I have a question:
Every time I see somebody attribute a certain aspect of the game to a certain area or location (e.g. American DI), I get this incredulous attitude and end up taking whatever else they say with a grain of salt.
So my question is, do people really, honestly believe that your playstyle and general attitude when playing a game is indicative of where you hail from? Personally, I believe that is absolutely preposterous, and I have not seen any evidence that supports such a claim. People are individuals, and each and every one of us plays a game how s/he wants to play it, and wind up forming their own playstyle, indicative solely of
that person.
It's not like each country or area has secret training clans in underground hideouts and meticulously craft every gamer to fit certain location-specific criteria when it comes to playing a videogame.
Feel free to prove me wrong or evince me as such!
This rant may or may not have spawned from King Funk's latest video, and while I'm not knocking him in anyway (I really appreciated that video and enjoyed it immensely), I'm a little concerned that he's stereotyping Americans as uptight, narrow-minded, competitive pricks with no desire to have fun playing a game, unable to comprehend "fun" and its many definitions. If I could have it my way, all my matches against everybody on Kaillera and console would be exactly like the video he posted, because that's my idea of entertainment. Still somewhat competitive and not throwing away skill entirely, but a little lighter and much, much more enjoyable than most people's burning desire to win, regardless of the cost (usually ends up being the 'fun' aspect). Now, I understand some people's definition of 'fun' includes camping with Pikachu, throwing off the edge, and F-smashing, and there are the few who like to U-tilt with Kirby on Saffron, but you're all *******s and I hate you.
Okay, disregard the last rant; it's been beaten to death. Just wanted to get that out there.