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Balanced Brawl Standard Release

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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
is this exclusive to mario? sounds like a really weird thing for one character to have during one frame of their run...lol.
I should point out, Mario's dash actually operates this way in other games. His run speed oscillates between different velocities. In Super Mario World TASes, timing jumps can fully abuse the top velocity of Mario's run speed since jumping preserves the run momentum that Mario had when he left the ground.

In Brawl, charging an Up-smash at the point where Mario's velocity is the highest (or using the Cape) results in him sliding quite a bit since that value for his velocity at that point is quite high. If you use the Cape at an edge when Mario hits that point, he gets the optimal Cape Glide distance.

The point where Mario's velocity is highest is right as his feet hit the ground and when he's pushing the ground to lunge forward.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
on another note, what exactly was "epically fail" with yoshi (going with steeler's note of all low tiers having some fail aspect) other than a weird shield and kill issues?


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
the shield is fail enough imo. yoshi simply can't punish anyone out of shield unless it's something really unsafe. yoshi needs to be compensated for it. i think the uber survivability does that..."okay, sometimes i can't punish you for doing something so i'm just going to run away and outlast you".


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
BBrawl Title Screen

Hey guys I just got finished a Title Screen for Balanced Brawl (Thanx to Mit). Unfortunately I couldn't post a screenshot. So here it is:


Tell me any problems/concerns or basically any feedback.
Oh and for those who dont know. Make sure the folders are in this hierarchy "private\wii\APP\RSBE\pfmenu2"
(if you dont have it, create the "pfmenu2" folder and just place the .pac file in there and it should work.)

PS: If anyone can, post a screenshot for the public


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
In case people forgot, I strongly believe more timing changes are still fundamentally necessary for approximately three or four characters characters (I think Ganon, Ike, Bowser and probably Ness). And I should point out the ones that are necessary are not going to be anywhere nearly as huge or "game changing" as the ones that were just done for this release, since most of the current timing changes are done on either throws that have extreme **** combos, or specials that happen to be practical when used with jumps. The timing changes I'm looking for simply increase safety options, while having fairly little effect on overall gameplan.

Ganon, Ike, and Bowser all have the shared problem of lacking really really consistent options on defenses in high level play, which makes them very limited on stage, and Bowser in particular has the compounded problem of his recovery limitations.

Ness isn't as slow as the above characters, but isn't extremely fast or safe in any particular way to compensate for the fact his range is comparably bad to someone like Mario, Luigi, or Wario, which makes him a very mediocre character at consistently dealing damage reliably.

Ike's QD buff is so blatantly obviously a game changer it's honestly pretty surprising this buff made it past the restrictions of this project, since the benefits fundamentally enable Ike to edgeguard decently, avoid gimps, and not get U-throw juggled for free, although sadly, this does little to make his onstage game any safer.

Luigi's Fireball is mentioned as a significant gamechanger, and it is indeed, and I think many people may in fact underestimate what you can do with this buff besides poking. Reduced ending lag means you can substitute this as an aerial and do other aerials before you land, and now, Luigi's Fireball is much, much, much more useful as an edgeguard tool. Thanks to the low ending lag, I can drop below stage pretty far and throw out several fireballs to disrupt low recoveries, and Luigi has no trouble recovering after throwing out say three fireballs to edgeguard low recoveries.

Zelda's F-tilt buff is the kind of buff that this project should generally be trying to aim for on the characters that I think have problems. The speedup doesn't really change the way the character is played too much, but it does fundamentally address one of Zelda's biggest problems by giving her something that can be used viably as a poke.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
i don't think ness is notably good but i also don't think ness is in need of any really special help. a decent character. perhaps strengthen his (already good) juggles or give pk fire slightly more range if any changes are made.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Ness isn't as slow as the above characters, but isn't extremely fast or safe in any particular way to compensate for the fact his range is comparably bad to someone like Mario, Luigi, or Wario, which makes him a very mediocre character at consistently dealing damage reliably.
This X10. Ness to be seperated from the bros. He's just worse off than they are.
PK fire range buff is useless.

It needs less lag because it can easily be punished.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Or it could be left alone because it's not an important move for Ness. For what it does (as a niche move), Pk Fire is fine.

