hahah, i had SO MUCH FUN, thanks for throwing it. :D
if you could call it throwing it.... having it? planning it?...advertising it? o_0
uhm.... shout outs, shout outs....
jeez. like everyone there. im going to miss people and feel really bad about it!! ;__; and then people will be like "ohmygod you listed ___ over me?!! i thought you liked me better wah wah wah." so.... don't do that. problems? im: melmeltsfaces or just want to talk in general.
there was....
SAM - he who had an orange shirt and also a black shirt who was wts the epic wang. thanks for the controller, dude. :D i thought that that was pretty cool of you. ^_^
DUDE WITH STEPMANIA - 'nuf said. thanks for bringing it and letting everyone play and not being a snobbish hog about playing yourself. and for just being a nice and helpful guy in general.
SHANE - hiiiiiiii!!! you seemed pretty cool. what's wrong with highfives? (six times, whaaaat?) thanks for showing me those different things to do with marth--it really helped. ^_^ you should call tim or me and tim should call you and we should all get together and do something sometime or something.
GOOSE(Y?) - thanks for coming with us to the hookah bar, dude. it was NEAT. ^_^ lemon rose is pretty good--you have good taste in shisha AND in food.
SEAN, MIKE, AND OTHER BLOND-ISH FRIEND - thanks for organizing. :D sorry i forgot your name. these things happen with me. a lot. i had a blast. ^^
THAT ONE DUDE - the guy who kept bruising my arms and who didn't knock over the mountain dew that I CLEANED UP FOR ... someone else's FAT BUTT. <_< yeah that's right. you cut my pinky. and it affected my game. yep, that's right. ::glower:: it was fun. ^_^ cameras are neat. ^^
MISCELLANEOUS PEOPLE I HIGH-FIVED - thanks for the high five. ^________^
THAT ONE DUDE WHO WOULDN'T HIGH FIVE ME SO I POKED YOU ON THE FOREHEAD - actually, there may have been two of you. you learned your lesson, though. good for you!! ::highfive?::
WHITE - you pansy. ::watches clock count down::

stand and fight like the fruit you are!! ^_^ (this isn't meant to be mean, i was re-reading for typos and i was like WOAH that's MEAN, so i thought i would clarify that i was only making *fun* of you in a very kind-hearted way. you do your thing man, you're pretty cool. ^_^ sorry that guy bugged you with the camera.)
GUY WITH CAMERA - we are on the same side--why the **** are we fighting? heh, you have many opinions, and i like that you express them with such energy.
PENGUIN-DUDE - (so cute :

ets penguin:

for something so vital to your existence, you sure seemed to lose him/her a lot. when is the naming taking place anyway? you're not too too bad at breaking, but you could use a little polishing. ^_^ but then, i've seen competitions, and i'm comparing you to waaaaay upper crust from michigan--i couldn't even do ANY of the stuff you were doing--i am truly a white girl who cannot dance. thought i can glowstick!! (:D) and ddr, but that's not dancing. also: your little parka-ed dudes are MEAN. ;-; (cowers in fear behind her little asian boy with blue hair and ******* sword)
OMAR - hi! ^_^ ::highfives::
TONY - you're not that tall, dude. (the tallest thing about you is your ego.) i will beat you at the hand game, i swear this to you.
DAN - dan dan dan! we only got to play team-friendlies for a little bit--there's no way i got that much better since the last time i played with you at goops. ;_; (unless you got worse? o_0) we must play again, and find out. (this IS mandatory, btw. ^__^)
oh i know i'm forgetting people. i can see your face in my mind, but i can't put a memory or a name with them. -_-
....oh yeah! TIM!! (XD) thanks for taking me there. ^^ and for the food. ^-^
either way, there wasn't a single person that i didn't enjoying goofing around with -- i'm sure everyone had an AWESOME time. like, LARGE AWESOME with a very energetic squiggly line underneath it.
thanks again for organizing it, forward-person-dude-thing-....sean? (oh noes!!!)
love & peace!