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Balanced Brawl Standard Release

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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I don't really know much about Pit. The only person I play who uses Pit is just someone who abuses him for the sake of being a noob friendly camper. Analyzing his buffs however, they're pretty minor. His matchups for the most part seem to be the same.

I must say however, even a noob Pit makes Bowser's life miserable. I consider myself an infinitely more competent player than the Pit player in question, but even with my much more expansive knowledge of this game, it's VERY difficult for Bowser to do anything to Pit if he just spams arrows and punishes approaches with his disjointed aerials and smashes. In fact, I would actually think that Ganondorf does better against Pit than Bowser, for two reasons. He's a smaller target, and he has a more direct way to work around arrow camping (wizkick). D-tilt buff also finds its uses against Pit. Ganondorf also has a much easier time being aggressive when his opponent is in the air compared to Bowser, meaning he has better ways to challenge Pit's disjointed aerials in general.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
so yeah...Pit is doing fine...

Sonic needs either a biff to damage racking or Killing...

how about discussing someone who really needs the attention?



Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I agree with Bowser, I need much more attention.

I'd particularly enjoy a buff to my nair.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Actually I lied when I said Pit's matchups are basically the same.

What I mean is, he doesn't have any buffs that change how HE approaches a matchup. Assuming that nobody else was changed, his matchup ratios would likely have stayed very similar. Mainly, he has to watch out for the characters that got buffed a lot.

The matchups that are most similar...I think he still has a lot of trouble doing stuff to Metaknight, Marth, and G&W. Metaknight, while nerfed, seems quite difficult for Pit to touch. I don't think Pit has very many moves that are good against the Tornado as I recall, meaning that he still has a ton of trouble safely zoning against metaknight. Metaknight also outspeeds and outranges him, making his life pretty miserable. Admittedly, not taking 20ish damage each time Metaknight hits the B button helps in this matchup though.

Pit is probably alright against Snake since he can camp Snake, and with Snake not killing quite as early, that part of the matchup becoming more manageable is significant.


Smash Rookie
May 27, 2006
New Mexico
On the topic of Sonic, I would agree that he doesn't really have any surprise moves. I used to play as Peach in Melee, and one thing I really loved was her Downsmash. It functioned as sort of panic button. Now, in Brawl, I find Sonic has only a slight bit of physical range, but a large threat area.

We all know his moves are surprisingly slow for someone whose claim to fame is speed. At first, I loved the new meteor spring, and my friends groaned every time I killed them with it. It just felt right that this is how the move was supposed to work (and it made people quiver in fear of Sonic). Unfortunately, I came to overuse the move, and my smashing bags... friends... learned to avoid it. I found myself having to resort back to my old Sonic tactics, and I realized "oh hey. This is exactly why it's a good balance! Yeah, the move works, but it's only supposed to compliment what I already DO with Sonic. D'oh."

One thing I do with Sonic (and, to a greater degree, Pokemon Trainer) is use the Spring defensively. Incoming attack? Instead of dodging or shielding, why not Spring? Often, it catches people by surprise, and you still have quite a few options in air. I'm wondering what it would be like for Sonic's invincibility frames to cover the very start of the move, rather than a strange few frames after the launch. If this were the case, Sonic could take the attack and continue upwards. This would make the Spring not only defensive, but allow for an interesting setup, or even just a "get me outta here" panic button.

Another idea is his downsmash. It's a fun, but somewhat unweildy attack that unfortunately seems to telegraph itself. What if it were more like Peach's or Bowser's current downsmash, where it sort of traps them, but does relatively little damage/knockback? I've always felt Squirtle's downsmash should function this way. I mean, it's essentially his Whirlpool move.

Oh, and Hanenbow. Come on, it's not nearly as bad as New Pork City. XD


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
I might get this. I found a 2 GB SD card, but I have some questions.

- I know I don't need homebrew, but will this still work with wii updates?
- It says you need to download the zip file, but to use the programs in the folder, not the folder itself. When I get the folder, what do I do next?


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2007
Any answers for my forgotten post?

I know this has probably been asked 1million times before, but is there a version of Balanced Brawl without stage changes and Hanenbow intact? Especially Hanenbow.

I love the idea of the characters being balanced since even people like myself get annoyed by MetaKnight players and Link not being so good, but I'm not a competitive player and I find stages like Hanenbow to be pretty fun really. D:


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
There isn't a version.

Also, that's too drastic of a change to Sonic (you have uSmash for that, silly!)

Unzip the contents of the .ZIP file DIRECTLY to the base of your SD Card. Make sure your Wii has no custom stages available at the moment (including the Smash Service), then quickly go into Custom Stages after booting it up. Gecko will load. Hit "Launch Game".


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
You should be aware that your understanding of the game is inconsistent with the collective analysis of the entire competitive community. Your understanding of the game is limited, and you should probably seek out more exposure to actual high-level competition if you wish to formulate any valid judgments of balance.

Good decision. Playing a character that you have an affinity for tends to enable higher levels of success, assuming the character is viable. (Which Meta Knight certainly is.)

The goal of Balanced Brawl is simply to make all of the characters balanced for competitive play. Making characters truer to their origins isn't on the agenda. In fact, this project is attempting to emphasize and stay true to all of the character designs as they were originally implemented in Brawl; as such, making Samus a "speed" character isn't going to happen since that goes against the design of her original implementation in Brawl.

If your only interest is to play a faster Samus, you should try Brawl+.
I've played Brawl +, but I mean that Samus shouldn't lag behind these other characters JUST because of the suit. It's ridiculous that that's the reason she isn't speedy. Ever played SM with the speed boost? You go INSANELY fast. And Samus is quite fast even without it. In ZM, Zero Suit Samus and Samus go about as fast as each other.

@A2ZOMG-READ ABOVE and what exactly do you mean by overpowered? She should do that much damage and probably more.

@Linkshot-Plasma beam would be EPIC, but it won't happen. And yes, I was trying to use plasma beam to no avail. Then Peppy said "DO A BARREL ROLL!"


Jun 7, 2009
So continue to play brawl+

Just because one person wants timing changes, doesn't mean we have to do anything about it. Also when you look at the goals of BBrawl, it's to not do what you want and make a character totally different.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2009
Omaha, NE
Pit has one valid buff; his +1 to fair. Nair is a terrible move that you'll very rarely see and even less rarely hit with the final frame, so the +2 is worthless. His f-throw buff means that he can kill with it at extremely high percentages (150 at the edge), but Pit used to have a f-throw to stutter-step f-smash combo that could hit the just about the entire cast if they were at 0% and a CG against the heavier characters. Neither of these works anymore, so that throw lost more than it gained.

Pit had a lot of good match-ups and a few bad match-ups that shut him down. This has changed slightly; he still plays exactly the same (good call on that A2), but people who he was tied with before but who received more valid buffs suddenly have a lot better chance against him (I'm thinking Sonic, PT, Mario and ROB to name a few, but just about everyone can go in here). His worst MUs, MK and Marth, have had nothing changed. Sure MK is weaker now, but it honestly doesn't make much of a difference since MK still out-ranges and out-prioritizes everything Pit does (include Marth in there too, actually). They also both have enough speed that Pit's best asset, his pewpewpew, doesn't matter at all.

I could go into why Pit's kill moves all suck, but I'll just sum it up by saying that a lot of people kill a lot faster now, and Pit is not by any means one of them. I'd suggest buffing his f-throw so that it can kill around 120%, which will balance him out with a lot of people and justify removing the combo options he had when his throw was weaker. I'd also suggest dropping the nair boost for another move that he actually uses: d-tilt, u-tilt, u-air and jab are all prime choices, with dair and f-tilt lesser choices.

As for the Marth/MK match-up, the only thing I can think of is cutting down on lag on Pit's arrows so that he can actually use them against these two. That, however, would be really really really stupid, since it would make Pit completely dominate everyone who wasn't at a Marth/MK/Sheik/Sonic level of speed.

Buffing his kill moves would be another option. The only move with strong knockback Pit possesses that's easy to land and relatively punish-free on a miss is his f-smash, and that move does so much damage it's typically decayed by the time the opponent gets to kill percentages. But once again, on a character Pit can pewpewpew, it's really easy for him to remove stagnation and suddenly he can kill way earlier and rack damage really well. This could go in circles for ages.

