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Brawl Is Serious Business 2, Featuring Blazblue! - October 16 & 17 - Montreal, Quebec


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
+1 Brawl Doubles with Techiyo
+1 Blazblue, even though I don't have a PS3 controller and I suck : D


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Also wtf Blazblue. SF4 any day. Not my decision though.
If SF4 was there, I'm sure we could make Thad come back from the abyss.
Or get back in it, whichever you prefer.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada

I take your proposition and raise you a bBrawl over Brawl+

To Holy:

Bo5 bBrawl Yoshi VS ROB? $5?
I'm never going to play bBrawl because I see it as a hopeless endeavor that will never actually accomplish what it set out to do; and that's just because I know a little bit about how "balance" works :)

But this isn't the place for me to argue about that, and the bBrawl developers didn't listen to me before they started the project anyway, so I'll just let them have their fun in the sandbox... so moving on...

Brawl+, Melee, SFIV, Brawl - those are the events I would like to see - in order.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
The reason to include blazblue has actually nothing to do with SWF, this is supposed to be an event of the video game club at my school, im just hijacking it so we can get a tourney lol.

Either way, due to some random shiz, seems like i cant rent the room on saturday UNLESS i rent it overnight too(i know wtf) from friday to saturday, so this means a couple of things will be changed.

The tourney is including the 16th probably starting from 6:30 PM the venue will be open. Il confirm official time soon. Theres gonna be brawl + singles and maybe melee too on that night, with probably brawl + doubles too. You can sleep over at the place like i will and try to get in friendlies over different games. Only one melee setup and one brawl + setup will be accepted the 2nd day after IF we have enough setups to allow it. There MAY be a chance at sf4, im gonna look up exactly how much time/space we have.

Official details coming up in the week. Brawl singles/doubles/blazblue on 2nd day, 1st is melee and brawl + most probably.

EDIT: Avarice, at least they have a set goal instead of some arbitrarly changing one like B+, and isnt led by the wrong people.

Double Edit: The wtf rules of blazblue are aimed at brawl btw, i didnt look up blazblue rules yet.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I might play Brawl+ friendlies but I don't feel like doing a whole tourney of it.

I will be bringing bBrawl, and I expect to get high-level matchup data for it, dammit!


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
EDIT: Avarice, at least they have a set goal instead of some arbitrarly changing one like B+, and isnt led by the wrong people.
The changes to Brawl+ as of late are much less arbitrary actually, especially now that there are proper representatives for each of the characters. Regardless, even if they are arbitrary they are still aimed at the same goal - making the game more 'fun'. While it is possible to have some semblance of balance in a game (certainly more-so than vBrawl anyway), it is actually impossible to have true balance; even Checkers is imbalanced. That's why I believe Brawl+' goal of improving enjoyability over balance is a more realizable goal; and they actually haven't done a bad job of keeping the balance relatively in check.

Whatever, fun is subjective.

I probably won't be able to make it to this though if we have to be there on the Friday... class until 2PM and then a 10-hour drive to Mtl doesn't quite work out.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
ill go on friday for b+

ill only bring one tv and my wii
sadly i have to take them with me when i leave so they cant stay for saturday


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
i think myself as well as others from kingston might make it.

@swordgard: ....is mk banned????? ohgtan.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
I cannot attend, busy school week have to apply for osap, get a passport, etc.

If I can make it, I'll leave a message on here, leave me unconfirmed for now.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Based on the last major tourney.

The current ban craze is Diddy Kong.

Please ban Diddy Kong because he is overcentralising our metagame :V

Ally is too heavy. Nerf his weight. Give him a kitty scratch move, too, with explosive claws :V


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
i think myself as well as others from kingston might make it.

@swordgard: ....is mk banned????? ohgtan.
I cant ban metaknight, our metagame revolves so much around him it would be impossible to ban him.

oh wait...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2006
Kingston, ON
pending school assignments and other such things...


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
I'm up for bB/SF4/Melee(maybe)

The changes to Brawl+ as of late are much less arbitrary actually, especially now that there are proper representatives for each of the characters. Regardless, even if they are arbitrary they are still aimed at the same goal - making the game more 'fun'. While it is possible to have some semblance of balance in a game (certainly more-so than vBrawl anyway), it is actually impossible to have true balance; even Checkers is imbalanced. That's why I believe Brawl+' goal of improving enjoyability over balance is a more realizable goal; and they actually haven't done a bad job of keeping the balance relatively in check.

Whatever, fun is subjective.

