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BC Melee Rankings: Late Fall 2012


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Not including myself,

1. Blunted Object
2. Dieslow
3. Hitsugaya
4. Patooty
5. Cowear
6. Sion
7. Daltsy
8. Yakal
9. Evan



Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
I'm better than Yakal. What has he done to prove himself better than me?
I considered this too. You lost to me and Eric, which isn't bad, and you didn't have a chance to play anyone that would be an upset (besides us).

From what I hear, Yakal gives others a harder time. My placing of you guys on my list was loose-- I know you're a competent smasher Evan.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I'll exclude myself too...

1) Dieslow - I think he's the best atm. Jimz = lag. cmon guys, I play a very non-technical game and I felt it. Also, he's too cocky, but I think his skill is highest.
2) Blunted_object10 - More consistent than Manuel, only very slightly under Tony.
3) Diakonos - I dunno. Manuel to me.. sometimes I can't tell if you're intentionally making mistakes. ie. SANDBAGGING! stop doing that = a better and more consistent Manuel.
4) Cowear - Is good. Is inventor of the "Ryan-style up-airs"(Also, if I put myself on this list, he would be higher than me)
5) Hitsugaya - Falcon PUNCH!
6) Daltsy - Still think he's higher than Sion. His style is good against mine though. His attacks are super-effective.
7) Sion - pewpew
8) Howard - Play more. You adapt quick.
9) Evan - Higher than Yakal. I always **** Yakal. Sorry Yakal. Yakal. Yakko! Yakkko!!!!!


Island of Horizon
Dec 9, 2006
Lotus Land, BC
Jimz = lag. cmon guys, I play a very non-technical game and I felt it.
I play a very technical game and felt it up the butt.

Anyways, I'll try to clear up the thing between me and Daltsy.

My boy Daltsy does well against so many others because of his playstyle. He beats countless others while I still have trouble.
I can't say much about myself because all I do is fight spacies and attempt reckless things.

We shouldn't take in account that Daltsy can beat me in falco dittos or that I can beat Daltsy in falco dittos, what we should take in account is who's better overall against others.
I'd say put Daltsy above me. 1 rank isn't gonna hurt me because I know I'm losing it to someone like him. I'll just try my best to get farther with my style.


May 26, 2009
Tiphares, B.C., Canada.
ahaha tiep it's cuz you play floatiesssss

Gimme dem spaciez

(and i wont lose as badly)

I do better against tim than sion


edit: Those few times I did play howard I felt like I always had the upper hand on him with the exception of a few games where I just ran into his silly grabs
but other than that I honestly think I am better than howard, but whatevs


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Everyone had lag at Jimz not just Tony. I had no interest in playing singles at Jimz which is why I played Captain Falcon and everyone knows I dont really play Falcon and is my fun character but I was still able to be Tony. I wasnt even expecting to beat Ryan with Falcon but I did.

Also im sure everyone knows I was pulling massive sand bags at Eric/Manuels tourney. And then people starting talking about how I lost as if I was doing my best after hearing people I went on to 4 stock the next 3 people one which would include Sion and then go on to take out Eric.

I think Sion is better then Daltsy. Once you figure out a way to punish Daltsy for a move he does. He continues to do it a few seconds later and cant change his game up as much as Sion can.

Its also between Manuel/Tony



Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Surrey, BC
my johns: jimz tourney lag + i brought the wrong controller (stiff joystick). u can tell from just watchin the vids how off I was.

sandbagging in tourney makes no sense to me, just give me the $10 pls if ur gonna sandbag :laugh:

my list is
1. me
2. eric
3. manuel
4. ryab/john
5. tiep
6/7. sion/daltsy(havent played them both enough yet)
8. evan
9/10. yakal/rusty/keith

never got to play howard, so idk at all.

i have a tougher time against ryan in singles than john, but john is so good at doubles its sick.

eric is a ton more consistent than manuel, but manuel is capable of playing very well too, he just doesnt do it often enough to be above me or eric in my mind. eric was playing bad at his tourney, he usually is much better.

idk what his johns were, but it was pretty clear he wasnt playing 100%.

p.s. that cocky taunt i did made me lose against manuel lololol 0-death'd. won't happen again ~_~


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Lag affects some more than others. It's not like playing with someone for a long time and learning each other's playstyles. Ability to adjust to laggy TV's shouldn't be a factor at all. TVs lagged everyone, means that the tourney shouldn't have counted for anyone. Obviously the people who did good there won't john about doing good, but everyone was complaining about it...


