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Approaching with Marth


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
It's like you having an arguement with Emblem Lord and trying to tell us you can't fair someone's shield and dash away(usually through them) before getting shield grabbed. I do it in tournament consistently to higher level players. It works. Just because you can't do something we talk about, doesn't mean you can try and argue with it.
-.- sure it works if they don't expect it and try to shieldgrab, but there's so much more. And of course you don't try to insult me. You only comment my posts and not others', although most of them are worse than me =P How logical.

Autocancel nairs aren't used to approach someone right on their shield like that anyway.
In fact you agreed with me here. -_-


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
You should read others posts more carefully before you start commenting about them with that elitist attitude of yours, Cactuar. :/ Your first line and the following was definitely an insult, so don't try to pretend it wasn't.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
I'm not the oldest member here by any stretch, but isn't that just cactuar? To an extent how much could he really mean to insult you and not just mkae a joke. He reads the boards, takes the time to post, and gives solid experienced advice. So somewhere deep beyond the prickles and pointy words, he at least means well, the rest is just his personality, how he does things. personally i think it'd be really boring if everyone was just over politically correct and made sure not to accidentally say something that might be taken the wrong way. When I say something important or intelligent enough for cactaur to insult me I won't take it the wrong way, I'll just learn from it, and if I ever see him/play him , I'll joke back when he can only 3 stock me not 4 =P


Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
lol. I <3 Cactuar.

And some people DO need to be insulted before they will listen. Some don't. Oh, well.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
lol. I <3 Cactuar.

And some people DO need to be insulted before they will listen. Some don't. Oh, well.
Listen to what? >_> You telling me I suck but not telling me why? And don't give me a "cuz u misd dat one grab in dat one match lolol" one match almost means something.. -.-


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Me stating that you aren't a good player is just an observation of where you currently stand, judging from what I've seen in the matches you have posted, as well as in the things you try to tell people.

It's not something that is explained by one mistake in one match, it's your overall movement, spacing, attack choice, approaches, etc. You are not a good Marth player. It's not an insult.

The reason I don't comment on other people's posts is because they don't make defined statements telling people what to do/what not to do. Good players can give that kind of advice, lower level players should really just stick to making speculations and waiting for a good player's input.

@Samochan: I love when people call me elitist, just because I say some player isn't good. Ask anyone who plays me in person about my attitude. Don't just be an *** and post towards me when you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Ijuka needs to understand where he is in the community. He has started arguments with players much better than he is over AIM about stupid things, and expects to be listened to. He is overconfident in his abilities and knowledge of the game, and actively looks for reasons to start arguments, hoping that his ability to take a quote out of context will carry him. I don't approve of that kind of attitude, as it reflects poorly on the community as a whole.

As for autocancel nair: It's actually a very good way of approaching a turtled opponent. If they spot dodge, they get hit. If they sit there shielding, you can push through them and not get shield grabbed. If you know they CC a lot, you can tipper the second hit of the nair and not get punished. It often shield stabs. You can generally land and dash back if you go for decent spacing with the second hit without being punished at all. If they projectile spam, you can use the first hit to null the projectile, and continue on and hit them (I prefer fair for most projectiles though). If they DD camp, there is less lag upon landing an autocancel nair than a SHFFL Fair, so it's easier to avoid getting punished for a missed aerial.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Judging by vids? Judging by your vids on youtube you can't really space. So what do vids tell?

Yes, landing behind them keeps them from shieldgrabbing, but they can still punish with an aerial. And hit with the tip of the second hit of AC nair.. while moving forward? Then you'll land right in front of them. Try it out if you don't believe me >_>

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
lol. Ijuka that last post you made about the autocancel nair proves Cactuars point. You like to nit pick at all the little details trying to tear down peoples argumment, when you don't even give good advice in the first place. It's like you are fishing for something to complain about or tear down.

And Cactuar has good spacing, wtf?

Going by vids, Ijuka you know how to fight falcos, but that's it. And you do alot of randomness and silly things that make no sense. When the more knowledgeable marth players commented on your vids, they all agreed with what I said. That alone should have taught you that maybe you should actually listen to what others have to say instead of trying to make lame comebacks all the time.