I maintain A2 is just underrating the slow characters. Bowser, Ike, and Ganondorf all have their high points that counteract the low ones. Bowser doesn't even really have to worry about safety so much with how much shield damage he does (if your shield is even moderately hurt, he can safely dair you and count on a shieldstab) and given how he has that ridiculously good command grab (which also helps his mobility a lot via klawhopping). Ike and Ganondorf all have their ways about things; all testing indicates that Ike in particular is quite good already so I really don't know where you get that.

I'll check out that title screen as soon as I can. Unfortunately, that probably means tomorrow, and I don't have a means to make a screenshot.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Ness has more range than Wario and Luigi. Mario has a long fsmash and a few other things of note, but I would say Ness has more range on the whole as him as well.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Ness has more range than Wario and Luigi. Mario has a long fsmash and a few other things of note, but I would say Ness has more range on the whole as him as well.
I'm quite certain Mario's Jab, F-tilt, U-tilt, B-air, and U-air have slightly more range than Ness's to be precise.

Luigi's Jab, U-air, and B-air have more range than Mario's, in exchange for shorter ranged Smashes

Wario's range is almost identical to Ness's, and he loses range mainly on Smashes, F-air, and D-air, but has slightly more range on U-air, and he has a better grab iirc.

Bowser's command grab is not ridiculously good AA. The aerial version comes out like frame 17, which is like Ganon's Flame Choke. Mad predictable, and you can anti air this any day of the week if you're good. The grounded version is not particularly useful due to how unsafe it is on miss.

I don't know what kind of testing you're doing, because frankly playtesting isn't the most reliable way to test things when there are very few top level players who take interest in this.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Ness has much better range than Wario.
Compare all of their actual hitboxes and then come back here with your range claims.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I think I should point out, Wario's F-tilt outranges the majority of Ness's attacks besides F-smash. There does happen to be hitbox data for Wario anyhow, and it's really not as bad as one might expect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnkVukU5WOo

Also really, Ness's arms and legs are really short.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Zelda's F-tilt buff is the kind of buff that this project should generally be trying to aim for on the characters that I think have problems. The speedup doesn't really change the way the character is played too much, but it does fundamentally address one of Zelda's biggest problems by giving her something that can be used viably as a poke.
Sorry, but, how this solve one of her "biggest problems"?
I'm still thinking that this buff was unnecessary, Zelda doesn't need combos (but the Farore's one, a big reward or a very punishable move), she just needed a better proyectile (no matter how it looks, Din's Fire is BAD) for bait an approach decently.
Also, this Ftilt can be DI'ed to her back, and any fast/ranged aerial avoid the combo (thinking on Math's Fair, which hurts); and at certain %, most characters can just Dair it.
As for a poke, it doesn't "adress her problems", just make her a little more competitive in mid-range battles, where she was already pretty even, but she is still struggling on mid-long ones (naming Marth again..).


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Don't forget that the moves Wario employs THEMSELVES are like a million times better. Coupled with his aerial movement, his range suddenly doesn't become a problem.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Wario's range is a problem for him in quite a few ways. I can put a wall of hitboxes in front of him, and mobility stops helping him. He has absolutely zero options to get around it other than just waiting for it to go away. A lot of characters can do this, and Wario's range is so bad that he's forced to work to define all fights in terms of his speed as opposed to spacing since even Luigi outranges him on stuff. It's obviously not terrible since Wario is a functional character, but it is limiting... just the sort of factor to be expected from a character in a balanced game.

