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Brawl+ Faq


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2006
Doubt anyone's on right now, but which of the two files should I download?
Official or Kupo's?
Download both and test 'em, everyone's busy arguing which is better, but too conclude:

The official set is made by everyone.
Kupo's set is just made by Kupo because he doesn't like the official one.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
cept for jiggly's rest, falco's shine, link's upB, etc.. all of which could've been handled much more creatively.
Falco's shine what. That move doesn't act at all like its melee incarnation, even when its change was implemented.

edit: Also, you fail for putting dgrav before ugrav, when the dgrav definition works off of the ugrav definition.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Download both and test 'em, everyone's busy arguing which is better, but too conclude:

The official set is made by everyone.
Kupo's set is just made by Kupo because he doesn't like the official one.
And for that reason, I will always stick wih the official set.
It has more of an opportunity to evolve with the community as a whole, instead of one persons interpretation of it.

People can argue as to which is better now.... im more interested in which system has the most potential in the long run.

And thats why I dont even think Kupos set should be on the first post.... If we just do that for every individual who has it best, we could have many many sets up to choose from, complicating everything.


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
I'm afraid I must agree with Zenjamin. Although I do think that people should feel encouraged to make their own sets, I believe a separate place should be made for them so they don't confuse people who are looking to get the official "Brawl Plus".

Brawl Plus in its self is to new and foreign to begin with without people having to try and figure out which one it is that people are using. I just think it would be better and more organized.


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
This is really neat. But I think I will stick with the original. It's what I am practicing at. This is cool, though. It is.:bee:


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Will there be new characters in Brawl+? How would something like that work?
Right now, we can safely say it is very possible to add new characters to Brawl+; the hackers behind the scenes are hard at work figuring out ways to accomplish this. As a Brawl+ player, you can expect it in the future, but don't barrage us with character requests; we can only do what can be done, and it's unfortunately rather limited. However limited it is.. the possibilities are infinite!

The way we envision this to work will essentially provide (at the very most) melee-esque clones. A base character will have it's moves altered and be linked to a certain costume; so something like Red marth would be Marth with Roy's moveset. We cannot add models or change them (at the moment), but we can change textures around; so expect characters to be as textured as possible to represent their new movesets.
Humm.... Im not 100% sure how I feel about this.
it seems to me that adding extra characters could hurt the agenda to make B+ big on the tournament scene....

perhaps there should be a brawl plussery tournament set and a brawl plussery "have fun" set?

... /shrug
I donno


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Quick question....this may sound noobish but is it possible to SDI down with the C-stick since fast falling was taken off?


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Quick question....this may sound noobish but is it possible to SDI down with the C-stick since fast falling was taken off?
The fast fall code works by making it so you have to smash the stick down for at least 1 frame in order to ff, whereas the cstick will register as 0 frames. So while it doesn't inhibit a regular ff, it will prevent ff's with the cstick with no other consequences.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2007
Humm.... Im not 100% sure how I feel about this.
it seems to me that adding extra characters could hurt the agenda to make B+ big on the tournament scene....
I don't think that B+ will ever get big on the tournament scene. but I do agree that adding characters/replacing color's with altered characters will hurt any potential that this modification could have.

obviously the B+ community is growing, and the game is getting better and more fun with each patch, but I think that as of now the community needs to focus on balance and uniformity before we start adding characters and such.

but yeah, as a melee vet, I must say that B+ is incredibly fun, and my replacement for Brawl. Keep up the work =)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
New Jersy
If anyone could send a link to good insturctions on how to install gekos it would be greatly appreciated i already hav homebrew and all that


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
About new characters:
Please read as I do have a pretty interesting question(Interesting to me at least).

With the explanation given to me awhile back about how they implement codes into the Wii's memory to change values while the game is running...I don't entirely see how it would be possible at all to literally implement a new character. Loading in a new character model will be(from the way I see it) impossible to do without having 0 knowledge of what the brawl source code contains. There is a big difference between just simply changing values in the game and loading in entirely new character models(and animating as well). I'm assuming, unless they illegally have a copy of brawl source code, that the hackers have no idea on how their loading in character models and such.

I'm starting to repeat myself so anyways the point is, from the way I see it:
Its literally impossible to add new characters unless someone happens to have brawl's source code(Which is ridiculously illegal). But if that was the case. Then **** they can do literally anything they want to the game


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Laijin, from my knowledge of the code under development, it would use a characters costume (in the meanwhile, until we learn how to give them a unique charID for their own CSS slot) and that custom texture'd character would have all their own moveset given the framespeed and hitbox etc codes.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Laijin, from my knowledge of the code under development, it would use a characters costume (in the meanwhile, until we learn how to give them a unique charID for their own CSS slot) and that custom texture'd character would have all their own moveset given the framespeed and hitbox etc codes.
Wait. Elaborate on the moveset part?
So your taking an already existing character and their animations but just changing their framespeed and hitboxes?


