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Balanced Brawl Standard Release

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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
ROB can D-throw -> anything. It's so dumb. And if you airdodge in anticipation of his stuff, you still risk getting punished massively. His D-throw into U-smash does 24% and kills people at like 70-80%. D-throw -> U-air is even easier to land and does like 30%. You can D-throw into basically any aerial which is ****. D-throw -> N-air is an AMAZING trap that punishes airdodges hard and can score KOs.

Personally I don't like his new F-tilt that much. His older one had more knockback (better for getting people offstage). His new F-tilt with the really low angle is harder to follow up with offstage, since ROB is honestly pretty crappy at punishing low recoveries. He can't do the basic strategy of walkoff -> D-air/B-air like other characters can very well at all due to the noteable startup of those moves.

If I see correctly, his new F-tilt is meant to be a techchase setup. Ehhhh, I think it's more useful to knock people offstage imo. The techchase doesn't even work until high percents.

Not that ROB actually needs more buffs, since his D-throw has been overbuffed and his buffed U-throw solves most of his KO problems against guys like Metaknight and G&W.


Smash Cadet
Oct 26, 2009
Binghamton, NY
Merry Christmas Guys!!! Woot!!
Merry christmas Lokee and other BBrawl players :D!

Also, this may be a dumb question but if i play online with someone else who has BBrawl will it work, or does something happen that reverts it to vBrawl or worse?


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
No, it stays as BBrawl. The only thing you can't do on wifi is select Hannenbow to play the wifi waiting room.

My yt channel has wifi BBrawl friendlies for your reference.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
I just wanted to drop by and say something.
This and this are why I fiercely support this project. Keep at it, guys!
Those seriously affected my mood and my spirit BECAUSE THEY'RE TRUE...

Good BBrawl does exist; only scrubs and tier-wh0res (like those) won't like it... too bad thy're the most part of the high-level competitive players...
Anyways I'll support this proyect to the vey end!
Just sayin'...

Merry Xmas, and whenever comes out a character discussion I can help with, I'l post something more worth.. =P


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Those seriously affected my mood and my spirit BECAUSE THEY'RE TRUE...
Me too. The future of vBrawl is looking to be down to a handful of characters (maybe Mk excusive if it gets that bad) and matches that outlast the timer everytime. :(

Anyway, I don't post here hardly at all, but I like to keep track of the goings on on this thread. :D I love Balanced Ganondorf, even though he's still not that great, and hard to land hits with, but I love the new angle of his UpB - the first time I used it on my friend, he was like "!? LOL WTF!?" and CF is pretty epic now that his hits can flow more. Merry Xmas! :p


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I just wanted to drop by and say something.
This and this are why I fiercely support this project. Keep at it, guys!
Abusing the mechanics are honestly part of the game, and people pick top tiers for a reason, because they win.

Honestly, this is one thing PC gaming definitely has over console, the ability to patch so matches aren't reduced to this.

That said, Overswarm's point isn't so much that playing in a crazy defensive manner is good, but more that if techniques annoy your opponent, they're probably good (your opponent's objective is to win after all). It's just that crazy defensive play is annoying, ergo good.


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Abusing the mechanics are honestly part of the game, and people pick top tiers for a reason, because they win.
Yes and yes. And there will always, always be better and worse characters and top tiers and low tiers, but I'm looking forward to a game where the hierarchy of the roster isn't so far above the other characters and vice versa for the low tiers.

That said, Overswarm's point isn't so much that playing in a crazy defensive manner is good, but more that if techniques annoy your opponent, they're probably good (your opponent's objective is to win after all). It's just that crazy defensive play is annoying, ergo good.
Its the mass amount of completely doing nothing the entire match but stalling, planking, camping, and hit-and-running that is encouraged that's irritating and what the game is turning into. And as for choosing your character, OS says to pick someone with excellent defensive options and superior mobility. That in itself doesn't limit the high levels of play to only MK, but there are many references (granted, not all of them are meant to be taken so seriously) throughout the discussions that MK will be the one character the vast majority of people will have to use. IIRC, I think I even saw him post that even Ally would eventually be required to use MK to stay in the competition.