That's really the problem, Pit doesn't have anything special he can do against Marth and MK above and beyond what he does to everyone else, and the stuff he does to everyone else is much less effective against those two. Whatever you do to try and fix the problem, I'd recommend paying a lot of attention to Pit so that you can figure out a balance where he's good against Marth and MK, but doesn't dominate everyone else in return.

To sum up, just about all Pit needs is a few more well-placed buffs and he'll be balanced against nearly the entirety of the cast. His harder matches, namely MK and Marth, are a tough spot that'll require a lot of work to balance out.


Jun 7, 2009
I say no to a throw that kills at 120%.

Very few throws should kill even at 140%

I'd say to make his charged arrows do more damage would be a decent buff, and move the n-air buff to u-air.

Pit is a character that isn't supposed to be killing to easily, but he's alot like sonic where he can easily get damage on the character with fast moves. Also his aerials are pretty decent at killing.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
I regard Pit in a very similar manner to Sonic in the current BBrawl build; both damage racking characters who are slightly under par that should get a little more reward than they have on certain moves. They don't need anything drastic, which I would argue kill move buffs are leaning towards being, just something small like damage or knockback angle tweaking. For these two damage just seems to fit the best.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
so yeah...Pit is doing fine...

Sonic needs either a biff to damage racking or Killing...

how about discussing someone who really needs the attention?

He needs a lot of help...Whirling Fortress only goes up a little bit, so he has practically no recovery...as for Samus, all I'm saying is that she should be a top tier character, but isn't due to lack of speed.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
In BBrawl she is top tier, or contending for it.
Just drop it mang, no more buffs for her, let alone timing/speed changes.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I'm sorry, but Samus is not your character if you want to be in-your-face.

Tough luck.

How about reading the entire first post to see the goals of this project before saying what you, personally, want on a character?

This is in the character's playstyle's interest.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
I'm sorry, but Samus is not your character if you want to be in-your-face.

Tough luck.

How about reading the entire first post to see the goals of this project before saying what you, personally, want on a character?

This is in the character's playstyle's interest.
MK is my character for in-your-face. Allright, then I guess speed was never a part of Samus' gameplay, yet I played as her in Melee for that reason...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2009
Omaha, NE
I say no to a throw that kills at 120%.
Er, I meant it should kill at 120 from the ledge. A kill at 120 from the center would be way too powerful broken.

Also, I used 120 because it's where Pit starts to find killing options with his f-smash, d-smash and glide attack. Glide attack can kill sooner, depending on the level, and bair can kill much sooner, but typically 120 is around where Pit can start thinking about getting kills.

Also also, Pit's grab is laggy and his range with it sucks. So getting a kill with his f-throw would still be difficult.

Pit is a character that isn't supposed to be killing to easily, but he's alot like sonic where he can easily get damage on the character with fast moves.
This is true as long as you aren't talking about his match-up with characters who have speed/priority/range. Marth can kill way sooner than Pit can, and the fact that he has range and priority means that Marth is going to get Pit up to kill percentages much faster than Pit is going to get Marth.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I've played Brawl +, but I mean that Samus shouldn't lag behind these other characters JUST because of the suit. It's ridiculous that that's the reason she isn't speedy. Ever played SM with the speed boost? You go INSANELY fast. And Samus is quite fast even without it. In ZM, Zero Suit Samus and Samus go about as fast as each other.
So? Does this mean her playstyle is actually lacking viability and effectiveness? Absolutely not.

@A2ZOMG-READ ABOVE and what exactly do you mean by overpowered? She should do that much damage and probably more.
Samus kills very very stupidly early in this game for how easily she racks up damage safely. She's a massively powerful character in this game, and considering that she is heavy, and never ever gets gimped, she's a top tier force in this game. She can D-tilt DDD at like 135ish for kills. B-throw and F-throw both kill at around 160ish, pretty reliably particularly near the edge. Charge shot seems to kill people at like 90ish percent or something. Her down-angled F-smash kills at similar percents to that, except if it doesn't kill, it blatantly GIMPS people.

Samus is in fact overbuffed in BBrawl. She has the tools to outzone everyone, and she kills much more efficiently than most damage-oriented characters (besides Mario).


Jun 7, 2009
Yeah, that is true (yet another reason why Marth needs to be nerfed). But if Marth does get nerfed, it would also help Pit out there.

Throws aren't typically supposed to be the means of killing unless your Ness. Throws are more or less supposed to increase the opponets damage from a throw and put them a good position for the character. So, where would Marth be put in a bad postion that Pit can take advantage of it?

(I use a character with a horrible grab, so don't be saying that anyone w/o a tether grab has a bad grab, also appearently grabs go through sheilds.)


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I was thinking that if Pit's F-tilt could be angled, and had slightly less ending lag, that would probably do a lot to help his worst matchups.

Too bad it can't be angled. =(


Jun 7, 2009
A2: You can in PSA. I've done it before

But I'm always against timing changes, *cept ganon*, because it makes you relearn your character from vBrawl to BBrawl, which is not the objective of BBrawl.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
On the topic of Sonic, I would agree that he doesn't really have any surprise moves. I used to play as Peach in Melee, and one thing I really loved was her Downsmash. It functioned as sort of panic button. Now, in Brawl, I find Sonic has only a slight bit of physical range, but a large threat area.

We all know his moves are surprisingly slow for someone whose claim to fame is speed. At first, I loved the new meteor spring, and my friends groaned every time I killed them with it. It just felt right that this is how the move was supposed to work (and it made people quiver in fear of Sonic). Unfortunately, I came to overuse the move, and my smashing bags... friends... learned to avoid it. I found myself having to resort back to my old Sonic tactics, and I realized "oh hey. This is exactly why it's a good balance! Yeah, the move works, but it's only supposed to compliment what I already DO with Sonic. D'oh."

One thing I do with Sonic (and, to a greater degree, Pokemon Trainer) is use the Spring defensively. Incoming attack? Instead of dodging or shielding, why not Spring? Often, it catches people by surprise, and you still have quite a few options in air. I'm wondering what it would be like for Sonic's invincibility frames to cover the very start of the move, rather than a strange few frames after the launch. If this were the case, Sonic could take the attack and continue upwards. This would make the Spring not only defensive, but allow for an interesting setup, or even just a "get me outta here" panic button.

Another idea is his downsmash. It's a fun, but somewhat unweildy attack that unfortunately seems to telegraph itself. What if it were more like Peach's or Bowser's current downsmash, where it sort of traps them, but does relatively little damage/knockback? I've always felt Squirtle's downsmash should function this way. I mean, it's essentially his Whirlpool move.

Oh, and Hanenbow. Come on, it's not nearly as bad as New Pork City. XD
Thank you for your input; that is indeed the job we were focusing on for Spring.

New Pork City and Hanenbow are both completely unplayable in any serious capacity, but Hanenbow doesn't have a My Music entry which makes it a GUI-thinking less awkward stage to replace... if we have to replace one. I would really like to be able to replace no stages with the next version for sure.

I like to think we didn't "ruin" any stages; this isn't some silly thing where we freeze interactive stages and strip the soul out of them. The idea behind the stage changes is to keep them unique and interesting while shifting certain undesirable attributes to be less undesirable. It should be a win-win; it doesn't matter how serious of a player you are, someone running a loop against you is zero fun.

I've played Brawl +, but I mean that Samus shouldn't lag behind these other characters JUST because of the suit. It's ridiculous that that's the reason she isn't speedy. Ever played SM with the speed boost? You go INSANELY fast. And Samus is quite fast even without it. In ZM, Zero Suit Samus and Samus go about as fast as each other.

@A2ZOMG-READ ABOVE and what exactly do you mean by overpowered? She should do that much damage and probably more.

@Linkshot-Plasma beam would be EPIC, but it won't happen. And yes, I was trying to use plasma beam to no avail. Then Peppy said "DO A BARREL ROLL!"
Samus actually does have somewhat of an up-close speedy game if you're bold. Dair can lead into stuff pretty easily if you hit people off the ground with it, and uair to Screw Attack is an easy follow-up. Given that tether attack is lagless, you can use it as an approach just as much as a camping tool depending on situation. I didn't play classic Metroid, but this Samus feels pretty accurate to the speed of Metroid Prime Samus to me. She's really floaty and generally not very mobile (this Samus does not have the Boost Ball... or any of the really broken powerups really) but can take a huge beating. Her attack speed is not really that slow, but she generally can't keep up offensive pressure for very long because the "bosses" (other enemy characters) are generally more mobile than she is.

