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Aura Malarkey in 3D .:. Lsgd


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Frigate is alright for some matchups.

Rainbow Cruise is also okay. Obviously DON'T CP it against MKs, G&Ws, etc, lol...


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I wish weegee's was still legal... that stage was cool. I practiced extreme awesome applications for 5 whole minutes too...

@everything- I had always loved frigate but everywhere I've looked around these boards say frigate= bad.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
I wish weegee's was still legal... that stage was cool. I practiced extreme awesome applications for 5 whole minutes too...
Stop practicing bad moves.

@everything- I had always loved frigate but everywhere I've looked around these boards say frigate= bad.
Where the hell are you looking?
yeah i loved luigis with lucario. if anyone cpd that i would go to lucario and live 200+
Then they go MK and get you to 200+ in like 8 seconds with nado, or they go Olimar and holy **** good luck. CP'ing luigi's was a major risk. :\


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Not linking since I'm on wii-net but I'll go poke around again.

The stickied Lucario guide says so in the FAQ's though Corneria is included soooooo.....

also I just learned fair is the better momentum cancel and not dair. I have been using fair recently though because of the auto fastfall of dair.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Wait if you were fighting MK you would ban LM and not RC?
Hell yes. I can at least MK ditto them on RC, but MK dittos on LM are just freaking gay.
im just talking about if i were cpd there. if i saw mk or olimar that would be my ban lol.
You don't always know what your opponent will choose before the match starts. Who the hell expected Tyrant to go Marth against Ally at MLG, or for Fiction to pick up ICs against DEHF way back when? People have a habit of hiding a trump card or two or picking up a new character in the last second.
Not linking since I'm on wii-net but I'll go poke around again.

The stickied Lucario guide says so in the FAQ's though Corneria is included soooooo.....

also I just learned fair is the better momentum cancel and not dair. I have been using fair recently though because of the auto fastfall of dair.
LOL LUCARIO GUIDE. So outdated, and they were wrong about Frigate then too. There were a good 8 pages or so at least of people telling him how he was wrong about Frigate. :\

Also, use either/or. One frame generally won't make a difference to you if you can't even tell your good stages yet. Dair's autofastfall means it's almost always the better option when sent upwards unless it decides to randomly not fastfall, which happens sometimes.

Use dair for Vertical, fair for horizontal.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
if they do i will just use what i know about the stage. if im pikachu ill get jab locks, if im lucario ill just tech the **** stage till they get frustrated and destroy the stage. or i will just camp while destroying the mansion


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Hey I do know my stages I guess I just trusted the guide a bit too much. I see why everyone hates you =P

edit: speaking of stages how's Lucario on green greens? I've heard it's hell for him but It's never been legal for me.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
if they do i will just use what i know about the stage. if im pikachu ill get jab locks, if im lucario ill just tech the **** stage till they get frustrated and destroy the stage. or i will just camp while destroying the mansion
Problem is, neither pikachu nor Lucario have anything nearly as dominating as Meta Knight's Tornado, or Olimar being Olimar on that stage. It's still a ridiculously uphill battle to combat either of them there with Lucario or Pikachu.

Hey I do know my stages I guess I just trusted the guide a bit too much. I see why everyone hates you =P

edit: speaking of stages how's Lucario on green greens? I've heard it's hell for him but It's never been legal for me.
It's like Brinstar. Luc is actually only slightly hindered by the stage itself, in this case the ridiculously biased platform formations and blocks, it's just that so many characters can do so much better than him here that most fights on the stage become uphill battles. Sort of like the antithesis of Frigate for him, where everyone generally does poorly there while it's only above average for him in itself.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Isn't japes like that too? (like frigate)

and I see. who do you think I should take to green greens? if anyone

edit: I broke off a bracket of my braces from eating ice cream. ggs mouth


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Isn't japes like that too? (like frigate)

and I see. who do you think I should take to green greens? if anyone

edit: I broke off a bracket of my braces from eating ice cream. ggs mouth
No, we're just really good on Japes. Japes is definitely one of our best stages and very few characters can claim to get the advantage we do there.

I wouldn't take too many characters to Green Greens with Lucario if I had any other options, honestly. Maybe Ice Climbers, but that's it.

Or King Dedede for the sole purpose of switching to MK/GnW last second and ****** them when they don't change characters.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
Any of you guys cp frigate? Japes isn't legal for us so its petty much my main cp with lucario for edgeclinging and lack of gimping. I've had a fair few people say its not a good lucario stage but without explination. Then again i've done pretty good on there against some of the other top uk players


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Someone said it before, but its good for certain characters, and bad for others. Really depends on the MU. The stage wont be winning your battles for you though. We dont really have an auto win stage thats legal. (imo japes is auto win lmao)


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
Ha so true. Its a good stage against marths and falcos, not so much for snakes and d3s. I've recently started to get into the idea of rainbow ride what with lucarios large jumps and camping abilities being useful for keeping your opponent behind you and making them rush into a mistake.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
I think i am the only player in the world who got killed by SONIC'S SPRING off the top period period period.



Jul 22, 2008
Bloomsburg, PA
Me and Aura got bored :p

carlolopez77: lol.
carlolopez77: we could unlock all lucario's **** mode by kidnapping chillin
alexoftheaura: or bring Azen back from his training deep in the mountains of Kanto
carlolopez77: Azen would then be forced to save his buddy. the moment apex sees his face, everybody who's unborn of the aura cowers in fear while every lucario cheers and unlocks **** mode.
alexoftheaura: Hands glowing with Aura
alexoftheaura: unworthy controllers shatter at their touch
carlolopez77: the moment they see the face of the enlightened one, the aura explodes into a furious tempo, the lucario's start an uprising, and at the word of the enlightened one, invade apex and Metaknights stronghold.
carlolopez77: they try to fight back, but resistance against the third coming is futile.
alexoftheaura: Only m2k manages to put up a fight
alexoftheaura: but he is eventually overwhelmed
carlolopez77: irl, he really does.
carlolopez77: Azen ususally beats him until M2K swallows his pride and his forced to use DDD to put up resistance
carlolopez77: ususally? rofl XD
alexoftheaura: lol
alexoftheaura: it looks like lee martin went all lucario for the most part
carlolopez77: cool.
carlolopez77: at last he put up a good fight against DSF
carlolopez77: least*
carlolopez77: no shame in losing honorably.
alexoftheaura: nope
carlolopez77: back to the fantasy, the toppling of MK results in a power vaccum so strong war engulfs the smash scene as eeveryody tries to be No. 1
alexoftheaura: while the lucario's sit back and watch the chaos unfold
carlolopez77: lol. the hold back while the enlightened one plans his next move
carlolopez77: his next move, use his powers of resurrection to revive the fallen legendss of old.
alexoftheaura: and delivers a beautiful speech
alexoftheaura: that ends the fighting
alexoftheaura: with not a single dry eye in the community
carlolopez77: yes!
alexoftheaura: a new age of smah begins
alexoftheaura: smash*
carlolopez77: one where the n00bs and the prs coexist, where metaknight does not exist, where the power known as M2K has been vanquished once and for all.
alexoftheaura: The Sakurai shall descend from the heavens
carlolopez77: and the enlightened one returns to the mountains, despite the pleads of the lucarios to stay, saying he appears only when the time is right, and leaves when it is not.
alexoftheaura: and tripping shall vanish
carlolopez77: Then Sakurai shall descend from heaven, and congratulate the enlightened one for finally making his vision of smahs come true. (he was mindcontrolled by metaknight) and so they both ascend into heaven, as little pits sing alleluia.,
carlolopez77: wow. i think we just gave the smash version of the revelation.
alexoftheaura: but what of m2k?
alexoftheaura: he may have been influenced by evil
alexoftheaura: but he was pure of heart
alexoftheaura: and hoodie
carlolopez77: when the enlightened one vanquished the evil, M2K went with it. instead, only jason was left. left to make a new name and a new main. but evil never dies. it just evolves. as the being known as snake plotted his uprising. anbd the darkened one known as ally prepared his coming.
carlolopez77: "and at the coming of the third evil, the heavens shall tremble!"
alexoftheaura: =o
alexoftheaura: A thin Asian man shall step forth to chalenge this new threat
alexoftheaura: and shall reclaim his title as the King of Smash
alexoftheaura: the mental image this is giving me is amazing
carlolopez77: and so, with the leaving if the enlightened one, it is up to sephirothken to protect smash from evil.... but can his marth do it?
carlolopez77: the mental image the whole thing is giving me is amazing
carlolopez77: its so amazing, that i dont know what to make up next.
alexoftheaura: I've got different uniforms for each main in my head now lol
alexoftheaura: epic
carlolopez77: actually, i just had a thought
carlolopez77: what if every char decided to fight in world war 3?
alexoftheaura: you mean the one we caused with our international kidnapping?
carlolopez77: think about it. i calll Kita as one of the frontliners
carlolopez77: yes.
alexoftheaura: lol
carlolopez77: lol. the appearance of Azen reawakened the dead warriors of old.
carlolopez77: in the midst of battle, he shall go first to the grave of milln saying "arise old lucario! for thy time has come to fight again!
alexoftheaura: their hands glowing with the Aura bestowed upon them by "The Chill One"
carlolopez77: and milln shall crawl out of brawl +. saying, out of the depths i have come to thy calling o pawsome one.
carlolopez77: this shall happen when lucarios are low on fighters.
alexoftheaura: Xavant shall arise fromthe depths of chaos
alexoftheaura: scythe in hand
alexoftheaura: to fight by our side
carlolopez77: yes.
carlolopez77: then azen shall fire a eacon of aura.
carlolopez77: beacon*
alexoftheaura: even Lycan will arise
carlolopez77: and from the forest behind the lines come the lost ones
alexoftheaura: using his newfound medical knowledge
alexoftheaura: keeping us at full power
carlolopez77: yep
carlolopez77: and
carlolopez77: azen shall yell out in themiddle of the battlefield. "Cousin! your IRC is dead! we are losing our chillness and awesome!"
carlolopez77: and out of the floor comes trexxen. in all his old glory
carlolopez77: wearing armor made of the essence of the IRC.
carlolopez77: shining in gold.
carlolopez77: he then comes to stauffy and linkshot, taking the jewel of the IRC from then sayong "you have much yet to learn" and uses its power to increase the aura by 100000000000%
carlolopez77: ****. you cant get these kinds of images from drugs
carlolopez77: i can already see stauffy in full battle armor
alexoftheaura: With black raven wings
carlolopez77: oh oh! and stauffy shall slay the mighty tyrant in a grueling battle where a lucky dsmash saves him from the jaws of death.
alexoftheaura: lol
carlolopez77: he shall come back to the base maimed, but congratulated for his feat.
carlolopez77: and lo, zucco shall win battle after battle, covered completely in his armor of lolis, and contoniue to rep lucario so hard nobody knows what hit them. his only nemesis shall be rookie, the fox. who shall continually face off with him yet cannot truly defeat him and his fighting spirit
carlolopez77: RJ, in a complete military getup, barks orders around the camp and keeps it from falling apart.
alexoftheaura: lmao
alexoftheaura: Trebla shall keep the opposition distracted with a highly flashy combat style that only he can truly pull off
carlolopez77: lol. good one
carlolopez77: and Phi1ny3, in a scientist get up, rarely goes to the field of battle without his "discoveries" aka, his tools of destruction backing him up.
alexoftheaura: Flamey uses his ambiguous gender and acts as spy, infiltrating the highest ranks of our opposition
carlolopez77: his machines and weapons of SCIENCE! are used as the ultimate WMD.
alexoftheaura: powered by chill and aura
carlolopez77: yes. of course.
carlolopez77: and Milln, in his grizzled old age, teaches the ways of the inner fire to the new eager young soldiers. ready to go to battle despite the outdated data.
alexoftheaura: while using his Luc+ hitstun to incapacitate enemy forces
carlolopez77: yes.
alexoftheaura: Kita will leak fake weaknesses to the opposition
carlolopez77: and Kita, while never being able to agree with flamey, manages to survive the frontlines. he evolves into the ultimate pinnacle of furriness. sowing fear, havoc, and hypocrisy whereever he goes.
carlolopez77: oh yes how could i forget.
carlolopez77: Alus takes advantage of people thinking he's a girl, to escape harm by the enemies. but he unlocks **** mode when somebody dares call him alice. his rage and slap-happiness cannot be outmatched. and even the invincible Azen has to duck when he gets fired up.
alexoftheaura: lmao
carlolopez77: so... who else can we weave into thisd epic tale of war, tragedy, and the awesomeness of lucario?
carlolopez77: srsly though. the mental image of stauffy vs Tyrant sends shivers down my spine from pure awesome ness.
alexoftheaura: Aurasmash, using his relatively unknown status and far off location provides shelter to newcarios seeking refuge away from the fighting.
carlolopez77: yes. the riolu's must be protected!
carlolopez77: the riolu's,, the injured, and the occasional aura filled ones.
carlolopez77: idk how much trouble we would be in for even posting this on the boards.
alexoftheaura: depends on where you post it
alexoftheaura: wait
alexoftheaura: wtf am I doing during all of this?
carlolopez77: your whats causing alus to ****!
alexoftheaura: lol
carlolopez77: flamey was the catalyst. you happen to be the gas :3
carlolopez77: sadly though, war is war. and not all of us make it back. one of men, HQ5, died in the fighting. he was a brave soldier. young, eager, and full of life. it was so sad to see him snuffed away.
alexoftheaura: Ted was so filled with sorrow at the loss of his son that he fled
alexoftheaura: only reappearing on those rare occasions
carlolopez77: Ted lurks the corners of the battlefield known as college dorms. searching, hunting, for the one who took his son.
carlolopez77: but every now and then, comes to my secret location to restock on supplies.
carlolopez77: but the one who took his 2nd son was unknown. and up until now, he has not been captured.
alexoftheaura: D:
carlolopez77: yes.
carlolopez77: he sneds his first son, (me) to search for him. but when he failed, he was sent back to retreive the body of HQ5 from the battlefield. which mysteriously vanished
alexoftheaura: Some say he faked his own death and now sneals in enemy territory trying to end the war
carlolopez77: but until those rumors are confirmed, tedward continues to sneal in college dorms....
carlolopez77: oh and alus invented snealing in the middle of the battlefield.
alexoftheaura: he was suffering from severe exhaustion
alexoftheaura: and needed to get away fast
carlolopez77: lolololololol.
carlolopez77: hmm... oh yeah, i forgot.
carlolopez77: war also has traitors. every side has one.
carlolopez77: RK joker wanst a traitor, but he sure was annoying
carlolopez77: wasnt*
carlolopez77: soon, we were forced to hogtie him. his sentence was then read out by Timbers. "give him death!"
carlolopez77: and so he was stoned.
carlolopez77: but he escaped and join the kirbies.
carlolopez77: where he was soon forgotten as the war went on...


