Where do you guys think Bandana Dee's chances stand at this moment?
0.01%. Sounds crazy low, I know, but there are quite a few factors going against him.
First, the emphasis is probably going to be on 3rd party characters, thanks to the President quote and Sakurai's "game worlds" quote. I'd say there's about a 20% chance that we get another Nintendo character for DLC (likely being from a new franchise like Astral Chain or Dragalia Lost).
As a result, I'm 95% sure spirits deconfirm, since if they didn't, we'd have at least seen 1 Nintendo character (Plant doesn't count, since he was meant for Base Game)
And then Bandana Dee himself. He's Modern Kirby, which means his chances are already very bad. Without Spirits and 3rd party emphasis, I'd have given him a 1% chance, and that's basically his chances given spirits don't deconfirm and we can still get Nintendo.
20% that we get Nintendo * 5% Spirits don't deconfirm * 1% Bandana Dee is the next pick among Nintendo = .01%