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BC Stats Smasfest @ SFU Surrey: TBA


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
This match is cake, right Adam?

LOL. me and my buds were playing megaman today. Good stuff : D
Lol. I played with SS and Alex19 @ Genesis. Honestly, it's a hard ****ing matchup for falcon, but it can be done, as players like Darkrain and SS have shown us time and time again.

apart from smashfests pat's house tourny vids been uploaded I know everyone has been dying to watch the BO10 vs Mango

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBl0Re4Hsfc (game1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-7nECIVw0g (game2)
I can't watch it due to EXTREMELY slow wireless that I am piggybacking off of. My dad gets internets installed tmr. ^__^

The fact that Eric made it this close leads me to believe BC > Cali but I don't wanna go making such claims just yet XD

Tiep: I just thought you'd think falcon vs marth was unfair for Marth. I kind of do >__>


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Cali is the sex

BC is the Canada Cali


So we are the sex too,

If Falcon was no fair for Marth, then I'd drop Marth <_<

Falcon is already the best anyway


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Lol if Eric chokes against asain it means he must lose to pretty much everyone. Last I checked BC is full of asians. And he isn't choking he is just getting out played. He lost to me at his tourney people say he choked he might have but still lost. Then he lost to me again at UBC and he was playing good I just simply played better. And he lost to Sion because Sion was just playing DAYUM good.

So theres no reason for Eric to be first right now.

Also im pretty sure BC does NOT > Cali. We have a few players to play at their level but clearly not enough of us can. Maybe perhaps 3-6 of us can but most likely we would just get top 10ish.
You see this is why drugs are not good for you.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Lol if Eric chokes against asain it means he must lose to pretty much everyone. Last I checked BC is full of asians. And he isn't choking he is just getting out played. He lost to me at his tourney people say he choked he might have but still lost. Then he lost to me again at UBC and he was playing good I just simply played better. And he lost to Sion because Sion was just playing DAYUM good.

So theres no reason for Eric to be first right now.

Also im pretty sure BC does NOT > Cali. We have a few players to play at their level but clearly not enough of us can. Maybe perhaps 3-6 of us can but most likely we would just get top 10ish.
You see this is why drugs are not good for you.
Lol, but tony smokes and drinks all the time. What gives?

Anyways, I don't think BC > cali either. I do think BC ***** though. I never imagined there'd be this many skilled players among us. It's amazing. Also, I'm probably going to SFU this thursday at least for a few hours.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2009
Lol if Eric chokes against asain it means he must lose to pretty much everyone. Last I checked BC is full of asians. And he isn't choking he is just getting out played. He lost to me at his tourney people say he choked he might have but still lost. Then he lost to me again at UBC and he was playing good I just simply played better. And he lost to Sion because Sion was just playing DAYUM good.

So theres no reason for Eric to be first right now.

Also im pretty sure BC does NOT > Cali. We have a few players to play at their level but clearly not enough of us can. Maybe perhaps 3-6 of us can but most likely we would just get top 10ish.
You see this is why drugs are not good for you.
ya i was just kidding lol


Tony can talk to you while he plays, and shouts random stuff to turn your sweet spotted bairs into ****ty bairs! But Tony is still a G.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2007
john rarely gets to play but he still doesnt lose his skills. if he only would play more often he could have get so much better


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2007
this Thursday means stats. Tiep, Sion, Adam, Scott, Will, James and possibly John, Matt, Roby. Tony said he will be here after his classes are done, if we keep playing till closing time, which is 9 pm

also the regulars Ikool, Firefly and hopefully Kuso and the other guys will show up too.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
When did this (quote below) start?
I never imagined there'd be this many skilled players among us. It's amazing. Also, I'm probably going to SFU this thursday at least for a few hours.
A long process over the last year or so or what? Did it suddenly occur to you or did you see it grow?

I'm just curious, cause when I entered the melee community here, it seemed to start excelling as if it JUST started. Almost like there was never a scene here before, then people started coming out of nowhere (like Jack) and making this lost community turn into an active **** machine.

Is it just my perspective when I showed up because I'd never seen it before and it was alreadylike that BEFORE I showed up or did it just start happening then? I'd like a BC melee history lesson sometime Adam. I know you have stories for me and I wantz them! :)


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
When did this (quote below) start?

A long process over the last year or so or what? Did it suddenly occur to you or did you see it grow?

I'm just curious, cause when I entered the melee community here, it seemed to start excelling as if it JUST started. Almost like there was never a scene here before, then people started coming out of nowhere (like Jack) and making this lost community turn into an active **** machine.

Is it just my perspective when I showed up because I'd never seen it before and it was alreadylike that BEFORE I showed up or did it just start happening then? I'd like a BC melee history lesson sometime Adam. I know you have stories for me and I wantz them! :)
4 years ago we had john, tiep, ryan, eric, and me. That's about it in the way of good smashers. I guess maybe Nick and Wilfred but it's just amazing that the game has gotten older and our community has gotten bigger and better than ever before.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
4 years ago we had john, tiep, ryan, eric, and me. That's about it in the way of good smashers. I guess maybe Nick and Wilfred but it's just amazing that the game has gotten older and out community has gotten bigger and better than ever before.
What was it like 2 years ago? Like...the year before Brawl came out?

Was BC starting to get good then and the community starting to grow?

I like history lessons :D


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
What was it like 2 years ago? Like...the year before Brawl came out?

Was BC starting to get good then and the community starting to grow?

