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Basketball Thread

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Time to give my respect.

I honestly thought after the Celtics were eliminated getting past the Bulls wouldn't be nearly as bad. The Bulls proved me wrong... damn wrong. The 4-1 victory shouldn't fool anyone Chicago nearly won 3 of those 5 games. Derrick Rose is incredibly young and he's only gonna get better he's an incredible athlete and is likely gonna remain one of the biggest stars in the NBA. Chicago is just a couple of pieces away from being an even bigger threat to the Heat than they were now. These two teams will be the best in the East for a good while if they both stay healthy. This is just the beginning of a rivalry... And I look forward to the future Heat/Bulls ECF duke outs.

Better luck next year Chicago!

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I really do like Rose and think he's an amazing athlete but I laughed too hard when I saw the pic.

Sweet revenge for all of the "LeBron isn't clutch" pics and gifs that I had to deal with throughout the regular season.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
That's because he wasn't until the playoffs started <_<.

I really can't find myself making fun of humble players. It's just not in me. When I saw KD squat down and place his hand on the NBA logo while holding back tears last night...I mean, I just feel for the guy and I can't bring myself to making fun of him. I would make fun of Kobe, LBJ, Wade, Garnett. But I won't make fun of guys like Rose, KD, Nash, Dirk, etc. Just not in me.

Here is the image of KD.


The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
The pic is more of a shot at Bulls fans than Rose himself. Lets be real here Chicago fans on other forums have been putting Rose on an untouchable pedestal all throughout the regular season and it was getting annoying as hell to me.

At this moment though I really do feel bad for Rose a lot of Chicago fans/the media are gonna tear him a new *** hole. A lot of people are going as far as calling him the worst MVP of all time. He went from being the golden child of the NBA during the regular season to the new NBA choker. Rose needs to use all of this negativity and improve in the off season. He will bounce back and be hungrier than ever in the upcoming years.

Westbrook has also been getting a lot of flak recently... but I don't feel nearly as sorry for him. He put a lot of that on himself. He has some maturing to do.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I honestly don't know what Westbrook did to EARN his criticism. As much as I love KD, KD himself wasn't that good in the clutch for the most part either. A lot of times, I just saw him standing there, not demanding the ball. Both players need to improve, and it's funny how Westbrook is getting more of that criticism, while I have yet to see anything bad written about KD. I've already made my claims on what KD needs to improve on, and it was a big reason why he struggled so much against the Grizz and Mavs. It's why he struggled last year vs the Lakers as well.

Of course, Westbrook is gonna have to turn into more of a PG, and both him and Rose are gonna have to learn to get a reliable J. Rose needs a good wingman though. Nothing against Deng, but having a scoring 2 guard will do wonders for Rose.




Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Bored, that picture: Is it a joke? :O

Because that's a great view of how hard the Mavs work on the glass.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
That's because he wasn't until the playoffs started <_<.

I really can't find myself making fun of humble players. It's just not in me. When I saw KD squat down and place his hand on the NBA logo while holding back tears last night...I mean, I just feel for the guy and I can't bring myself to making fun of him. I would make fun of Kobe, LBJ, Wade, Garnett. But I won't make fun of guys like Rose, KD, Nash, Dirk, etc. Just not in me.
um.....since when has wade not been humble? The others I agree with though


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Yeah, Wade's pretty humble in my opinion. Really, I don't like ****-talking any athletes outside of the ones I absolutely dislike. Most of them are better at this sport than we could ever dream of being. Very few make me mad to see win ever.

i.e.- Bosh and Gasol. XD


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
Sorry Jane I had to. XD

hahaha, its all good.

i am sad... but the heat are a great team. only reason i dislike them is because i really dislike lbj. i love wade and bibby, and bosh, miller, and spo are all good guys. good job yall.

with that said, man i hope the mavs can take it. i would much rather see dirk get a ring than lebron. theyre both virgins at this point, so you know both will be super hungry. and lebron's closing ability has been scary in the postseason so... i'm scared haha.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
What I'm waiting to see is if the Heat can run a real offense in the 4th quarter against the Mavs. The Mavs ripped the Thunder apart in the closing minutes of games because of an offense that only wanted jump shots.

The Heat play very similar to that, although their defense is much better. I honestly think this series will be intense, since Dirk is unguardable, and Wade will be free to do whatever he wants against players like Jason Terry.

I'm hoping that Chandler and Haywood are capable of locking down the paint and being the difference in this series.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
um.....since when has wade not been humble? The others I agree with though
He's a good dude off the court, but he is definitely one cocky son of a ***** on the court. It's granted given how good he is, but the guy whines as good as the rest of the superstar players for fouls. He's also bit of a flopper. I sincerely doubt the guy has to fall down everytime someone bumps him, given guys his height manage to stay on their feet.