Of course, that's largely irrelevant, and we did focus on making all characters, including Samus, follow their design as fighting game characters moreso than their design from their original games. I mean, Ness and Lucas's biggest jobs in their own games were as healers; do you want to see that represented in Brawl? Pk Lifeup would be a quick ticket to the "banned" tier (other than Pk Flash which originally inflicted random status effects, literally all of the PSI Ness and Lucas use for special moves actually belongs to Paula and Kumatora)... In Metroid games, Samus primarily avoids enemies while shooting at them a lot, being especially happy if she can sneak in a full Charge Shot or a Super Missile; she's actually decently faithful. I think some of the liberties Sakurai's development team took with her design are pretty understandable. As per Zero Suit Samus, my understanding is that she was designed to be pretty much worthless in the one game she has been in so her being given things that are useful for Brawl shouldn't bother you ("worthless" is not a character archtype compatible with Balanced Brawl).

im having problems getting textures which file do i download to get them
We don't provide any textures ourselves. The "alternate download" simply has the code for textures active so if you have your own textures set up on your SD card, they'll work.

Pit has one valid buff; his +1 to fair. Nair is a terrible move that you'll very rarely see and even less rarely hit with the final frame, so the +2 is worthless. His f-throw buff means that he can kill with it at extremely high percentages (150 at the edge), but Pit used to have a f-throw to stutter-step f-smash combo that could hit the just about the entire cast if they were at 0% and a CG against the heavier characters. Neither of these works anymore, so that throw lost more than it gained.

Pit had a lot of good match-ups and a few bad match-ups that shut him down. This has changed slightly; he still plays exactly the same (good call on that A2), but people who he was tied with before but who received more valid buffs suddenly have a lot better chance against him (I'm thinking Sonic, PT, Mario and ROB to name a few, but just about everyone can go in here). His worst MUs, MK and Marth, have had nothing changed. Sure MK is weaker now, but it honestly doesn't make much of a difference since MK still out-ranges and out-prioritizes everything Pit does (include Marth in there too, actually). They also both have enough speed that Pit's best asset, his pewpewpew, doesn't matter at all.

I could go into why Pit's kill moves all suck, but I'll just sum it up by saying that a lot of people kill a lot faster now, and Pit is not by any means one of them. I'd suggest buffing his f-throw so that it can kill around 120%, which will balance him out with a lot of people and justify removing the combo options he had when his throw was weaker. I'd also suggest dropping the nair boost for another move that he actually uses: d-tilt, u-tilt, u-air and jab are all prime choices, with dair and f-tilt lesser choices.

As for the Marth/MK match-up, the only thing I can think of is cutting down on lag on Pit's arrows so that he can actually use them against these two. That, however, would be really really really stupid, since it would make Pit completely dominate everyone who wasn't at a Marth/MK/Sheik/Sonic level of speed.

Buffing his kill moves would be another option. The only move with strong knockback Pit possesses that's easy to land and relatively punish-free on a miss is his f-smash, and that move does so much damage it's typically decayed by the time the opponent gets to kill percentages. But once again, on a character Pit can pewpewpew, it's really easy for him to remove stagnation and suddenly he can kill way earlier and rack damage really well. This could go in circles for ages.

That's really the problem, Pit doesn't have anything special he can do against Marth and MK above and beyond what he does to everyone else, and the stuff he does to everyone else is much less effective against those two. Whatever you do to try and fix the problem, I'd recommend paying a lot of attention to Pit so that you can figure out a balance where he's good against Marth and MK, but doesn't dominate everyone else in return.

To sum up, just about all Pit needs is a few more well-placed buffs and he'll be balanced against nearly the entirety of the cast. His harder matches, namely MK and Marth, are a tough spot that'll require a lot of work to balance out.
For one, I find it interesting that you pinpoint Marth and Meta Knight but not Mr. Game & Watch; usually they work as a trio in this sort of situation. The thing I'm seeing you say is that the speedier disjointed characters (that is, not guys like Ike) are good at avoiding arrows and outclass Pit at his own disjointed game. It seems reasonable. However, from seeing Ky in action in standard Brawl, I can say I didn't get the impression Meta Knight was that big of an inhibition to Pit arrow spamming; he has bad air speed, and few of his moves clash with arrows. Ky in general did a good job of showing me that Pit didn't have any super bad matchups, but I would believe these guys as his worst regardless.

I will throw in that there's no reason to remove the nair buff as I see it. We didn't expect it to be all that big; it just makes a poor move slightly less poor. I mean, should we remove it and effectively nerf Pit's nair? Does Pit's nair need nerfing? There isn't a limit to how many (or how few I suppose) changes characters get or anything; there is no "trading". If Pit needs more help (and I think most people are on the point of agreeing he needs some), he will have it... but let's not talk about taking away things that don't need to be taken away.

Regardless, thanks for the detailed input; we'll be considering what to do with Pit in depth for the next release.

Yeah, that is true (yet another reason why Marth needs to be nerfed). But if Marth does get nerfed, it would also help Pit out there.

Throws aren't typically supposed to be the means of killing unless your Ness. Throws are more or less supposed to increase the opponets damage from a throw and put them a good position for the character. So, where would Marth be put in a bad postion that Pit can take advantage of it?

(I use a character with a horrible grab, so don't be saying that anyone w/o a tether grab has a bad grab, also appearently grabs go through sheilds.)
You're mostly right, and I agree with most of what you said (though I think you mean "Ness or Olimar") but... Lucas has a bad grab? Since when?

Tether grabs are "secretly" really good in Brawl; a ton of stuff is safe on block against everyone but the tether characters (ask yourself why it is so much easier to pressure a lone Ice Climbers' shield as opposed to Olimar's; the only reason is Olimar's grab range). The huge cooldown on those standing grabs doesn't even matter since the only time you standing grab with most tether characters is out of shield when you know you will hit so the cooldown doesn't matter very much. Some tether characters, including Lucas, do have far less cooldown on their running grab and ridiculously less cooldown on their pivot grab. Lucas isn't quite as far along this path as, say, Yoshi, but Lucas's pivot grab isn't really slower than a normal one... and it has obscene range compared to most grabs.

As someone who mains a character with legitimately poor grabs (Mr. Game & Watch), I can say I'd trade his grab for Lucas's in a heartbeat. I know tether grabs have a poor reputation in the smash community because they were total garbage in smash 64 and quite mediocre in melee, but they're solid in Brawl as a group (Zero Suit Samus is the only character legitimately inhibited by having a tether grab, mostly because hers has Falcon Punch-like lagginess no matter which grab she uses).

This point is fairly important to the design we put into all the tether characters.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2009
Alright... I broke... something.... trying to add Dantarion's ASL... but... I'm not really sure what. Every time I try to go into Group > Brawl now, the game freezes (but oddly enough, the music keeps playing)

I've only slapped on stages to Wifi room.

If anyone feels like being amazing and telling me what's wrong in these codes, here they are.

