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Basketball Thread


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Btw, I called it a long time ago. LBJ on Rose is the best defender Heat can throw at him. Wade on Deng is nothing severely bad.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Derrick Rose: "It's hard when a 6-8 guy can easily guard you"

QFT Rose quote for ****ing truth.

At least everyone in the NBA was reminded of who the real best player in the league is... I expect the Rose hype will die down after this series.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
76'ers fans- "We're an incomplete team the Celtics will destroy them!"

Celtics fans- "The Celtics are old the Bulls are younger and a much better team the Heat don't stand a chance."

Bulls fans- "Dirk is unstoppable no way Miami will win in the Finals."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Unless the refs "magically" let Haslem and LBJ play rough on Dirk, Dirk should be fine. The key question is who's gonna be his ROBIN. Last night it was Kidd, but Terry has been struggling this whole series vs OKC. They have a nice set of players, but they need a number two guy to show up to keep up with Wade, Bosh, and LBJ. As much as I love Chandler on Bosh...won't be as severe as Noah. Same with Marion on LBJ, and Stevenson on Wade.

LBJ on Dirk should be really interesting. He's strong and fast to stay in front. He has the hops to contest as well.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
This is a disaster. I just saw this on ESPN, and this wasn't the coach I wanted. Yes he brings a defensive mindset, but his entire offensive scheme was predicated on "Give LeBron the ball". Season over.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Question is will Kobe be able to respect Brown like he did with Phil?

Man I still can't believe Phil is gone the Lakers will never be the same... :(


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Kobe is grown up and matured enough to respect Brown. I'm just worried about how Brown will coach the team + the drama that enfolded towards the end of the season. We had Bynum calling the team out in trust issues, the team being too old, Pau Gasol's fiance dumping him, because a laker teammate's wife caused it, and even Shannon Brown tweeting to tell his fans he DID NOT sleep with Gasol's fiance.

The whole team is a mess, and I hope this off-season does good to them. Trust is an important part to a team's success, and if push comes to shove, some pieces might have to be moved if guys can't get along.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
It was interesting to note after Game 4, Westbrook was seen in the locker room laughing it up. I don't know if he was trying to be Mr. Optimistic, but that's not what I want from the second best player on the team. Seeing Durant after this game...I just know he's gonna keep getting better. OKC is gonna run the West for years to come.

Dallas better not be down in the 4th vs Miami anytime soon. They might be able to get away with it vs a young OKC team, but Miami? You will be SCREWED.

Wow, it is so pointless to debate with so many Heat fans. We were talking about the 06 Finals, and he was claiming that despite the refs helping the Heat, they still could have won had they made more shots -_-. I mean wtf dude...yes that's a valid statement, but Games 5 and 6 came down to a combined 3 points...if Wade doesn't get a phantom foul per game, the Mavs are champions. One variable is controlled by the players, while the other is controlled by the refs and Stern.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Dallas/Miami series from 06 is just a memory now Bored. This is a new series, where both teams fell from grace and rebuilt strong. Now, they're both fueled by a strange irony that put them against each other again, and both teams have players that want a championship bad.

When I say it's just a memory, I mean the refs shouldn't be called into question for a series that hasn't happened yet. Forget what may or may not have been, this championship series is all that matters.

Congratz to the Best in the West Mavs. Now the Heat better win so we stop looking like fools for writing off the Bulls after Game 3.

As for Mike Brown, he was the coach that both developed James and built a defensive mindset for a team that won a ****-ton of games. Don't count out what he *might* be able to do on offense with a team as stacked as the Lakers.

And when it comes to handling the team, I would be shocked if Mike Brown and Kobe weren't able to get Gasol/Bynum in check. If anything, Mike Brown might be able to be enough of a coach to make Gasol stop being such a *****. :\

Honestly, I'm a little more scared of the Lakers going forward: They're going to be better defensively and tougher. Offense comes easy with players like Kobe/Odom/Bynum/Gasol.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Memory? So what if it's a memory? It's a memory of a CHAMPIONSHIP. The potential first for the Mavs, which went to Miami. It haunts the players just as much it haunts the fans. Maaan, you still have to put an * next to that championship solely because of what happened after Game 4. Even Mike Breen post game tonight was referring to the 06 finals and how it was "Clouded by the officiating". It might be a memory, but it's a painful memory for Dallas fans, AND for any fan of the game. I think what I'm most scared of is the officiating getting in the way again, and ruining the series. I don't want to see Dirk, Bosh, LBJ, or Wade suddenly become untouchable. Let the refs make the right calls, and may the best team win. I won't feel any sense of "Justice" if Dirk averages 20 fts a game, and the Mavs end up winning. That's not how it should be.

If that's how the Finals are gonna go, I might just stop watching basketball actively.

Mike Brown is meh to me. He was a good regular season coach, but the guy sucked balls making adjustments and rotations in the playoffs. That's what I'm most scared of. I specifically remember a scene in a playoff OT game, with 2 seconds left where Brown was not even in the huddle. It was the Assistant coach making the play, while Brown was pacing back and forth. Very sad sight.

The guy will get the players to work hard, but does that = good defense? Fisher is still 36, Artest is still 32, etc. I'm sure the defensive rotations will improve, but I don't think that's enough to address an issue where Fisher is constantly getting burned and being ineffective on the offensive end.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough I suppose. I meant, Dallas and Miami have the memory of playing each other. The rosters have changed a bit, but they're the same teams and neither wants to lose. I agree completely that Dirk is hungrier for a ring this year than ever.