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Alright well let's get this thing updated! So far I see the list being..

1. Dieslow
2. Blunted_Object10
3. Diakonos
4. CowEar
5. Hitsugaya
6. Patooty
7. Sion
8. Daltsy
9. Evan
10. Howard

So is this the finalized list that most people seem to agree on?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
lol Eric gettin **** done! :bigthumbu
It looks like you've already looked at what the consensus mostly is.... I'm ok with this list.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
sandbagging in tourney makes no sense to me, just give me the $10 pls if ur gonna sandbag :laugh:
Which is why we went Marth/Falcon in doubles?

After thinking about it.

I think a flaw in the PR from my point of view is that people tend to only look at the one tourney that is supposedly the one to "determine" the PR. Because im just looking back on all the tourneys that has happened since Zhu came and his opinion on us.
If no one knows he said Tony has the most potential and that Manuel should have beaten him (Zhu) in the tourney. He thought that I should have beaten Ryan. Noobking didnt have a good falcon and cant combo. David has a really good puff. Sion and Tim is being to flashy/technical. Evan also beat Tiep here. (Saying you were 9th on PR is a terrible john ;))
There was another tourney at my house that was kinda last minute thing and I recall Eric beating Manuel in finals. Manuel also beat Tony at that tourney. And then the Jimz tourney happened and everyone knows what happened there. Then the past tourney. Tiep ***** and a lot of upsets happened.
As overall players. I think Eric is probably the best "overall" player. He does really well in both singles AND doubles. Tony I think is a singles player and not as great in doubles remembers me having 4 stock and him having none and still making the match really close? Ryab is decent in singles and just okay in doubles. Manuel is good in singles and sometimes good in doubles but not all the time. Tiep is okay in singles (not saying your bad just comparing to Eric/Tony/Manuel) and probably 2/3rd best person in doubles. Im decent in singles and I can say 100% that im the best person in doubles in BC.

So if its an "overall" best player for the PR then Eric for first if its just singles then Tony for first. Same for me and Ryan. If its overall. I think im above Ryan but if its just singles then Ryan over me by a little bit. Though I cant really say. Ryan says a lot he does not want to play Sion in the tourney. I also think Sion has a good chance of taking Ryan out just like how he beat Eric in pools but im confident against playing against Sion/Tiep/Daltsy. Its just the match ups. Tiep showed he is really good against Marth with his Peach (better then I am) but Im pretty sure im better against Falco then he is. Ryan can fight non-spacies better then me probably but I think I can fight spacies a bit better then him and overall spacies not just Eric/Tony but Sion/Daltsy


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2009
not to take anything away from sion, i took him out pretty easily.
even though i was scared to play him at first cause i was worried, when we actually played. i didnt feel preassured or scared or nervous or anything, it waas a pretty smooth win.

Decent in singles and just okay in doubles is a big underestimation, im sorry to say.
i can say that Eric is the only person im 100% scared to play, everyone else is maybe im worried but i feel that if i dont mess up too much i will win.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Hmm just to get this clear as well:

- I'm not good against Marth in singles. I don't like fighting anyone in Peach vs Marth, it's like pulling teeth. I lost to Manuel's Marth later on. I have a john for that loss, but Manuel's good enough anyway that it doesn't bug me to have lost so I don't feel the need to bring up the john.
(I beat Manuel's Fox twice out of 2 times... I think. LOL. I don't remember every single match, but I think it was his Marth that beat me. Marth is actually one of my bad matchups with Peach...)

- A certain style beats me in singles(not character-specific), and thus I consider myself relatively poor in singles. If you execute this, then I am relatively easy. Basically I think I can overcome this once I learn to wavedash. (I cannot do so with Peach, it is too technical at the moment.) This doesn't apply to doubles. Thanks for the doubles-recognition btw, I agree lol :) Ryan's good in doubles too.. I'm more consistent but sometimes he has good spurts where he's way better.

- I think out of everyone, I probably hold tournament results in the least regard. I still think that PR should be representative of player skill with a focus on singles.