Like I said, if he was on my team, I'd defend him, but he's not. I'd make fun of Kobe to the ends of the earth on how much he whines to the refs if he wasn't on my team.

And Maaaan, yes that picture is a joke. I just found it funny how Kidd and Marion were pushing themselves and other teammates LOL.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
hahaha, the caption to this picture was

"As a Bulls fan, I want to congratulate the Heat on a hard fought series."

LOL and a heat fan replied "As a Heat fan, I want to thank the Bulls for choking in the last 2 minutes of the last 3 games."

ahh... :(

double edit to say: fuck lebron james. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AAM_mdNVek


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2010
haha, lebron is such a *****
I hate the heat so much, but their fans are even worse. If you live in florida then great, root for your home team but all of the **** riders elsewhere are so annoying. Especially all the people who have been defending the heat and saying "I stuck with them through thick and thin blah blah blah." Do they actually think that people think the heat are bad? Of course not, everyone knows they are a good team who stacked themselves up with players we love to hate. The heat are pretty much guaranteed to get a few rings in the next few years. Dirks time is running out and he is a player who is so much more like-able than most of the heat. He deserves that ring this year, the heat can get it next year


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
haha, lebron is such a *****
I hate the heat so much, but their fans are even worse. If you live in florida then great, root for your home team but all of the **** riders elsewhere are so annoying. Especially all the people who have been defending the heat and saying "I stuck with them through thick and thin blah blah blah." Do they actually think that people think the heat are bad? Of course not, everyone knows they are a good team who stacked themselves up with players we love to hate. The heat are pretty much guaranteed to get a few rings in the next few years. Dirks time is running out and he is a player who is so much more like-able than most of the heat. He deserves that ring this year, the heat can get it next year
lol...so much truth in this statement. I'm sure the mavs are hungry for a ring, and I have this feeling that they will finally prevail. That and there are alot of people who would say, "I hope the heat don't win **** for as long as the big three are together", which is probably unrealistic, seeing as how the heat are a really good team, and they expect to win a championship at some point, in the next few years, if not this year.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Vegas has Heat favored. GG.

Scottie Pippen saying LBJ is the greatest player to play the game. Dude should crawl back into his hole now.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Well Scottie does get caught up in the moment a lot, I think this is just another one of those times. Honestly, I wouldn't put LBJ in the top 10 all time at this point let alone greatest of all time.

EDIT: lmao...its in gif form now



Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
He's a good dude off the court, but he is definitely one cocky son of a ***** on the court. It's granted given how good he is, but the guy whines as good as the rest of the superstar players for fouls. He's also bit of a flopper. I sincerely doubt the guy has to fall down everytime someone bumps him, given guys his height manage to stay on their feet.

Like I said, if he was on my team, I'd defend him, but he's not. I'd make fun of Kobe to the ends of the earth on how much he whines to the refs if he wasn't on my team.
I dislike kobe pretty significantly but I don't really talk too much ***** about him because he has immense skill regardless of his attitude.

True, there's a lot of annoying bandwagon heat hans around but **** em', I was raised in MIA. They hopped on because of lebron no doubt. Wade is still my favorite player atm

double edit to say: fuck lebron james. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AAM_mdNVek
LOL I fux with Lebron's playsyle 100% because I can relate due to smash......n!gga just trolled the bulls so hard with that play.....too good.

and he's got a pro trollface too lmao!

edit: did anyone else catch bibby's game winning towel throw? lol


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX

"‎JHarden13: Vegas I'm here!!! #keepthatdown @KDthunderup @EMaynor3 @sergeibaka9"

LOL. These guys went to Vegas without Westbrook.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Bron kicking out his leg Reggie Miller style.

And I wonder how many times I've read articles where Bron says "I'm humbled". I can't take him seriously anymore when he says that.

In any case, Russel Westbrook has decided to go hang out with DeAndre Jordan after getting ditched LOL.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX

Genius move and a great move by Spo. Sticking LBJ on Barea...fast enough to stay with him on the Pick and Roll and prevent easy lay ups. Dish outs will be tougher with the length LBJ provides. Barea is the X-Factor off the bench, because he can cause havoc. I'm gonna find it humorous when LBJ stuffs Barea, and the crowd is like "OHHHH! OH ****! LBJ JUST STUFFED A ******"

Interesting to note, Desean Stevenson in their two regular season meetings with the Heat...held Wade to 2 points in 30 minutes.

Heat in 4.


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
Alright Game 1 is tonight! Hopefully this will be an epic series. I think I already predicted the Heat in 6 in another post. I had no idea going into this series that so many Maverick players have came this far in the playoffs but haven't won the O'Brien trophy.