Think outside the box and try not to be so literal and disagreeable.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
lol. Ijuka that last post you made about the autocancel nair proves Cactuars point. You like to nit pick at all the little details trying to tear down peoples argumment, when you don't even give good advice in the first place. It's like you are fishing for something to complain about or tear down.

And Cactuar has good spacing, wtf?

Going by vids, Ijuka you know how to fight falcos, but that's it. And you do alot of randomness and silly things that make no sense. When the more knowledgeable marth players commented on your vids, they all agreed with what I said. That alone should have taught you that maybe you should actually listen to what others have to say instead of trying to make lame comebacks all the time.

Think outside the box and try not to be so literal and disagreeable.
Yeah, all little details.. So is the approach good if it can be punished? Nah.. What do you mean? What's wrong with picking little details? So would you just ignore them, then when an opponent of yours uses them against you.. what will you do?

"And you do alot of randomness and silly things that make no sense. When the more knowledgeable marth players commented on your vids, they all agreed with what I said."

The randomness and silly stuff.. are mindgames. >_> Maybe you don't think of them that way, but that's what they are. Randomness works well against TK, so I am random. And how are they more knowledgeable? And I do listen to what others say, when they make sense, give reasons why and show proof.

Literal and disagreeable? Uhh.. I disagree with what I see as false information. Which points of mine were false btw? Care to give an explanation?

And finally.. isnt it good if your playing doesn't make sense? -_- mindgames mindgames mindgames. So okay, tell me what was wrong, and then tell me why. "Thats false because I > you" isn't too helpful, now is it?

Look, if you autocancel nair through a shield, and they bair you.. was that a good approach? Nah it wasn't. -_- Explain to me why the opponent can't bair you? Because you think they won't react fast enough? They should if they're any good. I don't understand how ignoring the methods of punishing you makes you good, explain please.

And lastly.. cactuars spacing isn't good in those vids. If it really is good, I don't know. But I'll be him and judge by vids.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
The things you did like full jumping and sometimes spamming random attacks definitiely weren't mindgames. They could have punished easily. Plus in that match u pwith CF it really looked like you didn't know what to do. I didn't really see any tech chasing or u-throw combos at all.

Yeah, no approach is infalliable, but I think we can both agree that relying on shuffled dair more the shuffeld fair would be silly right? Some approaches are just better then others, and some are safer and faster and more reliable. lol. Cactuar is just stating why AC nair is good toi use. he's not saying it's unbeatable. saying it's bad because of one or two things your opponent could do is just silly, because there always things your opponent can do to deal with your offense. The key is too find the most reliable means of staging an offense. That's what Cactuar is saying.

I never said me > you, so I won't even touch on that. Sounds to me like thats how you feel and that's why you are being sensitive. I said more knowledgable Marth players, as in they are the more knowldgeable ones that frequesnt this board. It was a general term I used to refer to UMBC Super Smasher, Cactuar,etc. I wasn't saying they knew more then you. Still the fact that you jumped to that conclusion, says alot about your perception. But I won't bullsh*t you either. I DO think they know more then you, but that wasn't what I meant.

You don't give out alot of false info. Because you don't give out much info at all. All you seem to TRY to do, is tear down what others say about Marth. I thought your play was random, because you had no flow to your game. In any fighting game there is a flow that can be felt by other people when they watch someone play. It's hard to describe but it does exist. You just sort of ran around doing things. And you weren't even fighting CF effectively either. Like I said, your overall gameplay reflected that you didn't know what to do.

I mean honestly, if you can pick apart what other people think, surely you can come up with better approach methods? Well? Let me hear it.

And you disagree with facts. It is a fact that Marth can dash through or away someone after a fair or a d-tilt. Whether he dashes through someone or away from them depends on his spacing and who his opponent is. But it's still fact. Hell, I've done it to friggin Mew2King. Sure they can wait for the dash and react, but when you notice that they wait for the dash that's when you start doing something else after a shielded fair or a d-tilt.

Now, THAT'S mindgames.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
"Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends...."

bet you guys didn't know i could sing did ya? =P

Not that marth board drama isn't... entertaining, but this entire third page is... how much about approach? Ijuka isn't gonna just give in. To his defense, few of us would ever really give in to something we feel strongly enough about to fight that hard, we just all are able to take advice and know were not the best. Cactaurs not gonna change to excuse him, so i guess we have a new rivalry/board menace. I agree he should be put in his place, if cactuar isn't the one to do it no one is, but hes just being stubborn and full of himself. Socrates was considered the wisest man in greece because he knew that he didn't know anything. If you believe you know everything about something large or small, your not even open to the possibility of learning something new. So leave him be, we can't make him stop, just post somewhere below him if he is giving bad advice or tearing something apart unfairly, warn others to simply not take it. No use wasting time and... well not breath, finger muscle? on him.