Smash Bros Brawl (US)

Infinite Replays
* 040E5DE8 60000000
* 04953184 60000000
* 04953224 60000000

Tags in Replays [Y.S.]
* 0404B140 38A00000

Tripping Rate Modifier [KirbyIsCool] (No Tripping)
* 0481CB34 C0220020
* 045A9340 00000000

Level Freezer[Phantom Wings/Almas, 9 Lines] (Stage Specific Speed

* 42000000 90000000
* 0416A904 3F000000
* 2A180F3A 00000004
* 2A180F3A 00000005
* 0416A904 3F2AAAAB
* 2A180F3A 00000024
* 2A180F3A 0000002D
* 2A180F3A 00000031
* 0416A904 3F800000
* E0000000 80008000

Default Settings Standard
* 24494A98 80000000
* 20523300 00000000
* 04523300 DEADBEEF
* 42000000 90000000
* 0417F360 00000102
* 0417F364 03000A00
* 0417F368 08010101
* 0417F36C 01000000
* E0000000 80008000

Death Boundary Mod V2[spunit262] (Death zone mod engine)
* C2931438 0000001D
* 3C004248 90010008
* C0610008 3C004B00
* 60000800 90010008
* C0210008 3C809018
* A0640F3A 88840F3C
* 811D0020 38A2FCD8
* 84C50008 80E50004
* 54C0463E 7C001800
* 40A2009C 54C0673E
* 2C00000F 41A2000C
* 7C002000 40A20088
* 54C0E53F 4182001C
* 68000800 B001000A
* C0010008 FC000828
* FC80182A D0880000
* 54C0452E 50E0463F
* 4182001C 68000800
* B001000A C0410008
* FC420828 FC821828
* D0880004 54E0A53F
* 4182001C 68000800
* B001000A C0C10008
* FCC60828 FC861828
* D0880008 54E0053F
* 4182001C 68000800
* B001000A C0E10008
* FCE70828 FC87182A
* D088000C 7CC03B79
* 4082FF50 00000000

Death zone mod data
* 065A9000 00000020
* 05F00000 00070000
* 30F0F0B0 E30D0000
* 15F00000 00000FC8
* 29F00000 000B0FC8

Char ID fix 2.1 [spunit262, The Paprika Killer] (Character fix)
* C28152E4 00000006
* 819E003C 907EFFFC
* 80E30030 2C07000F
* 40A2001C 80FE0008
* 3C008180 7C070000
* 4080000C 39030008
* 9107FFFC 00000000

Hitbox Property Mod Engine 2.0 [Phantom Wings, spunit262. Paprika

Killer] (Hitbox mod engine)
* C2744A3C 00000019
* 3C008180 80FC0028
* 81070008 8108FFFC
* 7C080000 408000A8
* 81080030 80DE0020
* 5106C00E 801E0000
* 5006821E 801E0018
* 5006442E 80E7007C
* 80E70038 813E0030
* 5127C0CE 801E0014
* 50076226 390204C8
* 85480018 81680004
* 7D405B79 41820060
* 7C0A3000 4082FFEC
* 7C0B3800 4082FFE4
* 88080008 90030004
* 88080009 9003001C
* 8808000A 90030024
* 8808000B 500906FE
* 91230034 A008000C
* 90030018 80080010
* 2C00FFFF 41820008
* 90030038 C0080014
* C03E0010 EC010032
* D0030014 7F83E378
* 60000000 00000000

