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Basketball Thread


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Lol.some of the people in the oversees league trash high school players in games.Like that one player who went overseas to avoid the draft schooling requirements.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
But he's being paid by the owners, and imo is doing a crap of a job. If the owners are talking about players taking pay cuts, they should also look at Stern as well. He's not exactly the most popular commish in sports. Bud Selig and him are constantly going back and forth on who I hate more.

And you don't need basically 20 mil to do paper work.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
In Bud Selig's hands, MLB fell to below the NFL and ALMOST the NBA in popularity. Outside of 30 year olds and up that is.

And even among the older generation, the NFL is more popular now.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Well, I'm willing to concede that I would like a new commissioner. Someone who can take charge of the business side of things. So yeah.

But Euroball is so far past what people realize dude. Sure, high school has some great players every once in a while, but Euroball has grown men who are in their prime. It's just the ages involved. There's plenty of European talent that is in the league, even if they're not superstars.

And you left KG off your High School list. Replace Dirk with him since Dirk came from overseas and would've been a Euroballer if he wasn't in the NBA so early.

Besides, a quarter of this year's first round draft were overseas people nobody knows. lol
Yeah. The NBA needs a solid Commissioner who can take charge of the money problems, and can also expand the game in North America and abroad to more markets. Besides, David Stern is crazy. The man wants to get ride of the goal-tending and basket interference rules! What next, stop calling fouls? :glare: :awesome: :cool:

Euroball has a few good players that could succeed in the NBA, sure. There's also a couple of sleepers like Manu was. But overall, they just don't play the game at a high enough level. But most of the high level players from Europe come out of high school or only go to play in Europe as development before they play in the NBA (but now they're also going to the Developmental League of the NBA).

As for Dirk, he came straight out of high school. Even if he would have been a EuroBaller if he wasn't drafted out of high school, he was. :laugh: He would've been a Euroballer, but his extreme athleticism, elusiveness, and ability to score anywhere on the floor consistently made him a perfect fit for Nelly and his Nelly Ball. Hell, after his playoff explosion, he'd be a great fit for any Dream Team. (seeing him score endlessly on the previously unbeatable Serge Ibaka was incredible!)

But ironic I left off KG. Now there's someone who hates EuroBall. I don't hate it like KG was, but dang it, I hate it when they call everyone "the next Dirk/Manu/Parker" when nobody is. It's like how I hate every college basketball player that goes into the NFL Draft to become "the next Antonio Gates." But still, KG could beat anyone in the EuroLeague straight out of high school, easy. Because the high school drafted players generally are pretty incredible athletes, scorers, and defenders. On a different note, I just realized I left off Monte Ellis of the list of drafted out of high school players; how could I leave off my main man, the Mississippi Bullet?

But I guess I should have specified; most of my hate for Euro Ball comes from Western Europe EuroBall. If I'm not mistaken, there were no Western Europeans drafted. (Ricky Rubio for the lulz! How the heck do you draft him over Steph Curry? I should be thankful, as the Warriors are my team)

Eastern Europe... now that's where the talent's at! Consistent talent is always coming out of there. Eastern Europe has got excellent basketball players a plenty, many of whom are drafted straight out of high school, or go to college here. (like that one center here who was ruled ineligible to play in the NCAA, who I believe was picked 3rd overall)

On top of that, they come to American to play with the best in the world, and the ones who compete with the best in America could thrive and succeed at any level of play. But again, that's because many come straight out of high school, or even come to college here to get an education before going pro.

Eastern Europe Basketball = too legit to quit.
Western Europe = Good talent every once in a while. (all those drafted Western Europeans on the Raptors failed hard, lol!)

@ Man
That's probably because the NFL had drug testing faster, dynasties that didn't win by paying off huge contracts and got great players through trades, drafting, and development *cough49ersruledthe80'swhichwaswhytheNFLownedcough*, had balanced teams, and had NFL Films on their side.