- Me saying I was 9th against Evan's loss was a joke-john :)
...I don't remember why I loss.

- I do believe that many johns are valid...

- Manuel beating Zhu I think was obvious.... It's one of the examples of me thinking he was sandbagging.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Seems like it. I hope a lot of you guys go to pound4, TO and GTA gets all the attention as far as Canada smashers go.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Some really good conversation here.

When I think of PR, I think of both Singles and doubles. I don't view doubles as a side-event. That is one of the major reasons why I put John above both Tiep and Ryan, though they are of course both good.

Tony, I think it is troubling to say that a single taunt cost you two sets. I had a fresh stock before the 0-death. Just saying, you would have had to take that out too. I also did beat you at Zhu tournament, but you'll claim I got lucky there too.

I will play inconsistently between matches mainly because of confidence. If I make a technical mistake or two towards the beginning of the match, I get nervous throughout. It's something I work on. That's why sometimes I'll 3stock Eric with fox, and the next match he'll 3stock me.

Eric gives me the hardest time when he's playing well (which is most of the time). I find that if I'm not nervous against Tony, I usually pull through despite his confidence.

Intuitively, Tony seems to be the stronger singles player because he is so aggressive and it's scary to play him sometimes. However, I think that tournament results show Eric is consistently top. That match that they played this tournament was ONE hit difference. In fact, Eric could have dair'd instead of bair and he would have won. That close. We talk about Jimz, and we say that there was lag, and yes it affects different people differently. If the argument is that somehow the lag didn't affect Eric's FALCO, I have issue with it. Maybe the thing to say is that certain people adapted better to it.

Regarding Evan, I was just ignorant about his recent achievements and since Yakal hasn't produced anything better, I would give Evan the confidence of higher placing.

If I were to give an argument for myself, it would be this:
The last few tournaments I went to, I was in the finals. In this last tournament before the PR update is supposed to happen, I beat everyone in the top 6 PR except for myself and Eric, whom I didn't play. That includes the player whom many people are rating as 1st in two consecutive sets. Whether I'm sloppy or not, that's still what happened. I'm considering learning to use the C-stick, it might help me be less dumb lol.

Agreements? Disagreements?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
dont 4get that irl style & good looks contribute to pr placement. and every1 knows that manli > tony/eric. im sorry guys but manli looks like ringo starr combined with vin diesel. you cant compete with that.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2006
Victoria, B.C.
It's cool to be considered and all, but I'd rather not be on it to avoid "I'm better than you" comments. Plus, I don't play the game / go to Vancouver enough, so I'll just get taken off again for inactivity next iteration.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Im not saying your bad in doubles or anything Ryab. Its just between me Eric and Tiep your just okay in my opinion.
Tourney with Zhu I think you should have beaten us. Also recalls a match of you/tony vs Eric?/Manuel? on your counter pick rainbow cruise and Tony was mad or something cause you had 1 stock left when everyone had 4. Before the Jimz tourney at my house we were practicing doubles and well.... it didnt work out to well. I would grab someone and wait for an upsmash but I would get an upsmash as well.

I think Tony is on the same boat with Ryab where he is good sometimes and not so great sometimes but Tony's singles abilities lets him do a little bit more in doubles.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
lol wtf Koski you're soooo ruining this really good conversation about PR. Paul > Ringo + all the others btw
hi it's me

My perception isn't something to be takin into account since I'm super-innactive-noob but I look at things in a different way so it might help some decisions. (ignore me if you don't think it's valid lol)

The first page has 3 points at the top.

1) Tournament performance. This is the biggest factor. It’s great that you ***** Player X in friendlies for like 29 hours yesterday, now let’s see it in tournament! Notice that it is not only placement that is taken into account, but also brackets – who did you win or lose to?

2) Consistency. A good player is consistent in his smash game. You can’t beat M2K one day and then lose to that scrub down the street the next. To be considered for this ranking, you must perform well in tournament most of the time.

These 2 things tie together. 1) "you ***** Player X in friendlies for like 29 hours yesterday, now let’s see it in tournament" + 2) "you must perform well in tournament most of the time."

Eric vs Tony

Eric is the most consistent (players like Tony shortly after), even after choking once. His track record says it, the way he always plays the same against everyone and makes people change their style to play HIM. Everybody knows what to expect when playing him, they know he's consistent with it too.