And so yeah, a more noobish question, but for the sake of getting back on topic... I feel like the option of non sh approaches wasn't touched. Its slower, and I'm sure theres plenty disadvantages besides marth being in trouble if the opponent is below him, but is it too slow to be used as a change of pace, won't even catch your opponent off gaurd and make them react differently? Just curious


Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Marth's best ground approach is dash cancelled d-tilt IMO. It is amazing. Learn to love it. Or wavedash to d-tilt. That's really nice too.

D-tilt is godly.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
The things you did like full jumping and sometimes spamming random attacks definitiely weren't mindgames. They could have punished easily. Plus in that match u pwith CF it really looked like you didn't know what to do. I didn't really see any tech chasing or u-throw combos at all.

Yeah, no approach is infalliable, but I think we can both agree that relying on sfuffeld dair more the shuffeld fair would be silly right? Some approaches are just better then others, and some are safer and faster and more reliable. lol. Cactuar is just stating why AC nair is good toi use. he's not saying it's unbeatable. saying it's bad because of one or two things your opponent could do is just silly, because there always things your opponent can do to deal with your offense. The key is too find the most reliable means of staging an offense. That's what Cactuar is saying.

I never said me > you, so I won't even touch on that. Sounds to me like thats how you feel and that's why you are being sensitive. I said more knowledgable Marth players, as in they are the more knowldgeable ones that frequesnt this board. It was a general term I used to refer to UMBC Super Smasher, Cactuar,etc. I wasn't saying they knew more then you. Still the fact that you jumped to that conclusion, says alot about your perception. But I won't bullsh*t you either. I DO think they know more then you, but that wasn't what I meant.

You don't give out alot of false info. Because you don't give out much info at all. All you seem to TRY to do, is tear down what others say about Marth. I thought your play was random, because you had no flow to your game. In any fighting game there is a flow that can be felt by other people when they watch someone play. It's hard to describe but it does exist. You just sort of ran around doing things. And you weren't even fighting CF effectively either. Like I said, your overall gameplay reflected that you didn't know what to do.

I mean honestly, if you can pick apart what other people think, surely you can come up with better approach methods? Well? Let me hear it.

And you disagree with facts. It is a fact that Marth can dash through or away someone after a fair or a d-tilt. Whether he dashes thourgh someone or away from them depends on his spacing and who his opponent is. But it's still fact. Hell, I've done it to friggin Mew2King. Sure they can wait for the dash and react, but twhyen you notice that they wait for the dash that's when you start doing something else after a shielded fair or a d-tilt.

Now, THAT'S mindgames.
Yeah, that indeed is mindgames. >_> UMBC super smasher? How many tournaments has he been to >_> And his video.. oh my. And he's played for how long? >_> Sheesh. And yup, most info is just something you have to experience yourself. You can't tell people what to do, because everything can be countered. Pretty much...

Marth can dash across after a fair or dtilt? Fair most likely, if you hit with the fair near the ground. Dtilt I don't see how you could >_> Maybe if they don't perfectly time the grab. So you did it to Mew2King? Cool..

Better approaches? Well usually what I like to do is wait for them to leave themselves open and punish. Almost never attack their shield, or when they look like they're ready to shield. A spaced fair or shffl nair would be my first choice. Of course there's always mindgames that work, like running through into whatever, and some silly stuff. If you expect them to sidestep, forward B is kinda good. It depends on the character as well. Walking slowly is underestimated; if you aren't used to it, it might surprise you quite bad. Down tilt.. I don't like for approaching, most likely it should be done after a spaced shffl fair or something. Oh and also, empty shffl's are good, and anything that throws your opponent off. Wavedashing back and waiting for your opponent to do whatever is awesome.

I usually don't approach that much with Marth, I think he's a lot better in reacting to stuff than approaching.

The "flow" is useless. You don't need a flow to do well =P Might become a pattern instead.