I like history lessons :D
It goes back as ancient as the cosmos. Before the dawn of Ken. The best players that I had heard about in canada were Mike and Jarrod. They attended some of the EARLIEST national scale smash tournaments in North America, doing quite well. I think one time Mike even beat Ken but I'm not 100% sure about that. I didn't really like melee before this time. I thought everything falled too fast and too quickly. I forced myself to like it by playing more and more. Of course, I always had Eric to play with and our interest in the game grew as our skill did.

This is back when I didn't have a SWF account. I had an account on "gameFAQs". "The kirby cheat", "how to unlock sonic", "Sheik is broken", "Marth is broken". All these phrases were heard time and time again and for some time, Sheik was on top of the tier list. Then one day I heard about this guy named "gamepro88" I was looking for people to play to test my ability against. I mained sheik at the time and thought I was pretty good. Eric mained falcon at the time. This is back in 2003. So, I got a hold of gamepro and invited him over. I could beat his peach (which held the WR for Peach BtT at this time) but not his sheik. He was grabbing me repeatedly and I could not escape. 'WHAT IS THIS!?' I cried. He was 2 and 3 stocking my sheik by chain grabbing me every stock and I didn't know ANYTHING of this so called "DI".

I talked with gamepro and he said he had recently gone to Edmonton to play the LEGENDARY "Punch Crew". This was the earliest "smash crew" I had ever heard of and was composed of Nick, Aaron, Mike, and Jarrod. gamepro claims to have beaten everyone except Mike. "Mike is good" The first combo video I had every seen and oh MAN! I was impressed! Mike's DK looked so good!. Anyways, shortly after this, Eric and I hosted our FIRST tournament at my moms place in Richmond. I was a favorite to win and in the grand finals I had to face "Nintensity". I was using Fox at the time and to my dismay, this FALCO knew how to Short-hop Laser. "How do I get around this!?" I thought to myself. "It's so unfair". Nick ended up beating me 2-1 in the grand finals (only best of 3 at the time). There WERE videos up but they have been lost for years now.


Wilfred, Darius, Victa, Ryan (Not cow ear)

Now let me tell you about wilfred. Wilfred and I were the FIRST smashers in BC besides gamepro88 to travel OOS to a tournament. We went to Edmonton for a tournament and took 3rd in doubles and Wilfred got 3rd in singles. I got like 7th.

Victa was another peach main, like wilfred. Back in the day his "cheap" tactics caused him to win all of our tournaments, that is until SKYPAL came up for the first time. SKYPAL was a legendary crew from Washington, also near the dawn of the cosmos. They came with teching, they came with L-cancelling, and they came with mad skills. Kei could not be stopped, he was the first person we had ever seen to TRULY **** Victa. He used fox and was WALL TECHING PEACH's Downsmash!!! We were all in awe at this spectacle of broken'ness.

Darius was another of the original players, and his friend Jeremy as well. Darius was a marth player and in 2003 or so, he created the best DI thread of it's time on SWF. I'm sure if you dig around somewhere you'll still be able to find it. Jeremy was his friend, also used marth. He was never amazing but he could give us all some good matches.

Ryan.... oh my god... the ness. This was the best Ness I had ever seen! His spacing, mindgames, and timing were so good and since none of us knew advanced techniques or utilized them well enough he was able to beat all of us. I think him and victa had a crazy insane close set and it was really hyped.

This went on for almost a year and then... well I'm done for now. I don't have time to do this all night, I'll edit this post and re-post later on.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
That's just a fraction of it. I forgot to add Shu, Darkdragon88 (the creator of the original BC canada thread.. this is the 2nd thread because we filled up all 500 pages over the course of the years on the first thread), and weeg. I'm sure there's tonnes more that will come to mind as well.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2007
john said he would come tmrw at maybe late in the afternoon. we should all smash at sfu surrey just to see john hes been afk for too long. his falco peach and shiek will **** ur babies.

edit: i would expect people to come early, i want to get more stats in GOGO SION AND WILL NOW


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Falcon Only tourney next time please.
I agree. Good **** today Will. You are steadily improving. I see alot of SS in your style of play.

No matter how hard i try, i just can't seem to win... it's kind of depressing. I'd have to REALLY work hard to up my game with falcon at this point. I'm getting that same feeling I had when I got sick of Ganon. I mean I'm not sick of Falcon at all, but I feel i should be beating people that I'm losing to. Anyways, I don't want to be emo but yah... it's discouraging. I worked SOOO hard to get good with falcon and I still can't beat ****ing falco and fox secondaries in BC's top 5-8, **** me! Not to mention Sion who I somehow play my best against but still end up losing q_q

Anyways, I'm not actually mad. Just kinda dis-heartened. I came to SFU today with a different mindset than usual, and I ended up preforming worse than last time when I was kind of care free. Anyways, GG's I guess :/ We need more setups at this from now on. 3 setups is not enough, and the other TV's lag.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2009
California, B.C.
I agree. Good **** today Will. You are steadily improving. I see alot of SS in your style of play.

No matter how hard i try, i just can't seem to win... it's kind of depressing. I'd have to REALLY work hard to up my game with falcon at this point. I'm getting that same feeling I had when I got sick of Ganon. I mean I'm not sick of Falcon at all, but I feel i should be beating people that I'm losing to. Anyways, I don't want to be emo but yah... it's discouraging. I worked SOOO hard to get good with falcon and I still can't beat ****ing falco and fox secondaries in BC's top 5-8, **** me! Not to mention Sion who I somehow play my best against but still end up losing q_q

Anyways, I'm not actually mad. Just kinda dis-heartened. I came to SFU today with a different mindset than usual, and I ended up preforming worse than last time when I was kind of care free. Anyways, GG's I guess :/ We need more setups at this from now on. 3 setups is not enough, and the other TV's lag.
You basically typed exactly what I had in my mind. I choked hard, but no johns. I'll just play better.
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