When I joined this community (briefly and subtly), I could tell within a month that he was the saving grace of BC melee. BC thrives off the world-metagame. When Falco flourished, everyone drifted to him, every Falco player got better too. (Tony, Tim, Sion, Yakal, everyone switched to Falco or got better with Falco). Eric was already one of the best in BC WITH Falco, then the metagame grew. Eric has his own metagame, his own style, then there's he world-metagame, the BC metagame. He grows on his own, THEN with the rest of the community. That's why he's always a step ahead.
He also beat M2K (lol), I doubt Tony or Manuel can force M2K to play differently to win either.

Tony adapts like a mofo (Armada style) but he's at the top of the metagame. So he learns fast, changes his style fast and that's why he does well against everyone. For a different reason, just as effectively. He keeps up with the top of the metagame too.

The only reason left that Eric does better against people than Tony is because Eric changes THEIR game, Tony changes HIS game. That's the only difference I've ever found. Watch their Falco dittos even lol

3) Activity. In order to assess skill and performance, panelists must actually be seeing you play. This means tournaments, too. Showing up and participating in tournaments is mandatory to be considered for this PR. Those neglecting to do this will be removed; some old PR-worthy players have already been.
Bye Howard, bye Adam, isn't Evan gone too? Hand johns and how many showings?

Tim vs Sion

Tim is like a hybrid of Eric and Sion. Gets the job done when he lands what he looks for, but his system isn't nearly as refined as Eric's. Sion finishes what he starts, he just tries to start at every opportunity, which in turn hopefully he'll learn when it works and by elimination, he'll become an amazing player in time. For the moment, Tim and Sion have a similar relationship to Eric and Tony...for the moment it would go to the one who makes the opponent change their playstyle instead of the one who changes theirs.

Ryan to me seems hesitant. Maybe it's just the speed of Fox and the way nobody can ever play him perfectly, but it always seems indecisive and last moment. I'm quite sure that's what makes him not as good in doubles. There's always a fraction for uncertainty, perhaps it's a confidence in doubles, or a nervous thing to not let the teammate down that makes everything off slightly because he can't make a mistake. Unconcious I would assume.

Yakal has improved steadily since the day I met him. That's all I know. He probably still sucks and is amazing at the same time. Rooting for you Yakal! lol

Doubles <3

I've only ever teamed with Francis, Koski, Yakal, Bwmatt and AJ in tournament.
Notice: None PR, none considered even threats to do well. (no offence guys)

The best player I EVER teamed with IN TOURNAMENT was Tim. Tim was playing like **** (Carl even straight up said that) and yet we went stock for stock against CARL + PKM.

With Francis (shinespike ME twice a match), Yakal (we all know yakal), AJ (you surely all know Liberate), Koski (at his first melee tourney ever) and Bwmatt (get shinespiked twice a match)...

We took teams like
Tim + Sion
Evan + Matt
Manli + Genesis

and took teams like
Eric + John
Ryan + Tony
Cobol + Lambchops TO LAST MATCH IN SETS

All in tournament...
I'm pretty sure Francis, Yakal, Matt, AJ and Dave didn't magically and coincidentally dominate **** like Eric, Zhu, John or Ka Master when they happened to consecutively team with me...

The only other time I played more than 1 to 5ish matches when teamed with someone, was with Eric....

It was at Geneis, in PKM, Vwins and Kages room against them 3 only. We didn't lose... at all.
Needless to say, Eric is amazing, but he couldn't have done something like that teamed with many other players, if any.

I've never been good at singles (I don't even move lolwtf) and I know I'm super-innactive (especially recently and until May probably now) but there's one thing I do know 100%.

John, I'm more competition for best doubles player in BC than you think. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2009
lol for that one against manuel/eric was just dumb cause both of us had no doubles warm up and were just screwing up to much, but i did mess up in the first match, then tony messed up in the next, i just didnt complain about it and people i guess didnt realize it.

Dynamism: didnt read yours,
1) its long
2) i dont consider you good enough to have your input taken seriously. sorry.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
IMO the top 2 teams in BC are:

| Tiep. | Tony |
| John | Ryan |

Anyone from Column A + anyone from Column B.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
GG's today Will. Your falcon is tite, you just need to get some exp playing better people ^_^

- Noobking
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