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Q&A Ask about Pikachu! Hosted by Axe and N64! feat. dkuo!


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
It feels bad to be in that great void between a casual player and a competitive player, too :(
It feels even worse when you have no one to play with :(. (There's a community here I, just have no way of getting to smash fests and tournaments.)


Who do you guys Pikachu does the best with in teams?

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
Yeah man, definitely trying to get out there more, I'm going to try harder at smash than I have in the past. By the way, where are you at in Louisiana?
Don't know if you knew, but I'm actually female, lol. And yeah, getting back into smash is definitely going to be good. I live in Baton Rouge actually. My mom lives in Marrero though, which is near Metairie, so I visit the NOLA area sometimes.

It feels even worse when you have no one to play with :(. (There's a community here I, just have no way of getting to smash fests and tournaments.)
That's my problem too. I rarely get to go to tournaments so I basically get no practice with people. :/

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
@Axe: Man, watching your Pikachu never gets old. That bair guard on Randall was awesome lol. I'm gonna have to practice until I move as fast as you do before Apex...

Something I noticed, you almost always do at least one ledgehop uair before returning to the stage. Like sometimes you'll waveland or QA edgecancel later but not before you try an uair from the edge...is that typically safe?
Thank you so much man!!! :D

That Uair is usually pretty safe to do. If they get hit by it, it could fling them behind you and make them the one being edgeguarded instead of you. However, it's not 100% safe. It IS punishable, but it's not very often that I get punished for it. It's pretty safe for the most part I think.

Best doubles partner for Pika? Hmm... double Pika is pretty amazing, no lie :D I personally think Sheik and Fox work the best with Pika. Pikachu is a very good teammate in general and works very well with most characters.

I feel you guys on not having anyone to play :( Luckily I'm fortunate enough to have a few people to play right now but there's been quite a few times where I've had no one to play. Nothing but a bunch of training mode lol. All of us should just move to the same state and get a bunch of Pika ditto practice :p

@Aesir: I would critique those vids but honestly it's really hard for me for Pichu =( I rely on Uair so much for so many things and Pichu is so different lol. Pichu is my worst character :p


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
Pika does well with a lot of chars. It feels to me like he needs someone to do damage though, because Pika's good at just about everything except that heh.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
I feel you guys on not having anyone to play :( Luckily I'm fortunate enough to have a few people to play right now but there's been quite a few times where I've had no one to play. Nothing but a bunch of training mode lol. All of us should just move to the same state and get a bunch of Pika ditto practice :p
Everyone should move to CO. :D

If not CO, around AZ or NM or so. We could all be in the same general area still and have some good all-Pika tourneys :)

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
3000th Post!

Pika does well with a lot of chars. It feels to me like he needs someone to do damage though, because Pika's good at just about everything except that heh.
Yeah I know what you mean. You need a teammate that can do some good damage, cuz Pika can do the rest lol. He's good at getting those Usmash kills, gimping, saving your teammate, and being adorable and awesome :) I think that's a reason why Ganon works so well as a teammate too haha.

I personally don't think Marth is a good teammate for Pika, but Taj makes it work somehow whenever I team with him :) <3 Taj

Everyone should move to CO. :D

If not CO, around AZ or NM or so. We could all be in the same general area still and have some good all-Pika tourneys :)
You live in CO? I visit NM sometimes to see the NM twins cuz they're awesome and go to random tourneys. I think everyone should go to NM :)


BTW this is my 3000th post!!!!! Woohoo =D

:pika: :pika: :pika: :pika: :pika:

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
No, I live in LA, but I plan on moving to either CO or AZ.

Congrats on your 3,000th post! :)
Thank you!! Come to AZ please!! We can do some epic Pika training =)

North Atlantic, but I'll be seeing you guys at Apex B)
Heck yeah I'll see you there!! Apex is less than a month away =) Hype!!

I'm starting to use Utilt a little bit more. I've been messing around with it lately and... it's actually pretty good in some situations I think lol. Like Nair -> Utilt against non fastfallers at somewhat low percents.

Sometimes if they DI the Utilt behind you, you can do Nair -> Utilt -> Nair -> Usmash. Pretty nifty :)


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
All the Pika posters should go to Apex. We'll take the brackets by storm.

Thunder storm, that is.

Dre the Ace

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
West Bloomfield, MI
Yo Pikabros, I need some tips on playing against spacies when they are just constantly on your *** and shield pressuring you like no other. I can combo them very well and usually capitalize when they are off stage, but getting that initial hit in where I can finally start something is pretty difficult. Whenever I do get a hit in, its only cause they mess up.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
Pics please? I love blue and I love Pikachu, so seeing both would be the most epic thing :D

Thank you!! Come to AZ please!! We can do some epic Pika training =)
We'll see if I can come, can't wait to get to train with you one day! :D

All the Pika posters should go to Apex. We'll take the brackets by storm.

Thunder storm, that is.
Thunder storm ftw. I wish I could go to Apex, but my parents wouldn't find that nearly as exciting as I would. :/ I'll get to go to an OoS tourney one day, though.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
All the Pika posters should go to Apex. We'll take the brackets by storm.

