games, they don't matter that much and there's not much creativity involved except for aesthetically.

How much "creativity" there is or isn't in Brawl's or Melee's stages is irrelevant. We shouldn't try to fix the game by actively changing its content/adding to its content. If we're that unhappy with the game, maybe we shouldn't be playing it at all.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Most games have stages that don't affect the gameplay in any way since they're only different cosmetically. Stages only matter in 3D games and even then in most 3D games, they don't matter that much and there's not much creativity involved except for aesthetically.

How much "creativity" there is or isn't in Brawl's or Melee's stages is irrelevant. We shouldn't try to fix the game by actively changing its content/adding to its content. If we're that unhappy with the game, maybe we shouldn't be playing it at all.
Actually, I would argue that stage builder is a part of Brawl's content specifically intended to increase the variety of neutral stages, so that the game designers could make more interesting stages without upsetting those of us who prefer to play the game "tournament legally." There is nothing wrong with Brawl in this aspect that is not true of all Smash games - there is a lack of variety on the neutral stages, and stage builder gives us a simple method for fixing that.

Smash is different than most fighters, in that stage design does matter. Unique stages were created with the intention of affecting gameplay in smash. Stage builder was intended to give us thousands of possibilities where the would otherwise be only a few dozen. (six on the low end, all counterpicks on the high).


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
Most games have stages that don't affect the gameplay in any way since they're only different cosmetically. Stages only matter in 3D games and even then in most 3D games, they don't matter that much and there's not much creativity involved except for aesthetically.

How much "creativity" there is or isn't in Brawl's or Melee's stages is irrelevant. We shouldn't try to fix the game by actively changing its content/adding to its content. If we're that unhappy with the game, maybe we shouldn't be playing it at all.
EXACTLY! Hell yes thats what I'm saying! Stageplay (for lack of a better term) was never an issue in Melee since Gameplay was A-F*UCKING-MAZING! Yuna you nailed it.

Arguments won by Yuna: As many noobs who bothered to post in this thread and many more.

Arguments lost by Yuna: . . . . . ?

Gameplay is way more important than graphics, stages, characters (yes I went there), the boring 1P modes you only played to unlock everything, or stickers. WTF with the stickers btw. The beauty of the nuetral stages is it allows for a fairly even playing field for both players that are not impeded by random or detracting elements. The current path that we following here is away from the individual player's skill and more towards what character and what stage. Thats shallow and I say **** it!

THC: StageBuilder is for noobs. Its not design to make more nuetral stages. In fact, I'd argue that its made for people who like to play Party Brawl so they can make ridulous stages and play Time instead of stock matches. Why else would the have spikes and stairs. Those would be detracting elements.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
You: It's all up to you. I have no right to tell you what to and what to not do.
Then why tell me not to post in this thread...?
Quotes or it didn't happen.

Actually, I would argue that stage builder is a part of Brawl's content specifically intended to increase the variety of neutral stages, so that the game designers could make more interesting stages without upsetting those of us who prefer to play the game "tournament legally." There is nothing wrong with Brawl in this aspect that is not true of all Smash games - there is a lack of variety on the neutral stages, and stage builder gives us a simple method for fixing that.
Who cares what the intentions are. I'm pretty sure Sakurai intended for something special with tripping. Doesn't stop me from from declaring tripping total BS and Sakurai an idiot for thinking it up in the first place.

Smash is different than most fighters, in that stage design does matter. Unique stages were created with the intention of affecting gameplay in smash. Stage builder was intended to give us thousands of possibilities where the would otherwise be only a few dozen. (six on the low end, all counterpicks on the high).
Trust me, stage variation would play a big role in games such as GGXXAC, too.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
If I had any idea what GGXXAC was, I might have an opinion on that.

I agree, intentions do not matter. I still don't understand why you are opposed to making neutral custom stages a possibility for tournaments. The advantage is near infinite variety. The disadvantage is that a list of neutral custom stage designs would need to be made. However, I think that a compilation of such stages would benefit the Smash community, as it would inspire an ever-increasing library of unique, tournament legal stages.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I agree, intentions do not matter. I still don't understand why you are opposed to making neutral custom stages a possibility for tournaments. The advantage is near infinite variety. The disadvantage is that a list of neutral custom stage designs would need to be made. However, I think that a compilation of such stages would benefit the Smash community, as it would inspire an ever-increasing library of unique, tournament legal stages.
We wouldn't be playing Brawl. We'd be playing the *******ized Version of Brawl that We Created With Our Own Hands. The question is: Why do we need custom stages?

The Smash community is such a bottomless pit of whining you'd never see in any other Competitive fighting game community. "There's too little variety in the Neutrals/Counterpicks! Wah! Wah! I want to be able to pick among more stages and they have to be more unique! Wah wah!"

