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Arkansas Smashers Chat


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
So arby & broshiman i'm going to seifs to eat lunch you guys should come over sometime so we can watch anime today :)

Might work on my magic deck while you guys aren't there to kill time

also going to ask jack if we can visit on the 19th


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
pfft my first world problem is getting up for classes lol

it's so hard ><
such a little KID


OMG, for some reason ualr is giving me a refund check for 1250 dollars. I'm not going to question it, just accepting that my luck stat is going up.


see ya'll in a few months
so not much changes from our perspective ;)

This G.Vice-less world will go on spinning I suppose.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
so not much changes from our perspective ;)

This G.Vice-less world will go on spinning I suppose.
Lol, I actually do wanna smash.

But I ain't had time. I ain't like you kiddos who just sleep and SOMETIMES class. I got church, bible class, clinical, AND class. Son.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I'm not too up on that sleep thing actually because of said classes.

I just spend my much needed "free" time in other ways than you, often dog tired. Your time is in your hands though, and I can't act like the way you choose to spend it isn't tempting sometimes. I just wish you'd make a little room for Smash.

On that note, because of school there's no guarantee I'll be able to do anything until the end of the semester. Which basically means I'll pull an all-nighter and do it anyway :D

might as well skip class too.
Eeeh that attitude nearly ruined me. $14,000 stipend first year, skip tons of class, fail, and lose scholarships. Now, $10,000 in debt and only a $500 stipend. The best scholarships never come back :[

Seif and Chamberlin are way deeper in debt because they skipped class, and Yoshiman's entire life is changing because of it. College students who regularly skip invariably regret it, and this is coming from the laziest mofo ever. Just depends on how much you end up regretting it.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I'm not too up on that sleep thing actually because of said classes.

I just spend my much needed "free" time in other ways than you, often dog tired. Your time is in your hands though, and I can't act like the way you choose to spend it isn't tempting sometimes. I just wish you'd make a little room for Smash.

On that note, because of school there's no guarantee I'll be able to do anything until the end of the semester. Which basically means I'll pull an all-nighter and do it anyway :D

Eeeh that attitude nearly ruined me. $14,000 stipend first year, skip tons of class, fail, and lose scholarships. Now, $10,000 in debt and only a $500 stipend. The best scholarships never come back :[

Seif and Chamberlin are way deeper in debt because they skipped class, and Yoshiman's entire life is changing because of it. College students who regularly skip invariably regret it, and this is coming from the laziest mofo ever. Just depends on how much you end up regretting it.
If I could put a smash above a single one of the things I listed as my activities, I would smash more.

Alas, life has it's priorities. I smash when I can though. Miss that game.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
I have never missed a day of class in college. Have a 3.92. A 30 on my mcat. And Get 2.5 k a semester as a stipend. :cool:


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
Seif and Chamberlin are way deeper in debt because they skipped class, and Yoshiman's entire life is changing because of it. College students who skip class invariably regret it, and this is coming from the laziest mofo ever. Just depends on how much you end up regretting it.
"Rejoice, O young man, in your youth,
And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth;
Walk in the ways of your heart,
And in the sight of your eyes;
But know that for all these
God will bring you into judgment.
Therefore remove sorrow from your heart,
And put away evil from your flesh,
For childhood and youth are vanity."

I skipped classes in high-school with seemingly no consequences, but my mentality carried over in to college. It wasn't just the class skipping but the whole "I don't have to try to succeed" attitude that hurt me the most. I got my act together for the most part and still graduated... but it took forever and I have more debt than I anticipated.

Even though I do have debt, life goes on. I have been given a lot of grace in this area and God has still provided well for me. Still, I have to live with the consequences of my actions as well as my debt.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
I have never missed a day of class in college. Have a 3.92. A 30 on my mcat. And Get 2.5 k a semester as a stipend. :cool:
pssh you never got a year's wages as a free college stipend

and what'd you get on the ACT/SAT?