And that CF match sucked I know O_o Good thing it was a casual. Maybe I was being easy on him because I would have won anyway? Who knows.. And the full jumps, yeah of course. When I get punished for it I won't do it anymore >_> Most likely.

-_- I have no clue if that was already posted, but there's some approaching. Rule of thumb is space extremely well, be ready to combo off all hits, punish mistakes... It sucks to say moves. It's possible to approach with nearly every move >_> And dair is a good approach against people who like to cc all aerials. not GOOD but better than other aerials. For example against a Peach.

To the other posts:

Oh and also <_< I've still played for years and am the best in my country. -_- So you judge the advice by who's saying it and not by what is being said? It's not like I don't agree with good advice, neh? I don't agree with false information, no matter who it comes from. All those mindgame thingies you seem so proud about are common knowledge, if you actually think that's supposed to be impressive.. wow X_x

Also about approaching on ground >_> dash dance and wavedash etc. (smartly without leaving yourself open, as if it wasn't obvious) forward B is good if they like to sidestep. Dtilt is good if their shield has gone dead, but be sure to hit with the tip... it can be punished -_- run through into something like fsmash tipper works once or twice a match. ftilt tipper is pretty good, but it still can be punished out of shield, so you should pretty much use it little, unless they aren't good in shieldwavedashing and punishing, etc.. depends on char. In that case you can use it a little more. Grab is awesome, see the sidesteps and grab the lag. You can approach with nearly all decent moves of Marth, just know when to use them and how to space them, and don't let yourself open. That's assuming the opponent is grounded. If they jump, fsmash tipper is good, utilt is good, just space well and stay safe.

Geez x_X Now tell me what's wrong with that advice, please? I'm sure you'll think of like 50 things just because I said that dtilt can be shieldgrabbed(it can -_---).
But because you'll think of millions of ways to punish my approach just to annoy me, let me tell you. I think Marth is better in waiting and reacting than actually approaching. There -_-


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
I judge you by your vids because, in a thread where you are asking for advice, you post two vids of you playing. VS Falco, your opponent doesn't know what he's doing, and that's really the only reason your randomness, which is actually you being not good at the game (also which you try to disguise as "mindgames"), works at all. VS Falcon, you post a terrible match where the Falcon jumps off stage for no reason at low percents and you use Marth's impressive edgeguard game to *gasp* fsmash him repeatedly. Clearly, you are going to get good advice posting that kind of footage. As Emblem Lord said already, you don't know what you are doing.

My spacing, regardless of anything else, is still better than yours.

AC Nair is one possible approach out of many. To ignore using it would just gimp your game. No approach is flawless, which is why we build an arsenal of many possibilities. You, being the overconfident scrub looking to prove himself for absolutely no reason, nitpick at possible responses to an approach. In response to your nonsense, I could just say "AC Nair landing = almost no lag, you could shield before a person could jump out of the nair hit and bair you", but it doesn't matter. You just want the last word on something, to think to yourself that you have proved something here.

Instead of wasting your time, you could be doing something like actually getting better, because you clearly need to work on your game, but instead you sit around arguing with players who are obviously better and more knowledgeable than you are. Luckily for me, I am at work posting, getting paid to do pretty much whatever I want.

Understand this: when it comes down to it, I have proven myself in the smash community. You have not. I have beaten good players. You have not. I go to tournaments and I place well. You do not. I understand your situation, being isolated in an area without good players, as I had the same problem for a while, but I never tried to argue with a better player's advice because I knew my place. Know yours.

Edit: You just spewing random possible things to do with Marth is not advice.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Some of the things you posted were good. But some of the things you posted were bad. D-tilt is godly and EXTREMELY difficult to punish. IASA frames remember? Marth recovers quickly from it and can easily get out of harms way before anyone can really attack him. Only Falco could really do something. JC his shield and laser, but he's really the only one that can do something.

Don't post crappy vids if you want to be critiqued. That's just stupid. Forward B is ok, but it's not better then d-tilt. The d-tilt is really good. That's why I posted it in my original post. It's one of his best moves. I posted all of his best stuff, not his decent stuff or what works sometimes. His best options. What works most of the time. What he can fall back on. In the end that's what wins games. Reliable options that a player can fall back on. Mindgames are nice, but if they were enough then Pichu could win tournies. Obviously you need something a little more tangible and substantial then just mindgames. You need safe abusable moves and strats. That's what shuffled fair is, d-tilt, etc.