Hitbox Property Mod Data
* 065A9800 000021C0
* 000F4928 0016902F
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* 000C4B23 0016902F
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 00055014 00050029
* 06504100 00640000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 00075014 00050029
* 07504100 00640000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 000D4B14 00118033
* 0D4B4600 01180000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 000E5A20 00053032
* 0E642000 00530000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6405191E 05169000
* 06191E05 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 64051416 05169000
* 06141605 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 64050F0B 05169000
* 060F0B05 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 010B1464 00032026
* 0B146400 001E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 010E1752 0004E131
* 0F175200 004E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 010E1752 00054131
* 0F175200 00540000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 010C640A 00169027
* 0C641E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 010A640A 00169027
* 0A641E00 00280000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0109640A 00169027
* 09640F00 000F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 01046400 00169024
* 04001E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0108280F 0B046113
* 0828230B 00140000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 020D6014 02169027
* 0D651402 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 020C325A 02050029
* 0C425A02 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 020C325A 02118029
* 0C425A02 01180000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02115A14 0203002C
* 14651402 00300000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02145A19 0203002C
* 17651902 00300000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02135A1E 0203002C
* 16651E02 00300000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 020C4844 02169118
* 0C604402 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02094844 02169118
* 09604402 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02095037 02169118
* 09663702 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02075037 02169118
* 07663702 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02075014 02169118
* 07661402 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 02055014 02169118
* 05661402 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 020C6E14 02169033
* 0C731902 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 64072850 02046002
* 08285002 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6405283C 02041002
* 06283C02 00410000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49053207 02169001
* 05412802 000A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0307640A 00169027
* 071E3700 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0308640A 00169027
* 081D3700 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 030A640A 00169027
* 0B1B3200 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 030E3C50 05050029
* 0E435005 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 030D6414 0016902C
* 0D691400 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 030C6414 0016902C
* 0C692D00 00169000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0A5A1E00 004B0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 4905141A 05000000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6F042D0F 05169000
* 062D0F05 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6F052D0F 05169001
* 072D0F05 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 03016400 0005003A
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 032A0E03 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 062E1003 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0C361803 00280000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 143A2003 00280000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 10640A00 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040E3F1E 0001E02F
* 10482500 001E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040E351E 0001E02F
* 10442500 001E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040D3F1E 0001E02F
* 0F482500 001E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040D351E 0001E02F
* 0F442500 001E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 04085028 00050027
* 09472300 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 04085028 00041027
* 09472300 00410000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 04085028 00032027
* 09472300 00320000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 04095028 00050027
* 0A472300 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 04095028 00041027
* 0A472300 00410000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 04095028 00032027
* 0A472300 00320000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040A5028 00050027
* 0B472300 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040A5028 00046027
* 0B472300 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040A5028 00032027
* 0B472300 00320000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0C254200 00640000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 040A2848 00064028
* 0B254200 00640000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0B640F00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6F042832 00032000
* 07283800 00320000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 03640000 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 05026400 0216914F
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 05096432 02169182
* 0B643202 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 05126432 02169183
* 12643202 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 18643202 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0502280C 0200A16A
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 05056432 0216916A
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 05046428 0216916A
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 05036432 0216916A
* 03643202 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 05284402 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 053C4402 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 05643200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 091E5F05 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0C007805 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090F4628 05169115
* 10464105 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090D4128 05169115
* 0E414105 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090B3C28 05169115
* 0C3C4105 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0C4B1400 00550000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090A4B19 00028029
* 0C4B1400 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090A4B19 00014029
* 0C4B1400 000F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09135D1E 03020033
* 165D1E03 00200000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09026400 0005003A
* 03640003 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090D5032 00169028
* 0D503200 00140000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090B640A 00169027
* 0C6E0A00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090A640A 00169027
* 0B6E0A00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 090A6400 00169027
* 0B6E0000 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09096400 00169027
* 0A6E0000 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0909640A 00169027
* 0A6E0A00 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09145514 0502D02C
* 145A1405 002D0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09125514 0502802C
* 12551405 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09105A14 0016902F
* 105A2300 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09067D2D 00169033
* 087D2D00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09082850 00041026
* 08196400 004B0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 09062841 00028026
* 060F5000 00280000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0A016400 0516903C
* 02640005 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 66021E0A 05044001
* 021E0705 00700000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 66011E0A 05044001
* 011E0705 00700000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6E01460A 03046002
* 014B1403 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49046400 0006E000
* 04320000 006E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49046400 0006E000
* 04320000 006E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0A123E32 0016902C
* 133E3200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0A143E32 0016902C
* 153E3200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0A163E32 0016902C
* 173E3200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0A183E32 0016902C
* 1B3E3200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B0B5046 00050117
* 0D504600 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B036400 02050033
* 050F3702 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B03640A 0210E033
* 050F3702 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B0D5028 02169033
* 0E502802 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B0C5028 02169033
* 0D502802 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B0B5028 02169033
* 0C502802 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B0D5014 00169033
* 10501400 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B095014 00169033
* 0B501400 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B056432 02169024
* 06643202 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B0B1E78 00050026
* 0C1E7800 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0B081E50 00050026
* 0A1E5000 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0D643C00 004A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0E5A1400 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C0A6400 00169033
* 0B640000 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C096400 00169033
* 0A640000 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C0E501E 00169033
* 0F501E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C0D5A14 0016911E
* 0E5A1400 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C0A6400 0016911E
* 0B640000 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C096400 0016911E
* 0A640000 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C0E501E 0016911E
* 0F501E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0C0F4632 0016902C
* 0F4A3200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 12443200 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0F323200 00170000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0C641400 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D0A5514 0001402F
* 0A641400 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D057828 03169033
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D02A00A 03169024
* 01640A0E 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D016400 0001E02C
* 01640A00 001E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D016400 0002D02C
* 01640500 013B0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D016400 0003C02C
* 01640500 012C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D016400 000A002C
* 01640A00 00A00000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D066428 02050114
* 08144B02 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0D066428 0516911A
* 0A145005 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E056414 0005A027
* 07502A00 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E056414 0006C027
* 074B2800 006C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E085023 00046029
* 08503200 006E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E085023 0005A029
* 08503200 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E056400 0001802C
* 05320000 00180000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E056400 0016902C
* 05320000 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E056400 0003C02C
* 05320000 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E096432 0016902C
* 095A3200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E0A501E 00046033
* 0B1E5A00 004B0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6E032218 02000000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6E032218 02046000
* 04221802 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E076432 0203C026
* 071E5A02 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0E056414 00169026
* 050A5000 00280000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F085A28 00046033
* 08543800 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F058228 00169033
* 057B3800 00140000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F0C691E 0016902C
* 0C6D1E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F0D691E 0016902C
* 0D6D1E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F0C691E 0003C02F
* 0D691E00 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F0A6632 0005302F
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F09711E 0003C02F
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F08711E 0003C02F
* 09711E00 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0B6E3200 00530000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F096932 00053032
* 096E3200 00530000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F097132 00053032
* 09793200 00530000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 0F087132 00053032
* 08793200 00530000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 070F5000 00A00000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 140A463C 1302D115
* 0B464B13 002D0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 14026400 0005003A
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 14006400 00000028
* 01640000 00000000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0C001E08 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 140C641E 00046029
* 0C002808 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 140C641E 0003C029
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 055A0000 00960000
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* 14056400 0008D02F
* 055A0000 00960000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 14056400 0003202F
* 054B0000 00960000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 140E4B3C 0008202F
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 140B641E 13041114
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 15134D1E 0016902C
* 114D1E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0F501E00 004B0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 15026400 0016903A
* 02640006 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 160E5514 0203C11B
* 0E642302 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 160E5F14 0203C11B
* 0E6D2302 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 160B5D32 0216902F
* 0B523202 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 160D5A32 0216902F
* 0D4E3202 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 16016400 0205A117
* 01004B02 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 16012D00 0201E117
* 01004F02 002D0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 16012D00 02096117
* 01004F02 00870000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 03004B02 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1609505A 02046114
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1609505A 02050114
* 065A4602 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 083C4602 001E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* 0E520A02 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 170E520A 02169033
* 0F520A02 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 170F520A 02169033
* 10520A02 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
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* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6C046400 14169000
* 05640A14 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6C066400 14169000
* 07641414 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 18064641 00046029
* 08464100 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 18064641 0005A029
* 08464100 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 18064641 00050029
* 08464100 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 180A641E 0316902C
* 0E552D03 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 180B3228 1404602F
* 0B194614 00550000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49065A3C 0016902F
* 075A3C00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49065A3C 0304602F
* 08504B03 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49065A3C 1316902F
* 0A233C13 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49075A3C 0516902F
* 08783C05 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 4908583C 0016902F
* 095A4B00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 640B6423 E3169FFF
* 0F5532E3 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 64066423 E3169FFF
* 0D462DE3 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6406641E E305AFFF
* 0D462DE3 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6E033228 05050000
* 04322805 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6E05612D 0502D001
* 08612D05 002D0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6E046128 0502D001
* 06612805 002D0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 49012832 04046002
* 010F4604 00000000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A086928 0305F028
* 095F2503 005F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A086928 0005F028
* 095F2500 005F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A050A32 0005A033
* 04003C00 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A056400 0010E033
* 04002300 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A056E0A 0010E033
* 082D2800 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A05820A 00169033
* 05820A00 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A061606 00000029
* 06002200 013B0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A09501E 03169033
* 0B501E03 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A0C5A1E 03118033
* 124B3C03 01180000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A0A5A1E 03169033
* 0C5A1E03 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A073C0A 03169033
* 093C0A03 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1A04503C 00169024
* 06503C00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D020000 05019033
* 04000000 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D104B28 0005002F
* 105A2800 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D0C5541 0202D087
* 0C645002 0020D000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D116228 0002D02C
* 13692800 002D0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D116228 0002802C
* 13692800 00280000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D116228 0002302C
* 13692800 00230000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D116228 0016902C
* 13692800 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D09821E 05169033
* 09822D05 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1D056400 00046114
* 05640000 00580000
* FFFFFFFF 38F00000
* 1D026400 00048114
* 01640000 00550000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6F000000 12169000
* 00001412 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F085014 1110E033
* 0E501411 01000000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F0A5C20 11032033
* 105C2011 00300000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F085028 1116902F
* 09503C11 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F021414 11050033
* 04141411 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F03A00A 11037033
* 05A00A11 00370000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F02AA0A 11037033
* 04AA0A11 00370000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F02A00A 11037033
* 04A00A11 00370000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F046400 11064112
* 02640011 00640000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F046400 11072112
* 02640011 00720000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 1F046400 11078112
* 02640011 00780000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 640A3C32 15026000
* 0F3C3C15 00260000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 64093C32 15026000
* 0C3C3C15 00260000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6408500A 15169000
* 0A500A15 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 210A3246 0006E026
* 0B324600 006E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 21071E2D 00078026
* 081E2D00 00780000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2107821C 1503C029
* 08821C15 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 21056400 15050027
* 06640015 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2108641E 15169027
* 09641E15 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2106641E 15169027
* 07641E15 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 210E5D19 1516902C
* 0F5D1915 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 21105D19 1516902C
* 115D1915 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 210D5F20 15053032
* 0E5F2015 00530000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2109641C 15053032
* 0A641C15 00530000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 210E5D19 1516902F
* 0F5D1915 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 220D641E 0204102F
* 0D641E02 00140000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2210641E 0204102F
* 10641E02 00140000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2208641E 0204102F
* 08641E02 00140000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2306641E 00169027
* 06193C00 00120000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2305641E 00169027
* 05193C00 00120000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2308641E 00169027
* 08193700 00120000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6F094632 00169000
* 0A463200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 250C4222 0000002F
* 0C423200 00000000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 250C6410 00169026
* 0C641000 000F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 25086408 00169026
* 08640800 000F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 250C5A0A 00169033
* 0D460800 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 250A5A14 00169033
* 0B5A1200 00190000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 250B4B34 0005A113
* 0C4B3200 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 250B4B34 00078113
* 0C4B3200 00780000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2509641E 00058033
* 0A641C00 00580000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 29066400 020AA02F
* 06500002 00B40000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 29066400 020B402F
* 06500002 00B40000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 290B6B1E 0204802F
* 0B5F3202 00400000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 290A6E00 0205002C
* 0A6E0002 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 290A6E00 0204C02C
* 0A6E0002 003C0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 29012800 020B4118
* 02280002 00B40000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 29016400 020B4118
* 01002002 00E10000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C014600 0002D117
* 01460000 00870000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C038350 00041118
* 05835000 00410000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C04733C 00169118
* 06733C00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C056E0A 00169027
* 05780A00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C067828 02169027
* 06822802 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C086428 00169033
* 0B642800 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C03640A 00169033
* 04231E00 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C016400 00169033
* 02640000 005F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2C010000 00169033
* 02640000 005F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2E0D5F37 0005F028
* 0D533700 005F0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2E0C5F2D 00054028
* 0C532D00 00540000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2E07733C 00169024
* 07503C00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2E084B32 00113027
* 074B3200 01130000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2E086432 00169027
* 07643200 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2E084B1E 00169027
* 074B1E00 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 6F0E3A5A 05058003
* 0E3E5F05 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 4B045A1E 00169001
* 055A1E00 010E0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F065A3F 00050033
* 075A3F00 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F063246 00050026
* 07324600 00500000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F042837 00046026
* 05283700 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F084650 00046033
* 0A465000 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F083C46 00020033
* 0A3C4600 00200000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F074650 00046033
* 09465000 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F065028 00050029
* 07145000 005A0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F065028 00046029
* 080A2800 00370000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F06501E 00169029
* 090F5000 00460000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F0B501E 00169033
* 0B502800 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F085514 00169033
* 08552800 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F055A14 00169033
* 055A2800 01690000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F016400 000DC032
* 01960000 00DC0000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000
* 2F016400 00082032
* 01960000 00820000
* FFFFFFFF 3F800000