Why must it be varied?

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
We wouldn't be playing Brawl. We'd be playing the *******ized Version of Brawl that We Created With Our Own Hands. The question is: Why do we need custom stages?

The Smash community is such a bottomless pit of whining you'd never see in any other Competitive fighting game community. "There's too little variety in the Neutrals/Counterpicks! Wah! Wah! I want to be able to pick among more stages and they have to be more unique! Wah wah!"

Why must it be varied?
Why not?

We don't need the ability to add variety to the game through custom stages, but we have it. Why not use it?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
So, Yuna, why not?
I'm sorry, what part of "It's no longer playing the game we're dealt, we'd be playing a *******ized version of it where we forcefully change/add to it to suit our own image? It's not the same as just changing the settings, this is forcefully creating new content." was too Jamaican for you to understand?

Also, where would we stop? Why stop at Neutral! Let's make Counterpicks! Let's do away with all the old stages and just build tons of stages in Stage Builder!

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I'm sorry, what part of "It's no longer playing the game we're dealt, we'd be playing a *******ized version of it where we forcefully change/add to it to suit our own image? It's not the same as just changing the settings, this is forcefully creating new content." was too Jamaican for you to understand?

Also, where would we stop? Why stop at Neutral! Let's make Counterpicks! Let's do away with all the old stages and just build tons of stages in Stage Builder!
There would always be a time for Luigi's mansion, since it can't be replicated. But custom-stage counterpicks doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.

I think MetaXZero is right, this arguement can't be won, because what I think is fundamentally a good idea, you think is fundamentally unwise.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
We agree. Adding custom stages is adding to the game itself.:)
Hey man,what I think Yuna is getting at is the fact that if players were allowed to create custom stages for tournaments,reguardless on how cool it may sound,most tournament players would just be recreating the tournament only levels or ones that give specific characters more advantages than they have already. :)


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I think that this thread should be locked just because it can't stay on topic and not even because the posters won't stay on but because at the admittance of the frequent posters they don't want to keep repeating their points. I just feel that if a debate or discussion reaches the point of stagnation or never ending recycling that it should end.

As a side note on the subject of the stage builder could it please stop because it feels like a serious case of my opinion is better than yours.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
yuna, how the hell is it NOT playing the game we were dealt? were we not dealt the stage builder when we bought the game? i'd say USING the stage builder is using what we were dealt, and u just aren't taking full advantage of it for some reason. and for god sakes yuna, you sound like stage builder has killed your family or something, there is absolutely no reason to be saying such harsh things about a potentially good idea.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
yuna, how the hell is it NOT playing the game we were dealt? were we not dealt the stage builder when we bought the game? i'd say USING the stage builder is using what we were dealt, and u just aren't taking full advantage of it for some reason.
We were dealt items and Giant Curry Invisible Flower Heavy Brawl, too.

We weren't dealt the stages we'll build using the Stage Builder. Nintendo did not make the stages we make in Stage Builder, we will be making the stages ourselves, changing the game by our own hands. Seriously, the Smash community is the only community I've seen that's even contemplated allowing custom content.

and for god sakes yuna, you sound like stage builder has killed your family or something, there is absolutely no reason to be saying such harsh things about a potentially good idea.
"We shouldn't use it" = Harsh ?


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
id think it be nice for variety. but yeah theres nothing really wrong with the already neutral stages since there are plenty of counter pick stages already. besides if i wanted to play on a flat mostly neutral stage i'd pick FD or for a bit more variety to "neutral" battlefield. stage builder is nice and if custom "neutral" stages were added to tournaments it would be kinda fun and interesting but really unecessary.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
There is nothing wrong with the current selection of stages. There is no reason, however, to not add to the current selection of stages. Sure it might cause some tournament legality issues, but over all, I think it will greatly benefit the smash community as a whole to have a library of legal custom stages, as these stages are typically a fun variation from the norm and quite possibly make up the most creative aspect of playing Smash Bros. I have to disagree with Yuna - I believe that the custom content, as long as its screened, would actually make Smash more competitive.