Yeah it's possible to approach with every move. But there is a reason why Falco's approach with SHL or Foxes approach with mostly nairs. You abuse what's best not what's "kinda good" or w/e.

And since you mentioned that last bit about the d-tilt let me tell you something. When used correctly, A Marth player will never ever be shield grabbed after a d-tilt. Why? He can roll right after he does it. So if you were really hellbent on not getting shieldgrabbed, you could just roll. With good spacing he wouldn't even need to do that. Of course you could just dash if your timing is good enough. With dashing your spacing doesn't even really matter as much.

Edit: Hmm. Cactuar just informed that the roll is a few frames slower then dashing. If that is the case then it may not be as safe. I'll test it out next time I play with my crew though.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
I judge you by your vids because, in a thread where you are asking for advice, you post two vids of you playing. VS Falco, your opponent doesn't know what he's doing, and that's really the only reason your randomness, which is actually you being not good at the game (also which you try to disguise as "mindgames"), works at all. VS Falcon, you post a terrible match where the Falcon jumps off stage for no reason at low percents and you use Marth's impressive edgeguard game to *gasp* fsmash him repeatedly. Clearly, you are going to get good advice posting that kind of footage. As Emblem Lord said already, you don't know what you are doing.

My spacing, regardless of anything else, is still better than yours.

AC Nair is one possible approach out of many. To ignore using it would just gimp your game. No approach is flawless, which is why we build an arsenal of many possibilities. You, being the overconfident scrub looking to prove himself for absolutely no reason, nitpick at possible responses to an approach. In response to your nonsense, I could just say "AC Nair landing = almost no lag, you could shield before a person could jump out of the nair hit and bair you", but it doesn't matter. You just want the last word on something, to think to yourself that you have proved something here.

Instead of wasting your time, you could be doing something like actually getting better, because you clearly need to work on your game, but instead you sit around arguing with players who are obviously better and more knowledgeable than you are. Luckily for me, I am at work posting, getting paid to do pretty much whatever I want.

Understand this: when it comes down to it, I have proven myself in the smash community. You have not. I have beaten good players. You have not. I go to tournaments and I place well. You do not. I understand your situation, being isolated in an area without good players, as I had the same problem for a while, but I never tried to argue with a better player's advice because I knew my place. Know yours.

Edit: You just spewing random possible things to do with Marth is not advice.
Giving possibilities that Marth can do is advice. Would you prefer the real advice? "Mindgame your opponent, read them, punish them." That's what you actually should do. Random possible things that you can do with Marth is advice. Rest is mindgames. All advice is pointless. So nobody should give any advice? Don't give any then -_-

I don't care about who you've beat and how you have placed >_> And I've won 5/6 last tournaments -_- If your advice made sense, okay, but it doesn't. And if your reasoning would make sense...

And he asked for approaches. I told him the approaches. That's advice. Understood? Advice. You give advice by posting that? Great. So what was wrong with my advice? That it was I who said it? >_>

I do challenge the opinions of better players. You don't even know if you're better than me -_- Most likely with Marth <_< But if you play anything like how you play in your vids on youtube, you look very beatable.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
I don't care about who you've beat and how you have placed >_> And I've won 5/6 last tournaments -_-

You do realize that you winning tournaments doesn't mean anything when none of the participants are good?

You are completely delusional in trying to compare yourself to me, even by videos. Go to ROS4. You are going to get *****. If you manage to place top 5 there, maybe I'll consider listening to anything you say, but until then, stop trying to start drama for no reason.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2006
College Park, MD
And I've won 5/6 last tournaments -_-
Were there like 4 people there? Was it a FFA!?!

You can't dispute Cactuar's advice, because he is better than you. And if he calls you out on your bad advice, then you've learned something by his correcting you.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Were there like 4 people there? Was it a FFA!?!

You can't dispute Cactuar's advice, because he is better than you. And if he calls you out on your bad advice, then you've learned something by his correcting you.
Nah.. I don't do FFA's o.O 1v1 tournaments. Not that many participants, but all the best in here anyway. And most of us have played for years, and some play against other people weekly. So yeah -.- And what have I learned? Tell me? And what about my advice was bad? What are you doing here anyway..

