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Q&A Ask about Pikachu! Hosted by Axe and N64! feat. dkuo!


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
ICs are a difficult matchup (100-0 against pichu, 90-10 against pika)

With Pichu i d-smash (i think it should work with pika too, but i've never play ICs with pika yet) then when they are separate nana will make a b-line for popo (just run straight towards him) so Charge up an f-smash or something and she'll go right into it. You could probably try approaching with a nair or a fair or something... Dair would probably separate them. if you grab one I usually f-throw and hope that I hit the other or I'll b-throw to space myself out from the other IC. To kill them I'd probably try to gimp, maybe camp near the edge a bit.


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub
LOL i didnt even notice they added a melee character section X3

And for Ice Climbers, I believe its not a 10-90 but more of a 25-75, they're really tricky but as long as you dont get grabbed its all good.
The main focus here is to get em seperated, which is actually very easy for pikachu. Uair, dair, throws, fsmash, a lot of things work. I prefer either falling uairs or bthrows, as long as they get seperated, they be hella easy. Now, to get em seperated you gotta play smart and patient, I feel that a complete rushdown won't work in this matchup because an IC can pretty much kill you with a grab. Spam shffled nairs and uairs until you get em in the air or away from each other, then go after the one closest to you. I feel that wasting all your time going after the nana is nonsense and that going after popo would be the smartest idea. Also gimping them is extremely easy so bthrows off the ledge are invaluable to this ^^

The moral of this story is don't get grabbed


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
Lol you make it sound so easy. I believe that its pika's worst matchup, but I could be wrong. If you get grabbed its pretty much over. And I don't think anyone should spend to much time chasing nana, but it definitely helps if you can kill nana. Gimping is definitely the best option, so I'd probably just camp near the edge the whole time.

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
I don't even think its that hard of a matchup for Pikachu. Many players just suck at the ICs matchup in general. Many players also suck at killing Nana. Once you learn to kill her quickly, its doneskies lebronskies.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2010
The Netherlands
How do i edgegaurd yoshi? it seems so impossible, i tried alot of stuff but most of the time i could only kill him at 150% + lol, when pikas dair stopped the double jump


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
Edgeguarding Yoshi is a little different than other characters - the timeframe you use to hit other opponents during edgeguarding is exactly the time you can't guard Yoshi thanks to super armor, if that makes any sense. You need to either hit Yoshi extremely early or predict/wait for when Yoshi will use his second jump+airdodge for recovery and punish after the super armor frames wear off or when the Yoshi is vulnerable after airdodging. Hitting him out of that is basically a KO.

Personally I like to hit Yoshis with an aerial/quick attack right before he enters super armor frames, but that only works if you know if/when the Yoshi will double jump.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
I really hate the IC's matchup. Unfortunately I'm one of the Pika players who suck at it lol. I don't think it's his worst matchup but it's definitely up there. I kinda think that Pika's worst matchup is either Sheik or Peach.

If you hit Yoshi off stage while he still has his double jump, I feel that it's nearly impossible to edgeguard him. In that situation, I don't think I've ever edgeguarded Vman unless he was at a very high percent. I pretty much always rely on vertical kills with Usmash/Thunder, or try to catch him without his double jump and carry him off stage with Uairs (but that rarely happens against Vman. He's very good with watching when he uses his double jump). I think you should really just forget about edgeguarding in this matchup, unless of course he's at high damage.

Yoshi's so freakin awesome :)


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
yoshi is pretty beast, I wish I was at least semi-good with him but i'm not ^^

One of my friends uses yoshi allot and I usually uair them out of the second jump or jolt them, I think thats the best way to kill them.