No, but other factors will eventually lead Ally to main MK so it is a moot point.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
I'd say the biggest problem with this project is, ironically, that it doesn't solve the problem. I'm willing to be you can play just as defensive and campy in BBrawl, and it's going to be just as effective. I mean, what did you change to stop this?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Central US
This project IS a patch. I'm not sure why it should count less than patches people make for PC games.
I think what he means is that it isn't offically distributed as a patch from Nintendo - as something everyone would be guarenteed to acquire and play without need for hardware/software. In general, people would feel more trust in hired game designers than strange people deciding what "they" think is fair (granted, Sakurai's tripping). With a couple variations of hacked Brawls, it only further segregates the community down the middle.

But this is the best that can be done. And, many consoles these days do get patched eventually after their PC counterparts. But this is the Wii we're talking here.

I'm willing to be you can play just as defensive and campy in BBrawl, and it's going to be just as effective.
So long as shields, ledges and some fast/massive/lagless hitboxes persist, i'd generally agree. Nerfing Metaknight's KO power doesn't change his ability to wall of pain with wide angled, fast, multihit, safe attacks. I'm not a high level player, though, so 'with a grain of salt.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2009
I'd say the biggest problem with this project is, ironically, that it doesn't solve the problem. I'm willing to be you can play just as defensive and campy in BBrawl, and it's going to be just as effective. I mean, what did you change to stop this?
They made all characters capable of doing it :laugh:

By refusing to change core game mechanics, BBrawl can only hope to try and balance characters and remove infinites. It's impossible to make a game where all characters are equally balanced.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Two things.

For one, I don't think it's reasonable how people favor "official" versions of games over what other people made. A game should be evaluated on the quality of its content, not on the name behind it. I don't ask people to trust that Balanced Brawl is a better game than standard Brawl because I have a red name or am an SBR member or because I'm such an expert on game mechanics or whatever. I expect (or rather hope) people play the game and appreciate the game itself, much as back in the old days game developers would put pseudonyms in game credits because what was important was not who made the game but what was in the game. I feel great confidence in the quality of Balanced Brawl, and with the next version, the quality is only going to go up. Maybe it's idealistic, but I firmly believe that the version of Brawl everyone should be playing should simply be the best version no matter who made it.

I'd also point out that, in terms of design principles, Balanced Brawl is very similar to Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix. HDR is an amazing game that took the already amazing ST and made it much better and more balanced. We did the same. HDR had some degree of support from Capcom USA, but really, it is less "official" than some people seem to think (the game doesn't exist as far as Capcom Japan is concerned I think; Capcom USA just provided source code, paid the bills, and set up the distribution contracts with Sony and Microsoft). We don't have any official support from Nintendo, but Nintendo is unlikely to do anything further with Brawl anyway, and unlike with sirlin, we were able to make the game without the source code and without any funding. Distribution is somewhat harder on a mass scale, but what we have is really just as easy as what they had (our game is also free, unlike HDR). There's no good reason our project should be less supported.

Brawl itself is software, and we really have made it very easy to add what software is needed for Balanced Brawl while simultaneously doing our best to provide technical support as to avoid the sort of entry barrier of technical knowledge that this sort of project typically has (we try to provide the sort of simple steps that someone who has no clue at all why things work can understand and make work). It is not difficult or restricting to get Balanced Brawl to work at all, and if anyone ever finds it hard, we're here to help.

Second thing.

The degree to which Brawl is a boring, defensive campfest is really overstated. Defense is good in the game of course, but it's not like defense is a fundamental evil. I see when I watch actual tournament games of all levels (from scrub level to m2k/ally level) a healthy mix of aggression and defensive play. In many matchups, you have the classic case of one side approaching a lot and the other side running away and playing evasively a lot, but this is typical fighting game stuff (Ganon is always trying to get in and do something while his foes always run from him; sound a little like Zangief?). In general, landing hits is better than not landing hits, and in order to land hits, you have to use attacks. Sometimes this means punishing the opponent's attacks, but if the opponent isn't attacking or is only attacking from seriously advantageous positions, the only way you are going to land those attacks is by attacking first... which works far more often than it gets credit for. There is some really major pushing of the line with some ledgestalling and under the stage tactics, and in the next version, we hope to address that (ledgestalling in particular we are intent on making an unambiguously non-viable tactic, which should have nothing but positive effects).

