Hey guys... me again.
First of all, on the whole drama front, personally I think a good portion of you need to get off Cape's ***. He can be abrasive, but we are brawl players, we ALL can be abrasive. Case in point, your mother was a *****.
The fact of the matter is, without accounting for personality. Cape has always been responsive. Case and point, Squirtles F-air. If Cape REALLY was just making this set the way he thought was best, we still would have had the ****ty slow F-air that we all had a pretty bad reaction to. Now, we don't, and most people are fine with it. *Thumbs*
Ok, that being said, I brought B+ down to a get together in South Jersey today, Had a small sixteen person tournament. Winner played Shiek, loser playes Samus. Didn't get as much feeback as I would have liked, but I suppose that is a good thing. Most people simply said "I like it and see no problems with it". Got a couple complaints about Gannon's D-throw. The most common was a complaint that the move assumes a particular type of playstyle. A gannon player said you could pretty much just let the move put you on the ground and neglect teching to avoid most followups. I haven't particularly seen this reliably, but food for thought. Another complain we got was about pit's arrows. It was a link V pit match and link was at about 97 life. piut started arrow spamming and for some reason link was unable to get out of it. Fastfalling didn't work, blocking didn't work, jumping out didn't work, the arrows kept him in hitstun just long enough to get past 300 damage. This obviously wasn't a gameplay choice, it was a bug and it has been hard to recreate but I thought I would give you a heads up.
Speaking of bugs... my friend recently set his wii up for B+ and since he has a mac he used the homebrew updatifier to get the most recent beta. Problem is though, some stuff didn't seem to go through. For example, Gannnon's D-throw still bounced you up rather than simply slamming you down, and I don't think G&W's throw reworks were implemented. I had to use my SD card instead, which I had updated at home via the windows nightly.exe. When I got home I ran the windows updater to see if things had changed when I was away but it wasn't. Any idea why teh updatifier didn't give a fully working codeset?