Smash Cadet
Nov 24, 2010
axe's pikachu is decent, too

if you run out of anther vids, you should check axe out
ok i just started playing a couple weeks ago since that post lol, i am watching vids of Axe now on youtube now. Thx they're very helpful.

me (pikachu) and friend (dr. mario) vs jiggly and marth user

we keep loosing in stock (life) matches and i'm trying to figure out their weakness iinstead of doing my hw right now and learning to play more smart instead of charging in all the time. (which i do a lot of when i get "binged!" from jiggly or get hit by jiggly's rolling attack b/c i get mad and want to hit him back)


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
You should do your homework. :troll:

On a serious note, playing smart in doubles means you need to be aware of every character on the screen at all times and react to any situation that warrants your attention.

The best doubles advice I can think of for a beginner is pretty obvious...but the key to winning in doubles is teamwork, so you really need to learn to work with your partner if you want to do well. Come up with a basic strategy that you and your partner agree on, and build off of that with experience.

I'm not particularly good at doubles :c so I'll let the others give you better advice lol. Personally, I feel that Pikachu's role in a team can be pretty flexible based on how you play, but a rule of thumb is to limit the amount of jolts you use on stage...you guys play with team attack on, right?


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub
Teams is pretty baller for pikachu IMO, that is, you have a partner that will most likely be able to cover all the areas you suck in. It's easy for pikachu to knock another opponent away and have you and your partner go after a single person before the other person would be able to get over. For some reason everyone gets less technical in teams, so what I like to do is try stuff that wouldn't normally work in singles. Pikachu is flexible enough to work with any team mate, but I believe Falco is the best match with Pikachu TTwTT and we're going to see truly how flexible he is when I go to Genesis and team with my Mario buddy >w<

I'll edit this more when I get back, heading to school


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
Yea I use pika in teams sometimes, he's pretty beast. My partner is a falco and we do:
Me fair>upthrow
Him dair>my d-smash



Smash Rookie
Apr 8, 2011
Mexico, Canada
how do you tailspike? cause when i try to tailspike they either go up or behind me. and i'm talking about tailspiking when they are on top of me and in front


Smash Cadet
Nov 24, 2010
You should do your homework. :troll:

On a serious note, playing smart in doubles means you need to be aware of every character on the screen at all times and react to any situation that warrants your attention.

The best doubles advice I can think of for a beginner is pretty obvious...but the key to winning in doubles is teamwork, so you really need to learn to work with your partner if you want to do well. Come up with a basic strategy that you and your partner agree on, and build off of that with experience.

I'm not particularly good at doubles :c so I'll let the others give you better advice lol. Personally, I feel that Pikachu's role in a team can be pretty flexible based on how you play, but a rule of thumb is to limit the amount of jolts you use on stage...you guys play with team attack on, right?
wow lots of replies, um where to start, hectic school week, free for now... I LOVE talkin about strats and just casual brain storming about this game especially since i play this casually and not pursuing any tournament status skills and even if i tried i think i'd be bored trying before i reach the maneuverability that Axe or any pro guy executes.

We don't have a team strat but ur rgiht b/c marth and puff be (even unintentionally) having some really good synergy and lots of priority on us. NO TEAM ATTACK, we play with that off. But thanks for the tip, i will tell me friend that we need some team combos and formations for situations.

Teams is pretty baller for pikachu IMO, that is, you have a partner that will most likely be able to cover all the areas you suck in. It's easy for pikachu to knock another opponent away and have you and your partner go after a single person before the other person would be able to get over. For some reason everyone gets less technical in teams, so what I like to do is try stuff that wouldn't normally work in singles. Pikachu is flexible enough to work with any team mate, but I believe Falco is the best match with Pikachu TTwTT and we're going to see truly how flexible he is when I go to Genesis and team with my Mario buddy >w<

I'll edit this more when I get back, heading to school
hav fun at school (a lil late i know, my bad cause only free time i have is now)

yes technical skills are all out the window, we lose, especially when i get irritated from their powerful priority attacks then i just go blank and throw out smashes, random b attacks with no setup. Gota keep my mind clear and focused, i kno, easier said and even easier to forget lol