With Meta Knight in particular, think about his game plan. He has Sonic level kill move trouble. He can play defensively and score easy hits for a while, but now those easy hits aren't going to score him kills at reasonable percentages. If he's doing this, maybe he'll land way more hits than the other guy, but his deaths are going to come so much sooner that things will be hard for him. If he wants to get those early kills, he needs gimps. In order to get gimps, he needs to take riskier, forward positions and pressure the opponent near and off the edge of the stage. If he plays passively, his opponent will simply engage from center stage every time... which is a good way to make sure Meta Knight won't be doing any gimping.

It's not that Meta Knight has a bad defensive game, but it is the case that his ability to score kills and launch the opponent off-stage from center stage is really nerfed in Balanced Brawl. It's also the case that he has a good offensive game in standard Brawl that is pretty much unchanged in Balanced Brawl (things like pressuring with dair and ftilt are really not very campy tactics). I think smart MKs will take to the offense more often because of this; it's just the natural thing for them to do if they want to continue to win.


Jun 7, 2009
I wouldn't quite exactly say that. Some people only play MK b/c they only think that he's the only character that should be used competatively *cough* OS *cough*


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Yes and yes. And there will always, always be better and worse characters and top tiers and low tiers, but I'm looking forward to a game where the hierarchy of the roster isn't so far above the other characters and vice versa for the low tiers.
I don't disagree, just saying.

Its the mass amount of completely doing nothing the entire match but stalling, planking, camping, and hit-and-running that is encouraged that's irritating and what the game is turning into. And as for choosing your character, OS says to pick someone with excellent defensive options and superior mobility. That in itself doesn't limit the high levels of play to only MK, but there are many references (granted, not all of them are meant to be taken so seriously) throughout the discussions that MK will be the one character the vast majority of people will have to use. IIRC, I think I even saw him post that even Ally would eventually be required to use MK to stay in the competition.

But it's the reasoning, because it works, and honestly there will always be tactics that are superior. Unfortunately the tactics that don't work tend to be the ones that lend themselves to exciting gameplay.

So, I'm happy with creating walls of priority with my fairs and generally being a soul-crushing person.

This project IS a patch. I'm not sure why it should count less than patches people make for PC games.
Yes it is.

That said, I would prefer official patching to allow for a more unified community and universal acceptance, because unfortunately, it can never be anything more then a side-show unless the community accepts it as their official version.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
What does the X in the numerator of the fraction mean for Sonic's Nair? And does the 20 -> 40 help the initial hit, or the sour hit?

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Those aren't fractions; they're just two numbers separated by a slash. The first number is knockback growth (which varies hitbox by hitbox on Sonic's nair so we represented it as X to save space), and the second number is base knockback (which is 20d for all hits in standard Brawl and 40d for all hits in Balanced Brawl).

So it means that at all percentages with all hitboxes, Sonic's nair hits them further away.


Anyway, a fun experiment was successful. I tried putting all of Zelda & Sheik's files on the SD card with file replacement active, and the result was that transformation time was radically lowered (my unscientific estimate for my typical disc reader Wii is triple speed on the sparkly in-between character section which is the part where the game is actually loading). Since it's SD reading, this should be fairly disc reader independent too so slow disc reader Wiis are no longer a factor for Zelda & Sheik. I bet the same thing would work with the Pokemon Trainer too; expect much cleaner transformation mechanics in the next version just owing to this.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
Anyway, a fun experiment was successful. I tried putting all of Zelda & Sheik's files on the SD card with file replacement active, and the result was that transformation time was radically lowered (my unscientific estimate for my typical disc reader Wii is triple speed on the sparkly in-between character section which is the part where the game is actually loading). Since it's SD reading, this should be fairly disc reader independent too so slow disc reader Wiis are no longer a factor for Zelda & Sheik. I bet the same thing would work with the Pokemon Trainer too; expect much cleaner transformation mechanics in the next version just owing to this.
So what your saying is you can make transformation times even FASTER.
Also what do you mean by "cleaner transformation" just curious or am I going to find that out in the upcoming release?


