I've been playing the PC beta, and it's been pretty fun. Operation Metro doesn't seem like a real battlefield-style map, but it's not bad, and shows off how much improved the hit detection and engine is, compared to bad company 2.
There are rumors that a 2nd map (Caspian Sea) may open up during the beta, because it's included in the beta files and you can see there are servers running it on the battlelog. It turned out that the password to enter those servers was client-side, so some players were able to bypass that and play on the caspian sea map.
It looks like console versions are watered down a bit, due to the current gen hardware being pretty old now. Thankfully, building a decent gaming PC is now possible for as low as
$500, which is a big change from a few years ago. That PC would be able to run bf3 at 1080p on medium settings at least, possibly high with AA turned low.
I made a video of clips from a few matches on the PC beta: