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Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Hahah I like how you post a Fox vs Pichu match between the twins. Tiers are for tournaments though, which is pretty much how likely a character is to win a tournament based on the matchups usually present in a tournament, and have no bearing on random individual matchups.

For example, Olimar is definately not as high on the tier list as Snake, but Olimar is a far more unfair matchup for Falcon, and that's something that I don't think you could ever call balanced.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
Giving up on the character and title all together is the same as admitting defeat. Has it been so hard on you that you quit? Smash was never meant to be a combo game, that is why comboing has been elimated by Sakurai. And tiers, phhht, they exist only very slightly for Brawl. Brawl is just so balanced that a top vs bottom match can ALMOST go either way (as opposed to Melee Fox vs Pichu wich was an automatic loss for the poor little rodent). Undoubtfully, I beleive you will eventually find you way back to Brawl at some point. See ya.
i didn't expect much coming from someone with a screenname like yours, but... UGH.. this is just a really bad post lol


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
trust me bro if this game wasn't such easy money i would've sold it a long time ago


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Man im a big time vet when it comes to smash, and it's always about choosing the right moves and following it up into a combo (64 was a little ridiculous cause you can zero-death anyone with anyone) but melee has (to me) the perfect balance in hitstun, it's enough to **** anyone but it's enough so your opponent can DI away, and brawl totally takes away all that I knew and replaced it all with bullcrap, automatic, crap AT and lousy hitstun, the only characters possible for combos are Peach, Mario, Luigi, and Snake.


anyone can beat anyone, and im not 100% never playing the game >_> im just like 90% quiting

if that makes sense

haha....man i used to friendly with them all the time when this game first came out. All the time.....sick ROB and Kirby. Great team too. I remember they were the only doubles team my teammate and I could find that took us to last stock and beat us fairly often when brawl first came out.

I really need to get wifi again....I haven't played the twins in a long time. Or Jinx.

Sorry for reminiscing :p

edit**---on a side note, Tommy's pichu wasn't anything to scoff at in melee....one time a kid even told him he was cheap for using pichu hahaha!!!!!!!!11111111oneoneone

seriously, that's pretty funny.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
What the hell else do you plan on doing to pass the time?
if directed at me:

well, im keeping up to date until I think Firday, cause Sturday I leave for a trip to the U.S of A (first time past Niagara Falls!) so right now im seeing if anyone else want's to see my awesome Falcon game, I said earlier that im making a combo vid, and for the heck of it i'll upload some matches.

after that it's back to melee, If anyone want's to face me it better be now or never.......well i'll pop online from time to time for the helluvit but i won't be adding anything to Falcon's Metagame anytime soon


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
yeah Im gone, I see no future for competitive smash and definitely for Falcon, so to whom it may concern im not playing brawl anymore, I tried really hard to commit to this game and to playing Falcon, but my efforts were futile. I may go online once in a while but im totally bored of BRALW and im going back to melee where not only Falcon can **** but also where everyone can combo and has a chance at winning against anyone. But I'll leave with a mark, so im making a first and Last Falcon Combo vid to come out in probably the next couple weeks.

and also i'll be online till friday so if anyone wants to have a couple matches, I'll be honored

2449-4605-7950 ~ Show Me Thy Moves
idk if this is a joke or not but you want to see competitive smash come to nyc NUF said!


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
idk if this is a joke or not but you want to see competitive smash come to nyc NUF said!
no joke man im outta here, on the issue of my trip we were thinking of going specifically to NYC, in which case I was going to PM you so we could get some friendlies, but sadly it's just north Carolina :(

yeah but i kinda blame this retirement on my area, even though it is highly competitive theres only a few people who have true skill, the others seriously only spam with MK and get away with it, which can really get to your head

just to give you an Idea, Sliq ****ing came to our tourny saying he was going to get first.............. and ends up getting ninth

heres a video to show the level of skill verse spam in our area >_>

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eKQprvO58Q notice how ace is in the grand finals? (btw he win's the tourny)


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
K last post after this, this thread can be closed or it can die out

About my testing thread, someone can make a new one and copy all the info, I really don't care(i didn't make it pretty so it should be easy to fix up)

it's been fun over these past few months, but I think melee (even 64) is better than this game, it's just not the smash game im used to. So to the people who think im leaving because Falcon's crap I have this to say "you guys are all idiots", im not leaving because of Falcon, it's because of the game mechanics itself, there are no combo's no speed, and definitely no technical intensity in this game, which is really weird to vet. I feel like this isn't even a smash game, it seems to be a more extra's oriented game which just doesn't appeal to me.

so to that im out, if anyone has me added on Wi-Fi you can keep me added cause my bro goes on all the time, and I'll pop in for a visit from time to time.



SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
K last post after this, this thread can be closed or it can die out

About my testing thread, someone can make a new one and copy all the info, I really don't care(i didn't make it pretty so it should be easy to fix up)

it's been fun over these past few months, but I think melee (even 64) is better than this game, it's just not the smash game im used to. So to the people who think im leaving because Falcon's crap I have this to say "you guys are all idiots", im not leaving because of Falcon, it's because of the game mechanics itself, there are no combo's no speed, and definitely no technical intensity in this game, which is really weird to vet. I feel like this isn't even a smash game, it seems to be a more extra's oriented game which just doesn't appeal to me.

so to that im out, if anyone has me added on Wi-Fi you can keep me added cause my bro goes on all the time, and I'll pop in for a visit from time to time.

lol yea i see. that mk just up-b to glide attack. *cough*like mine. well playing a mk like that with a c.f. will get you no were at all. my best advice would be to do the same. just MK ditto. and do the samething. but you have to get him to do it first (its a bit more complex but i cant get into it because im using my wii to type). yo just learn to play snake.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
lol yea i see. that mk just up-b to glide attack. *cough*like mine. well playing a mk like that with a c.f. will get you no were at all. my best advice would be to do the same. just MK ditto. and do the samething. but you have to get him to do it first (its a bit more complex but i cant get into it because im using my wii to type). yo just learn to play snake.
I am picking up Snake, and DAYMN im a beast with him

seriously I got soooo good spacing with him, cause of using Falcon for so long

Im so glad I used Falcon for so long


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
snake is easy. g&w is easy too but hes more fun. the space animals are cool too, rob is also fun. you gotta diversify.
yeah, im talking about about a competitive stand point, i use Falcon and Snake now

I know however how to play everyone, sure im not the best as them im **** good (ton's of random matches)


Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2008
New York
wow... that metaknight was idk, disgusting?
i can't believe he can do that and be happy to walk away as the winner of a tourny
but that does seem like something funny to do against someone who plays brawl casually >:D


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
heres a video to show the level of skill verse spam in our area >_>

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eKQprvO58Q notice how ace is in the grand finals? (btw he win's the tourny)
Wow. Just wow. In Melee, it was virtually impossible for a low tier to beat a pro top tier user, but at least Fox and Falco took ridiculous amounts of skill. Metaknight... He's the Shiek of Brawl, except even more annoying.

Still, I fancy that based on my own skills, I could probably beat that Meta, but would get the living crap beaten out of me by that Peach. I punish spammers easily.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
no joke man im outta here, on the issue of my trip we were thinking of going specifically to NYC, in which case I was going to PM you so we could get some friendlies, but sadly it's just north Carolina :(

yeah but i kinda blame this retirement on my area, even though it is highly competitive theres only a few people who have true skill, the others seriously only spam with MK and get away with it, which can really get to your head

just to give you an Idea, Sliq ****ing came to our tourny saying he was going to get first.............. and ends up getting ninth

heres a video to show the level of skill verse spam in our area >_>

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eKQprvO58Q notice how ace is in the grand finals? (btw he win's the tourny)
wow... that metaknight was idk, disgusting?

agh, that really was disgusting. I don't blame you, man.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
BAN mk from tourneys
YES. No offense to MK mains, but Meta is like Old Sagat; He makes many, many, many characters unusable, which makes tournaments more generic.

At least put a softban on him, for God's sake.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
when i get the dazzle,we need to shoot a few friendlies before you move on to melee permanately
bro I won't be at melee permenently, but I won't be online as much and probably won't contribute to anything, if I come across somthing you'll hear from me but im definitely not looking for any AT's
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