Anyways I wonder if this will be the first year that the NBA championship will be won before the Stanley Cup? It's possible, for the two sports go back and forth every single day in June besides the 3rd and the 11th.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Today is the BIG DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I REALLY feel good about this series for the Heat but at the same time I don't want to underestimate the Mavericks at all. This series is gonna be all about great offense meeting great defense. Both teams are very capable of winning on the road so homecourt can't even be considered safe.

My heart wants to say Heat in 5... But my brain says 7. I'll meet in the middle; Heat in 6. Heat win first 2, Mavs win Game 3, Heat steal Game 4 on the road, Mavs win Game 5, then Heat close out the series in Miami in Game 6.

LOL this guy makes me want the Heat to sweep this series

Originally Posted by Dirkadirkastan
Welcome to the board, Jabrove, and thanks for your input. Allow me to reciprocate by articulating my opinion of your favorite franchise.

First and foremost, I find the Miami Heat to be the most vile, despicable, putrid, filthy, disgusting, repulsive, immoral, and generally unlikeable team in the NBA. My least favorite player in the world is and will always be Dwyane Wade, a dainty babyface inexplicably deemed worthy to wear the NBA's "Untouchable" tiara, which grants a player the right to place all of his opponents in foul trouble with little or no physical contact. Unfortunately, the officials were a little lax with this policy in the previous series, so Chicago's moderately physical play resulted in Wade making a return trip to the wheelchair.

But this is not the only issue I have with this team. Another detestable character worthy of ridicule and shame is the one often referred to by LeBron James as "LeBron James". Last summer, in a gutless act of betrayal, LeBron James made an obnoxious spectacle of LeBron James on national television, triumphantly abandoning the city that raised Lebron James. Turned out that two years prior, with the help of Pat Riley's greasy, slicked-back hair, LeBron James illegally colluded with Wade and perpetual yes-man Chris Bosh to sodomize together on the sandy shores of South Beach.

The ensuing celebration was a low point in human history, and it would be an embarrassment to our race if any intelligent extraterrestrial life were to learn of it.

Lastly of course, are all the stupid, fickle fans of that team that do not know anything about the noble sport of basketball. But they aren't worth the bytes on the forum server required to store this sentence.

There are many other reasons I despise that wretched team, but I've already become rather nauseated just writing the above bullet points. I eagerly look forward to witnessing our valiant Mavericks disembowel these unworthy cowards and cast their sorry remains into the nearest sewer.



Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Finally, the Finals are here. :D

I want the Mavs to win, but the Heat look so much more menacing. :O

Oh, and I watch Mike and Mike every morning, so I heard Scottie's comments live and in the full context. People jumped all over him waaaaay too hard, he didn't say LBJ was better, he said that he's got a skill set that Michael didn't have and one day might become better with. He said nothing that the whole world doesn't already think. lmao

The whole of the morning show made his comments a lot less drastic than "LBJ>MJ".


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
8 PM Central for us Texans.

I change my mind. Silly of me to think Heat in 4. Heat in 3. Mavs will quit after Game 3.

And I like that post you pasted TRG. His LeBron part was funny. He was making fun of LeBron for speaking in third person during the decision LOL.

"A LeBron James team is never desperate." lolwut.

And TRG, he does have a point. While Dwight lead the league in FTs (for obvious reasons), and LeBron is a physical specimen that's hard to stop going to the rim, Wade is the league's "untouchable", and he's been for quite sometime. I don't blame him for it, but I just figure the refs can do a better job, like they did in the Bulls series on preventing that. Once Wade saw his flailing and falling all over the place wouldn't work, he started playing regular basketball.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
There was definitely something other than the refs that was really affecting Wade whether it was his shoulder, the Bulls defense, or whatever. I find it funny after one bad series, a lot of people want to throw him under the bus and claim that this is "LeBron's team" now despite the fact that Wade hit huge shots down the stretch to help the Heat win... And everyone also seems to forget that Wade was arguably better than LeBron against Boston.

Calls or no calls Wade will be just fine this series.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I don't think it was the shoulder. I think Wade himself said he was just "fatigued" from the grind it out series vs Boston and Chicago. These 5+ days off help him a lot. With that being said, he is gonna be seeing the Bulls and Celtics for a few years. Dude better get used to being "fatigued".

Also, I hate to say this, but if Wade does not have a solid Finals performance, I think we can say next year, THIS IS LBJ's team.



The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Yeah I've seen that video a few times. Everyone knows at this point that Bosh isn't the manliest guy ever... The guy READS during his free time while Wade and LeBron are hittin up the clubs for God's sake.
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