All three of Ness's smashes outrange Wario's ftilt as does his fair (Ness's yoyos have really good range and are his go-to pokes if he finds himself needing long range pokes on the ground, not the most common scenario but something important for Ness to keep in mind). Ness can abuse the transcendent priority on dash attack to hit Wario's ftilt too. Wario's ftilt is really laggy anyway so it's not really a good move to throw out very often. Ness and Wario do have one thing in common though, and that's a big question. Why are you using tilts? Wario has a generally solid moveset with some pretty bad tilts; if I'm on the ground with Wario, I basically am only really wanting to do one of three things: fsmash, grab, or jump. Fsmash armors through enemy attacks, grab beats shielding, and jumping makes me radically more mobile while giving me access to my best moves. I'd go for goofy DACUS gimmicks before I'd tilt really; I can accept million-year lag on ftilt and dtilt or use that utilt which really isn't going to be hitting anything that doesn't jump right into it though I guess it's not bad if that does happen. Ness has a similar utilt (I think Ness's is just flat out better, but it's still not important), a thoroughly mediocre ftilt on all accounts that really shouldn't be used since jab does the same job better, and a dtilt which I think may be one of the most useless moves in the game seeing as it's usually unsafe on hit. Ness is an aerial and grab specialist though so it's not like that matters; I find his bad tilts about as important as Jigglypuff's bad tilts. I think Wario is kinda the same way; just watch a good Wario and see how many times he tilts. It's probably just slightly more often than never; their bread and butter is just elsewhere.

A big point to remember with Zelda & Sheik is that both singles and doubles exist. In singles, Sheik is pretty clearly the stronger half of the duo. Zelda is far from useless, but I find the best strategy in most matchups is to use mostly Sheik and then peek Zelda out for kills appropriately. However, in doubles, Zelda is just a monster. For one, Din's Fire is just ridiculous when paired with Ness, Lucas, or Mr. Game & Watch. A 3 Din's Fire Oil Panic from Mr. Game & Watch is instant death, and the amount it heals Ness and Lucas (particularly Lucas) is just stupid. On big stages especially, Zelda + teammate can run off and heal back half a stock before the other team can do anything. Even healing aside, Din's Fire is really good in teams. It's really easy to airdodge sure, but remember one of the most fundamental aspects of teams. Your goal with actions is not to set up to land something yourself so much as to force vulnurabilities your teammate can punish. Now, given how Din's Fire works, isn't it all too easy for your teammate to punish the opponent airdodging it? I know Zelda + G&W team has way too much fun like this; Zelda uses Din's Fire to force an airdodge, and G&W punishes the airdodge with fishbowl. Braindead easy double digit damage and keeps the opponent in the air which is prime G&W territory. Zelda can also just kinda spam kill moves in doubles which is actually a pretty good tactic, especially if she's paired with someone quick. Getting early kills in teams is awesome, your partner can force people into your kill moves, and even if you do them at "unsafe" times your partner can protect you. I'm not sure why you would ever use Sheik in doubles to be honest (unless you team with Bowser or Ganon or something like that and really need some speed I guess), and as a doubles character Zelda is probably top tier. Zelda in teams is also a really good character for the less skilled member of a team to use and can really pump up the strength of teams in which one player is much stronger than the other which isn't optimal but is a practical situation that comes up all the time. Keep that in mind when evaluating her.

Bowser's side-B is a really good move, and it's hard to imagine how you can't see that. On the ground it hits on f8 (faster than his normal grab) and only has a total duration of 37 frames (same as his ftilt, one frame slower than max speed jab1 -> jab2, and less duration than all of his other moves including his normal grabs, generally safe to whiff unless the opponent is really close). In the air f17 seems poor (though 17f is seriously not that bad; moves that hit on f17 in general are very usable), but remember a few things. For one it has a total duration of only 43 frames which is a lower duration than all of Bowser's aerials and actually pretty decent in general. For two, it adds only a single frame to his landing animation (3 frames total for a slower fall and 7 frames total for a faster fall). It's not quick to come out, but it is safe to throw out. Also, in the air, Bowser can stay mobile via klawhopping. When Bowser is moving around that fast, it's actually pretty non-trivial to avoid as a part of the unpredictable movements klawhopping enables. He could just klawhop right on over and land one of the Flying Slams like that. He could also klawhop near, land on the ground (with only 3f of lag, basically a faster version of an empty short hop), and then do a Flying Slam from the ground or maybe a jab for even more speed or whatever Bowser wants to do (this is a mix-up situation so mix things up!). Also remember that this move does 18% damage which is a pretty large amount of damage. In general, Bowser can eat two hits per every one Flying Slam he lands and come out ahead percentage wise, and that's before you consider that Bowser's weight makes the damage he takes mean less than the damage his opponent takes generally. Flying Slam is not really hard to land in general, especially remembering that as a grab it is unblockable; that just makes it incredible. The suicide gimmicks don't even matter in the face of all that's awesome about this move; I'd consider them icing on the cake if anything.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
Hmm. I didn't actually know that this was playable without hacking.