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
About new characters:
Please read as I do have a pretty interesting question(Interesting to me at least).

With the explanation given to me awhile back about how they implement codes into the Wii's memory to change values while the game is running...I don't entirely see how it would be possible at all to literally implement a new character. Loading in a new character model will be(from the way I see it) impossible to do without having 0 knowledge of what the brawl source code contains. There is a big difference between just simply changing values in the game and loading in entirely new character models(and animating as well). I'm assuming, unless they illegally have a copy of brawl source code, that the hackers have no idea on how their loading in character models and such.

I'm starting to repeat myself so anyways the point is, from the way I see it:
Its literally impossible to add new characters unless someone happens to have brawl's source code(Which is ridiculously illegal). But if that was the case. Then **** they can do literally anything they want to the game
uh, did you read the FAQ about this subject at all?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2008
Boothwyn, PA
why does the FAQ about models and textures say look to number 4 for links pertaining to it, and there isnt a link anywhere about various textres made by the community....

btw, it seems shanus almas and crew have broken ivysaur in the new build.... multiple tether recovery? half second razor leafs, yeah hes broken


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Jabbing leaves gives no frame advantage to the jabber which means ivy can put up a wall of unpunishable leaves which promotes camping. It would be better if powershielding reflected projectiles.
i would be happy to have that back in. missbeing able to reflect projectiles with a well timed shield


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but...

I've currently got homebrew working on my PAL Wii Version 4. I downloaded the bootmii file pack and another pack which contained brawl+ codes etc. Now, on my SD card I have a folder on the root of the SD card called 'codes' with the codes in for Brawl+ which is called 'RSBP01.gct. Now I go to Homebrew channel > geckos > start game. It says I have the codes and starts loading the game when BOOM my screen goes green and does nothing (I like to call it the green screen of death =P). I really have no clue what to do from here. I've been trying different codes and stuff for the last hour... Even the Music codes I've used (also called 'RSBP01.gct) just makes me go to the green screen of death. Help please... >_>

I'm not too good at explaining problems but I tried...

P.S: Almas, if I haven't got this sorted by my next smashfest can you possibly sort this out for me? Cheers.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
no idea how u would make sonic into shadow, sonics moveset is so restrictive in the first place. and waluigi from which character???
Come on bro im trying here.
Waluigi from Luigi and Shadow from Sonic. They can make it happen.
Without being able to load in new models(Which just seems literally impossible no matter how I look at it. Loading in new models in already compiled source code...what?), you really have to stretch things if you want new characters to fit.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2008
Wilmington, NC
Hey guys, I really need some help here--

I've installed the thing twice, I have Gecko OS1.9 up and running, and the latest codeset, a double rebse01.gct, yet when I get to the game itself, I can't use gcn controllers.

Everyone I've talked to is skeptical, I really need help. Can anyone diagnose this, or at least help me try to?

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm reinstalling it under HBC for 4.0 on a different wii. If I have troubles there I'll post again. :/


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
This is going to sound like a very nooby question, but can someone explain to me the difference between brawl's buffer of 10 frames and like if I set buffer to 3 frames?

Edit: Sorry I got my answer. If there was a tourney for brawl +, what would they set the buffer to? Will there eventually be a set buffer?


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Come on bro im trying here.
Waluigi from Luigi and Shadow from Sonic. They can make it happen.
Without being able to load in new models(Which just seems literally impossible no matter how I look at it. Loading in new models in already compiled source code...what?), you really have to stretch things if you want new characters to fit.
Uh, Laijin, I was on my way to finding the topic, but I think Pharrox was working out a model replacement code, and he managed to do it, but all that remains is to crack the model code into something that can be modified.

We also have a hitbox modification code, so that basically means all bets are off now, and custom characters are entirely possible after a few more cracks are made.

The models are NOT part of a source code, because models are ART, not programming. Its just a matter of reverse engineering.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Uh, Laijin, I was on my way to finding the topic, but I think Pharrox was working out a model replacement code, and he managed to do it, but all that remains is to crack the model code into something that can be modified.

We also have a hitbox modification code, so that basically means all bets are off now, and custom characters are entirely possible after a few more cracks are made.