I don't kno what genesis is but i'm betting it's another Tournament!! (am i right? If so good luck and have fun cool cat)

In terms of best match, me n my group believe in fun over synergy i guess but i believe synergy can come from any combination of characters, i just need to discover them and exploit them. So i don't really care for falco much just not interested at the moment so i don't think my teamate nor myself would use falco and pika just cause they are generally acknowledged as good teamates

the only guys i'm comfortable with and have fun using is samus and pikachu so far i havne't gotten comfortable with anyone else but after i saw Armada use Y. link i think i want to try him LOL (he's on a differnent lv of skill, i kno...)

my teammate/friend only uses dr. mario and mewtwo, so we mix and match between each of our 2 characters

and thankyou for the links DJ Nintendo and DKUO, i will look at those links this very moment

i just saw dj nintendo's vids and i don't think i've learned a thing lol not without constant pause n play anyway. spectating 2 v 2 is pretty chaotic for my eyes.

I ended up watching Pound V Melee from axe's match all the way to the finals lol... wasted hella time but the crowd and the commentators were very entertaining for me


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
semi-retired. I still visit and read threads relatively frequently, and i should respond more but yeah. You guys got this under control anyhow!


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub
semi-retired. I still visit and read threads relatively frequently, and i should respond more but yeah. You guys got this under control anyhow!

you better go to Genesis!!!! i need to pika ditto with you TT-TT

And the pika falcon matchup is hella crazy, on one hand you can destroy falcon, on the other he can knee. It's supposed to be not very effective >:/ being electric and all

Captain Smuckers

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2010
Mount Vernon, NY
Hey guys, it seems to me that dash dancing is really important with pikachu, but I almost never do it, so I was wondering if any of you had some tips that would help me get into the habit of doing it more often.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
play a bunch of sets just dash dancing whenever you get a chance and you'll figure out how to use it right I guess, thats what I did anyways...

And about the knee being not very effective... its not electric type, its god type; super effective against everything.


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub
Hey guys, it seems to me that dash dancing is really important with pikachu, but I almost never do it, so I was wondering if any of you had some tips that would help me get into the habit of doing it more often.
Just do it, not much more you can do than that. Or you can always practice it 5 hours a day 7 days a week until its logged into your brain and left thumb.
play a bunch of sets just dash dancing whenever you get a chance and you'll figure out how to use it right I guess, thats what I did anyways...

And about the knee being not very effective... its not electric type, its god type; super effective against everything.

The knee is full of lies and deceit then, the electricity the flies out the knee is not real electricity, its godtricity, composed of broken hearts and shattered dreams.


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub
just bthrow him off the edge, his recovery aint good

and the dreaded devil post is coming up :O im gonna post something very long and unnecessary for it


Smash Cadet
Nov 24, 2010
2 questions

1) how does Axe do Uair straight off the ground like that?? Whats the command? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G3BlqvHwjU&feature=player_detailpage#t=2s

2) how does Axe Uair after hanging onto the ledge like that? (any char. for that matter ie: samus and his ledge F-air when clmbing up the ledge) I can't figure it out and i can't do it! When i try, i don't make it back up n onto the stage again. Or i press x/y and attack and all it does is jump up but doesn't atk.
(axe does the same with pikachu but with Uair or Fair) Help i can't do it.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
1) Press up on the control stick and A almost immediately after.

2) After grabbing the ledge, press down then X or Y quickly. You will ledgehop and have the ability to use any aerial.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
1) Press up on the control stick and A almost immediately after.

2) After grabbing the ledge, press down then X or Y quickly. You will ledgehop and have the ability to use any aerial.
Heh, I do everything differently than this. I do up control stick + up cstick for uair, and for ledge uairs I do down>up or left>up control stick instead of X or Y for the jump.

Oh yeah, when you're holding the ledge, pressing down will make you fastfall from the ledge and pressing back will make you fall at normal speed.
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