This just might get me back into Brawl. Cool.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Sorry, but, how this solve one of her "biggest problems"?
I'm still thinking that this buff was unnecessary, Zelda doesn't need combos (but the Farore's one, a big reward or a very punishable move), she just needed a better proyectile (no matter how it looks, Din's Fire is BAD) for bait an approach decently.
Also, this Ftilt can be DI'ed to her back, and any fast/ranged aerial avoid the combo (thinking on Math's Fair, which hurts); and at certain %, most characters can just Dair it.
As for a poke, it doesn't "adress her problems", just make her a little more competitive in mid-range battles, where she was already pretty even, but she is still struggling on mid-long ones (naming Marth again..).
One of Zelda's biggest problem IS in fact losing at midrange battles. Her mobility is bad, and her approach options are all terrible, and she really doesn't have a decent poke option that she can throw out when the opponent hovers in that range. By making F-tilt reasonably safe to throw out, you can now attempt to control that space and don't simply lose when the opponent tries to be extremely patient.

Bowser's side-B is a really good move, and it's hard to imagine how you can't see that.
Never said it was bad, but frankly it's not godly, and the thing is it's counterable with matchup knowledge.

On the ground it hits on f8 (faster than his normal grab) and only has a total duration of 37 frames (same as his ftilt, one frame slower than max speed jab1 -> jab2, and less duration than all of his other moves including his normal grabs, generally safe to whiff unless the opponent is really close).
The problem is the grounded version has a pretty terrible hitbox (with respect to the size of Bowser's frame). It basically sorta goes where the Jab does, but seems to have slightly less reach, and doesn't cover the air nearly as well, and 37 frames is in fact pretty significantly punishable on whiff. This is why I complain a lot about Ganondorf's Jab. In the high speed spacing wars that actually occur this game, you really can't afford to be stuck in one location for over half a second and whiff.

In the air f17 seems poor (though 17f is seriously not that bad; moves that hit on f17 in general are very usable)
I think a lot of high level players are going to seriously disagree with this statement. "useable" may be true, but being the best option generally only occurs when the opponent makes a glaring mistake. Generally speaking, you reeeealy are pushing startup limits once you get past 12-15 frames, which alone gives such moves questionable viability and generally demands infrequent use. Any slower than that, your opponent really has to screw up somewhere for them to actually get hit by something if you don't have a good setup.

For one it has a total duration of only 43 frames which is a lower duration than all of Bowser's aerials and actually pretty decent in general.
F-air ends on frame 41, and autocancels after frame 36 (which is the length of a short hop).

For two, it adds only a single frame to his landing animation (3 frames total for a slower fall and 7 frames total for a faster fall). It's not quick to come out, but it is safe to throw out.
In theory against an opponent who basically sits in one spot and shields and spotdodges like a nub, this is a very good tactic, but in reality, this is not hard to anti-air at all.

Also, in the air, Bowser can stay mobile via klawhopping. When Bowser is moving around that fast, it's actually pretty non-trivial to avoid as a part of the unpredictable movements klawhopping enables. He could just klawhop right on over and land one of the Flying Slams like that. He could also klawhop near, land on the ground (with only 3f of lag, basically a faster version of an empty short hop), and then do a Flying Slam from the ground or maybe a jab for even more speed or whatever Bowser wants to do (this is a mix-up situation so mix things up!). Also remember that this move does 18% damage which is a pretty large amount of damage. In general, Bowser can eat two hits per every one Flying Slam he lands and come out ahead percentage wise, and that's before you consider that Bowser's weight makes the damage he takes mean less than the damage his opponent takes generally. Flying Slam is not really hard to land in general, especially remembering that as a grab it is unblockable; that just makes it incredible. The suicide gimmicks don't even matter in the face of all that's awesome about this move; I'd consider them icing on the cake if anything.
It's one of Bowser's better moves along with Jab and Up-B, but it really just falls short of being a staple move. Bowser really is just too big a target to be lingering in the air a long time, and combined with the awful startup and the fairly specific angle of the hitbox of the aerial Klaw, and the general limitations of Bowser's aerials, Bowser ends up leaving himself open from a lot of angles. This makes his approach very predictable and counterable.