Frame Speed Mod Engine V3.1 [spunit262, Phantom Wings]
* C2766C20 00000012
* 3C008180 807D0008
* 8063FFFC 7C030000
* 4080000C 80630030
* 48000008 386000FF
* 809D0014 C0240040
* FC40081E 81240058
* 61298000 D8410008
* 8001000C 80BD007C
* 80A50038 38C200D8
* 84E60008 2C070000
* 41820038 7CE8C671
* 41A0000C 7C081800
* 4082FFE8 54E8863E
* 7C004000 41A0FFDC
* 54E8043E 7C082800
* 4182000C 7C084800
* 4082FFC8 C0060004
* D01F0010 00000000
* C2766FB8 00000003
* 2C1D0001 4182000C
* C0230010 48000008
* C02283C8 00000000

Frame Speed Modifier Data
* 065A9400 000000B8
* 0100003B 3F99999A
* 08190112 40000000
* 0D140027 40000000
* 0D000115 3FC00000
* 0E000115 3FC00000
* 0F0C8070 3F000000
* 141E0029 3F000000
* 15338075 3F000000
* 18118073 3F000000
* 1A13001E 40000000
* 1D000115 40000000
* 1D000118 40000000
* 1E000115 40000000
* 1E00011E 40000000
* 1F2D0114 3DCCCCCD
* 1F000115 40000000
* 1F00011A 40000000
* 2201011C 40000000
* 250D8070 3F800000
* 25058070 40000000
* FF000040 3FAAAAAB
* FF000041 3FD55555
* FF0E0054 40A00000

Conditional Action Modifier [The Paprika Killer, Almas]
* C277F780 0000000E
* 2C030000 41820060
* 3C008180 80BF0008
* 80A5FFFC 7C050000
* 4080004C 80A50030
* 80DE0038 38E2FE00
* 85070008 7D09C671
* 41820034 2C09FFFF
* 41A2000C 7C092800
* 4082FFE8 5509043E
* 7C093000 4082FFDC
* 81070004 5509843E
* 7C09E000 4082FFCC
* 551C043E 60000000
* 939E0038 00000000

Conditional Action Modifier Data
* 065A9128 00000040
* 0400011A 00100073
* 09000118 0010000F
* 0D000118 0010000F
* 1F000114 0010000F
* 2200011C 0010000F
* 2200011D 0010000F
* FF000071 004A0016
* FF00008D 008A008E

Throw Modifier [The Paprika Killer]
* C2744D40 00000011
* 3C008180 811B0008
* 8108FFFC 7C080000
* 4080006C 81080030
* 80BE0008 5105C00E
* 801E0000 5005821E
* 801E0010 5005442E
* 80FE0004 3D008058
* 61085000 85480010
* 81680004 7D405B79
* 41820034 7C0A2800
* 4082FFEC 7C0B3800
* 4082FFE4 88080008
* 90030000 88080009
* 90030020 8808000A
* 90030018 A008000E
* 90030014 80030030
* 60000000 00000000

Throw Data
* 06585010 00000310
* 000C463F 0000002D
* 0C465200 0000002D
* 0106411A 0000001C
* 06500A00 0000001C
* 03093C37 0000002A
* 094B3700 0000001E
* 03083C37 00000028
* 0A4B3700 00000028
* 03045046 0000005A
* 045F0000 0000005A
* 03065032 00000050
* 065F0000 00000050
* 0405412B 0000005A
* 08412B00 0000005A
* 04046419 00000050
* 07641900 00000050
* 04070064 00000169
* 0A006400 00000169
* 050A4646 00000055
* 0B464600 00000055
* 05060000 00000169
* 0A000000 00000169
* 05070064 00000169
* 0E006400 00000169
* 07022D6E 0000002D
* 02500A00 0000002D
* 07055A2D 0000005A
* 06642D00 0000005A
* 07053C26 00000050
* 054F0100 0000005F
* 09042D69 0000002D
* 044B1400 0000002D
* 09041E82 00000087
* 04289600 00000087
* 09034669 00000055
* 03550A00 00000055
* 09074B22 00000041
* 07501400 00000041
* 090C2852 00000169
* 0C325F00 00000169
* 0A0A6928 0000005A
* 0C692800 0000005A
* 0B004B1E 00000032
* 00410F00 00000032
* 0C082D53 0000002D
* 082D5F00 0000002D
* 0C073C3C 0000006C
* 074B0F00 0000006A
* 0D0B503C 0000002D
* 0B465000 0000002D
* 0E025041 00000046
* 02504100 00000028
* 0F05463C 0000002D
* 075A4100 0000002D
* 0F06501E 0000003C
* 075A3C00 0000003C
* 0F061E64 00000050
* 07504100 00000050
* 13025050 00000021
* 025A1900 00000021
* 13012D82 00000032
* 01500A00 00000032
* 14051E82 0000002B
* 061E8200 0000002B
* 14034669 0000005A
* 05466900 0000005A
* 14074632 00000041
* 074B1900 00000041
* 140C2852 00000169
* 0E285200 00000169
* 14072852 00000169
* 07285200 0000014F
* 17041E96 0000002D
* 05239600 0000002D
* 1807324B 0000002D
* 0A374B00 00000032
* 1A0A5041 0000005A
* 0B503E00 0000005A
* 1D01282C 00000169
* 0128FA00 00000028
* 20040064 00000014
* 04500000 00000140
* 22043232 0000001C
* 05501400 00000014
* 230A4648 00000050
* 0A465000 00000055
* 230A6E14 00000058
* 0A501400 00000058
* 250A6E1E 0000005A
* 0B6E1E00 0000005A
* 2C032382 00000025
* 04503200 00000025
* 2C032896 00000044
* 063C4B00 00000041
* 2C024B6E 00000050
* 02375000 00000050
* 2F05501E 00000014
* 05501E00 00000000

Triple Jump Glitch Fix [Phantom Wings/spunit262]
* 04858DCC 38830003

Sub-stage Select
* 066B5E0C 0000000C
* 38C00000 41A20008
* 60C60001 00000000
* 066B5E20 00000010
* 7CA30039 41A20008
* 60C60002 7CC03378
* C26B5E30 00000004
* 2C040008 4080000C
* 70A30010 48000008
* 74A30008 41A20008
* 60000004 00000000
* C2055760 00000003
* 3CA09018 60A50F3C
* 98850000 548407BE
* 28030005 00000000
* 04055774 60000000

Sub-stage Select (Spear Pillar/Shadow Moses Island)
* C210FA10 00000004
* 887F0000 546407BE
* 3484FFFF 4C800382
* 2C1B0022 4CA21382
* 4C441202 00000000
* C210FA1C 00000003
* 2C1B0015 4C622B82
* 40A30008 989F0000
* 4C422202 00000000

Hanenbow is WiFi Training Room
* C26DCEE0 00000003
* A37A0022 2C1B0025
* 40820008 3B600037
* 60000000 00000000

WiFi Training Room Music
* 0410FE04 386327C3

Disable Custom Stages v1.1: [Phantom Wings]
* 046B841C 48000040

Extended Masterpieces
2001A960 41820028
0401A960 48000028
200107B5 4182000C
040107B4 4800000C
20057215 41800028
04057214 48000028
2001C099 41820028
0401C098 48000028
2001C4C9 41820028
0401C4C8 48000028
2001C4E5 41820028
0401C4E4 48000028
2001C74D 41820028
0401C74C 48000028
E0000000 80008000

Unrestricted Pause Camera
040A7D60 4E800020
04109D88 38800001

Unrestricted Replay Camera
0409E934 60000000
0409E93C 60000000
0409E9AC FC201890
0409E9B8 FC600090
0409E9BC FC000890
0409E9C8 FC001890