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2007
Clarksville, TN
I have it running fine on my wii but I have a few questions.
Does it work over wifi?
What happens if my opponent doesn't have it?
If it doesn't work because it isn't being run by my opponent will I still be able to save replays of any length?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
I have it running fine on my wii but I have a few questions.
Does it work over wifi?
What happens if my opponent doesn't have it?
If it doesn't work because it isn't being run by my opponent will I still be able to save replays of any length?
1) Yes it does, but both of you have to have it.
2) If he does not (which I tested) the game will still begin and even not desync but there will be an intense lag effectively making it difficult to play at all
3) Probably, honestly Im not sure...


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2007
Clarksville, TN
Ah if theres a lag it makes it almost pointless... Is there anyway I could get just the unlimited replays and would they still lag the match?

I'm not running homebrew oranything if it helps.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
Anyway, a fun experiment was successful. I tried putting all of Zelda & Sheik's files on the SD card with file replacement active, and the result was that transformation time was radically lowered (my unscientific estimate for my typical disc reader Wii is triple speed on the sparkly in-between character section which is the part where the game is actually loading). Since it's SD reading, this should be fairly disc reader independent too so slow disc reader Wiis are no longer a factor for Zelda & Sheik. I bet the same thing would work with the Pokemon Trainer too; expect much cleaner transformation mechanics in the next version just owing to this.
Excellent discovery AA! I look forward to seeing the results of this in the next version.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
So what your saying is you can make transformation times even FASTER.
Also what do you mean by "cleaner transformation" just curious or am I going to find that out in the upcoming release?
An explanation is in order.

Transformations have three steps. I'll use the Zelda & Sheik transformation as an example since PT's is also linked to the guy in the background but follows similar principles.

Step 1 is some initial animation. Zelda & Sheik pull their arm up and hunch over a bit. If you get hit during this part, the transformation is just canceled. The duration of this is some fixed number of frames (the animation length).

Step 2 is the part where no character is on-screen (instead that sparkly effect is there). This is the part where the game is actually loading a new character, and it lasts as long as the loading time is. If you pause the game during this, this part will end when you unpause (assuming the pause isn't extremely short) since it will continue loading during the pause.

Step 3 is an exit animation. The new character is loaded and on-screen, and getting hit is just getting hit since the transformation is done. Zelda & Sheik move their arm back and stop hunching over. The duration of this is some fixed number of frames (the animation length).

For Zelda & Sheik previously, we just sped up step 1 (and for PT, we sped up step 1 and step 3). Step 2 was simply not possible to change with our old methods. However, this new method gives us a newer, faster step 2. Furthermore, step 2 was also of variable time in standard Brawl. On some Wiis, it just took longer than on others since not all Wiis have the same quality of disc reader. With this method, the files are being loaded from the SD card so the load speed should be pretty uniform among all Wiis (in theory at least).

My current model for Zelda & Sheik removes the step 1 speed-up since the step 2 speed-up is so big that speeding up step 1 is just unnecessary. It's "cleaner" since it's removing most of the awkward part of the transformation animation (the part where no character is on-screen) and making transformation time more constant (isn't it stupid when Zelda & Sheik transform at a really unsafe time, you charge a smash, and you find out you're on a slow Wii so your smash releases before they are vulnerable?).


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Central US
For one, I don't think it's reasonable how people favor "official" versions of games over what other people made.

Brawl itself is software, and we really have made it very easy to add what software is needed for Balanced Brawl while simultaneously...
With all due respect, I think it's very reasonable that people favor "official" content. It's the nature of our culture to put more faith in what we see in a movie theater than what we see in fan made YouTube videos. Budget, years of credentials, etc... that gives people faith. And while you're right - judge the product for what it is... there are folks who won't want to go through the hassel to find out.