Bowser does not come out ahead if he eats two hits per every Flying Slam he lands, which is already a generous assumption that his zoning is miraculously good enough to maintain that kind of balance. The only time that ideal scenario would be true is if it's against someone like ROB, who clearly has the advantage against Bowser anyway. ROB is probably one of few characters with lots of essential attacks that fail to do 9% or more in a hit, and most characters who are not of the heavyweight archetype in this game generally speaking use a lot of attacks that do about 10-12% per round, or possibly more than that.

Bowser's weight also means a looooooot less in this game than it does in vBrawl. Many of the buffs in this game center around KO power and improving the KO power of underwhelming characters. For the most part, the rest of the cast has caught up a lot to his KO potential, or arguably surpassed it once you factor how all of Bowser's KO moves have some kind of noticeable setback, generally in terms of how it's applied, since his KO moves are either well...he's having the problem where he uses up KO moves as essential damage dealers, or the move that COULD KO is much more likely to get him severely punished.

Now, realizing that Bowser's wins in KO power are getting quite a bit smaller, that he generally loses in terms of KO move application, and has other problems like his horrible recovery, he would have to have some significant advantages in dealing damage to make up for this. Except most characters actually outdamage him especially when playing against him since they have better combos. If his Klaw or some other move was REALLY such an easy safe move to land, there probably wouldn't be a huge problem, but the point is it doesn't actually solve Bowser's general problems at all. It only makes Bowser more annoying to deal with.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2008
Southeast Michigan
Hey guys I just got finished a Title Screen for Balanced Brawl (Thanx to Mit). Unfortunately I couldn't post a screenshot. So here it is:


Tell me any problems/concerns or basically any feedback.
Oh and for those who dont know. Make sure the folders are in this hierarchy "private\wii\APP\RSBE\pfmenu2"
(if you dont have it, create the "pfmenu2" folder and just place the .pac file in there and it should work.)

PS: If anyone can, post a screenshot for the public
Took a picture of it with my phone, as it's not entirely possible to screenshot without a capture card (which I don't have :p)

I like it :) Although I think I like the yin-yang from your sig more. And I like how the little paint streak behind it was different as well.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Central US
Bowser's side-B is a really good move, and it's hard to imagine how you can't see that.
As A2 pointed out, it has jab1 range on the ground (just about the same range as a standing grab). In the air, it has massive reach. But, it's slow and Bowser has such laggy landing lag on his moves that it's pretty readable. As A2 said, it's right there between his jabs and fortress, but it's not amazing. And while not that big a deal, some projectiles hit him out of flying slam (Snake mortar, Link's bomb).

Took a picture of it with my phone
It's pretty cool.

As far as graphic design is concerned, though, I think the first thing you have to prioritize is what you want the person to look at. "Brawl" is pretty attention grabbing with the high saturation, yet the real thing you want to draw attention to is "balanced" since that's the defining adjective of the project. Glancing at Brawl+, the + is the most different thing in the title screen that first draws attention. As well, the recognizable symbol of the ying-yang is distorted by the Brawl cross. For a brief second, my mind though there was a question mark imbedded in there.

Being negative is my way of being supportive :^p. It's a great effort.


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2009
I appreciate the feedback, Ill try to work on it more and any ideas will help as well. :lick:
i think its an excellent design overall, the only thing i'm really not getting is this rainbow coloring. unless Balanced Brawl has some sort of subtle connection to homosexuality that im missing, i dont really see how it fits into the screen's composition as a whole.

being picky here, its an excellent screen regardless.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2008
Southeast Michigan
I think you should limit it to the colors used on the BBrawl Sig.
I don't know, that'd be pretty boring. I like what's in Lokee's sig:

If he actually made it just like the logo on the right, I think it'd address most critiques and still look good. The "Balanced" is more prominent, and the yin-yang/cross ball is easier to look at.