I probably won't be able to make it to this though if we have to be there on the Friday... class until 2PM and then a 10-hour drive to Mtl doesn't quite work out.
fun =/= competitive. It is hard to take a game seriously when balance is just an afterthought.

Being viable doesn't have anything to do with unwinnable matchups.
Everything is tied together. The better characters obviously have better matchups than the worst; how else would you go about to explain top tier dominance? Better moveset?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
The changes to Brawl+ as of late are much less arbitrary actually, especially now that there are proper representatives for each of the characters. Regardless, even if they are arbitrary they are still aimed at the same goal - making the game more 'fun'. While it is possible to have some semblance of balance in a game (certainly more-so than vBrawl anyway), it is actually impossible to have true balance; even Checkers is imbalanced. That's why I believe Brawl+' goal of improving enjoyability over balance is a more realizable goal; and they actually haven't done a bad job of keeping the balance relatively in check.

Whatever, fun is subjective.

I probably won't be able to make it to this though if we have to be there on the Friday... class until 2PM and then a 10-hour drive to Mtl doesn't quite work out.
Brawl and blazblue are on saturday, but if you wanna be there for B+ and melee then yeah your gonna miss on it.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
fun =/= competitive. It is hard to take a game seriously when balance is just an afterthought.
Why do you take the Smash series seriously then?

Everything is tied together. The better characters obviously have better matchups than the worst; how else would you go about to explain top tier dominance? Better moveset?
Better moveset = Better Character = Better Matchups.

It's funny how you respond to your own question.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Why do you take the Smash series seriously then?
I do? I did sell my Wii months ago for SF4. And the number of times I've showed up to a weekly during the summer can be counted on one hand. I saw light in bB but clearly, with an un-supportive community I do realize it has no future.

Better moveset = Better Character = Better Matchups.

It's funny how you respond to your own question.
I "responded" to my own question to make you think about what you wrote yourself. And even now you remain oblivious to that fact. One element simply cannot be disassociated from the other. Better matchups are a consequence of a character's better moveset. Hence why claiming character viability has nothing to do with un/winnable match-ups is erroneous. How do you not see this?


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I do? I did sell my Wii months ago for SF4. And the number of times I've showed up to a weekly during the summer can be counted on one hand. I saw light in bB but clearly, with an un-supportive community I do realize it has no future.
Yes, you do.

I "responded" to my own question to make you think about what you wrote yourself. And even now you remain oblivious to that fact. One element simply cannot be disassociated from the other. Better matchups are a consequence of a character's better moveset. Hence why claiming character viability has nothing to do with un/winnable match-ups is erroneous. How do you not see this?
See what?

That the people that 'balanced' brawl didn't even change the movesets even though imbalances come from there?

Viability has nothing to do with unwinnable matchups, but everything in putting the odds in your favour and that why top tier characters in any game win exponentially more tournaments than high/mid characters even if people argue that characters in those two tiers are viable theoretically and havne no unwinnable matchups.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Have you ever even TRIED Balanced Brawl?

It's at least 200% more balanced than vBrawl.

A general consensus of the compression:

We believe that the tiers have been compressed between vMarth and vIke.

No 100:0 matchups have been found. Heck, no 70:30 matchups have been found! Everybody has a chance at winning a tournament at high-level play! No character is 100% shut down by somebody else. They all have ways around it now.

And the great thing about bBrawl is that it's still Brawl, and not some horrible mutation that Brawl+ is!

I 100% support bBrawl. If it comes to the point that people will listen to me if I never play vBrawl again, then goddammit, I'll do that. bBrawl is completely superior to vBrawl. There is no reason to play vBrawl anymore now that a better Tournament Standard has been introduced.

Ganondorf used to have nothing. NOTHING. Now his DownB plows through ~90% of every projectile in the game when fresh. He has 0-death techchases on numerous parts of the cast once he mindgames his way in. The G&W/Yoshi VS Ganon matchup is so intense. They both have an option that if they play unhumanly perfect, Ganondorf will never get in, but once Ganondorf capitalises on our mistakes, our stock is as good as gone, as long as Ganondorf predicts well. He has true reward for his high risk now.

There are no more "Game Over" infinites, except for a 1-frame window ICs infinite.

I will personally, all on my own, run a side-event of bBrawl if there is time.

You are only helping a vicious cycle: You have the illusion that nobody supports it, so you refuse to support it yourself. Why?! Why not take a step forward and help them support it?!



Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
Have you ever even TRIED Balanced Brawl?

It's at least 200% more balanced than vBrawl.

A general consensus of the compression:

We believe that the tiers have been compressed between vMarth and vIke.