Brawl is a disc made for the Wii. You jam it in there and it works like every other Wii title that exists. BBrawl requires an SD (something I didn't have on hand). BBrawl requires a modest understanding of how operating systems work (didn't know what a "root" was). Glancing at the bulk of help requests in this thread, I think you have to realize some people are just brain dead when it comes to computers. People are also afraid of any form of hacking screwing up their Wii, in spite of no records of it happening (that I know of).

I'm not saying this out of hate or disrespect. I love what BBrawl is trying to accomplish. I just think that you think too much of the average human being.

Defense is good in the game of course, but it's not like defense is a fundamental evil.

Hits. Metaknight.
Well, too much offense and you have a game where it comes down to spacing and first strikes. Too much defense and you have two people afraid to move until the other guy does something stupid. The better game design seems apparent in my mind.


I am not comparing two specific attacks for balance, but only for overall attack design:

The most powerful quality of an attack is speed. Speed catches people off guard and lack of end lag makes a move more difficult to punish. This is fundamental in the Smash Bros franchise.

The second quality is range/disjointedness. Being able to hit your opponent from further away, especially in conjunction with speed, makes a move vastly superior. Sakurai gives all of his sword characters massive disjointed range, giving them the ability to hit through bare-fist attacks, seemingly on the notion of realism (stupid). Persistance or multihit attacks also create a larger reliability in ease of hitting an opponent, especially the disjointed/ranged kind.

Least important is KB/angle. Because if you can't land the attack consistantly, it's KB/angle will never come into play. This is why Gan-man is still low tier.

Balanced Brawl attempts to shun modifing speed and hitboxes to preserve the vbrawl feel. But I'd wager 90% of imbalances could be solved by creative frame speed mods alone.


When we look at Bowser and Metaknight's Fair's, you notice some glaringly imbalances by the visual (I had to guess the shape of Bowser's hand hurtbox, though it may be larger). What isn't conveyed in the image is that Bowser's Fair starts around frame 8-10ish while Metaknight's starts on frame 6, produces a second hitbox on 10 and the third on 13. Bowser produces one, shifting hitbox while Meta produces 3 unique, clashable hitboxes that outlast Bowser's. Bowser/Metaknight autocancels on 36/21, further hindered by Bowser's shorter jumps.

ALL of Metaknight's aerials have massive range/width that allow him to use things like Dair on an opponent horizontal to him. Uair comes out on frame 2, Dair on frame 4. F/Bair both hit 3 seperate times, creating unique pressure options. Even on the ground, Metaknight's Dtilt is a frame 3, safe, disjointed poke ending on 15. Ftilt is godly.

If his attacks are ultra safe/fast/disjointed/multihit, his weight only comes into play when his attacks fail by percent ratio. Which needless to say doesn't scale with weight value and is further offset by a great recovery.

If you look at Metaknight's moveset, they're all fast, many moves multihit, and all of them are massively disjointed. The attributes of his attacks simply give him no weakness. When you look at Snake or Diddy or other top tiers, you see a similarity in why they are top tier - their attacks have an overwhelming quality of saftey through speed/range - factors the BBrawl crew have shown no interest in altering.

You can nerf their KB of an overpowered move, which will open up more opportunities for mistakes and counter attacks. It also means more tedium to achieve success, but it doesn't fix the biggest contributor to a move's fault in the first place.


All that i'm trying to point out, from the visual and the attribute analysis, is that move speed/range are the most potent qualities. You'll need to alter a lot more KB/angle stuff than a simple frame speed adjustment to achieve similar results in the case of top tier characters and their beastly moveset.

And this isn't blasting. I like and prefer BBrawl over the other projects, especially since Brawl+ admits to no longer really being a Brawl mod as much as it's own creation. I just wanted to express some ideas, and have all the respect in the world for the time and efforts of Thinkaman and Amazing Ampharos and wanted to share my angle on things.

Thanks for reading.


