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Arkansas Smashers Chat

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
So Alloy of Law was a fun disappointingly short novel. It's a good, kind of in between the real trilogies though. I give it a A++. Not the A+++ I gave the original Mistborn trilogy though. :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
really SW wanted to be the one being approached since peach's defense is so god like.

You can tell how scared SW is even when BW is at 100%+ he just stayed and it almost cost him the match, bladewise is smarter than he use to be and saw sw being scared so it helped his play style a lot.

kind of wish he won that match so sw can see his mistake of letting her just wait him out.

SW was doing really good job of spacing for most the match, i see why he did some of his choices that made him get hit though, they were smart moves but also too obvious.

Also like he would always tech and then shield if BW was within a certain distance.

BWs punishes were mad cute on 2nd game lol

hmm kind of want to get this lol


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Oh lord.

Why would you do that.

Smashboards is being weird. Looks like ihavespaceblondes is an ICs, Samus, Targaryen triple main with the worst avatar of our time.

Now G.Vice and Ace main Yahoo mail while VTS mains the March Hare. The top of my screen is filled with Doc icons. This is hilarious.

The biweekly depends on the other guys. Will and I are ready as always.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Oh lord.

Why would you do that.

Smashboards is being weird. Looks like ihavespaceblondes is an ICs, Samus, Targaryen triple main with the worst avatar of our time.

Now G.Vice and Ace main Yahoo mail while VTS mains the March Hare. The top of my screen is filled with Doc icons. This is hilarious.

The biweekly depends on the other guys. Will and I are ready as always.
VTS uses Troll. Yoshiman becomes enraged.
LOL that is happening this very moment

Just fyi you now main multiquote.
lame sauce


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
10-4-2011 said:
Arby 1350
Chamberlin 1215
ACE 1215
VTS 1215
Yoshiman 1050
Seif 990
Neo 900
10-14-2011 said:
Chamberlin 1432
G.Vice 1361
VTS 1340
Arby 1315
ACE 1215
The Saber Guy 1169
Raven Knight 1148
The March Hare 1136
Kirby 1051
Seif 990
Yoshiman 963
Neo 900
10-25-2011 said:
Chamberlin 1503
Arby 1406
ACE 1397
G. Vice 1337
VTS 1300
The Saber Guy 1169
Yosh 1159
Raven Knight 1148
The March Hare 1136
Kirby 1051
Yoshiman 1014
Seif 990
Neo 900
11-15-2011 said:
Chamberlin 1503
ACE 1437
G. Vice 1408
Arby 1394
VTS 1314
The Saber Guy 1169
Yosh 1159
Raven Knight 1148
The March Hare 1136
Kirby 1051
Yoshiman 990
Seif 990
Neo 900
Presenting the Falco Ditto Edition

Yoshiman and Seif in a dead heat. Who will reign supreme? Find out at Smashmania XXIII: The Battle for Last Place.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Yep you shoulda never played again.

Then you wouldn't have suffered such a devastating loss to this illustrious Falco, and might have yet retained your manhood. Alas, the progeny of G. Vice will never roam this Earth anon.

This guy was one of the best in the world at a whole ton of games, and he's got a couple videos up about the mindset of a champion. I think VTS has seen the one about becoming the best player, but all three are really good. Anyway, I've thought on (and PP has said) most of what he talks about, which kind of gives more credence to this idea of a "better" mentality. Like he says on Youtube: "This mentality works across alot of aspects of life. It really does." Which is definitely true. You're really learning how to approach life in a more satisfying way, which is then translated to whatever specific competition you're involved with.