Thunder storm, that is.
Thunder storm lol, that's awesome.

I really wish I could come but I don't have the money to get there :c:c:c. I want to start attending national tournaments when I can.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2011
Yo Pikabros, I need some tips on playing against spacies when they are just constantly on your *** and shield pressuring you like no other. I can combo them very well and usually capitalize when they are off stage, but getting that initial hit in where I can finally start something is pretty difficult. Whenever I do get a hit in, its only cause they mess up.
Well the best advice I can offer includes a quick Uair Oos or Nair Oos, and maybe if your lucky, a nice up-smash Oos can work wonders. Other than that, all I can say is don't give them the chance to shield pressure you in the first place by baiting them or something.



Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
You have to learn the space where you can either successfully bait an aerial or grounded move.. or, learn your hitboxes where you can counter-attack as he's attacking.. You have to understand the space where it's safe to do a move and where it's not. That also means attacking someone's shield can be good but it really depends which moves you use since some moves are unsafe. (I don't really know Pika's frame data)

A great example would be this, if Falco is lasering you, you can stand at an area where Falco can't really follow up with anything, that means you are relatively safe. But then as you move closer then Falco can start doing a dair or nair after a laser.. so if you know he's going to do that then you can counter the aerial.

I figured I'd jump in to give a more general advice. =P


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
Heh, I learned how to time my aerials and fastfalls as Falco thanks to having Pika as a secondary. And general advice is always the best type of advice :D

@Dre: If you're having trouble against spacies' shield pressure...the best bet is to not get trapped under pressure in the first place :p but otherwise, escaping is a bit tricky. Wd Oos or Uair/Nair Oos is pretty good if their pressure isn't 100% airtight, and are probably the fastest and safest escape options if you're under shield pressure. For the record, never never never try to shieldgrab spacies out of pillars. Only mentioning this because I used to do it on instinct all the time...T_T the timing for getting out without getting hit is tricky to get though, especially if your opponent is mixing up their pressure timing/attacks.

If you're having trouble landing an approach (or the approaches you're trying aren't working), you'll have to force yourself to play a little more conservatively, figure out why your approaches are being shut down, and capitalize on any opportunities/create openings for yourself. If your opponent is playing as aggro as you imply, your best bet is to bait an approach (as Kage stated) eg. I only recently started doing sh wavelands for baiting/spacing, and it's amazing how often people fall for a backwards waveland if you just throw it in the mix of nair approaches every once in a while. Remember that aggro players tend to be a lot more impulsive than the average player so try to figure out different ways to bait them. If that's not working, it means they're probably taking advantage of something repetitive you're doing in your approach.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Well it looks like everyone's already got the advice covered =) nice job guys lol.

So right now I'm visiting V3ctorman for the weekend, and we're most likely gonna stream tonight :D So if any of you wanna see us do random stuff in Melee and idk what else, check out our stream =) I'll post in our thread once we're about to stream:



Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
Well it looks like everyone's already got the advice covered =) nice job guys lol.

So right now I'm visiting V3ctorman for the weekend, and we're most likely gonna stream tonight :D So if any of you wanna see us do random stuff in Melee and idk what else, check out our stream =) I'll post in our thread once we're about to stream:
Don't forget the stream link.


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
I didn't take a pic of the gray base coat, but here's the 1st layer color. This will be the color of Pikachu on the remote. Lighting's a little off but it's a sweet looking turquoise.



Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2011
Tijuana BC, Mexico
Hey guys, today I played with some friends, and one of them ***** me with ganondorf. I freaking hate his fair lol. I tried wavedash OoS but he can fair me again before I could do something, he spaces it very well.
Could you give me some advices? I don't have ganon experience ._.
Btw, he's not a ganon main.


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
Hey guys, today I played with some friends, and one of them ***** me with ganondorf. I freaking hate his fair lol. I tried wavedash OoS but he can fair me again before I could do something, he spaces it very well.
Could you give me some advices? I don't have ganon experience ._.
Btw, he's not a ganon main.
I'd be more than happy to hear some Ganon advice, I play a Ganon main quite often and could definitely benefit.

Also, ran out of black paint so the controller is gonna have a misted Turquoise/Black feel with a Pikachu on the front and my name on the back.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Hey guys! We're streaming right now if you wanna check it out :) it's me, Vman, and Smurfy (a really good AZ Link player)

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Thank you for posting the link!! I'm silly and I forget lol ^^

I don't see how it's possible for me to ever beat Armada in a set. He's the 1 player who I feel like I have absolutely no chance of beating. With every other player, I feel like I at least have a shot at winning.

I do feel like I have what it takes to beat Hbox, PP, and Mango, but I think they're much more likely to beat me.

That controller looks so boss!!!!! I love it :D

For those of you who joined our stream yesterday (Sapphire Dragon, Rob, Dkuo, Spyro, M2K?), thank you for watching and chatting with us :D

We might stream again tonight but we're not to sure yet. I'll let you guys know :)
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