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
And this isn't blasting. I like and prefer BBrawl over the other projects, especially since Brawl+ admits to no longer really being a Brawl mod as much as it's own creation.
Well, no matter what happens, any of the modifications to the game is still a modification, no matter how you put it. You use a Brawl disc to run any of these modifications, and no matter how many times you put it, no modification can be its own game. Brawl+ didn't really create nor invent the source code to Brawl, why should it be its own creation?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Central US
Well, no matter what happens, any of the modifications to the game is still a modification...
What I mean is that B+ doesn't feel like Brawl with the amount of changes they've implimented... I didn't mean to imply BBrawl isn't a mod either, only that Brawl+ feels like a unique game rather than some simple tweaks as the + implies. Sorry about that confusion.


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
What I mean is that B+ doesn't feel like Brawl with the amount of changes they've implimented... I didn't mean to imply BBrawl isn't a mod either, only that Brawl+ feels like a unique game rather than some simple tweaks as the + implies. Sorry about that confusion.
Ah, I see. No problem :laugh:


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
buffing characters by a certain, equal amount is better than buffing characters to a certain, equal point. the latter is almost certain to fail, can lead to unpredictable results, and takes way more effort to refine.

anyway, i think the top tiers are okay where they are. just remove the most abusable parts of the characters...especially since they are just designed in a way that translates into being very good characters overall. i honestly think that the best characters should remain the best characters, and that the bottom and mid guys should move up to become mid and high, respectively. and then you can get around to fine tuning to make everyone high tier, or "very good".


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2009
If you look at Metaknight's moveset, they're all fast, many moves multihit, and all of them are massively disjointed. The attributes of his attacks simply give him no weakness. When you look at Snake or Diddy or other top tiers, you see a similarity in why they are top tier - their attacks have an overwhelming quality of saftey through speed/range - factors the BBrawl crew have shown no interest in altering.

You can nerf their KB of an overpowered move, which will open up more opportunities for mistakes and counter attacks. It also means more tedium to achieve success, but it doesn't fix the biggest contributor to a move's fault in the first place.
inb4 "Homogenizing the cast"

but seriously, i agree with everything this dude said. solid viewpoints.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
The most powerful quality of an attack is speed. Speed catches people off guard and lack of end lag makes a move more difficult to punish. This is fundamental in the Smash Bros franchise.

The second quality is range/disjointedness. Being able to hit your opponent from further away, especially in conjunction with speed, makes a move vastly superior. Sakurai gives all of his sword characters massive disjointed range, giving them the ability to hit through bare-fist attacks, seemingly on the notion of realism (stupid). Persistance or multihit attacks also create a larger reliability in ease of hitting an opponent, especially the disjointed/ranged kind.

Least important is KB/angle. Because if you can't land the attack consistantly, it's KB/angle will never come into play. This is why Gan-man is still low tier.

Balanced Brawl attempts to shun modifing speed and hitboxes to preserve the vbrawl feel. But I'd wager 90% of imbalances could be solved by creative frame speed mods alone.

If you look at Metaknight's moveset, they're all fast, many moves multihit, and all of them are massively disjointed. The attributes of his attacks simply give him no weakness. When you look at Snake or Diddy or other top tiers, you see a similarity in why they are top tier - their attacks have an overwhelming quality of saftey through speed/range - factors the BBrawl crew have shown no interest in altering.

You can nerf their KB of an overpowered move, which will open up more opportunities for mistakes and counter attacks. It also means more tedium to achieve success, but it doesn't fix the biggest contributor to a move's fault in the first place.
This is all true, except that unreliable moves will never come into play. Depending on what you mean by consistently, that is -- if you're talking Gerudo Punch, then yeah. But if you mean, say, Charizard or Bowser Fsmash, then these things will come into play at some point.

Anyway, I more wanted to say that your assessment is correct, but if you are endorsing speed changes as the only good way to fix problems, I'd have to disagree. There are many ways Ganon vs. Metaknight could be changed to be in Ganon's favor without modifying speed or disjointedness. Even though statistically it should never happen (due to frame advantages/safety of attacks), during any match where the two are played by players of remotely equal skill, Ganon will land some attacks. The idea is to make these few attacks equally as potent as Metaknight's many successful attacks, and this is entirely possible by modifying damage/knockback. A Metaknight whose attacks all dealt 1% would be bottom tier, even though his attacks are all super fast and disjointed.