He was talking about how, when you're in with this mindset, you no longer get disgusted by losses or anything that happens in game (**** spacies, sheik is gay, floaties r dum, mario???). A few months ago before school really got going, I felt this. Around the MIST to ARK period. He also talks about not being afraid to lose, playing the character and not the person, focusing on executing your game, all these things I felt that made me 7398132 times better. I made comebacks all the time because I wasn't afraid to lose, or even thinking about the win. Not to mention his idea of applying pressure, no matter the game or character, as the superior tactic (be it true or pseudo-aggression). That rings true to me, since I first started not sucking back in March/April because I decided I was tired of camping/reacting/gimping as my entire playstyle. And because of G.Vice's pseudo-aggressive Ganon showing how to properly do it with a character that doesn't exactly have the tools. He really focuses on the psychological advantage it gives you, which is an element a lot of people ignore when considering aggro vs defense (http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=13539252&postcount=1673).

Kinda rambling at this point, but I think these videos and ideas could really help. The situations he gives of what your standard player might say (and shouldn't be saying, if they had the right mentality) sound all too familiar sometimes. These things noticeably hold some of us (VTS!) back in completely avoidable ways.

aight I'm done

seems like a trend that people type up an essay on smashboards to avoid writing one irl

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007

Arby looks up to me. Even though he trashes my pseudo aggressive ganon like the tool-less character he is :)


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
So besides Skyrim, it also seems that Zelda: Skyward Sword is taking the world by storm.

Apparently these "sky" games are worth checking in to. I gotta get them both now...

Fare thee well melee, I knew thee not so well


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Fallen Angel is the bestest. Apparently, it was in part composed by the person who sang the third Legend of Galactic Heroes opening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvbwecNjnLI). Panty & Stocking is obviously the superior show :awesome:
So besides Skyrim, it also seems that Zelda: Skyward Sword is taking the world by storm.

Apparently these "sky" games are worth checking in to. I gotta get them both now...

Fare thee well melee, I knew thee not so well
Might as well play Crimson Skies, Sky Aces, Sky Dancers, Skies of Arcadia, and Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies while you're at it.

I heard the skies of Dreamland are quite active this time of year. There's the annual Dedede and Waddle Dee migration, as well as a whole kingdom floating in the background. You should check it out.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Fallen Angel is the bestest. Apparently, it was in part composed by the person who sang the third Legend of Galactic Heroes opening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvbwecNjnLI). Panty & Stocking is obviously the superior show :awesome:

Might as well play Crimson Skies, Sky Aces, Sky Dancers, Skies of Arcadia, and Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies while you're at it.

I heard the skies of Dreamland are quite active this time of year. There's the annual Dedede and Waddle Dee migration, as well as a whole kingdom floating in the background. You should check it out.
Fallen Angel is playful but chocolat is more soothing and calm, really depends on mood which i like better, at night chocolat is so good, but waking up fallen would sound better.

Don't for get Skygunner arby, like one of my favorite games , too bad it's like impossible to find now a days :(.

I wanna replay it

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I have thoroughly beaten Dragon Quest IX: Sentinel of the Starry skies, and Skies of Arcadia thanks very much.

Made a homemade walkthrough to SoA with detailed maps for treasure hunting and discoveries. Maxed out each class in DQ9:SotSS.

Haven't heard the other ones.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2010
Awesome to see Saber Gaming making some progress. Hope it all works out.

Best Buy Conway is holding a Smash Tournament in December. No idea what the details are or if it's Melee or Brawl, but their tournaments are almost always FREE and you win Best Buy Gift Cards for 1st/2nd/3rd! I'll let you guys know what's up when I get more details :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Awesome to see Saber Gaming making some progress. Hope it all works out.

Best Buy Conway is holding a Smash Tournament in December. No idea what the details are or if it's Melee or Brawl, but their tournaments are almost always FREE and you win Best Buy Gift Cards for 1st/2nd/3rd! I'll let you guys know what's up when I get more details :)
Oh cool.


This is also very cool.

umm I didn't use my time wisely and will not be able to go anywhere this weekend :(

too many papers to write by sunday; bad enough I'm going next weekend with two big essays and a test coming the monday/tuesday after

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Yeah, I'm not able to go anywhere either.

I got stuff I gotta do this weekend, and not to mention Arkansas has a big game this weekend :/
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