The MLB, no cap lock aside, also had huge cocaine issues, and the steroid era turned the league from a 5-4 close game league to a bunch of 15 to 8 games that were pretty boring to watch aside from a few home runs. I remember I went to a Giants game like 6 years ago when Barry Bonds was on the team, and the score was something like the Giants 22, the Cubs 8 (Sammy Sosa scored like 4 home runs, lol!). It wasn't even close, or that fun to watch. The last Giants game I went to last year, the score was 1 to 0. One crack of the bat and the game is tied or won, and what would have been home runs kept curving foul, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

On top of that, most Super Bowls since the 80's have been fairly close (one lost by a wide right field goal; sorry Buffalo fans), and this century all but two or three Super Bowls were close throughout, or came down to the last drive. One was even won by a yard.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I think Stern has done a great job expanding the game to other countries, it's just that what he does internally is terrible.

In my personal opinion, I think physical play out does finesse any day of the week, but there are exceptions to the rule that have been proven (Dirk and Pau Gasol). I'm not sure how Refs do it in Europe, but if they would let guys like Dwight, Kobe, LeBron do what they can with their strength, the Euros would get owned hard. I just don't see that many Dirks and Pau's out there in Europe to compete. It's a big reason why the Re-deem team ***** everyone in the Olympics.

Though I will say Marc Gasol is pretty physical lol.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I think Stern has done a great job expanding the game to other countries, it's just that what he does internally is terrible.

In my personal opinion, I think physical play out does finesse any day of the week, but there are exceptions to the rule that have been proven (Dirk and Pau Gasol). I'm not sure how Refs do it in Europe, but if they would let guys like Dwight, Kobe, LeBron do what they can with their strength, the Euros would get owned hard. I just don't see that many Dirks and Pau's out there in Europe to compete. It's a big reason why the Re-deem team ***** everyone in the Olympics.

Though I will say Marc Gasol is pretty physical lol.
He has in that he's let players do it, but he hasn't really pushed it in countries without players in the NBA really well. The NBA came to China because of Yao. The NBA got big in Europe because they had players from their countries and cities represented in the NBA. But losing all that money is just stupid. I mean, it's one thing if bottom feeder and newer franchises like the T-Wolves, Raptors, and Bobcats lose money, it's another thing entirely when the Sacramento Kings get a good crowd every night and they still lose money, or when the NBA left Seattle after they rabidly supported that team (just look at how rabidly they support their MLS and NFL teams).

And I agree about physical play. Western Europe Euro League players could be pushed around like little kids by Dwight Howard. He would dunk on their faces all day. You know that dunk he did on Jrue Holliday? Where he grabbed him and unloaded on his face? That would happen every game in Europe, unless the refs made some bull crap rules. However, Howard, and all the other physical players also have a lot of finesse, and are much better athletes than anyone in Europe. Seriously-just wait for the Olympics. If Dwight Howard uses 10% of his skill, athleticism, focus, and power, no one will be able to cover him that isn't an NBA athlete.

That's exactly why I'm saying Kobe, Dirk, LeBron, KG, Monte, and Dwight out of high school could own the best EuroLeaguers: They are so much stronger, so much better defenders (All the EuroLeague basketball I've seen has had pretty poor defense, and their bigs are afraid to get up close most of the time), and their bigs are so much more agile and know how to play a much harder, physical game that helps add to create three dimension teams versus the finesse-based mid-range and long-range focused game in Eastern Europe. *stares at Barnatti or whatever his name is on the Raptors and laughs*

Yeah, and I agree that Marc is way more physical than his timid elder brother. The Grizzles may have given the Lakers two championships by trading Pau for Marc, but they may have given themselves a shot at many more with Marc. Just imagine how deadly they'll be if there roster is healthy. They were a few baskets short of making it to the Western Conference Finals without their best player! (Rudy Gay, a clutch, all around amazing player!)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^ Seriously, I can't wait to see Austin Rivers in action. That kids looks like, sounds like, and plays like a stud.

And you know what makes me a little upset? There's all these videos on the Hall of Fame induction of Dennis Rodman, but very few of Chris Mullen, Artis Gilmore (I believe he set the record for most turnovers in a game, lol!), and the other inductees. I want to see all of Mully's induction video; you gotta love Run T M C. >.>


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
LMAO, I remember seeing the first one. That stuff was great. Thank God the Dream Team wasn't an NBA Team. Could you imagine how broken that would be? The NBA would be in real debt! :laugh:

Also, that first video had a funny post, that was something along the lines of "Could you imagine how bad the NBA would be off if the Dream Team lost?" Friggen hilarious quote right there! :laugh: :grin: :cool:


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2009
The Lone Star State
^ Seriously, I can't wait to see Austin Rivers in action. That kids looks like, sounds like, and plays like a stud.
Same here except with Quincy Miller. Baylor played an exhibition game (though QMiller, Acy, Bobo, and Franklin (who won't be eligible until the spring semester) did not play) the other day and that got me really pumped for the season.

