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Social Banjo-Kazooie Social Thread - Project Dream Come True!

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
Seeing as we are still somewhat posting top 10's I guess I'll leave mine here as well.
Top 10 eh?
1. Isaac
No surprise there but he is the last "I'd never ask Sakurai for anything ever again character for me now that the character who shared my number one spot with Isaac since I started Smash got in (Banjo)
2. Sora
While KH3 was incredibly underwhelming KH2 is still my favorite game ever made so yeah having Sora join the cast would be hype for me. While most people seem to think licensing is Sora's biggest detriment I believe he's just not a character Sakurai will look into adding so sadly don't have much hope but I'm more than willing for Nintendo and Sakurai to prove me wrong.
3. Paper Mario
The best Mario RPG series. Even with Sticker Star being absolute garbage and Color Splash not being bad but still not anywhere near the greatness of the first 3, both SMRPG and the M&L series just don't grip me anywhere near as much as Paper Mario. I want him here in Smash and a new game that finally stops trying to reinvent the series and just produces another great sequel.
4. Bandana Dee
This little guy is the last member of the Kirby crew and should be here. He's only doing more as the Kirby series goes on so give the little guy some apple juice and his time in the spotlight
I like the niche side of Nintendo. I like his game. I like his history with Nintendo. I want him playable.
6. Mike Jones
Star Tropics is amazing, and Mike being dead is a crime.
7. Vaati
I really like Minish Cap and 4 Swords Adventures. He's also really the only other semi-important reoccurring character. He's not super necessary as despite popular opinion the Zelda is repped perfectly character-wise (though some alterations do need to be made like Falcondorf not being a thing anymore) but I'd still like him
8. Yuri or Luke
I love the Tales series and while we all know that Llyod is the defacto Tales character for who will get into Smash, I'd still prefer Luke or Yuri as their games mean so much more to me
I love Soul Caliber a lot but much like Llyod, my preferred choice isn't who would obviously make it. That honor goes to Nightmare but still, Kilik was my main guy since I got into gaming. I played him more than Link in SCII, so that should tell you how much I like the guy. While I don't expect to ever join the roster I would love to see Link and Kilik in the same game again.
10. Geno
I don't care for him all that much. He's cool and the game he's from is great but as I said earlier I want Paper Mario however he's a fan favorite and I'm always in favor of those joining. While his inclusion wouldn't make me hype, the community pleasing would so make it happen Sakurai.

Honorable mention to Andy, Saki, Ray, Chibi Robo, Min Min, Akira Howard, Wonder Red, and Tethu. I also love these guys and would like to see them playable and they could easily be interchangeable with most on the list from 4 down but it was a top ten and so here we are.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
What's the GSP for Banjo to get into Elite Smash? Feels like I'm right on the cusp. K. Rool is in at 5.45 or something like that.
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Oz o:

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2019
What's the GSP for Banjo to get into Elite Smash? Feels like I'm right on the cusp. K. Rool is in at 5.45 or something like that.
My Zelda is at 5.5, so yeah, it should be right around the corner.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Been playing through Banjo-Kazooie again on an emulator. It runs really well aside from the screen transitions being weird looking at times. No issues so far other than that and it's super minor anyways.

I love this game. Still can't believe they made it into Smash Bros lol. Gonna download Tooie and play through that again once I finish this.

Deleted member

Hey Banjo & Kazooie fans congradulations on the bear and bird getting in.

Their the best addition on the fighter's pass so far aside from Joker.

And they look like a blast glad their in.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2019
Hey Banjo & Kazooie fans congradulations on the bear and bird getting in.
Their the best addition on the fighter's pass so far aside from Joker.
And they look like a blast glad their in.
KRool is the best addition to the base roster
Banjo is the best fighters pass fighter

Truly the Ultimate timeline

My Zelda is at 5.5, so yeah, it should be right around the corner.
Im at Elite w Banjo at 5.5. I think you get Elite at like, 5.475 (lol)

Deleted member

KRool is the best addition to the base roster
Banjo is the best fighters pass fighter

Truly the Ultimate timeline
With Ridley up there as well. I completly agree I'm glad their all in. Truly is Ultimate indeed.

Oz o:

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2019
Im at Elite w Banjo at 5.5. I think you get Elite at like, 5.475 (lol)
I actually spenet my time fluctuating from sub 1m to 5m. I'll make a thing I'm only using for glory to actually get better, instead of trying to beat bad people doing the same mistakes. I think that's what it should be used for, instead of some sort of competitive gauge, when I've seen the most questionable people "up there".

I'd personally like to be matched with a 5.5+ as a sub 1m just so people can see how erronous this way of thinking can be.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2018
I honestly don't know how anyone can expect to get in Elite Smash when the online is so horrendous. I tried to win a match yesterday and failed miserably because the lag input was so **** and the other person was able to predict my every move because of it. I'm staying away from online from now on except against close friends. I'm glad people out there are managing to get Elite Smash status with Banjo & Kazooie, but I wish the online wasn't so horrendous.

Oz o:

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2019
I honestly don't know how anyone can expect to get in Elite Smash when the online is so horrendous. I tried to win a match yesterday and failed miserably because the lag input was so **** and the other person was able to predict my every move because of it. I'm staying away from online from now on except against close friends. I'm glad people out there are managing to get Elite Smash status with Banjo & Kazooie, but I wish the online wasn't so horrendous.
In my case, I can't say it's because of the connection. Yeah, lag is a thing, but not to the point it's always unplayable. I just personally don't feel the need to be invested in a secondary form of "competition". I'd rather use it to practice specific things, like certain technicals and combos, rather than a bar to test how good I am (that's what actual tournaments are for).

It's really easy to get caught up in it and feel frustrated. I'd rather do that from a real tournament setting than feeling bad for people who don't even care about it as much as you do.
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Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
I think a really good DKC game would be a DK/BK team up where Lord Fredrick (or even just a completely brand new villain) kidnaps all of the Kongs for cheap labour in a big factory operation.

The huge factory is near Spiral Mountain because the area offers good tax breaks (or some silly throw away reason like that). The factory is rather loud, so much that a bear and his bird friend can’t get a good nights sleep. So after being awoken far too early one day, the two decide to journey to the factory to file a formal complaint.

When they get there they learn of the Kongs being kidnapped, and start on a quest to rescue them from the clutches of the factory.

All along the way King K Rool tries to desperately convince Banjo that he is the real villain of the game with poorly designed plans that only serve to distract Banjo, Kazooie, and the one by one rescued Kongs.

Eventually all of the Kongs are rescued and the boss has been defeated, but King K Rool, frustrated that he was ignored for so long, seeks help from an outside source, Gruntilda! This is when the true game begins on a quest to stop the Kremling King and Gruntilda from a plot to destroy both Spiral Mountain and the DK Island.

The game would be an adventure platformer with different characters you can choose from. Kinda like DK 64 but with less collectibles or more of an open world adventure game ala Mario Odyssey.

Oz o:

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2019
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.1.5MINeverMadeEliteButWhoGivesA****:
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Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2018
The cross over we need. I always liked the 2P FPS mode, wouldn't mind a FPS banjo game or for a fan mod that expands the 2P maps like add in the golden eye or perfect dark maps to banjo tooie's multiplayer.

you KNOW if nintendo still owned banjo we would have gotten a wii motion FPS section in a banjo game

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
Banjo’s Rear Egg might be one of the most fun moves in the entire game.

I like to use it by jumping up in the air and quick turning to fire it in front of me. Then fast dropping and applying pressure.

I also love it when I pivot turn on the ground and fart right in their face with the grenegg
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
The cross over we need. I always liked the 2P FPS mode, wouldn't mind a FPS banjo game or for a fan mod that expands the 2P maps like add in the golden eye or perfect dark maps to banjo tooie's multiplayer.

you KNOW if nintendo still owned banjo we would have gotten a wii motion FPS section in a banjo game
Microsoft/Rare were worried Banjo-Kazooie wouldn't be for a modern Xbox audience, and went with cars rather than FPS smh


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2018
Found something awesome! And Banjo related! Anyone ever hear of Mark Kurko?

Watched the Livestream?
To be honest I'm not even sure what the livestream is even about, I was avoiding it because I didn't want to be spoiled on anything and assumed it was devs showing off some gameplay.

But yeah I'm super pumped for Pokemon Sword & Shield as it it my most anticipated game of the year and will buy it Day 1.

I also hope that next year we get Diamond & Pearl on the Switch as those games are the next in line for a remake/remaster.
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Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2019
Thomaston GA.
Switch FC
To be honest I'm not even sure what the livestream is even about, I was avoiding it because I didn't want to be spoiled on anything and assumed it was devs showing off some gameplay.

But yeah I'm super pumped for Pokemon Sword & Shield as it it my most anticipated game of the year and will buy it Day 1.

I also hope that next year we get Diamond & Pearl on the Switch as those games are the next in line for a remake/remaster.
Yeah. Cool. Sorry, getting sleepy...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2018
I remember I used to check this thread everyday since the Grinch leak. And after BK were announced at E3 I stopped.
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