And yeah cactuar, I'll go to Ros ^_^ Not top5, but I'll try to get to the brackets and stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2006
College Park, MD
And what have I learned? Tell me?
Well you should of learned this...

You are not a good player. Stop giving advice on things you don't know about. Autocancel nairs aren't used to approach someone right on their shield like that anyway.
... after Cactuar posted it the first time. Granted, your reading comprehension skills (and thinking in general) seem to be one of your weaker traits considering you asked...

What are you doing here anyway..
... which would be posting on a thread in an open forum. I hope you don't need me to spell out every post like this for you, because I honestly don't have the time.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
N.C, Bladenboro
Everyone calm down...and Ijuka, don't piss off cactuar, its a fight you cannot win!..not only does he play marth well, but hes covered in needles..I mean come on.

Everyone please be nice to each other, I'd hate to see this closed over harsh agruing.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
lol you guys and your arguments. I'm with bluedeath, everbody calm down, and cactuar is covered in needles, so be careful arguing with him.

But when it comes down to it...just for the sack of intelligent debate...Ijuka is the best in his country. No one knows how good the players in finland are, and like everyone says...vids don't prove anything. I've heard of Cactuar's greatness, and I've also heard of EL's greatness lol, but Ijuka is far from a bad player. And Cactuar...to call him a scrub? I'm pretty sure he's not a scrub. Ijuka is a good player...The best in his country.

But really, I'm not trying to start more argument, I do respect everyone's opinions and appreciate advice given by everybody. Honestly, I respect everyone on these boards, and I'm not trying to offend anyone. But I do think this argument is kinda ridiculous. EL is good. Cactuar is good. Ijuka is good.

Unlike Ijuka though, I AM a scrub, so I guess my opinion doesnt matter.

But, I do have a question for anyone that cares to help a scrub in need. Approaching with Marth...Lately I've been realizing how easy it is do just Fair, Grab, and Dtilt. When I do this, no one likes playing against me cuz it's campy. Are there any more effective ways to approach with marth besides these?


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
N.C, Bladenboro
Yeah, everyone, it doesn't matter who's right on what, just put it behind you if it leads to intense flames like this.

Be the better man and just leave it alone.

And another question to get things back on track, lets say your team-mate is dead and you've got one life and both your foes have one life, how would you approach and keep yourself safe?...I know its a stupid question but I want things back on track.

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I somehow got thrown into this, and I just want to say that I never claimed to be a great player. I got 4th in my pool of 8 people at MLG NY with 10 wins and 6 losses (2 to PC Chris). I've been to over a dozen tournaments since last October when I started playing (hint: I am a Tournament Director), and I have good people to play in MD/VA. Husband now lives 5 mins away (he moved) instead of 15 mins away, making it even more convenient to practice with him. I try to give good advice on the forums, much of which I am simply passing on from pros who helped me. As for my vid, that was in March and I even critiqued it yesterday since I was bored. I have 2 hours of vids versus Jasona (samus player) which I think are more impressive, but Jasona has yet to put them on-line. As for players I've beaten, well I beat Kaiser's fox and falco in tournament. I have also beaten every player from Baltimore, if not in tournament, than in friendlies. I started out the worst player in Bmore's Finest when I joined it back in March, and I doubt others would say that anymore. I have Baltimore, the city with the highest number of smashers in the country, plus all of MD/VA to play against. This Saturday I am holding another smashfest at my college as a matter of fact. I am also in the midst of writing a marth guide, much of which is just a culmination of all the advice pros have given me and will continue to give me as I work to improve.

I've done my best to help the smash community by holding tournaments at UMBC as a temporary replacement for Hat's Catonsville tourneys, by posting help on the boards, and now I'm working on a marth guide. I acknowledge that I suck and am working on improving my game so that I can one day hold my own and perhaps challenge the top players in the country.

I encourage Cactuar, EL, and others to critique me. Let them call me a bad player, that's fine; I'll be more motivated to get better for when I play them at Pound2 or wherever I'll see them next. By the way, if Cactuar or EL or others would like to critique my vid vs Btree's sheik on youtube, then please go ahead. Maybe they can add some feedback which would help me. You can find my vid by searching for 'ssbm umbc' on youtube.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
lol. I'm not good at this game. I just happen to know stuff.

