Tant, I'm not taking anything away from Jcaesar's events or even his B+ skill, most of what I say is just counter-trolling. I'm just saying that K-9 is a big contributor to MD/VA regardless of placings, and even though JC has done a great job of supporting B+, he has had nothing but a negative impact on the vbrawl community just because he can't beat a Metaknight.
If he really, truly didn't care about the brawl community, he shouldn't even be in this thread, yet he continues his useless trolling, thus making himself useless. Forcing B+ down the throats of every dedicated vbrawl player is doing nothing for the community and you know it.
The dude shuts his mouth in person, hell I've been to at least 5 tourneys he's attended and I don't even know what his voice sounds like, yet on the boards he's loud as hell and tries to belittle people who don't like the same game he does.
He's like a christian trying to convert a muslim, it just isn't gonna work.