Just to reiterate -- I agree with your assessment about which qualities matter most. But I wanted to make sure it's clear that the speed changes, while easier and more direct, are not the only way to fix things.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Central US
Just to reiterate -- I agree with your assessment about which qualities matter most. But I wanted to make sure it's clear that the speed changes, while easier and more direct, are not the only way to fix things.
We're in general agreement. Mario is a character, for instance, who benifited best from simple KB/angle changes (though it's a tad overkill).

But while making Metaknight's moves 1% is obviously undesirable design, so is buffing only Ganon's damage/KB. It's very similar in limiting creativity with a character and creating tedious gameplay. Comphensating moves to fight Metaknight will ultimately create matchup imbalances, since Ganon has a number of guarenteed attacks out of choke on larger cast members.

I wouldn't call it Homogenizing, as I think all moves should carry a realitively equal value of trade offs, or risk vs reward. And all characters share universal characteristics, arguably the only thing that holds a sense of balance across 35 characters (shielding, dodging, gtfo jabs, kill moves, etc). Trying to make a character unique by denying them gtfo moves (Ganon) or making a character unique by denying them kill moves (Sonic) isn't unique, it's breaking the universal standard for balances. (And I know you weren't accusing me, Bleyva, but I wanted to elaborate that).


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2009
But while making Metaknight's moves 1% is obviously undesirable design, so is buffing only Ganon's damage/KB. It's very similar in limiting creativity with a character and creating tedious gameplay. Comphensating moves to fight Metaknight will ultimately create matchup imbalances, since Ganon has a number of guarenteed attacks out of choke on larger cast members.

I wouldn't call it Homogenizing, as I think all moves should carry a realitively equal value of trade offs, or risk vs reward. And all characters share universal characteristics, arguably the only thing that holds a sense of balance across 35 characters (shielding, dodging, gtfo jabs, kill moves, etc). Trying to make a character unique by denying them gtfo moves (Ganon) or making a character unique by denying them kill moves (Sonic) isn't unique, it's breaking the universal standard for balances. (And I know you weren't accusing me, Bleyva, but I wanted to elaborate that).
great points. buffing only damage/KB can seem like a rather one-dimensional way to balance the cast, resulting in a number of poorly designed Brawl characters suddenly turning into erratic glass cannons rather than truly balanced characters (Link or Ganon come to mind here).

im not really complaining, ive tried BBrawl and its quite a nice experience, it just seems like characters like Ganon need a bit more than just DMG/KB buffs and the mentality of "hey, he'll eventually land a hit at SOME point, he has to!".


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
link, mario and samus are the ones I belive benift the most, ond work the best under simple KB/Damage changes, as it simply makes their play more rewarding.

Other characters do benifit, and are clearly getting there, but need that 1 key weakness or somethign fixed about them.

For example, Yoshi would be just fine if his shield wasnt so bad for being unpokeable, or Sonic would be fine if he had 1 reliable KO.

etc, etc


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2009
mario and samus already had great tools in brawl, KB increases in some areas was the only thing they needed to be competitive.

and as far as yoshi goes, would it break him to remove some of his shield-release lag? i mean, some characters already have shields that feel dam-near unpokeable, yet yoshi seems to get a pretty harsh punishment for that luxury.

idk, i dont play yoshi much


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
yoshi has one of the best spotdodges, and he even has a special roll from being hit while shielded (go the way you are hit from = short roll, away = double distance roll)

but the fact that his shield is impossible to poke doesnt mean he should have the laggiest shield, I propose that he either:

A) gets a faster shieldgrab, I mean, is there a reason he shouldnt now that he cannot Chain-grab?

B) more damaging eggs to just promote a longer ranged game than what he allready has, and provide a better reason to super-roll

C) just simply less lag on the shield all together

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