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Social Banjo-Kazooie Social Thread - Project Dream Come True!


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Apparently, even the old-school Turtles games are making a comeback!


Shredder's Revenge was born from a happy coincidence between two TMNT-loving development teams who joined forces after discovering they each had a shared vision of making a new Turtles game. The project began when Nickelodeon, who holds the Turtles license, approached Dotemu to make a new game based on one of their IPs. The company was impressed by the studio’s past work on games like Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, and Dotemu jumped at the chance to tackle TMNT next. As Dotemu began mapping out ideas for the game, it caught word that Tribute Games was not only interested in doing the same but had been campaigning to Nickelodeon for permission to create a TMNT game since 2010. Unfortunately, the timing was never right, but Tribute kept in touch with Nickelodeon hoping that the stars would one day align.

“We were always super persistent,” says Tribute Games co-founder Jonathan Lavigne. “Like, if we're gonna take on one of your IPs, we want it to be TMNT. Every time the topic was brought up about us taking on a project, I would always say, ‘Well, we really want to do TMNT.’ We grew up in the arcades and playing TMNT, so we really wanted to have a stab at it.”
Microsoft aren't just sleeping on doing that for B-K, they're downright hibernating. This reaffirms my belief that indies have to keep pushing demand for their dreams to happen.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
So I finally played and beat "Yooka Laylee" and while I'm no expert reviewer my overall thoughts about this game is that it was just "OK" for what the game is.

The game played and looked fine for the most part, But I'll be honest, Playing this game really made me wish I was just playing the "Banjo-Kazooie" franchise instead.


The characters themselves, As weird as it sounds, I feel like the voices and personalities for Banjo and Kazooie are more fitting for a Bear and Bird rather than a Reptile and a Bat, Yooka's voice didn't sound that very appealing or fitting for the character and while Laylee's voice did suit her more, I wasn't as big of a fan of her character design, The one thing that they did do well was their powers and abilities which were fitting for both a Chameleon and bat.

Trowzer is probably the best character in the game and love his design with the hat, tie, pants and business snake with old phone, Very fitting voice too, I was a fan of Rextro too, But his arcade games were pretty meh.

I'll be honest, Capital B (Main Antagonist) was pretty underwhelming, Personality wise he fits the bill, But I really don't find "Bee" as imposing or as main boss material like King K. Rool (Crocodile) and Gruntilda (Witch) who are more menacing than a Corporate Bee in a suit, I did like Dr. Quack as a character, A Mallard Duck head in a gumball machine with wheels is pretty funny, Though I wished his voice was more "Quacky, Probably my 2nd favorite character after Trowzer.

Wasn't a fan of most of the henchman in the game, The basic gremlin-like creatures character designs were pretty ugly and generic, Their reskinned in later worlds, But it's a minor improvement, muscular reptiles were ok though and bee drones were meh.

Boss characters were more "Inanimate" than I would have liked them to be and were not too hard, But the game's jankyness did cost me a few deaths at times, Especially the casino (Pretty fun) and final boss.

Supporting cast was ok, There were a few favorites, But overall nothing too memorable, Though I will say the dialogue between the characters was pretty well written and was reminiscent of Banjo-Kazooie.

Worlds/Level Design: Maybe it's just me, But the worlds didn't grab me as much as I thought they would and I though they were way too damn big, Tooie and DK 64 are pretty big, But still manageable, This game felt that while it had a solid amount of collectibles were spread rather thin throughout the worlds and kind of left you with no sense of direction for the most part, I don't know if it was the Unity engine, But it felt you can literally stand or go on anything that you probably shouldn't which made the game feel somewhat broken at times, But did made some task easier, Minecart levels were great concept to revist, But man did they felt janky with the camera and hit detection.

Music: While I love both Grant Kirkhope and David Wise's work in Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country, I felt that Yooka-Laylee's soundtrack was weaker compared to their past efforts, It feels like they knew this was an indie game so they held back their "A-Tier" music and just put out some "C-Tier" tracks they had in their back pocket, Though I did like the Casino World's theme and the Ice world them was decent.

Unfortunately the best track in the game was tied to a minecart section, This David Wise track made me wish it was "World 1's" theme and reminds me of DKC.

Gameplay: I think that for the most part the game handled pretty well, Yooka and Laylee's powers were very fitting for a Chameleon and Bat and were used as intended, But the game did felt pretty janky at times, Rolling felt a little slippery at times and while flying feels quick, It doesn't really feel like you have full control and end up swerving in circles at times.

Overall Score: 7/10

Overall, I think I have to agree with most reviewers about the game being mixed, It's certainly not a bad game, But it's not a great one either, It was "Ok/Fine", But it certainly didn't live up to the expectations pre-release. If a sequel is in store in the future hopefully they build upon the first game, But honestly I would rather just have Banjo-Kazooie" comeback instead.

"Impossible Lair" is coming up next and as a big fan of "Donkey Kong Country" and based on what I've heard I think I'm gonna end up liking that game a lot more.
Yeah, I understand where a lot of people are coming from, and I'll be honest that after playing Yooka-Laylee, I wanted to like it more than I did. I feel like the issue is that their approach was good, and surprisingly good for a new startup indie company to make--but because of its limited budget, the jankiness and emptiness is difficult to enjoy.

The main disappointment is there only being 5 stages, half of what we're used to with the N64 versions. They try to make up for it by making the worlds bigger and have double the collectables--but, to me, that makes the game worse. It feels on the whole less varied, makes each world feel empty, with not a whole lot to do, and the perception that Banjo-Kazooie was just a collectathon and people liked collecting useless stuff is completely mistaken. In the original, each collectible had a purpose, and they were placed purposely. In Yooka-Laylee, they're just thrown around randomly, and because there's too many, it's hard to keep track of. In the original it was simple--10 jiggies and 100 notes in each world, 9 worlds and 1 hub area. In Yooka, there's 25 pagies and 200 quills in each world, but it depends on whether it's the original or expanded world, and but what about the hub world--already confused.

And the lack of a budget and polish really shows in the enemies--they look so tiny I couldn't tell what they looked like, on my TV screen, and when hit they get flung around like baby's first Blender project. And the quiz section is emblematic of this issue--in the original, it was a huge board game, with a variety of spaces, puzzles, and questions could vary from a simple question, impossible to remember questions, picture questions, music questions, boss and puzzle challenges. And there was strategies you could employ using jokers and avoiding death spaces. In Yooka, it's just 10 questions, in a line, with far more random trivia than people care about compared to the first. Feels barren, though that is unfortunately an expected trajectory--I remember being disappointed as a kid playing Tooie and the quiz at the end was just answering questions better than the computer, even if I thought the comedic bits were nice.

As for the music, I think it was good given what they had to work with. Sure, most of it was a lot less memorable, though it gave us this amazing song, so I can't complain. And that's my positive feelings concerning Yooka-Laylee--despite it's problems, it is way better than I thought a few guys with Kickstarter money could pull off. I feel like reviewers were unfair trying to compare it with a triple A title like Mario Odyssey--it's comparing apples and oranges. And I happened to enjoy Yooka-Laylee a lot more than Odyssey, though that mainly indicates how disappointed in the direction I thought Odyssey went in.

Don't forget, bears and birds! This month, the Banjo & Kazooie amiibo releases! Anybody already got theirs preordered?

Pre-ordered it immediately, when I saw the link. Excited, as it's going to be my first real Banjo-Kazooie merch, and I'm fulfilling a promise that I made that if Banjo & Kazooie got into Smash, they would be the first amiibo I ever buy. Perhaps if I like it, I'll get more--Mario, Pokémon Trainer, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac Man, Cloud and Joker are on my list. We'll see.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
When you think about it, it feels like a positive response to the ugly Steve render.

The Way Steve looks reminds me of Little Audrey from Back Then.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I can't see that beard of his not being a smile. Every time I look at Steve, it's a smile!

So, one week and counting to the official release of Banjo and Kazooie's amiibo.
Yeah, I used to think that.
Man, I hope my plan of picking up a pre-ordered game on the same day works. Otherwise I might end up missing a good opportunity like last time. :ultkrool:

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
I finally got myself the Banjo amiibo! The struggle was real as I had to make my way through a big wind storm, but it was completely worth it!

View attachment 308794
If my pictures weren't so big that they break the site, I would also be showing that Banjo and Kazooie have come home. So instead, I'll steal your image and we can pretend it's a picture of my amiibo.

The Target I got it at had 8 of them. About 4 hours later I had to go back to Target to pick up something else, so I checked them out again and just one remained.

Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
I ordered my B&K Amiibo just now! Super excited about it... This is the first Amiibo I've gotten for Ultimate and it might be the last. Second Amiibo I've gotten overall. I had a Smash 4 Link that got lost... I just had to get this one though. I love their design so much, and I just can't believe I actually got this character in Smash.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I got my Banjo & Kazooie amiibo yesterday. Pre-ordered from Best Buy back in December—anticipating that trying to get it now would be a hassle, and from what I’ve seen, it was for a lot of people.

I still have my issues with the concept of amiibos, but it’s great to see former Nintendo characters, owned by Microsoft, now official Nintendo merchandise. It’s still surreal. I promised I would get one if Banjo & Kazooie were in Smash, promise kept.


Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
Amazon was out, but Target had 2 left thankfully. I'm picking it up tomorrow. I got lucky this time... jeez.

Sorry that happened, but as we all know, Banjo-Kazooie IS serious business.
Well I would recommend that you refrain from stealing any merch. Lol

EDIT: I finally got it and I love it so much! 😍


Crash finally has a friend!
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
So happy to hear Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie are now cloud-enabled with Gamepass Ultimate. I was curious about trying it out when it comes to PC, and now this solidifies it. The price is still too steep to do it all the time, but I can now include it as a possibility in my monthly streaming budget along with my movie subscriptions. Maybe if Nintendo includes N64 games with NSO I'll get that again, though the rumors seem to suggest, if anything, it'll be Gameboy games.

Curious for those who have cloud-enabled Gamepass Ultimate on Android, how's it play? It's funny, because I own the games, so theoretically could play them any time, I just don't have an Xbox (my 360 got lost or stolen). So once cloud-enabled games come to PC, I'll be able to play them again, and I'm curious if I should be able to play them even if my subscription runs out (because, again, I do already own them).


Hell’s Worst Nightmare
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Apparently, even the old-school Turtles games are making a comeback!


Microsoft aren't just sleeping on doing that for B-K, they're downright hibernating. This reaffirms my belief that indies have to keep pushing demand for their dreams to happen.
This is kind of an old post but I do want to add that Microsoft was apparently shopping around for a new developer to work on Killer Instinct but to no avail (yet) they apparently did the same thing with DaLaLa and Battletoads and apparently Perfect Dark was pitched for The Initiatives very first game either first or VERY early on. Microsoft cares about Rare properties but they also know that they have to get it right. They didn’t quite nail the landing with Battletoads as that game is good just not in the style most wanted. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re looking for a studio to work on Banjo-Kazooie.

I’d love for them to hand it over for Nintendo EPD as unlikely as that sounds but I have hope that Banjo-Kazooie is in Xbox’s future plans because we know, at the very least Perfect Dark, Battletoads, and Killer Instinct are.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
You know...as much as Yooka-Layee gets flack for not living up to its pedigree, at least the Switch version is actually playable.

To think that Arzest screwed up that badly for Balan Wonderworld. I can't see Naka and Oshima recover from this.

This is kind of an old post but I do want to add that Microsoft was apparently shopping around for a new developer to work on Killer Instinct but to no avail (yet) they apparently did the same thing with DaLaLa and Battletoads and apparently Perfect Dark was pitched for The Initiatives very first game either first or VERY early on. Microsoft cares about Rare properties but they also know that they have to get it right. They didn’t quite nail the landing with Battletoads as that game is good just not in the style most wanted. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re looking for a studio to work on Banjo-Kazooie.