File Patch Code v3.5.1 (NTSC-U) [Phantom Wings]
E0000000 80008000
225664EC 00000000
0401BFE0 4858BE20
065A7E00 00000070
38A00067 38810020
3CE0805A 60E37C18
4BE52531 38A0007F
3883FFE8 38610020
4BE52521 38A00068
60E47C18 38610020
9421FF80 BC410008
38610088 4BA74DB9
7C7C1B78 2C030000
4082000C 38210080
4800001C B8410008
38210080 4BE524E5
38610008 4BA742E1
7C7C1B78 4BA741E8
040223E0 48585BC0
065A7FA0 00000028
80010044 3C608001
6063581C 7C001800
4082000C 7FDDC850
3BDEFFE0 93DB0008
4BA7A424 00000000
0401CD0C 4858B1F4
065A7F00 00000038
2C030000 4182000C
4BA7DD51 4BA74E04
80780008 2C030000
41820014 8118000C
7C634214 7C7B1850
48000008 8078000C
4BA74DE0 00000000
043EE9D8 48000014
043EEBD4 48000014
043D8B9C 48000018
043E9B4C 38600000
043E9D38 38600000
043D8C80 60000000
80000000 80406920
80000001 805A7C00
8A001001 00000000
045A7C10 2F525342
045A7C14 452F7066
80000001 805A7B00
8A001001 00000000
065A7B10 0000000F
2F525342 452F7066
2F736F75 6E642F00
041C6CE0 483E0D20
065A7A00 00000028
9421FF80 BC410008
3C60805A 60637B1F
4BE52931 B8410008
38210080 4BE52995
4BC1F2C4 00000000
065A7900 00000078
9421FF80 7C0802A6
9001000C BC810010
9421FF00 7C872378
54B2BA7E 7CD33378
38800000 9081000C
90810010 90610014
90810018 3880FFFF
9081001C 38610020
90610008 7CE43B78
38A00080 4BE529F5
38610008 4BA752A1
60000000 80210000
B8810010 8001000C
7C0803A6 80210000
4E800020 00000000
043E399C 481C3F04
065A78A0 00000010
80BC0020 7CA59214
3A400000 4BE3C0F4
065A78D0 00000018
800302A4 2C130000
41820008 7E609B78
3A600000 4BE3420C
041CDF7C 483D9884
065A7800 00000098
818C0014 9421FF80
BC410008 3D009034
61089D94 7C034000
4082003C 7C882378
3C60804D 60630000
3C80805A 60847B00
7CC53378 38C04200
80E40080 2C070000
40820014 60000000
480000B9 2C030000
41820010 B8410008
80210000 4BC26724
70A501FF 3868FFFF
3C80804C 6084FFFF
7C842A14 38A04001
38A5FFFF 8C040001
9C030001 2C050000
4082FFF0 B8410008
80210000 4BC2670C
141CCF90 483DA770
065A7700 00000048
9421FF80 BC410008
7FE3FB78 3C80805A
60847B00 38A00000
38C04000 480001E5
90640080 807F0008
907A0014 907A005C
907A0074 B8410008
80210000 807F0000
4BC25854 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Character ID list
Mario 00
Donkey Kong 01
Link 02
Samus 03
Yoshi 04
Kirby 05
Fox 06
Pikachu 07
Luigi 08
Captain Falcon 09
Ness 0A
Bowser 0B
Peach 0C
Zelda 0D
Sheik 0E
Ice Climbers 0F
Marth 11
Mr. Game & Watch 12
Falco 13
Ganondorf 14
Wario 15
Meta Knight 16
Pit 17
Zero Suit Samus 18
Olimar 19
Lucas 1A
Diddy Kong 1B
Charizard 1D
Squirtle 1E
Ivysaur 1F
King Dedede 20
Lucario 21
Ike 22
R.O.B. 23
Jigglypuff 25
Toon Link 29
Wolf 2C
Snake 2E
Sonic 2F

Stage ID list
00 (0) - Battle
01 (1) - BattleField (Battlefield)
02 (2) - Final (Final Destination)
03 (3) - Dolpic (Delfino Plaza)
04 (4) - Mansion (Luigi's Mansion)
05 (5) - MarioPast (Mushroomy Kingdom)
06 (6) - Kart (Mario Circuit)
07 (7) - Donkey (75m)
08 (8) - Jungle (Rumble Falls)
09 (9) - Pirates (Pirate Ship)
0A (10) - Zelda2 (Bridge of Eldin)
0B (11) - Norfair (Norfair)
0C (12) - Orpheon (Frigate Orpheon)
0D (13) - Crayon (Yoshi's Island)
0E (14) - Halberd (Halberd)
0F (15) - TestHalberd_00
10 (16) - TestHalberd_01
11 (17) - TestHalberd_02
12 (18) - Karby2
13 (19) - Starfox (Lylat Cruise)
14 (20) - Stadium (Pokémon Stadium 2)
15 (21) - Tengan (Spear Pillar)
16 (22) - Fzero (Port Town Aero Dive)
17 (23) - Ice (Summit)
18 (24) - Gw (Flat Zone 2)
19 (25) - Emblem (Castle Siege)
1A (26) - TestEmblem_00
1B (27) - TestEmblem_01
1C (28) - Madein (WarioWare, Inc.)
1D (29) - Earth (Distant Planet)
1E (30) - Palutena (Skyworld)
1F (31) - Famicom (Mario Bros.)
20 (32) - Newpork (New Pork City)
21 (33) - Village (Smashville)
22 (34) - Metalgear (Shadow Moses Island)
23 (35) - Greenhill (Green Hill Zone)
24 (36) - Pictchat (PictoChat)
25 (37) - Plankton (Hanenbow)
26 (38) - ConfigTest
27 (39) - Viewer
28 (40) - Result
29 (41) - DxShrine (Temple)
2A (42) - DxYorster (Yoshi's Island)
2B (43) - DxGarden (Jungle Japes)
2C (44) - DxOnett (Onett)
2D (45) - DxGreens (Green Greens)
2E (46) - DxPStadium (Pokémon Stadium)
2F (47) - DxRCruise (Rainbow Cruise)
30 (48) - DxCorneria (Corneria)
31 (49) - DxBigBlue (Big Blue)
32 (50) - DxZebes (Brinstar)
33 (51) - Oldin
34 (52) - Homerun (Homerun Contest)
35 (53) - Edit (Stages made using the Stage Builder.)
36 (54) - Heal (All-Star Resting Stage)
37 (55) - OnlineTraining
38 (56) - TargetBreak (Break The Targets)
39 (57) - CharaRoll
3A (58) - General
3B (59) - Adventure
3C (60) - Adventure0
3D (61) - Adventure2
3E (62) - AdvMeleeTest
3F (63) - AdvMelee
40 (64) - BattleS
41 (65) - BattleFieldS
42 (66) - Max
43 (67) - Unknown

Alternate Stage Loader v1.1 [Dantarion, Almas]
C23FA360 00000024
91620000 90E20004
91820008 90620010
91220014 7D800026
3C602F70 60637269
80E10020 7C033800
408200D4 3C602F53
60635447 80E10044
7C033800 408200C0
80E10048 3D60DFDF
616BDFDF 7CE75838
3D60805A 616B7D00
816B0000 806B0000
892B0004 880B0005
2C030DED 41820090
7C033800 41820014
396B0008 1D290008
7D6B4814 4BFFFFD8
2C090000 41820030
396B0008 A0EB0000
3C60815E 60638420
A0630002 7C071800
4182000C 3929FFFF
4BFFFFD8 886B0003
48000024 2C000000
4182003C 3C60815E
606325D0 80630000
7D2303D6 7D2049D6
7C691810 38E05F41
3C602E50 60634143
38C60002 7D8FF120
81620000 80E20004
81820008 80620010
81220014 38000000
60000000 00000000

Alternate Stage Loader Data v1.1
46000010 00000000
44000000 005A7D00
66200002 00000000
4f4e4c49 001A0000
E0000000 80008000
I'm using the BBrawl standard release text file with the ASL taped onto the end.


Jun 7, 2009
*When I said Lucas has a bad grab, I meant in terms of 12 frame start up, thats only 2 less than his F-smash. It may not have as much lag as ZSS but it has the same start up, but ZSS also has more range on hers. The grab box also only last 1 frame as compared to olimars 12 frames. So spotdodge destroys it, 12 frames gives enough time for an opponet to easily spotdodge it to avoid the grab. Even rolldodging can avoid it and Lucas' lag on the end is enough to get punished. Lucas just has a lot of problem with shield happy opponets that know how to predict a grab. (Hey, BTW, I'd love to trade grabs with G&W in a heart beat too)

Also a move has to have more than 12 frames of lag after it to be sheild grabbed by Lucas and his grab doesn't have humongousy large range compared to other tether grabs to grab those attacks with that much lag. I can't even grab a Link after an F-smash or D-smash that has been shielding unless I PS. Lucas really gets the worst of the tether grabs along with ZSS.

I really only get grabs when my friends are sheilding my approaches because they know my grab is unsafe, so I randomly will pivot grab them so they aren't totally conditioned to sheild everything, but that too is risky because it comes out in 14 frames when dashing and 15 frames when pivoted. That's about as laggy as his Dash Attack. And that's about the point where people can react to something, espcially if they know your options.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 19, 2008
Harvey Mudd College
I used to main Olimar, then GAW, then Ness. I must say here is my impression of the influence grabs and throws have on their games.