No 100:0 matchups have been found. Heck, no 70:30 matchups have been found! Everybody has a chance at winning a tournament at high-level play! No character is 100% shut down by somebody else. They all have ways around it now.

And the great thing about bBrawl is that it's still Brawl, and not some horrible mutation that Brawl+ is!

I 100% support bBrawl. If it comes to the point that people will listen to me if I never play vBrawl again, then goddammit, I'll do that. bBrawl is completely superior to vBrawl. There is no reason to play vBrawl anymore now that a better Tournament Standard has been introduced.

Ganondorf used to have nothing. NOTHING. Now his DownB plows through ~90% of every projectile in the game when fresh. He has 0-death techchases on numerous parts of the cast once he mindgames his way in. The G&W/Yoshi VS Ganon matchup is so intense. They both have an option that if they play unhumanly perfect, Ganondorf will never get in, but once Ganondorf capitalises on our mistakes, our stock is as good as gone, as long as Ganondorf predicts well. He has true reward for his high risk now.

There are no more "Game Over" infinites, except for a 1-frame window ICs infinite.

I will personally, all on my own, run a side-event of bBrawl if there is time.

You are only helping a vicious cycle: You have the illusion that nobody supports it, so you refuse to support it yourself. Why?! Why not take a step forward and help them support it?!

I'll join a bBrawl event if there's time, friday will be for Brawl+ and melee. I'm pretty sure we will have extra time for bBrawl singles after the vBrawl tournament saturday.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Difference between BB and B+:

B+ is a fun game. I'm not referring to the competition involved in a game which can make a game seem fun. The game itself is actually enjoyable to play.

BB did not change enough in the game to make it worth using a hack. If I were to play BB I'd just play brawl since I'm sure there's 1000 times more people that play brawl than bbrawl.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Have you ever even TRIED Balanced Brawl?

It's at least 200% more balanced than vBrawl.

A general consensus of the compression:

We believe that the tiers have been compressed between vMarth and vIke.

No 100:0 matchups have been found. Heck, no 70:30 matchups have been found! Everybody has a chance at winning a tournament at high-level play! No character is 100% shut down by somebody else. They all have ways around it now.

And the great thing about bBrawl is that it's still Brawl, and not some horrible mutation that Brawl+ is!

I 100% support bBrawl. If it comes to the point that people will listen to me if I never play vBrawl again, then goddammit, I'll do that. bBrawl is completely superior to vBrawl. There is no reason to play vBrawl anymore now that a better Tournament Standard has been introduced.

Ganondorf used to have nothing. NOTHING. Now his DownB plows through ~90% of every projectile in the game when fresh. He has 0-death techchases on numerous parts of the cast once he mindgames his way in. The G&W/Yoshi VS Ganon matchup is so intense. They both have an option that if they play unhumanly perfect, Ganondorf will never get in, but once Ganondorf capitalises on our mistakes, our stock is as good as gone, as long as Ganondorf predicts well. He has true reward for his high risk now.

There are no more "Game Over" infinites, except for a 1-frame window ICs infinite.

I will personally, all on my own, run a side-event of bBrawl if there is time.

You are only helping a vicious cycle: You have the illusion that nobody supports it, so you refuse to support it yourself. Why?! Why not take a step forward and help them support it?!

I would reply to this if my only answer wasn't laughing really hard.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
If I wanted to play Brawl, I'd play bBrawl because then I wouldn't have to main MK, Snake, or Diddy if I wanted to win a big tournament. I could use whoever I wanted, get good with them, and have the same chance as everybody else.

vBrawl is a 3-character metagame.
bBrawl is a 35-character metagame.

Which do you find more exciting?


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
You don't need to host a tournament to enjoy a game that is deemed fun. In the event that you do anyways, the competitive aspect of the game has to be questioned. Otherwise, what does the tournament prove exactly? If it holds as much merit has winning a friendly, why should I have to pay?


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Personally I don't believe that bBrawl is a 35-character metagame. When brawl was fairly new people considered many characters viable. 3 character is also exaggerating.

Even if both statements were true though, I still wouldn't enjoy watching or playing either game regardless cause it's still boring, defensive, campy, etc. I don't care how many characters are viable. Counter-strike is way more exciting than brawl and there's only one character.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Then go play your aggressive games and stop treating Brawl and Brawl+ as the same genre, because they aren't.

Brawl is tactical and Brawl+ is aggressive.

The point is there are more characters that can win at the highest metagame in bBrawl.

Of course there will be money on the line for the bBrawl event.
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