I'm okay with either yin-yang ball. I think I like the rainbow one a little more, just because it's more exciting :p I'm not sure where the rainbow stuff is coming from either, but I don't think it looks fruity in any way (atleast how it appears in his sig) and somehow even further conveys balance to me.

Also, did you try messing with the size of things at all Lokee? I know it doesn't seem like a good idea, but I'm curious of what would happen if you made the "Brawl" section bigger, and even shrank the "Super Smash Bros" section. If it works, it could result in a little bit better looking screen, but that may or may not be possible.


Jun 7, 2009
I really don't care for that sig at all. I think BBrawl isn't trying to be exciting or anything, it's more of a sophisticated matter that can use a better color scheme than rainbow.

I'll try making my own and see what you guys think.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
Darn, thats some feedback right there. Anyway to address a few things:

The many colors in the logo are to attract people and perk their interests. I know full well that BBrawl is not OMG different or exciting to say the least but this is for advertising purposes. Tell me you when you see 2 posters up one in black&white the other in color. Which one are you going to look at first?

. . . .Man bashing the rainbow, I honestly didnt think much of it. I simply wanted to make it in the design of the Smash Ball seeing how it is colorful. If it really makes anyone feel insecure about thier sexuality then I'll remove it.

@Mit, I didnt mess with the sizes at all cause I was afraid it wouldnt work and the problem with making the "SUPER SMASH BROS." smaller is that each letter is its own file and again I didnt want to mess with it, but Ill try and see what happens. Sooo....what I need to work on:
1) make the 'Balanced' more noticable. (I was thinking either larger or in a Redish color)
2) Tone the Rainbows down? and colors in general a bit lolz
3) Make the Ying Yang more apparent in design (Remove Smash Strip?)
4) Test if I can modfiy the size of the images without hitch.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I suggest giving the frame of the letters in "Balanced" contrast. That will definitely catch eyes.

Also, instead of just a strip...what about a yin-yang Smash Ball in monochrome?


Smash Champion
Aug 28, 2009
Somewhere in the SubspaceEmissary(NC, Morrisville)
I don't know, that'd be pretty boring. I like what's in Lokee's sig:

If he actually made it just like the logo on the right, I think it'd address most critiques and still look good. The "Balanced" is more prominent, and the yin-yang/cross ball is easier to look at.

I'm okay with either yin-yang ball. I think I like the rainbow one a little more, just because it's more exciting :p I'm not sure where the rainbow stuff is coming from either, but I don't think it looks fruity in any way (atleast how it appears in his sig) and somehow even further conveys balance to me.

Also, did you try messing with the size of things at all Lokee? I know it doesn't seem like a good idea, but I'm curious of what would happen if you made the "Brawl" section bigger, and even shrank the "Super Smash Bros" section. If it works, it could result in a little bit better looking screen, but that may or may not be possible.
Whao! Luv that signature. Were can I get it?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
I suggest giving the frame of the letters in "Balanced" contrast. That will definitely catch eyes.

Also, instead of just a strip...what about a yin-yang Smash Ball in monochrome?
Basically make it Black/White tones Right?
My biggest Beef with the whole color thing in generally Which kind?
Personally I would want to stick with the smash bros. brawl colors which are an assortment of Firey colors EX: red, orange etc. and often metal or grayish black colors as in the steel frame of where it says "Super Smash Bros." Perhaps I can replicate that with "Balanced"

How about "Brawl" which obviously attracts the most attention due to its bright nature I placed. I was thinking of toning it down a bit to make way for "Balanced" but It seems that Ive ran into the conclusion that it may not be so bad. I mean the point of BBrawl is to play like vBrawl so its kinda identifying itself or basically telling the player "Hey this is still Brawl"
Hmmmm....I got to think as do not want to interupt the character discussion with my babbling.

Whao! Luv that signature. Were can I get it?
Here ya go http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/358/3/3/BBrawl_Sig_2010_Edition_by_Max_Nohiro.jpg


Jun 7, 2009
Look up BB code, it'll help you in the long run

Meno's Sig>>>Lokee's Sig

Ironically Lokee's looks very toon link, whereas Meno's looks very modern and simplistic.