Olimar: Grab is the punishment for anything your opponent does in front of you. His white pikmin really deal out the hurt, purples kill early for a surprise (the throw is slow and you have to pay attention to figure out how to DI), and blues are in general awesome. His dthrow is great for followups. Overall, his goal is to pikmin spam you. Then, when you approach, he either upairs, upsmashes, forward smashes, or grabs you. Olimar's game, I think, is the most legitimately grab-oriented (other than the chaingrabbers (Ice Climbers and various vBrawl chars)). This is about tied Ness, because while he racks damage less through throws, I find that a greater proportion of my kills come from throws than Ness.

GAW: His grab is terrible. If you manage to get a grab off, you get a good possibility of doing some major damage. Roll getups from his dthrow are often regrabbable or dsmashable, and techchases can sometimes be predicted. It's a small aspect of his game: Don't avoid grabs, but don't spam them.

Ness's standing grab is okay, his dash grab is better, and his pivot grab is insane. PK Fire to pivot grab is quite reliable, though dashgrab lets dthrow keep the opponent in the flames.
His grab>anyThrowExceptBack is an integral part of his damage-building arsenal. Early on, people can afford to be more in-your-face in ground combat against Ness, because he may get 20 damage on you (In bBrawl, that would be more like 30+).
However, once they hit 100%, the backthrow scares the **** out of opponents, and they play keepaway. I end up getting my kills through spikes, bairs, and bthrow evenly.

So, Ness's killing throw simply changes the opponent's mindset is DON'T GET GRABBED AT HIGH PERCENTS whereas playing against Olimar, with such similar-looking moves, you suddenly die and say "wtf?" You don't associate Olimar's kills with his throws usually, so I find I get more kills that way. Playing against GAW, if you get grabbed, you focus on teching the dthrow which you know is going to come, and just hope that you don't get dsmashed. But, you don't really avoid getting grabbed, because with such a mediocre grab, grabbing isn't terribly likely (in my experience).

My impression of Pit (which is not necessarily correct at high levels) is that when someone approaches you, you fsmash or upsmash to put them back in arrow range (which hurts your killing power). Basically, if Pit's fthrow bthrow becomes a possible high-% killer, the response to an approach changes from smashing them to grabbing them once they reach kill percents. The question is: Does this help his bad matchups?

IMO, yes, IF his grab is not Pikachu or GAW like (2 chars that I know have small standing grab ranges).

The bad matchups mentioned (Marth, MK, GAW) are relatively lightweight, and his good matchups are against heavies, so the killing throw (a very high percent killer, something around 120 at the edge as mentioned earlier) would not have terribly much effect on, say, Ganon or Bowser (It could be high-trajectory so that it wouldn't affect their ability to recover). Meanwhile, it would allow the spamming of smash attacks regardless of move staling before making the kill with a fresh fthrow bthrow.

TL;dr version:
Pit's gameplay is like Olimars: spam projectile, punish on approach.
Problem: Punishing involves making his kill moves stale
Solution: Fthrow Bthrow buff: high-trajectory, ~120% kill from edge of FD

Can we get any Pit players' opinions on this?

I just realized. Pit's camping game involves staying nearish to the ledge. His fthrow would be much less useful in that case. Could his bthrow be made a kill move instead of his fthrow? That seems really unoriginal (bthrows in general kill lower than fthrows, possibly because killing throws are defensive and you defend from the side). Is that too much of a change? I don't know.


Jun 7, 2009
Wouldn't it be better to make b-throw kill at the edge of FD?
I'd aslo say that making it kill around 130 or 140 is better because just plainly a throw killing that early is a little much because his entire game shouldn't revolve around killing with a throw, it's more or less just to supplement his current kill power.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 19, 2008
Harvey Mudd College
I think it should kill 120% or 130% on the lightest chars, like GAW, not Mario. GAW lasting to 140+ is somewhat too common against Pit anyway, so that should be reduced. One concern, though, is the Jiggs matchup if the killing % is lowered that much. (I can't really analyze that matchup, having very little experience with both chars so I'll leave it to others.)

And yes, bthrow would be better. I had been using fthrow because people had mentioned it before and it was stuck in my head.

I realized those right after hitting Post, so I edited.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2009
Omaha, NE
For one, I find it interesting that you pinpoint Marth and Meta Knight but not Mr. Game & Watch; usually they work as a trio in this sort of situation. The thing I'm seeing you say is that the speedier disjointed characters (that is, not guys like Ike) are good at avoiding arrows and outclass Pit at his own disjointed game. It seems reasonable. However, from seeing Ky in action in standard Brawl, I can say I didn't get the impression Meta Knight was that big of an inhibition to Pit arrow spamming; he has bad air speed, and few of his moves clash with arrows. Ky in general did a good job of showing me that Pit didn't have any super bad matchups, but I would believe these guys as his worst regardless.

I will throw in that there's no reason to remove the nair buff as I see it. We didn't expect it to be all that big; it just makes a poor move slightly less poor. I mean, should we remove it and effectively nerf Pit's nair? Does Pit's nair need nerfing? There isn't a limit to how many (or how few I suppose) changes characters get or anything; there is no "trading". If Pit needs more help (and I think most people are on the point of agreeing he needs some), he will have it... but let's not talk about taking away things that don't need to be taken away.

Regardless, thanks for the detailed input; we'll be considering what to do with Pit in depth for the next release.
G&W is generally less of a problem for Pit in this aspect because he lacks the speed Marth and MK have. He has range and priority, for sure, but it's easier for Pit's camping game to be effective against G&W. Also, a good Pit player will know how to use the terrible ending lag on G&W's bucket against him, which helps a ton with one of G&W's best anti-camping

Pit really doesn't have any bad match ups, but because a lot of his good matches got more buffs than him, he's at more of a disadvantage now than he was in VBrawl. Other than that I honestly wouldn't be overly concerned with him except against Marth; MK now is definitely beatable.

Should've thought the nair comment through; ah well, I definitely use it when fighting against my friend's Bowser.

Wouldn't it be better to make b-throw kill at the edge of FD?
I'd aslo say that making it kill around 130 or 140 is better because just plainly a throw killing that early is a little much because his entire game shouldn't revolve around killing with a throw, it's more or less just to supplement his current kill power.
I mentioned f-throw because that was the throw that had already been changed, nerfing it. Making it kill would be a compensation for the nerfs put on it.

Pit's grab range is pretty terrible, standing or running. His pivot grab is decent, but that opportunity rarely comes up.

With that in mind, making b-throw kill around 130 or 140 AND having f-throw kill around 150-160 would fit with Pit's game perfectly; he'd have more options to kill lighter characters without overly impacting his already good game against the heavies, and you'd still have to work to gain those kills.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
I might get this. I found a 2 GB SD card, but I have some questions.

- I know I don't need homebrew, but will this still work with wii updates?
- It says you need to download the zip file, but to use the programs in the folder, not the folder itself. When I get the folder, what do I do next?
Yeah, I don't think these were gonna get answered, but if I get the response I want, Ill be getting this soon.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
It did get answered. I answered it kinda extensively, too.
Thanks, I didn't see that :(
Looks like it will work then. I can delete thsoe stages/move them to my little card. As long as 2 Gigs will hold it,m which is what they said earlier

EDIT: How soon is one supposed to remove the SD card after loading? Right after? I'm afraid I'll end up killing my Brawl


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2009
Double posting in ur threads.
I've played Brawl +, but I mean that Samus shouldn't lag behind these other characters JUST because of the suit. It's ridiculous that that's the reason she isn't speedy. Ever played SM with the speed boost? You go INSANELY fast. And Samus is quite fast even without it. In ZM, Zero Suit Samus and Samus go about as fast as each other.

@A2ZOMG-READ ABOVE and what exactly do you mean by overpowered? She should do that much damage and probably more.

@Linkshot-Plasma beam would be EPIC, but it won't happen. And yes, I was trying to use plasma beam to no avail. Then Peppy said "DO A BARREL ROLL!"
She isn't speedy but she isn't THAT slow you're making her sound as if she's Ike's speed or something.


She's about average in running speed.
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