You're still ignoring my point

were you skimming?
I honestly did not see the rest of your posts afterwards.
Sorry about that Hilt.
What the hell are you saying? What am "wrong" about? That vigilante being responsible for Dastrn's death is a possibility?You're eliminating possibilities for absolutely no good reason. What if the vig thought Dastrn was scummy? What if the vig didn't like Dastrn's inactivity? What if the vig was dumb? You're thinking of things in a "best play" sense when, perhaps, not everyone here would know what the best move to make would be. And of course vig randomly shooting people without would have caused "negative impact" and harmed town way too much. But that doesn't eliminate the possibility. But regardless, I'm not saying that vig did anything or that it exists. Just want you to understand that eliminating reasons to get to a reason that seems more likely, can often mislead town.
Why shouldn't we presume a scenario where the vigilante is actually using their brain?
Scummy? impossible The only thing Dastrn did was be inactive.
Its why I do believe that even if we do have a vigilante, he/she/it would not have made the kill.
Primarily because as said earlier, killing off anyone inactive doesn't do anything except hurt town and the only one's benefiting from it would be mafia.
Which only makes it that much more important for everyone here to be active and also gain more information.
I think that knocking down reasons may actually help, because it will at least say why they targetted the victim and then understand the mindset.
If they eliminated the least active player, why did they?
Is it to relieve pressure off inactive members so they cans imply lurk?
Or is it just to mislead someone into thinking one of their members is inactive?
I admit, it possible for the vigilante to have a hand in things and make up for the lack of a lynch, but wouldn't the mafia have killed someone anyway?
In anycase, you are right earlier, itis pointless to continously discuss it.
The reason is that town is usually still going to make sure that the person isn't lynched when they shouldn't be. Since everyone knows that Chibo has the ability that he does, people will end up treating L-2 as L-1. If he were to use the ability as a surprise (which can't be done, now) the person would have to be at L-1, in which they would most likely die soon anyways, in most cases. The point is, compared to most other roles (Protective, Investigative, Killing, etc), town vote changer is really weak.
True, much of the strength did stem from it remaining a secret.
Unleashing it so early, with such poor reasoning didn't do anything for town.
@scamp: On the first day no one was posting anything. TO have made a lynch with nothing to run on would only have been hurtful and at the worst, result in the lost of two town members. I do think that the loss of 1 member while less informative, also wouldn't be as great a loss. It is why I think that if there is a vigilante, it would have been for that reason they did not act. Since Mafa would have benefited from it anyway. (unless on the incredible luck he shot down a mafia member).
As for Chibo vs bardul/Omni.
I think that based on the points Omni brought up, the ineffectiveness of his ability usage, the act that it only revealed information to the mafia in terms of power and possible night targets,, he is most likely an independent if not a TERRIBLE townie.
I think independant for two reasons.
Firstly, his action didn't do ANYTHING for the town, if anything it seemed like a defensive action in which he only thought of himself.
You don't need your vote to start a bandwagon. You merely need everyone else's, and considering the amount of people, the inactivity, all it did was inform mafia of powers and night kill targets.
Compounded with OS' words from the first day, Chibo is most likely an independent, if he isn't, I would be surprised. On the other hand, he could just be a TERRIBLE townie.