Hey! I was totally pumped to be Baby Mario, but I didn't want to give up the option to be Mario. So I've jury rigged up some codes to allow a choice -- unfortunately the only reliable way to have a choice was to base it on what controller you use.
Necessary other codes:
C283CAA4 00000006
80A30064 80A50020
80A5000C A8850002
80B90010 80A500AC
5484103E 38840040
7CA2212E 3CA01000
60000000 00000000
C21A86E8 00000004
C01B0000 A89B0002
2C045953 4182000C
C002A078 67A44000
60000000 00000000
C2046AF8 00000004
C0170000 A8970002
2C045953 41820008
C00284C8 7E248B78
60000000 00000000
Baby Mario P1 (Wavebird)
284DE4B0 00000000
28708D68 00FF0000
48000000 805A9360
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3FC05953
140001EC 00005953
14000210 00005953
140001D4 3FC05953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F335953
E0000000 80008000
Regular Mario P1 (GC)
284DE4B0 00000080
28708D68 00FF0000
48000000 805A9360
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3F805953
140001EC 3F805953
14000210 3F805953
140001D4 3F805953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F805953
E0000000 80008000
Baby Mario P2 (Wavebird)
284DE4B8 00000000
28708DC4 00FF0000
48000000 805A9364
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3FC05953
140001EC 00005953
14000210 00005953
140001D4 3FC05953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F335953
E0000000 80008000
Regular Mario P2 (GC)
284DE4B8 00000080
28708DC4 00FF0000
48000000 805A9364
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3F805953
140001EC 3F805953
14000210 3F805953
140001D4 3F805953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F805953
E0000000 80008000
Baby Mario P3 (Wavebird)
284DE4C0 00000000
28708E20 00FF0000
48000000 805A9368
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3FC05953
140001EC 00005953
14000210 00005953
140001D4 3FC05953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F335953
E0000000 80008000
Regular Mario P3 (GC)
284DE4C0 00000080
28708E20 00FF0000
48000000 805A9368
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3F805953
140001EC 3F805953
14000210 3F805953
140001D4 3F805953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F805953
E0000000 80008000
Baby Mario P4 (Wavebird)
284DE4C8 00000000
28708E7C 00FF0000
48000000 805A936C
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3FC05953
140001EC 00005953
14000210 00005953
140001D4 3FC05953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F335953
E0000000 80008000
Regular Mario P4 (GC)
284DE4C8 00000080
28708E7C 00FF0000
48000000 805A936C
DE000000 80009380
140001E0 3F805953
140001EC 3F805953
14000210 3F805953
140001D4 3F805953
14000084 3F805953
140000C0 3F805953
14000114 3F805953
1400021C 3F805953
14000054 3F805953
E0000000 80008000
So here's the breakdown: if you're playing with a Wavebird, you're Baby Mario. If you're using a non-Wavebird gamecube controller, you're regular Mario. Them's the breaks (for novice/non- coders like me). However, if you'd like to switch the defaults (Wavebird = Regular and GC = Baby) then all you have to do is switch the first line of the Baby and Regular codes for each player. So that's it!
Naturally, credit for all this goes to Phantom Wings for his Partial Size Modifier code, BigSharkZ for his Baby Mario code, and FullMetalKirby for the Button Activator code. All I did was sort out and arrange the aforementioned codes.
If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.