But for the officiating, complaining about '06 isn't going to change a thing. The officiating of this series is a completely different thing than '06 was. 20 FT's a game is high, but 12 is completely believable for Dirk. Honestly, the Mavs are more in danger of getting shafted from the line because Wade and Bron get to the line more times than they deserve. It's just how the game is played. If it happens a lot and the Mavs lose, it won't be crooked officiating, it'll be how the Heat have gotten called all season long.

Not that it's fair, but that's how it goes. I highly, supremely, extraordinarily doubt that the officiating will be suspect in this series.

As for Mike Brown: Expect personnel changes, and that has nothing to do with him. The Lakers proved last year that they aren't young enough to play casually with their talent, and they need more players like Shannon Brown. Whoever the coach would've been, LA couldn't win with that same roster. Mike Brown should find some youth and hustle to pad that bench and complement Odom/Gasol.

Like I said, Kobe/Gasol/Bynum/Odom are guaranteed offense, a luxury Brown didn't have in Cleveland. Obviously Phil Jackson was a better coach than Mike Brown, but I never feared his defensive chops like I did Cleveland's.

Edit: As for who I'm rooting for to win it all: I can't stand the Mavs. I don't want the Heat to win this year, because it'll change the landscape of the NBA for years ahead with talented players looking for new teams. And if that happens, the Spurs will be irrelevant in the league for the first time in a very long time.

So I've decided to root for Jason Kidd and Dirk Nomisski to win a ring. The lesser of two evils. XD

Realistically, he'd never do it, but Dwight Howard in Spurs uniform would be an AMAZING fit for both us and him from a basketball standpoint. Plus, D12 would look good in Silver and Black.
But that'll never happen, we're way too small of a market for his celebrity. lol


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Only conspiracy theory I really remember was that "the Mavs will not win a championship under Mark Cuban".

So maybe the Lakers got swept because Stern knows that a Heat championship is more valuable financially than LA's. :O

But seriously, Stern's only guilty of trying everything he can to make the NBA a financial success. The rest of his front office handles most of the basketball stuff. lol

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Bulls fans are hilarious. They blame this series on the refs and poor shooting... No credit to Miami's defense and ability to get to the basket more than the Bulls.

What's even more hilarious is that they really think they're gonna magically turn this series around and win in 7.

Time to put these haters to sleep.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
There have been a lot of conspiracy events, but after 06 they have been more toned down. Jordan's "push" on his game winner, Game 6 of the WCF in 2002, and then we had a downtime where ratings continued to drop due to the boring Finals year after year (Detroit vs Spurs lol), and then in 2006, Mark Cuban's constant bashing of the refs = Stern punishing the team in the Finals and making Wade the next "Jordan". LeBron's game vs Detroit where he scored 20+ straight points had some issues with it.

Game 4 of the WCF in 2008, Brent Barry not getting the foul when Fisher jumped into him. It was a foul before the shot, Barry hits the FTs, game goes into OT, and a possible chance for the series to swing back 2-2 to LA.

2008 NBA finals when Leon Powe outshot the entire Laker team in free throws was a total lolwut.

2010 NBA finals had a few controversial calls in the fourth of Game 7. I can say LA had the "momentum" but they did get 3-4 ticky tack fouls in that quarter, when the whole game was being played physical.

James and Wade have only reached 10+ free throws once in the ECF this year. Give credit to great Chicago D, and the refs letting them grind it out. Dallas D isn't as good as Chicago, but there will be voices heard if LBJ and Wade both suddenly start averaging 15+ free throws a game

I'm not saying the refs should be perfect, but there are times when it's obvious that should not or should be a foul.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Those were some funny travels though. Those were super blatant, so if the refs don't call that...they just too old.

I had Bulls winning this game anyways. Miami will take this back home.

Reggie Miller can kiss my ***. He commends LeBron for flopping, but whenever a lesser player does it (Bogans), he says nothing good.

I'm gonna have a good laugh if Bulls lose by a point or two. That technical....wooooow.


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
The Bulls need to really move around on offense. It seems like they just stand around and wait for Rose to do something. At the beginning of the game players were moving all around and setting up plays, and it was working rather well.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
LeBron is too clutch. Guy is on a mission. I don't know wtf Wade was doing until the fourth. Mavs are gonna have to deal with some REAL closers compared to KD and Westbrook.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Like OKC, Chicago is a pretty young team. Once they acquire that reliable SG, these guys will be a threat. Their defense is there, but the team needs another perimeter player to take people off the dribble. Wade was playing "old" for most of this series.

Btw, LOL when they showed the fans in Miami. 90% of them were Latinos.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well, it's not surprising that the two "clutchest" teams from the playoffs are facing each other in the Finals. With that being said, I do think Miami is clutchier outside of Dirk. Dallas is gonna need someone else to step up.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well, if there's one thing we learned. Young superstars will make mistakes/choke in big game situations. OKC did it multiple times, and so did Chicago.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
That's actually my prediction. Mavs bench is gonna have to be ridiculous every night, and someone is gonna have to be "Robin" for them to win.


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
Looking forward to this series. I'm hoping Dallas pulls it off because I'd like to see Rick Carlisle get a ring. Aside from players and coaches from a personality standpoint I think Miami is going to take this series. They have defense, offense, and are clutch. I would think Dallas would be better than Chicago on offense only because they seem to play more team ball, but I don't think they will have as good of defense as the Bulls had.

Just hoping for a great series. Calling Miami in 6. Actually...who get's homefield? If it's Dallas I'm going to be on the fence a little bit. Then again, it's a 2-3-2 set for home games. I'm still going to roll with Miami as my prediction either way.
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