I just say Marth destroys ness... Marth has the GR for sure.... that puts him fairly high above ness....
An even greater issue though, is that nearly everything outranges ness and also fairly quick. PKfire is pointless. PSImag wind sets him up for perfect tippers (

). PKT can help, but if you use it at the wrong time you will say hello to the pain of GR and tipper stuffs.
I really know little that any ness can do against a defensive Marth. My friend basically went super defensive on me one time and completely destroyed me... I haven't played him in a long time, but that was basically a "I win because you have no great approach against me" game.
Marth is still a very bad MU for ness, even without the GR craziness.
DK is meh. He has grab stuff on us, he has range.... but if we play our cards right, we get a couple of crushing advantages.
Wario... I don't know. I've played maybe one good wario a long time ago IRL... Otherwise, I don't know. Wario is pretty annoying though. If you don't play just right, you are dead.
Snake is meh. Sure he has a great advantage on the ground over nearly everyone, but once he's in the air, only a couple of things that could beat us (nair is snake's great option for range and quick hit on us, but if they fail with it, we get a good opportunity for attack; he can also airdodge to something on the ground... It depends on the situation) We've got a couple of things. Also, staying with snake:
*****If you are awesome like me and can pull off an epic thing, you can PSImag wind snake when he DACUSes to an edge of the stage and he will be blown off! The only bad thing is that if the snake sees it coming, he'll just react correctly and hit you with something. BUT!!! YOU CAN PULL HIM OFF WITH THAT WIND FROM HIS FRONT!!!! (you jump off the stage and he is charging at you with a DACUS, and the snake just falls off the ledge, canceling his DACUS... true facts!) This is slightly better than going behind him, because he can't bair you getting back to the stage and his nair will need to be DJ'd to help him. His fair is laggy enough to allow us to airdodge or DJ airdodge. So if you know what you're doing, all you need is to SDI up or jump back to the stage and you will essentially have a kill if you get to the right spot. If snake DJ's back with an AD to the stage, the whole thing is a failed attempt, but at least you tried to make it work. you just start where you left off, but offstage and in a slightly worse situation.
DDD is easily advantage over us... freaking CGs and range and high KO potential!!!
diddy is meh... we get the DJC nannerz from diddy.
falco is in falco's favor. the CG and falco's speed, but we can force some approaches. the phantasm is beaten by nair and bair.
who else do we have that I'm forgetting who may possibly have an advantage over us?
Ike? I personally hate ike.... could be wrong.