I’d love for them to hand it over for Nintendo EPD as unlikely as that sounds but I have hope that Banjo-Kazooie is in Xbox’s future plans because we know, at the very least Perfect Dark, Battletoads, and Killer Instinct are.
At this rate, if they don't say anything regarding that for E3, I wouldn't be shocked if we don't hear anything until much later in the decade.


Smash Journeyman
Writing Team
Apr 25, 2019
I'm not up to date on the Balan wonderland drama but I've seen it floating around, there a vid on yt that has a condensed version of what happened with the game.
I'll TL;DR you

July 23rd, 2020 - Yuji Naka reveals his newest project, Balan Wonderland. In an interview, he says that Square is most known for their RPGs. He does have prior experience with Phantasy Star, etc. but really wanted to do an action platformer. With Square's blessing, he was allowed to do this, with the statement being that this would be his one chance.

January 28th, 2021 - After several months, a demo is release to the public. The general fan reaction is mediocre to poor for various reasons:
  • There's only one action button and it's the same button to jump
  • The suits which your character wears are clumsily made and you cannot skip the animation when obtaining one
  • For a platformer game from such a large name, there doesn't seem to be any kind of care put into movement or animations, which are pretty heckin' importante for a platforming game
  • The levels, though well artistically designed, lack any substance and feel like you're running around a void at sluggish paces
  • Framerate drops and stuttering
  • A general lack of polish
People begin to speculate what went wrong as people wait for release with baited breath.

March 21, 2021 - The Balan Wonderland final boss + ending is uploaded to Youtube from an advance copy. People discover that the final boss has an attack which can trigger epilepsy with a certain attack which he uses frequently. A Day One patch fixes this issue but the writing is on the wall.

March 23rd, 2021 - Balan Wonderland is released to "meh" applause. Yuji Naka's status is unknown. Square does their best to focus efforts to more profitable ventures.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I'll TL;DR you

July 23rd, 2020 - Yuji Naka reveals his newest project, Balan Wonderland. In an interview, he says that Square is most known for their RPGs. He does have prior experience with Phantasy Star, etc. but really wanted to do an action platformer. With Square's blessing, he was allowed to do this, with the statement being that this would be his one chance.

January 28th, 2021 - After several months, a demo is release to the public. The general fan reaction is mediocre to poor for various reasons:
  • There's only one action button and it's the same button to jump
  • The suits which your character wears are clumsily made and you cannot skip the animation when obtaining one
  • For a platformer game from such a large name, there doesn't seem to be any kind of care put into movement or animations, which are pretty heckin' importante for a platforming game
  • The levels, though well artistically designed, lack any substance and feel like you're running around a void at sluggish paces
  • Framerate drops and stuttering
  • A general lack of polish
People begin to speculate what went wrong as people wait for release with baited breath.

March 21, 2021 - The Balan Wonderland final boss + ending is uploaded to Youtube from an advance copy. People discover that the final boss has an attack which can trigger epilepsy with a certain attack which he uses frequently. A Day One patch fixes this issue but the writing is on the wall.

March 23rd, 2021 - Balan Wonderland is released to "meh" applause. Yuji Naka's status is unknown. Square does their best to focus efforts to more profitable ventures.
A select few like me had been wary of Oshima and Arzest's...less than stellar track record for the Yoshi and Pikmin series. Couple that with their lack of experience with 3D platformers, and it was a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Also, most of the game's story was inexplicably exclusive to a tie-in novel, so there's very little that makes sense in context without it. It's like if the Subspace Emissary had more dancing in it.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.

like at least Yoko Taro earned the insane ways lore developments are discovered via audio dramas, stage plays, etc.
Yeah, and Taro eventually got better developers for his games (not that there was any choice, since Cavia went bankrupt over a decade ago).

That said, back on topic; if BK eventually gets new devs, I think that the remake treatment would need to be done like for Crash and Spyro, to smooth into the transition towards a proper Threeie.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
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