The models are NOT part of a source code, because models are ART, not programming. Its just a matter of reverse engineering.
The models are assets, yes. But you need programming to load in models. Otherwise theres no way to load them out. Without knowing how their loading them in and animating them, I just find it impossible(Since there are thousands of ways to do it. Lots of different file types they can be, etc etc). Of course I did'nt know you could load up codes on top of the game before hand :|
So I'm probably wrong on the impossible part.

From what I can tell, you can only values that are being changed on top of the game while its running. So how do you know how their loading in models and animating them?
I'm asking this for the sake of knowledge. :]


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
The models are assets, yes. But you need programming to load in models. Otherwise theres no way to load them out. Without knowing how their loading them in and animating them, I just find it impossible(Since there are thousands of ways to do it. Lots of different file types they can be, etc etc). Of course I did'nt know you could load up codes on top of the game before hand :|
So I'm probably wrong on the impossible part.

From what I can tell, you can only values that are being changed on top of the game while its running. So how do you know how their loading in models and animating them?
I'm asking this for the sake of knowledge. :]
Well everything that is going on is held in the Wii's RAM, which the hackers dump over and over and over again, and eventually they'll sift through all that long enough to find the values needed for the model data, like they did for the texture/stage/music/character data, and then reroute the values to load a model from the SDCard when a certain texture is selected.

I mean, when you think about it, the models are on top of the game and being changed, since you have to load the model for the character before you can load the texture for it, or do anything else with it.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Great job on Brawl+ guys, it's been awesome so far!

I do have to say one thing though. In the 5-13 version of Brawl+, wolf is clearly imbalanced. He has amazing speed, ground smashes (his side smash in particular has huge range, comes out quickly, and does amazing damage and knockback), aerials, and useful special attacks. On top of this he is one of the heaviest characters in the game, has good falling speed, has a decent projectile, a reflector, a meteor smash, and good recovery.

In short, Wolf has no real weaknesses in Brawl+. You may recall that in original Brawl, he was one of the few characters who could actually combo because his moves had an above average hitstun which would allow you to hit your enemy multiple times before they could do anything. Now that in Brawl+ his hitstun has been increased significantly, he can combo you up to ridiculous percentages without any chance of retaliation.

Because of his lack of weaknesses, variety of strengths, and the massive duration of his hitstuns, he really needs some kind of nerf to be equal to the other characters.

I know many of you will probably disagree with me on this (especially Wolf players ;p)

But if so, let's discuss. In Brawl+, what weaknesses does Wolf really have?



Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
I have a few character suggestions:

-A solo, more powerful Ice Climber.

-Using Sonic's model: Shadow as a slower, stronger Sonic.

-Using Ike's model: Roy as a faster, weaker Ike.

-Using Charizard's model: Ridley as a lighter, faster charizard.

-Using Ness' model: Ninten with weaker, but mare ranged PK attacks.

-Using Samus' model: Make Dark Samus, with a few move alterations.
1) The screw attack is a multi hitting move.
2) Missiles are all fired faster and do less damage.
3) Bombs are more powerful and explode when they are touched by another character.
4) Instead of the charging her shots, Samus fires a single smaller, faster, and more powerful ball.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I have a few character suggestions:

-A solo, more powerful Ice Climber.

-Using Sonic's model: Shadow as a slower, stronger Sonic.

-Using Ike's model: Roy as a faster, weaker Ike.

-Using Charizard's model: Ridley as a lighter, faster charizard.

-Using Ness' model: Ninten with weaker, but mare ranged PK attacks.
1. Ruins the character.

2. Not interesting at all

and 3, 4 and 5 is useless fanservice we could go without.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Quick noob question.
I have had Brawl+ pretty much since the beginning, but then I lost my SD card, and now I'm way behind. I found my SD card and installed the newest version, and the only thing I am lost on is Deadlands. I assume it's a stage or something, but... uh... where is it?

As for characters... seriously, Geno. xD


Smash Rookie
May 21, 2009
Frame Speed Changes

Is there some sort of list that can help one change the frame speed adjustments to his liking? Say I wanted to speed up a move or remove one of the slowdowns or something.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
MarioFan, you can view the structure of the Frame Speed Modifier Code Data in the Code Agenda Thread, and you can scoop an Action ID list up from somewhere (I'm sure there's one lying around). Characters tend to use the same Action IDs between them (so Marth's Forward Smash ID is the same as Mario's), but there are some exceptions with special moves (for example, there are a lot of animation IDs for Marth's Dancing Blade depending on the route he takes, but Mario has only one).
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