Bluedeath: lol. I think you meant to post your question in the Marth 2v2 thread.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
god cactuar is a god.

btw cactuar is easily like top 10 marth mains in the country.

cactuar are u going to FC? we should get some friendlies in man, if ur down that is.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Well you should of learned this...

... after Cactuar posted it the first time. Granted, your reading comprehension skills (and thinking in general) seem to be one of your weaker traits considering you asked...

... which would be posting on a thread in an open forum. I hope you don't need me to spell out every post like this for you, because I honestly don't have the time.
Learned what? That I'm not a good player? Is that learning -.- And I don't even see how he can say that. Yeah posting on an open forum.. off topic stuff that makes you seem like a cactuar fanboy who doesn't know what he's talking about. -.-

And ok ok UMCB, sorry


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Just for the record, I never called Ijuka a bad player. I also don't use the word scrub in an offensive way like most people, I just use it as a generic term for beginner to average level players. I said Ijuka isn't a good player, which is a matter of where he stands in comparison to the overall tournament scene, not to his own country's. I would never insult someone just because they aren't good at a video game, as it really doesn't mean much to me.

**Warning: Story Time Approaching**
I don't own this game or a gamecube. Aside from playing a bit with scrubs at my college, I really only play this game at tournaments. I never really practice or think about it outside of those times. I happen to be really good at it thanks to special circumstance (a crew that helped me out tremendously, one of the top players in the world living 20 minutes away, and my love of losing). It doesn't matter how long you have been playing the game. I've only been playing for a little more than a year now, but I have surpassed so many of those who have been around for years more than me. I have a somewhat enormous amount of tournament experience, in tournaments that have known good players participating, considering the short amount of time I have been playing this game, which is all you really need to become a good player.
**Story Time has Finished, Nap Time Approaching**

But yeah. There is nothing wrong with being a Cactuar fanboy :laugh:

Edit: @JBM: I'll be at FC. I play friendlies with whoever asks, so just find me and I'll play :p


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2004
Learned what? That I'm not a good player? Is that learning -.- And I don't even see how he can say that. Yeah posting on an open forum.. off topic stuff that makes you seem like a cactuar fanboy who doesn't know what he's talking about. -.-

And ok ok UMCB, sorry
****, meant to be on Bibbed's account.

But the argument's over bro.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Cactuar I just wanna let you know...out of the thousands of people that are registered on this forum...Your signature...IS BY FAR THE BEST!!! LOL I've been laughing for the past 2 days over that sig. Everytime I see it I just start dying! dude seriously...too funny.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
****, meant to be on Bibbed's account.

But the argument's over bro.
Double accounts are allowed? That's weird. And yeah you'll still be a brainless cactuar fanboy. -_- Wife or not. Actually that's quite improper behavior of you, wouldn't you say so?

What's wrong in being a cactuar fanboy? Being a fanboy is bad in general. It's a good thing that you were just acting. Still, I think your behavior is improper. Ò_o Shame on you!

The argument is over? ..So I'm allowed to give advice?

That's awesome. Wifee, even if you're ~pro~, geez at you -.- grow up.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Ijuka your fighting a losing battle with a lot of people against you. It may be time to just let it go and offer that advice you were talking about. This has gotten a lot farther than it needed to and it's obvious that even if Cactuar and Emblem Lord were to back down then other people would just keep comming in their defense. Be the man and take the fall. If you really want to give advice then how about advice on aproaching a Pillar happy Falco just for the sake of getting back on topic. I normally approach with spaced fairs but all he does is shield and my approach is wasted. I've tried grabbing after the fair but all he does is jump cancel his shield into a dair (and lately he's been jump canceling into shines every now and then so grabbing after a shielded fair isn't much of an option anymore.)


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Double accounts are allowed? That's weird. And yeah you'll still be a brainless cactuar fanboy. -_- Wife or not. Actually that's quite improper behavior of you, wouldn't you say so?

What's wrong in being a cactuar fanboy? Being a fanboy is bad in general. It's a good thing that you were just acting. Still, I think your behavior is improper. Ò_o Shame on you!

The argument is over? ..So I'm allowed to give advice?

That's awesome. Wifee, even if you're ~pro~, geez at you -.- grow up.
Lmao. Failure.
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