On paper, we're a top 10 team, but last year we were definitely played much worse than we were on paper. Damn you Lace...


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2009
The Lone Star State
things often dont translate correctly from paper to the court :p
Indeed, but I think our team chemistry will be much better this year. Last year we lacked senior leadership which we will have this year with Acy, Ant Jones, and Ellis. I also think we will be better without Lace. Last year our offense revolved around him, and his shot selection hurt us a lot (IMO Tweety Carter at PG the last 3 years kept him in check, but after he left there was nobody to control him). We're also bringing in Quincy Miller and Deuce Bello as freshman. Miller should be a game changer for us. People bill him as the next Durant, but I don't think he's that good. At least not right now (compared to Durant at UT). Bello should be a good 3-4 year player for us. I don't expect huge contributions from him this year, but he has all the athletic abilities to succeed. Now he just needs the skills.

We're also bringing in Pierre Jackson who was the #1 juco player in the nation, and from what little I've seen of him he's going to be great. He's not very big, but he's quick, can shoot, pass, and manage the game from the PG position. We picked up Brady Heslip from Boston College on a transfer, and he's one of the best shooters I've seen in a while. Hand in face, wide open, whatever, if he gets it off it's probably going in. And finally, we get Cory Jefferson back from his redshirt last year. I've heard that he's the best dunker on the team, and he sure looks like it to me. Though it's hard to believe he's better than Acy and Bello.

Plus, we're returning Perry Jones, a projected top 3 pick from last year's draft.

Why am I posting all this? I don't even know. I guess it's cause I'm bored haha.

Anyways, if you tl;dr here's a link of LBJ getting schooled by an Taiwanese player: http://eye-on-basketball.blogs.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/22748484/31330544


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
LOL.Nice one King James.
anyways,to football for a moment,The jets played a decent preseason game.Mcelroy looked pretty good for his part of the game.running game coulda been better at the end tho.-.-


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I have never taken much from pre-season...even when the starters aren't playing, they aren't going all out. You can say a second stringer looks good, but he's not playing against the first string when they are going full go either. Very rarely does a team or player look good in pre-season translate into the regular season.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
I take a lot from preseason when coaches are involved. The best way to tell if a team is better than another outside of talent is who has the better coaching staff. Defensive schemes really show what a team is capable of, and a well designed play on offense can get anybody open, even a 7th option receiver.

Otherwise, it's all meh. I do enjoy watching it on TV though. Football is just fun to watch. :D


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I've actually come across this channel before, while searching for some ESPN music. Great recommendation.

Anyone see Kobe's buzzer beater over James Harden and his Muslim Beard?


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Reminder: Jazz are the best team in the league.

Not really.

But they will be in like, three years. Just wait.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
As a fellow beard wearer, I can attest to the power of Harden's. But no, I haven't seen that clip. :O

And glad it helped you out Frotaz, I had actually posted that same Primetime song on Facebook earlier that day. XD


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Peyton has nerve damage in his neck still from his surgery. It's not serious, but it's making his whole neck and body tighter than it should be until it fully heals. All reports are that he's doubtful/questionable for the season opener(an important one against division rival Houston), but the general feeling around the league is that he won't miss it.

I for one think he'll be ready to go by the season opener.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Double posting:

Talking about football because all sports rock, and the NBA's gonna' be gone for a while. This is a thread for sports discussion first and foremost, with a specialty of basketball.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Peyton has nerve damage in his neck still from his surgery. It's not serious, but it's making his whole neck and body tighter than it should be until it fully heals. All reports are that he's doubtful/questionable for the season opener(an important one against division rival Houston), but the general feeling around the league is that he won't miss it.

I for one think he'll be ready to go by the season opener.
Thanks for the update.
Chris Johnson closer to being signed apparently.
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