hey did someone mention a moveset for sonic? ok here goes (large breath):
speed: 5/5
weght: 3/5
jump: 3/5
attack: 2%
B: mini dash
you charge it, then sonic dashes forward a short distance. goes forward more if you charge it longer. simalar to foxes >B
>B: homing dash
dashes strait at an enemy (in a ball) with a 90% chance of hitting, but dosent do much damage. best used in the air. this one i took out of secret rings
down B: rolling dash
goes into a ball and rolls left or right. same as yoshis down B but with 1.5 times more speed and 1.5 times less damage.
^B: jump dash
goes into a ball and zooms upward in a fraction of a second (a very, very SMALL fraction)
FS: mega sonic
takes the 7 chaos emeralds out and turns into mega sonic (the golden guy whos hair looks like its blowing in the wind) with increadable speed and attack.
notice that hes based on speed, not attack power. i think that suits him perfectly, dont you?