For example, everything in Lokee's is a different font, Lokee has no unified color scheme, etc.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2008
Southeast Michigan
Question for Lokee.
I have it as my signature but I can't click on it like I can yours. Why is that?
He has URL tags around the image. Like so: [ url=http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=246327][ img]http://www.deviantart.com/download/147935305/BBrawl_Sig_2010_Edition_by_Max_Nohiro.jpg[ /img][ /url] Remove spaces of course.

Basically make it Black/White tones Right?
My biggest Beef with the whole color thing in generally Which kind?
Personally I would want to stick with the smash bros. brawl colors which are an assortment of Firey colors EX: red, orange etc. and often metal or grayish black colors as in the steel frame of where it says "Super Smash Bros." Perhaps I can replicate that with "Balanced"

How about "Brawl" which obviously attracts the most attention due to its bright nature I placed. I was thinking of toning it down a bit to make way for "Balanced" but It seems that Ive ran into the conclusion that it may not be so bad. I mean the point of BBrawl is to play like vBrawl so its kinda identifying itself or basically telling the player "Hey this is still Brawl"
Hmmmm....I got to think as do not want to interupt the character discussion with my babbling.

Here ya go http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/358/3/3/BBrawl_Sig_2010_Edition_by_Max_Nohiro.jpg
I like the fiery Brawl text you've got going as well. If anything, I think the orange tone sets it apart from other mods and whatnot, and still looks very nice. And I say keep the Smash Bros. cross within the Smash yin-yang ball thing. The two examples of it in your sig look great, it's just the one on your Title Screen is hard to look at.

And yeah, I forgot all the letters were separate :p That does make it ten times more annoying. I'd experiment with just the Brawl part first, though, and see what happens.


Smash Champion
Aug 28, 2009
Somewhere in the SubspaceEmissary(NC, Morrisville)
I don't know, that'd be pretty boring. I like what's in Lokee's sig:

If he actually made it just like the logo on the right, I think it'd address most critiques and still look good. The "Balanced" is more prominent, and the yin-yang/cross ball is easier to look at.

I'm okay with either yin-yang ball. I think I like the rainbow one a little more, just because it's more exciting :p I'm not sure where the rainbow stuff is coming from either, but I don't think it looks fruity in any way (atleast how it appears in his sig) and somehow even further conveys balance to me.

Also, did you try messing with the size of things at all Lokee? I know it doesn't seem like a good idea, but I'm curious of what would happen if you made the "Brawl" section bigger, and even shrank the "Super Smash Bros" section. If it works, it could result in a little bit better looking screen, but that may or may not be possible.
Look up BB code, it'll help you in the long run

Meno's Sig>>>Lokee's Sig

Ironically Lokee's looks very toon link, whereas Meno's looks very modern and simplistic.

For example, everything in Lokee's is a different font, Lokee has no unified color scheme, etc.
I like Lokee's...it has some "lively-ness" to it....it actually catches your eye. :p

He has URL tags around the image. Like so: [ url=http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=246327][ img]http://www.deviantart.com/download/147935305/BBrawl_Sig_2010_Edition_by_Max_Nohiro.jpg[ /img][ /url] Remove spaces of course.

I like the fiery Brawl text you've got going as well. If anything, I think the orange tone sets it apart from other mods and whatnot, and still looks very nice. And I say keep the Smash Bros. cross within the Smash yin-yang ball thing. The two examples of it in your sig look great, it's just the one on your Title Screen is hard to look at.

And yeah, I forgot all the letters were separate :p That does make it ten times more annoying. I'd experiment with just the Brawl part first, though, and see what happens.
Thanks, Mit.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Ironically Lokee's looks very toon link, whereas Meno's looks very modern and simplistic.
This made my day lol

Anyways, I think that the symbol should have colors that matches with the rest of the screen (more red-ish, black/white/gray thing). The rainbow doesn't catch views, and it's missed with the white background. Make it more single, but noticeable. =)

EDIT: It's a nice detail the "Balance · Viability · Harmony" at the Background, and the BBrawl credits at the bottom.
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