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
LOL I got sniped by a rob's laser

@Kita- I know Lucario's good there but doesn't japes bone like half the roster? Unfortunately I second falco so japes will be mercilessly banned against me. =/


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
"alexoftheaura: Flamey uses his ambiguous gender and acts as spy, infiltrating the highest ranks of our opposition"

The 3rd Evil is actually the 2nd coming of mewtario and the titani- *shot*


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
guys, I'm a little late to the party here, but...


I used to be so good at reading with it, and now that's gone, so I guess I'm never going to use it again lol.

oh well, I got 13th at the tourney yesterday out of like 40 or so. I had some fun matches, and I did really well for having a three week hiatus, I also played a match pretty close to a guy I normally have a looooot of trouble with.

Plus I made some good money from mms, so that's all good.

I still have a little trouble against Pika, but I got over that pretty quickly, and I did really well in the ROB/Diddy department. Item control seems to be a good strength of mine.


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
Hey I'm still fine.

tis just a bullet wound.

medics chop chop I won't wanna bleed to death

DT only has uses in the ditto or as a get-a-way move/clutch recovery


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
*needs a max revive*

I've won matches using DT after dropping off the ledge and jumping on stage when my opponent tried to Fsmash me.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
DT is indeed trash 99% of the time...


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Hey I'm still fine.

tis just a bullet wound.

medics chop chop I won't wanna bleed to death

DT only has uses in the ditto or as a get-a-way move/clutch recovery
No no no, I tried recovering, it's a baaaaaaaaaaad idea if they have decent reaction time.

This is why I'm trying to cleanse the habit of using it completely. Even those decent times when I could use it against a fsmash edgeguard, I'm sure there's other options.
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