The reason for not sticking with the current neutral stages is that they all have the common element of one solid platform bottom with between 0 and 3 fall-though platforms on top. Custom stages would enable entirely new stage formats which split from this singular stage structure, and add new elements to gameplay based on alternative platform positions.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
yes yes, but alot would agree on Yuna's end that in competetive play thats not necessary. the great majority are fine with the setup of one flat platform and 0-3 floating ones as it was in melee. it would add to the neutrals but why bother really? creativity and variationare nice but most wouldn't care enough to petition for it since it doesn't serve any greater benefit to balance and in some cases could add to imbalance. last thing we need is for someone to create a counter pick stage for snake that is legit and give him plety of more advantages. >_>

Edit: more variation could bring in players like ourselves who want something like that in the competetive scene, but could also frustrate and turn off some players cause there would/could be too much variety. Those who stay might just complain and the mirror of this stage creator disscusion would start all over again. >_>


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Hopefully, if I spend enough time complaining (if you call sharing relevant and unrefutable facts complaining) about this game, the ignorant, arrogant, and blind-eyed people who post idiocies about its depth and mindgames will see that their wrong. This isn't subjective opinion. Its fact, the game isn't deep. So I'll just keep complaining until people actually get over themselves and this game.
Oh, I didn't mean any harm when I called it "complaining". I mean, of course this thread is for serious discussion and whatnot. But you just can't deny that a lot of our criticism and the tone we communicate it in is akin to an old man shaking his cane while cursing about today's youth. =P

I also kind of get what Yuna's getting at. But still, those aren't exactly rational reasons. If the game's that shallow, we might as well stop playing it, but if we aren't going to stop playing it, we might as well make the best of it. I can't tell if allowing custom stages in some way would be for the best of the game or the community, or if it would help or if it would create problems. I just know that it's a topic that would at least be worth a discussion in the BRoom.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
if players were allowed to create custom stages for tournaments,reguardless on how cool it may sound,most tournament players would just be recreating the tournament only levels or ones that give specific characters more advantages than they have already. :)
He speaks the truth.
At least, the same truth Yuna is trying to put forward -_-

We're all here saying "Custom stages can be made neutral! Let's use stage builder to create variety".

Protip: It'll never happen.

Whether or not your arguments for custom stages is (in your collective opinions) well-founded, I am pretty certain that many people who have been playing this game at tournament level for a long time will dismiss this idea almost immediately.

Sorry :laugh:

If anything is going to happen stage-wise, it'll be that more stages will be banned, not added.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
Oh, I didn't mean any harm when I called it "complaining". I mean, of course this thread is for serious discussion and whatnot. But you just can't deny that a lot of our criticism and the tone we communicate it in is akin to an old man shaking his cane while cursing about today's youth. =P

I also kind of get what Yuna's getting at. But still, those aren't exactly rational reasons. If the game's that shallow, we might as well stop playing it, but if we aren't going to stop playing it, we might as well make the best of it. I can't tell if allowing custom stages in some way would be for the best of the game or the community, or if it would help or if it would create problems. I just know that it's a topic that would at least be worth a discussion in the BRoom.
I don't think we at all have an Old Man tone to our critiscisms. I get more than my fair share of Old Folks and their singlemindedness at work simply because they sit in their houses and get paranoid watching the news (who wouldn't though its depressing) but thats another story entirely. We use facts, they use prejeduces. We aren't exactly behind the curve like they are. Old people get away with alot which pisses me off though.

Creating new stages wouldn't be "making the best of it" since that would cause so many problems. There's no official game testers for the stage you or I create. If people will petition for more nuetral created stages you can be assured that more people will petition for not having them and petititon even more for losing on a created stage. The whole create a stage function is designed with noobs in mind. Sure, its part of the game but so is coin launcher maybe we should use that in the case of a tie instead of sudden death? jk

Making the best of something isn't usually a good course of action if better options are open to you. However, people will stick to what they know and do it reptitively to the point of stagnation. Its happened in almost every artform now. Yet people keep doing the same thing because they've either exhausted the medium or the medium was limited to begin with (this would be Brawl). With this in mind I can't help but feel that people won't turn away from Brawl no matter how unbalanced it becomes.

I'm officialy changing my name to IrDeppressed.

So thats my rant for today hope it wasn't too long for people to read.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I'm officialy changing my name to IrDeppressed.

So thats my rant for today hope it wasn't too long for people to read.
not as long as some post have been in the past 3-4 pages (looks @ toadsanime :laugh:)

and don't change it to that, IrArby is so much cooler. i wish i had picked a different name when i first joined SWF sometimes though :dizzy:


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
not as long as some post have been in the past 3-4 pages (looks @ toadsanime :laugh:)

and don't change it to that, IrArby is so much cooler. i wish i had picked a different name when i first joined SWF sometimes though :dizzy:
If you become a Premium Member, you can actually have your name changed. This account was originally named FallenAngelII.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
^like your Youtube name?
I only use the nick Yuna (or slight variants like Yuna-chan) when it's available. Obvious for Youtube, someone had already taken "Yuna". FallenAngelII is my original nick, my very first nick for when I registered for my very first message board (where there was already a Fallen Angel).
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