Still, I have to live with the consequences of my actions as well as my debt.
As do I, as do we all.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
me tooo

I'm glad I only wasted two Saturday mornings on that test (and one on the SAT), because as I suspected it ended up not mattering AT ALL

March Hare likes to trash talk my failures, so I have to do him the same kindness ;)
oh and @ Arbustos.
I was top 30-50'ish in the world back in 08-09 and the best Female player too. I think I still am. I am talking about keyboard btw. I went by colt.45 there and....I was really good I guess. Idk if you ever played FFR but I was a top player there too.
Hey G(dot)Vice I want to see you get owned at Stepmania

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
pssh you never got a year's wages as a free college stipend

and what'd you get on the ACT/SAT?

31 on the ACT second time I took it in the summer of my junior year. The first time I took it was in 7th grade, got a 26. Never prepped at all for that thing.

Maybe not a 34 but a fine score for someone who only strove for mediocrity throughout highschool.

I got some equivelant score on my SAT. Don't remember the exact score just that when I transferred the score over it was exactly a 31. :glare:

I wouldn't view a 31 as a failure. Especially as those scores mean nothing now. NOTHING. And they never did.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
I got a 29 a month ago.
I'm taking it again.
I had to piss for the entire test. I drank 2 cups of coffee and 2 full sized energy drinks.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Maybe not a 34 but a fine score for someone who only strove for mediocrity throughout highschool.
That line might have worked if it weren't far more true for the rest of us :p You and your brother are super tryhards in comparison.

Yeah it doesn't matter, but nearly anything you could brag about doesn't really matter. You're a FAILURE! Roll over and die. Make sure to roll away from me.

I got an equivalent SAT score too (2250?). Maybe those tests actually do work... nah who am I kidding, they're balls.


Mm I like. Kinda reminds me of the Bad Plus. Throw in Gerudo Valley and you have all my favorites bam bam bam.

Got me thinking... the drumset (esp hi-hat and kick drum) is foundational to the jazz sound and most kinds of electronic music. The bass guitar really doesn't have anything on the other major instruments of the last century, even if it has its own virtuosi.

I got a 29 a month ago.
I'm taking it again.
I had to piss for the entire test. I drank 2 cups of coffee and 2 full sized energy drinks.
lol yeah distractions are death and doom for tests

as long as you manage your time well and actually finish each section (math and science the first time were big problems for me) and have a decent grasp of the language you've been speaking and writing most of your life, I don't know how you can get some of the scores people pull off


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
I mean, I got a 34 on the reading and 28s or 29s on reading and science, but Math, regardless of the fact that it is my best subject, ****ed me up. I didn't finish and I got a 26.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Yep sounds like my first time. I think most standardized test virgins underestimate the math section and get ****ed up for it.

The best you could possibly care to do is a 32 for the high-end state scholarships. Landing that does kind of pay off a lot, and I imagine you'll get it within a try or two more.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
In order to get a full scholarship from MSU I had to get a 30 on my last test.
I got a 29 because they rounded down (I added all the scores up and it was 29.66~)

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Lies. If I'm a try hard who are all those pathetic saps I see studying while I'm playing ME2 for the 3rd time. :D

The only test I studied for senior year was the Ancient greek lit final that got me an A in the class and you a B. :cool:


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Yoshiman listening to worst song on daft punk cd, well least we are starting to mold him into a good music listener :D

fairy tale made me laugh somehow, Guild master makes another guy 5th master, 5th master decides it's not his style so leaves first 2 orders, first one was reenstate a member after being banned, and making the 4th guild master the 6th guild master.

idk why but it made me laugh


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
It isn't the worst song on the album. If anything you shouldn't single out one song, because it is an album. And, who is this we business?
Sorry I have an alter ego and when I say "we" all i mean is me.

I'm part dyslexic and part insane , 90% of the time the dyslexic shows the rare 10% my sanity goes away we tend to talk differently.
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